h1. Classic admin-side theme for Textpattern CMS You are free to modify this theme, reuse code herein, and distribute all its supporting files as long as licences are respected (see below). h2. Installation instructions # Upload the directory 'classic' into your Textpattern installation -> admin-themes directory. # Log in to your Textpattern admin area. Navigate to admin -> preferences -> admin. # Select 'Classic' from the 'Admin-side theme' dropdown list. Save the preferences. h2. Optional custom files for advanced users We provide an optional user-defined custom CSS and JavaScript file for customization of the admin-side theme. By default, these are located at: * assets -> css -> custom.css * assets -> js -> custom.js You may use different file names by adding the following line(s) within your Textpattern @config.php@ file (before the closing @?>@ line): bc. define('admin_custom_css', 'your_custom_rules.css'); define('admin_custom_js', 'your_custom_javascript.js'); You can then use those files to customize the admin-side theme to your requirement. *Note:* be careful not to overwrite your own custom rules when updating to a new version of Textpattern!