. */ /** * Write panel. * * @package Admin\Article */ use Textpattern\Validator\BlankConstraint; use Textpattern\Validator\CategoryConstraint; use Textpattern\Validator\ChoiceConstraint; use Textpattern\Validator\FalseConstraint; use Textpattern\Validator\FormConstraint; use Textpattern\Validator\SectionConstraint; use Textpattern\Validator\Validator; if (!defined('txpinterface')) { die('txpinterface is undefined.'); } global $vars, $statuses; $vars = array( 'ID', 'Title', 'Body', 'Excerpt', 'textile_excerpt', 'Image', 'textile_body', 'Keywords', 'description', 'Status', 'Posted', 'Expires', 'Section', 'Category1', 'Category2', 'Annotate', 'AnnotateInvite', 'publish_now', 'reset_time', 'AuthorID', 'sPosted', 'LastModID', 'sLastMod', 'override_form', 'from_view', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'url_title', 'exp_year', 'exp_month', 'exp_day', 'exp_hour', 'exp_minute', 'exp_second', 'sExpires', ); $cfs = getCustomFields(); foreach ($cfs as $i => $cf_name) { $vars[] = "custom_$i"; } $statuses = status_list(); if (!empty($event) and $event == 'article') { require_privs('article'); $save = gps('save'); if ($save) { $step = 'save'; } $publish = gps('publish'); if ($publish) { $step = 'publish'; } if (empty($step)) { $step = 'create'; } bouncer($step, array( 'create' => false, 'publish' => true, 'edit' => false, 'save' => true, )); switch ($step) { case 'create': article_edit(); break; case 'publish': article_post(); break; case 'edit': article_edit(); break; case 'save': article_save(); break; } } /** * Processes sent forms and saves new articles. */ function article_post() { global $txp_user, $vars, $prefs; extract($prefs); $incoming = array_map('assert_string', psa($vars)); if (!has_privs('article.set_markup')) { $incoming['textile_body'] = $incoming['textile_excerpt'] = $use_textile; } $incoming = doSlash(textile_main_fields($incoming)); extract($incoming); $msg = ''; if ($Title or $Body or $Excerpt) { $is_clone = (ps('copy')); $Status = assert_int(ps('Status')); // Comments may be on, off, or disabled. $Annotate = (int) $Annotate; // Set and validate article timestamp. if ($publish_now == 1 || $reset_time == 1) { $when = "NOW()"; $when_ts = time(); } else { if (!is_numeric($year) || !is_numeric($month) || !is_numeric($day) || !is_numeric($hour) || !is_numeric($minute) || !is_numeric($second)) { $ts = false; } else { $ts = strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day.' '.$hour.':'.$minute.':'.$second); } // Tracking the PHP meanders on how to return an error. if ($ts === false || $ts < 0) { article_edit(array(gTxt('invalid_postdate'), E_ERROR)); return; } $when_ts = $ts - tz_offset($ts); $when = "FROM_UNIXTIME($when_ts)"; } // Set and validate expiry timestamp. if (empty($exp_year)) { $expires = 0; } else { if (empty($exp_month)) { $exp_month = 1; } if (empty($exp_day)) { $exp_day = 1; } if (empty($exp_hour)) { $exp_hour = 0; } if (empty($exp_minute)) { $exp_minute = 0; } if (empty($exp_second)) { $exp_second = 0; } $ts = strtotime($exp_year.'-'.$exp_month.'-'.$exp_day.' '.$exp_hour.':'.$exp_minute.':'.$exp_second); if ($ts === false || $ts < 0) { article_edit(array(gTxt('invalid_expirydate'), E_ERROR)); return; } else { $expires = $ts - tz_offset($ts); } } if ($expires && ($expires <= $when_ts)) { article_edit(array(gTxt('article_expires_before_postdate'), E_ERROR)); return; } if ($expires) { $whenexpires = "FROM_UNIXTIME($expires)"; } else { $whenexpires = "NULL"; } $user = doSlash($txp_user); $Keywords = doSlash(trim(preg_replace('/( ?[\r\n\t,])+ ?/s', ',', preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', ps('Keywords'))), ', ')); $msg = ''; if (!has_privs('article.publish') && $Status >= STATUS_LIVE) { $Status = STATUS_PENDING; } if ($is_clone && $Status >= STATUS_LIVE) { $Status = STATUS_DRAFT; $url_title = ''; } if (empty($url_title)) { $url_title = stripSpace($Title_plain, 1); } $cfq = array(); $cfs = getCustomFields(); foreach ($cfs as $i => $cf_name) { $custom_x = "custom_{$i}"; $cfq[] = "custom_$i = '".$$custom_x."'"; } $cfq = join(', ', $cfq); $rs = compact($vars); if (article_validate($rs, $msg)) { $ok = safe_insert( 'textpattern', "Title = '$Title', Body = '$Body', Body_html = '$Body_html', Excerpt = '$Excerpt', Excerpt_html = '$Excerpt_html', Image = '$Image', Keywords = '$Keywords', description = '$description', Status = $Status, Posted = $when, Expires = $whenexpires, AuthorID = '$user', LastMod = NOW(), LastModID = '$user', Section = '$Section', Category1 = '$Category1', Category2 = '$Category2', textile_body = '$textile_body', textile_excerpt = '$textile_excerpt', Annotate = $Annotate, override_form = '$override_form', url_title = '$url_title', AnnotateInvite = '$AnnotateInvite'," .(($cfs) ? $cfq.',' : ''). "uid = '".md5(uniqid(rand(), true))."', feed_time = NOW()" ); if ($ok) { $rs['ID'] = $GLOBALS['ID'] = $ok; if ($is_clone) { safe_update( 'textpattern', "Title = CONCAT(Title, ' (', $ok, ')'), url_title = CONCAT(url_title, '-', $ok)", "ID = $ok" ); } if ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE) { do_pings(); update_lastmod('article_posted', $rs); now('posted', true); now('expires', true); } callback_event('article_posted', '', false, $rs); $s = check_url_title($url_title); $msg = array(get_status_message($Status).' '.$s, ($s ? E_WARNING : 0)); } else { unset($GLOBALS['ID']); $msg = array(gTxt('article_save_failed'), E_ERROR); } } } article_edit($msg); } /** * Processes sent forms and updates existing articles. */ function article_save() { global $txp_user, $vars, $prefs; extract($prefs); $incoming = array_map('assert_string', psa($vars)); $oldArticle = safe_row("Status, url_title, Title, textile_body, textile_excerpt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS sLastMod, LastModID, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS sPosted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS sExpires", 'textpattern', "ID = ".(int) $incoming['ID']); if (!(($oldArticle['Status'] >= STATUS_LIVE and has_privs('article.edit.published')) or ($oldArticle['Status'] >= STATUS_LIVE and $incoming['AuthorID'] === $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own.published')) or ($oldArticle['Status'] < STATUS_LIVE and has_privs('article.edit')) or ($oldArticle['Status'] < STATUS_LIVE and $incoming['AuthorID'] === $txp_user and has_privs('article.edit.own')))) { // Not allowed, you silly rabbit, you shouldn't even be here. // Show default editing screen. article_edit(); return; } if ($oldArticle['sLastMod'] != $incoming['sLastMod']) { article_edit(array(gTxt('concurrent_edit_by', array('{author}' => txpspecialchars($oldArticle['LastModID']))), E_ERROR), true, true); return; } if (!has_privs('article.set_markup')) { $incoming['textile_body'] = $oldArticle['textile_body']; $incoming['textile_excerpt'] = $oldArticle['textile_excerpt']; } $incoming = textile_main_fields($incoming); extract(doSlash($incoming)); extract(array_map('assert_int', psa(array('ID', 'Status')))); // Comments may be on, off, or disabled. $Annotate = (int) $Annotate; if (!has_privs('article.publish') && $Status >= STATUS_LIVE) { $Status = STATUS_PENDING; } // Set and validate article timestamp. if ($reset_time) { $whenposted = "Posted = NOW()"; $when_ts = time(); } else { if (!is_numeric($year) || !is_numeric($month) || !is_numeric($day) || !is_numeric($hour) || !is_numeric($minute) || !is_numeric($second)) { $ts = false; } else { $ts = strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day.' '.$hour.':'.$minute.':'.$second); } if ($ts === false || $ts < 0) { $when = $when_ts = $oldArticle['sPosted']; $msg = array(gTxt('invalid_postdate'), E_ERROR); } else { $when = $when_ts = $ts - tz_offset($ts); } $whenposted = "Posted = FROM_UNIXTIME($when)"; } // Set and validate expiry timestamp. if (empty($exp_year)) { $expires = 0; } else { if (empty($exp_month)) { $exp_month = 1; } if (empty($exp_day)) { $exp_day = 1; } if (empty($exp_hour)) { $exp_hour = 0; } if (empty($exp_minute)) { $exp_minute = 0; } if (empty($exp_second)) { $exp_second = 0; } $ts = strtotime($exp_year.'-'.$exp_month.'-'.$exp_day.' '.$exp_hour.':'.$exp_minute.':'.$exp_second); if ($ts === false || $ts < 0) { $expires = $oldArticle['sExpires']; $msg = array(gTxt('invalid_expirydate'), E_ERROR); } else { $expires = $ts - tz_offset($ts); } } if ($expires && ($expires <= $when_ts)) { $expires = $oldArticle['sExpires']; $msg = array(gTxt('article_expires_before_postdate'), E_ERROR); } if ($expires) { $whenexpires = "Expires = FROM_UNIXTIME($expires)"; } else { $whenexpires = "Expires = NULL"; } // Auto-update custom-titles according to Title, as long as unpublished and // NOT customised. if (empty($url_title) || (($oldArticle['Status'] < STATUS_LIVE) && ($oldArticle['url_title'] === $url_title) && ($oldArticle['url_title'] === stripSpace($oldArticle['Title'], 1)) && ($oldArticle['Title'] !== $Title) )) { $url_title = stripSpace($Title_plain, 1); } $Keywords = doSlash(trim(preg_replace('/( ?[\r\n\t,])+ ?/s', ',', preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', ps('Keywords'))), ', ')); $user = doSlash($txp_user); $cfq = array(); $cfs = getCustomFields(); foreach ($cfs as $i => $cf_name) { $custom_x = "custom_{$i}"; $cfq[] = "custom_$i = '".$$custom_x."'"; } $cfq = join(', ', $cfq); $rs = compact($vars); if (article_validate($rs, $msg)) { if (safe_update('textpattern', "Title = '$Title', Body = '$Body', Body_html = '$Body_html', Excerpt = '$Excerpt', Excerpt_html = '$Excerpt_html', Keywords = '$Keywords', description = '$description', Image = '$Image', Status = $Status, LastMod = NOW(), LastModID = '$user', Section = '$Section', Category1 = '$Category1', Category2 = '$Category2', Annotate = $Annotate, textile_body = '$textile_body', textile_excerpt = '$textile_excerpt', override_form = '$override_form', url_title = '$url_title', AnnotateInvite = '$AnnotateInvite'," .(($cfs) ? $cfq.',' : ''). "$whenposted, $whenexpires", "ID = $ID" )) { if ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE && $oldArticle['Status'] < STATUS_LIVE) { do_pings(); } if ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE || $oldArticle['Status'] >= STATUS_LIVE) { update_lastmod('article_saved', $rs); } now('posted', true); now('expires', true); callback_event('article_saved', '', false, $rs); if (empty($msg)) { $s = check_url_title($url_title); $msg = array(get_status_message($Status).' '.$s, $s ? E_WARNING : 0); } } else { $msg = array(gTxt('article_save_failed'), E_ERROR); } } article_edit($msg, false, true); } /** * Renders article editor form. * * @param string|array $message The activity message * @param bool $concurrent Treat as a concurrent save * @param bool $refresh_partials Whether refresh partial contents */ function article_edit($message = '', $concurrent = false, $refresh_partials = false) { global $vars, $txp_user, $prefs, $event, $view; extract($prefs); /* $partials is an array of: $key => array ( 'mode' => {PARTIAL_STATIC | PARTIAL_VOLATILE | PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE}, 'selector' => $DOM_selector or array($selector, $fragment) of $DOM_selectors, 'cb' => $callback_function, 'html' => $return_value_of_callback_function (need not be intialised here) ) */ $partials = array( // HTML 'Title' field (in ). 'html_title' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_html_title', ), // 'Text/HTML/Preview' links region. 'view_modes' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#view_modes', 'cb' => 'article_partial_view_modes', ), // 'Title' region. 'title' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'div.title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_title', ), // 'Title' field. 'title_value' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_title_value', ), // 'Body' region. 'body' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'div.body', 'cb' => 'article_partial_body', ), // 'Excerpt' region. 'excerpt' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'div.excerpt', 'cb' => 'article_partial_excerpt', ), // 'Author' region. 'author' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'p.author', 'cb' => 'article_partial_author', ), // 'Posted' value. 'sPosted' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '[name=sPosted]', 'cb' => 'article_partial_value', ), // 'Last modified' value. 'sLastMod' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '[name=sLastMod]', 'cb' => 'article_partial_value', ), // 'Duplicate' link. 'article_clone' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#article_partial_article_clone', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_clone', ), // 'View' link. 'article_view' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#article_partial_article_view', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_view', ), // 'Previous/Next' article links region. 'article_nav' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'nav.nav-tertiary', 'cb' => 'article_partial_article_nav', ), // 'Status' region. 'status' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#txp-container-status', 'cb' => 'article_partial_status', ), // 'Section' region. 'section' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'div.section', 'cb' => 'article_partial_section', ), // Categories region. 'categories' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => '#categories_group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_categories', ), // Publish date/time region. 'posted' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#publish-datetime-group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_posted', ), // Expire date/time region. 'expires' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#expires-datetime-group', 'cb' => 'article_partial_expires', ), // Meta 'URL-only title' region. 'url_title' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'div.url-title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_url_title', ), // Meta 'URL-only title' field. 'url_title_value' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#url-title', 'cb' => 'article_partial_url_title_value', ), // Meta 'Description' region. 'description' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'div.description', 'cb' => 'article_partial_description', ), // Meta 'Description' field. 'description_value' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#description', 'cb' => 'article_partial_description_value', ), // Meta 'Keywords' region. 'keywords' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => 'div.keywords', 'cb' => 'article_partial_keywords', ), // Meta 'Keywords' field. 'keywords_value' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE, 'selector' => '#keywords', 'cb' => 'article_partial_keywords_value', ), // 'Comment options' section. 'comments' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => '#write-comments', 'cb' => 'article_partial_comments', ), // 'Article image' section. 'image' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => array('#txp-image-group .txp-container', '.txp-container'), 'cb' => 'article_partial_image', ), // 'Custom fields' section. 'custom_fields' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => array('#txp-custom-field-group-content .txp-container', '.txp-container'), 'cb' => 'article_partial_custom_fields', ), // 'Text formatting help' section. 'sidehelp' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => 'ul.textile', 'cb' => 'article_partial_sidehelp', ), // 'Recent articles' values. 'recent_articles' => array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_VOLATILE, 'selector' => array('#txp-recent-group-content .txp-container', '.txp-container'), 'cb' => 'article_partial_recent_articles', ), ); // Add partials for custom fields (and their values which is redundant by // design, for plugins). global $cfs; foreach ($cfs as $k => $v) { $partials["custom_field_{$k}"] = array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => "p.custom-field.custom-{$k}", 'cb' => 'article_partial_custom_field', ); $partials["custom_{$k}"] = array( 'mode' => PARTIAL_STATIC, 'selector' => "#custom-{$k}", 'cb' => 'article_partial_value', ); } extract(gpsa(array( 'view', 'from_view', 'step', ))); // Newly-saved article. if (!empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) { $ID = $GLOBALS['ID']; $step = 'edit'; } else { $ID = gps('ID'); } // Switch to 'text' view upon page load and after article post. if (!$view || gps('save') || gps('publish')) { $view = 'text'; } if (!$step) { $step = "create"; } if ($step == "edit" && $view == "text" && !empty($ID) && $from_view != 'preview' && $from_view != 'html' && !$concurrent) { $pull = true; // It's an existing article - off we go to the database. $ID = assert_int($ID); $rs = safe_row( "*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS sPosted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS sExpires, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS sLastMod", 'textpattern', "ID = $ID" ); if (empty($rs)) { return; } $rs['reset_time'] = $rs['publish_now'] = false; } else { $pull = false; // Assume they came from post. if ($from_view == 'preview' or $from_view == 'html') { $store_out = array(); $store = json_decode(base64_decode(ps('store')), true); foreach ($vars as $var) { if (isset($store[$var])) { $store_out[$var] = $store[$var]; } } } else { $store_out = gpsa($vars); if ($concurrent) { $store_out['sLastMod'] = safe_field("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastMod) AS sLastMod", 'textpattern', "ID = $ID"); } if (!has_privs('article.set_markup') && !empty($ID)) { $oldArticle = safe_row("textile_body, textile_excerpt", 'textpattern', "ID = $ID"); if (!empty($oldArticle)) { $store_out['textile_body'] = $oldArticle['textile_body']; $store_out['textile_excerpt'] = $oldArticle['textile_excerpt']; } } } // Use preferred Textfilter as default and fallback. $hasfilter = new \Textpattern\Textfilter\Constraint(null); $validator = new Validator(); foreach (array('textile_body', 'textile_excerpt') as $k) { $hasfilter->setValue($store_out[$k]); $validator->setConstraints($hasfilter); if (!$validator->validate()) { $store_out[$k] = $use_textile; } } $rs = textile_main_fields($store_out); if (!empty($rs['exp_year'])) { if (empty($rs['exp_month'])) { $rs['exp_month'] = 1; } if (empty($rs['exp_day'])) { $rs['exp_day'] = 1; } if (empty($rs['exp_hour'])) { $rs['exp_hour'] = 0; } if (empty($rs['exp_minute'])) { $rs['exp_minute'] = 0; } if (empty($rs['exp_second'])) { $rs['exp_second'] = 0; } $rs['sExpires'] = safe_strtotime($rs['exp_year'].'-'.$rs['exp_month'].'-'.$rs['exp_day'].' '. $rs['exp_hour'].':'.$rs['exp_minute'].':'.$rs['exp_second']); } if (!empty($rs['year'])) { $rs['sPosted'] = safe_strtotime($rs['year'].'-'.$rs['month'].'-'.$rs['day'].' '. $rs['hour'].':'.$rs['minute'].':'.$rs['second']); } } $validator = new Validator(new SectionConstraint($rs['Section'])); if (!$validator->validate()) { $rs['Section'] = getDefaultSection(); } extract($rs); $GLOBALS['step'] = $step; if ($step != 'create' && isset($sPosted)) { // Previous record? $rs['prev_id'] = checkIfNeighbour('prev', $sPosted, $ID); // Next record? $rs['next_id'] = checkIfNeighbour('next', $sPosted, $ID); } else { $rs['prev_id'] = $rs['next_id'] = 0; } // Let plugins chime in on partials meta data. callback_event_ref('article_ui', 'partials_meta', 0, $rs, $partials); $rs['partials_meta'] = &$partials; // Get content for volatile partials. foreach ($partials as $k => $p) { if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE || $p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE) { $cb = $p['cb']; $partials[$k]['html'] = (is_array($cb) ? call_user_func($cb, $rs, $k) : $cb($rs, $k)); } } if ($refresh_partials) { $response[] = announce($message); $response[] = '$("#article_form [type=submit]").val(textpattern.gTxt("save"))'; if ($Status < STATUS_LIVE) { $response[] = '$("#article_form").addClass("saved").removeClass("published")'; } else { $response[] = '$("#article_form").addClass("published").removeClass("saved")'; } // Update the volatile partials. foreach ($partials as $k => $p) { // Volatile partials need a target DOM selector. if (empty($p['selector']) && $p['mode'] != PARTIAL_STATIC) { trigger_error("Empty selector for partial '$k'", E_USER_ERROR); } else { // Build response script. list($selector, $fragment) = (array)$p['selector'] + array(null, null); if (!isset($fragment)) { $fragment = $selector; } if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE) { // Volatile partials replace *all* of the existing HTML // fragment for their selector with the new one. $response[] = '$("'.$selector.'").replaceWith($("
").find("'.$fragment.'"))'; } elseif ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_VOLATILE_VALUE) { // Volatile partial values replace the *value* of elements // matching their selector. $response[] = '$("'.$selector.'").val("'.escape_js($p['html']).'")'; } } } send_script_response(join(";\n", $response)); // Bail out. return; } foreach ($partials as $k => $p) { if ($p['mode'] == PARTIAL_STATIC) { $cb = $p['cb']; $partials[$k]['html'] = (is_array($cb) ? call_user_func($cb, $rs, $k) : $cb($rs, $k)); } } $page_title = $ID ? $Title : gTxt('write'); pagetop($page_title, $message); $class = array(); if ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE) { $class[] = 'published'; } elseif ($ID) { $class[] = 'saved'; } if ($step !== 'create') { $class[] = 'async'; } echo n.tag_start('form', array( 'class' => $class, 'id' => 'article_form', 'name' => 'article_form', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => 'index.php', )). n.'
'; if (!empty($store_out)) { echo hInput('store', base64_encode(json_encode($store_out))); } echo hInput('ID', $ID). eInput('article'). sInput($step). hInput('sPosted', $sPosted). hInput('sLastMod', $sLastMod). hInput('AuthorID', $AuthorID). hInput('LastModID', $LastModID). n.''; echo n.'
'. hed(gTxt('tab_write'), 1, array('class' => 'txp-heading')); echo n.'
'; // View mode tabs. echo $partials['view_modes']['html']; // Title input. if ($view == 'preview') { echo n.'
'. graf(gTxt('title'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')). hed(txpspecialchars($Title), 1, ' class="title"'); } elseif ($view == 'html') { echo n.'
'. graf(gTxt('title'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')). hed(txpspecialchars($Title), 1, ' class="title"'); } elseif ($view == 'text') { echo n.'
'.$partials['title']['html']; } // Body. if ($view == 'preview') { echo n.'
'. n.graf(gTxt('body'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')). $Body_html. '
'; } elseif ($view == 'html') { echo graf(gTxt('body'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')). n.tag( tag(str_replace(array(t), array(sp.sp.sp.sp), txpspecialchars($Body_html)), 'code', array( 'class' => 'language-markup', 'dir' => 'ltr', )), 'pre', array('class' => 'body line-numbers') ); } else { echo $partials['body']['html']; } // Excerpt. if ($articles_use_excerpts) { if ($view == 'preview') { echo n.'
'. graf(gTxt('excerpt'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')). $Excerpt_html. '
'; } elseif ($view == 'html') { echo graf(gTxt('excerpt'), array('class' => 'alert-block information')). n.tag( tag(str_replace(array(t), array(sp.sp.sp.sp), txpspecialchars($Excerpt_html)), 'code', array( 'class' => 'language-markup', 'dir' => 'ltr', )), 'pre', array('class' => 'excerpt line-numbers') ); } else { echo $partials['excerpt']['html']; } } echo hInput('from_view', $view), n.'
'; // Author. if ($view == "text" && $step != "create") { echo $partials['author']['html']; } echo n.'
'.// End of #main_content. n.'
'; // End of .txp-layout-4col-3span. // Sidebar column (only shown if in text editing view). if ($view == 'text') { echo n.'
'; // 'Publish/Save' button. if ($step == 'create' and empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) { if (has_privs('article.publish')) { $push_button = fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('publish'), 'publish'); } else { $push_button = fInput('submit', 'publish', gTxt('save'), 'publish'); } echo graf($push_button, array('class' => 'txp-save')); } elseif ( ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE && has_privs('article.edit.published')) || ($Status >= STATUS_LIVE && $AuthorID === $txp_user && has_privs('article.edit.own.published')) || ($Status < STATUS_LIVE && has_privs('article.edit')) || ($Status < STATUS_LIVE && $AuthorID === $txp_user && has_privs('article.edit.own')) ) { echo graf(fInput('submit', 'save', gTxt('save'), 'publish'), array('class' => 'txp-save')); } // View/Duplicate/Create new article links. $an_cb = href(' '.gTxt('create_new'), 'index.php?event=article', array('class' => 'txp-new')); $ac_cb = $rs['partials_meta']['article_clone']['cb']; $av_cb = $rs['partials_meta']['article_view']['cb']; echo($step != 'create' ? graf($an_cb.$ac_cb($rs).$av_cb($rs), array('class' => 'txp-actions')) : ''); // Prev/next article links. if ($step != 'create' and ($rs['prev_id'] or $rs['next_id'])) { echo $partials['article_nav']['html']; } echo n.'
'; // 'Sort and display' section. echo pluggable_ui( 'article_ui', 'sort_display', wrapRegion('txp-write-sort-group', $partials['status']['html'].$partials['section']['html'].$partials['categories']['html'], '', gTxt('sort_display')), $rs ); echo graf( href(' '.gTxt('expand_all'), '#', array( 'class' => 'txp-expand-all', 'aria-controls' => 'supporting_content', )). href(' '.gTxt('collapse_all'), '#', array( 'class' => 'txp-collapse-all', 'aria-controls' => 'supporting_content', )), array('class' => 'txp-actions') ); // 'Date and time' collapsible section. if ($step == "create" and empty($GLOBALS['ID'])) { // Timestamp. // Avoiding modified date to disappear. if (!empty($store_out['year'])) { $persist_timestamp = safe_strtotime( $store_out['year'].'-'.$store_out['month'].'-'.$store_out['day'].' '. $store_out['hour'].':'.$store_out['minute'].':'.$store_out['second'] ); } else { $persist_timestamp = time(); } $posted_block = pluggable_ui( 'article_ui', 'timestamp', inputLabel( 'year', tsi('year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp, '', 'year'). ' / '. tsi('month', '%m', $persist_timestamp, '', 'month'). ' / '. tsi('day', '%d', $persist_timestamp, '', 'day'), 'publish_date', array('publish_date', 'instructions_publish_date'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field date posted') ). inputLabel( 'hour', tsi('hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp, '', 'hour'). ' : '. tsi('minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp, '', 'minute'). ' : '. tsi('second', '%S', $persist_timestamp, '', 'second'), 'publish_time', array('', 'instructions_publish_time'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field time posted') ). n.tag( checkbox('publish_now', '1', true, '', 'publish_now'). n.tag(gTxt('set_to_now'), 'label', array('for' => 'publish_now')), 'div', array('class' => 'posted-now') ), array('sPosted' => $persist_timestamp) + $rs ); // Expires. if (!empty($store_out['exp_year'])) { $persist_timestamp = safe_strtotime( $store_out['exp_year'].'-'.$store_out['exp_month'].'-'.$store_out['exp_day'].' '. $store_out['exp_hour'].':'.$store_out['exp_minute'].':'.$store_out['second'] ); } else { $persist_timestamp = 0; } $expires_block = pluggable_ui( 'article_ui', 'expires', inputLabel( 'exp_year', tsi('exp_year', '%Y', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_year'). ' / '. tsi('exp_month', '%m', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_month'). ' / '. tsi('exp_day', '%d', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_day'), 'expire_date', array('expire_date', 'instructions_expire_date'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field date expires') ). inputLabel( 'exp_hour', tsi('exp_hour', '%H', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_hour'). ' : '. tsi('exp_minute', '%M', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_minute'). ' : '. tsi('exp_second', '%S', $persist_timestamp, '', 'exp_second'), 'expire_time', array('', 'instructions_expire_time'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field time expires') ), $rs ); } else { // Timestamp. $posted_block = $partials['posted']['html']; // Expires. $expires_block = $partials['expires']['html']; } echo wrapRegion('txp-dates-group', $posted_block.$expires_block, 'txp-dates-group-content', 'date_settings', 'article_dates'); // 'Meta' collapsible section. // 'URL-only title' field. $html_url_title = $partials['url_title']['html']; // 'Description' field. $html_description = $partials['description']['html']; // 'Keywords' field. $html_keywords = $partials['keywords']['html']; echo wrapRegion('txp-meta-group', $html_url_title.$html_description.$html_keywords, 'txp-meta-group-content', 'meta', 'article_meta'); // 'Comment options' collapsible section. echo wrapRegion('txp-comments-group', $partials['comments']['html'], 'txp-comments-group-content', 'comment_settings', 'article_comments'); // 'Article image' collapsible section. echo wrapRegion('txp-image-group', $partials['image']['html'], 'txp-image-group-content', 'article_image', 'article_image'); // 'Custom fields' collapsible section. echo wrapRegion('txp-custom-field-group', $partials['custom_fields']['html'], 'txp-custom-field-group-content', 'custom', 'article_custom_field'); // 'Advanced options' collapsible section. // 'Article markup'/'Excerpt markup' selection. if (has_privs('article.set_markup')) { $html_markup = inputLabel( 'markup-body', pref_text('textile_body', $textile_body, 'markup-body'), 'article_markup', array('', 'instructions_textile_body'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field markup markup-body') ). inputLabel( 'markup-excerpt', pref_text('textile_excerpt', $textile_excerpt, 'markup-excerpt'), 'excerpt_markup', array('', 'instructions_textile_excerpt'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field markup markup-excerpt') ); } else { $html_markup = ''; } $html_markup = pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'markup', $html_markup, $rs); // 'Override form' selection. $form_pop = $allow_form_override ? form_pop($override_form, 'override-form') : ''; $html_override = $form_pop ? pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'override', inputLabel( 'override-form', $form_pop, 'override_default_form', array('override_form', 'instructions_override_form'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field override-form') ), $rs) : ''; echo wrapRegion('txp-advanced-group', $html_markup.$html_override, 'txp-advanced-group-content', 'advanced_options', 'article_advanced'); // Custom menu entries. echo pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'extend_col_1', '', $rs); // 'Text formatting help' collapsible section. echo wrapRegion('txp-textfilter-group', $partials['sidehelp']['html'], 'txp-textfilter-group-content', 'textfilter_help', 'article_textfilter_help'); // 'Recent articles' collapsible section. echo wrapRegion('txp-recent-group', $partials['recent_articles']['html'], 'txp-recent-group-content', 'recent_articles', 'article_recent'); echo n.'
'. // End of #supporting_content. n.'
'; // End of .txp-layout-4col-alt. } echo tInput(). n.'
'. // End of .txp-layout. n.''; } /** * Renders a custom field. * * @param int $num The custom field number * @param string $field The label * @param string $content The field contents * @return string HTML form field */ function custField($num, $field, $content) { return inputLabel( 'custom-'.$num, fInput('text', 'custom_'.$num, $content, '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'custom-'.$num), $field, array('', 'instructions_custom_'.$num), array('class' => 'txp-form-field custom-field custom-'.$num) ); } /** * Gets the ID of the next or the previous article. * * @param string $whichway Either '<' or '>' * @param int Unix timestamp * @param int pivot article ID * @return int */ function checkIfNeighbour($whichway, $sPosted, $ID = 0) { // Eventual backward compatibility. if (empty($ID)) { $ID = !empty($GLOBALS['ID']) ? $GLOBALS['ID'] : gps('ID'); } $sPosted = assert_int($sPosted); $ID = assert_int($ID); $dir = ($whichway == 'prev') ? '<' : '>'; $ord = ($whichway == 'prev') ? "DESC" : "ASC"; return safe_field("ID", 'textpattern', "Posted $dir FROM_UNIXTIME($sPosted) OR Posted = FROM_UNIXTIME($sPosted) AND ID $dir $ID ORDER BY Posted $ord, ID $ord LIMIT 1"); } /** * Renders an article status field. * * @param int $status Selected status * @return string HTML */ function status_display($status) { global $statuses; if (!$status) { $status = get_pref('default_publish_status', STATUS_LIVE); } return inputLabel( 'status', selectInput('Status', $statuses, $status, false, '', 'status'), 'status', array('', 'instructions_status'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field status') ); } /** * Renders a section field. * * @param string $Section The selected section * @param string $id The HTML id * @return string HTML <select> input */ function section_popup($Section, $id) { $rs = safe_rows("name, title", 'txp_section', "name != 'default' ORDER BY title ASC, name ASC"); if ($rs) { $options = array(); foreach ($rs as $a) { $options[$a['name']] = $a['title']; } return selectInput('Section', $options, $Section, false, '', $id); } return false; } /** * Renders a category field. * * @param string $name The Name of the field * @param string $val The selected option * @param string $id The HTML id * @return string HTML <select> input */ function category_popup($name, $val, $id) { $rs = getTree('root', 'article'); if ($rs) { return treeSelectInput($name, $rs, $val, $id, 35); } return false; } /** * Renders a view tab. * * @param string $tabevent Target view * @param string $view The current view * @return string HTML */ function tab($tabevent, $view) { $state = ($view == $tabevent) ? 'active' : ''; $pressed = ($view == $tabevent) ? 'true' : 'false'; $link = href(gTxt('view_'.$tabevent.'_short'), '#', array( 'data-view-mode' => $tabevent, 'title' => gTxt('view_'.$tabevent), 'aria-pressed' => $pressed, 'role' => 'button', )); return n.tag($link, 'li', array( 'class' => $state, 'id' => 'tab-'.$tabevent, )); } /** * Gets the name of the default section. * * @return string The section */ function getDefaultSection() { return get_pref('default_section'); } /** * Renders 'override form' field. * * @param string $form The selected form * @param string $id The HTML id * @return string HTML <select> input */ function form_pop($form, $id) { $rs = safe_column("name", 'txp_form', "type = 'article' AND name != 'default' ORDER BY name"); if ($rs) { return selectInput('override_form', $rs, $form, true, '', $id); } } /** * Checks URL title for duplicates. * * @param string $url_title The URL title * @return string Localised feedback message, or an empty string */ function check_url_title($url_title) { // Check for blank or previously used identical url-titles. if (strlen($url_title) === 0) { return gTxt('url_title_is_blank'); } else { $url_title_count = safe_count('textpattern', "url_title = '$url_title'"); if ($url_title_count > 1) { return gTxt('url_title_is_multiple', array('{count}' => $url_title_count)); } } return ''; } /** * Translates a status ID to a feedback message. * * This message is displayed when an article is saved. * * @param int $Status The status * @return string The status message */ function get_status_message($Status) { switch ($Status) { case STATUS_PENDING: return gTxt("article_saved_pending"); case STATUS_HIDDEN: return gTxt("article_saved_hidden"); case STATUS_DRAFT: return gTxt("article_saved_draft"); default: return gTxt('article_posted'); } } /** * Parses article fields using Textile. * * @param array $incoming * @return array */ function textile_main_fields($incoming) { $textile = new \Textpattern\Textile\Parser(); $incoming['Title_plain'] = trim($incoming['Title']); $incoming['Title_html'] = ''; // not used $incoming['Title'] = $textile->textileEncode($incoming['Title_plain']); $incoming['Body_html'] = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Textfilter\Registry')->filter( $incoming['textile_body'], $incoming['Body'], array('field' => 'Body', 'options' => array('lite' => false), 'data' => $incoming) ); $incoming['Excerpt_html'] = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Textfilter\Registry')->filter( $incoming['textile_excerpt'], $incoming['Excerpt'], array('field' => 'Excerpt', 'options' => array('lite' => false), 'data' => $incoming) ); return $incoming; } /** * Pings Ping-O-Matic when an article is published. */ function do_pings() { global $prefs, $production_status; // Only ping for Live sites. if ($production_status !== 'live') { return; } include_once txpath.'/lib/IXRClass.php'; callback_event('ping'); if ($prefs['ping_weblogsdotcom'] == 1) { $wl_client = new IXR_Client('http://rpc.pingomatic.com/'); $wl_client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', $prefs['sitename'], hu); } } /** * Renders the <title> element for the 'Write' page. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_html_title($rs) { return tag(admin_title($rs['Title']), 'title'); } /** * Renders article formatting tips. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > sidehelp' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data */ function article_partial_sidehelp($rs) { // Show markup help for both body and excerpt if they are different. $help = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Textfilter\Registry')->getHelp($rs['textile_body']); if ($rs['textile_body'] != $rs['textile_excerpt']) { $help .= Txp::get('\Textpattern\Textfilter\Registry')->getHelp($rs['textile_excerpt']); } return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'sidehelp', $help, $rs); } /** * Renders article title partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > title' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data */ function article_partial_title($rs) { global $step; $out = inputLabel( 'title', fInput('text', 'Title', preg_replace("/&(?![#a-z0-9]+;)/i", "&", $rs['Title']), '', '', '', INPUT_LARGE, '', 'title'), 'title', array('title', 'instructions_title'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field title') ); return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'title', $out, $rs); } /** * Gets article's title from the given article data set. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string */ function article_partial_title_value($rs) { return preg_replace("/&(?![#a-z0-9]+;)/i", "&", $rs['Title']); } /** * Renders author partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > author' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_author($rs) { extract($rs); $out = n.'

'.gTxt('posted_by').': '.txpspecialchars($AuthorID).' · '.safe_strftime('%d %b %Y · %X', $sPosted); if ($sPosted != $sLastMod) { $out .= br.gTxt('modified_by').': '.txpspecialchars($LastModID).' · '.safe_strftime('%d %b %Y · %X', $sLastMod); } $out .= '

'; return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'author', $out, $rs); } /** * Renders custom field partial. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_custom_field($rs, $key) { global $prefs; extract($prefs); preg_match('/custom_field_([0-9]+)/', $key, $m); $custom_x_set = "custom_{$m[1]}_set"; $custom_x = "custom_{$m[1]}"; return ($$custom_x_set !== '' ? custField($m[1], $$custom_x_set, $rs[$custom_x]) : ''); } /** * Renders URL title partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > url_title' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_url_title($rs) { $out = inputLabel( 'url-title', fInput('text', 'url_title', article_partial_url_title_value($rs), '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'url-title'), 'url_title', array('url_title', 'instructions_url_title'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field url-title') ); return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'url_title', $out, $rs); } /** * Gets URL title from the given article data set. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_url_title_value($rs) { return $rs['url_title']; } /** * Renders description partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > description' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_description($rs) { $out = inputLabel( 'description', '', 'description', array('description', 'instructions_description'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field txp-form-field-textarea description') ); return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'description', $out, $rs); } /** * Gets description from the given article data set. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_description_value($rs) { return $rs['description']; } /** * Renders keywords partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > keywords' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_keywords($rs) { $out = inputLabel( 'keywords', '', 'keywords', array('keywords', 'instructions_keywords'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field txp-form-field-textarea keywords') ); return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'keywords', $out, $rs); } /** * Gets keywords from the given article data set. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string */ function article_partial_keywords_value($rs) { // Separate keywords by a comma plus at least one space. return preg_replace('/,(\S)/', ', $1', $rs['Keywords']); } /** * Renders article image partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > article_image' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_image($rs) { $default = inputLabel( 'article-image', fInput('text', 'Image', $rs['Image'], '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'article-image'), 'article_image', array('article_image', 'instructions_article_image'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field article-image') ); return tag(pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'article_image', $default, $rs), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-container')); } /** * Renders all custom fields in one partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > custom_fields' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_custom_fields($rs) { global $cfs; $cf = ''; foreach ($cfs as $k => $v) { $cf .= article_partial_custom_field($rs, "custom_field_{$k}"); } return tag(pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'custom_fields', $cf, $rs), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-container')); } /** * Renders <ol> list of recent articles. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > recent_articles' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_recent_articles($rs) { $recents = safe_rows_start("Title, ID", 'textpattern', "1 = 1 ORDER BY LastMod DESC LIMIT ".(int) WRITE_RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT); $ra = ''; if ($recents && numRows($recents)) { $ra = '
    '; while ($recent = nextRow($recents)) { if ($recent['Title'] === '') { $recent['Title'] = gTxt('untitled').sp.$recent['ID']; } $ra .= n.'
  1. '. href(escape_title($recent['Title']), '?event=article'.a.'step=edit'.a.'ID='.$recent['ID']). '
  2. '; } $ra .= '
'; } return tag(pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'recent_articles', $ra, $rs), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-container')); } /** * Renders article 'duplicate' link. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_article_clone($rs) { extract($rs); return n.href(' '.gTxt('duplicate'), '#', array( 'class' => 'txp-clone', 'id' => 'article_partial_article_clone', )); } /** * Renders article 'view' link. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_article_view($rs) { extract($rs); if ($Status != STATUS_LIVE and $Status != STATUS_STICKY) { $url = '?txpreview='.intval($ID).'.'.time(); // Article ID plus cachebuster. } else { include_once txpath.'/publish/taghandlers.php'; $url = permlinkurl_id($ID); } return n.href(' '.gTxt('view'), $url, array( 'class' => 'txp-article-view', 'id' => 'article_partial_article_view', )); } /** * Renders article body field. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > body' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_body($rs) { $out = inputLabel( 'body', '', 'body', array('body', 'instructions_body'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field txp-form-field-textarea body') ); return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'body', $out, $rs); } /** * Renders article excerpt field. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > excerpt' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_excerpt($rs) { $out = inputLabel( 'excerpt', '', 'excerpt', array('excerpt', 'instructions_excerpt'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field txp-form-field-textarea excerpt') ); return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'excerpt', $out, $rs); } /** * Renders list of view modes. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > view' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_view_modes($rs) { global $step, $view, $use_textile; if ($step == "create") { $hasfilter = ($use_textile !== LEAVE_TEXT_UNTOUCHED); } else { $hasfilter = ($rs['textile_body'] !== LEAVE_TEXT_UNTOUCHED || $rs['textile_excerpt'] !== LEAVE_TEXT_UNTOUCHED); } if ($hasfilter) { $out = n.tag((tab('text', $view).tab('html', $view).tab('preview', $view)), 'ul'); } else { $out = ' '; } $out = pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'view', $out, $rs); return n.tag($out.n, 'div', array('id' => 'view_modes')); } /** * Renders next/prev links. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_article_nav($rs) { $out = array(); if ($rs['prev_id']) { $out[] = prevnext_link(gTxt('prev'), 'article', 'edit', $rs['prev_id'], '', 'prev'); } else { $out[] = span(gTxt('prev'), array( 'class' => 'navlink-disabled', 'aria-disabled' => 'true', )); } if ($rs['next_id']) { $out[] = prevnext_link(gTxt('next'), 'article', 'edit', $rs['next_id'], '', 'next'); } else { $out[] = span(gTxt('next'), array( 'class' => 'navlink-disabled', 'aria-disabled' => 'true', )); } return n.tag(join('', $out), 'nav', array('class' => 'nav-tertiary')); } /** * Renders article status partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > status' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_status($rs) { return n.tag(pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'status', status_display($rs['Status']), $rs), 'div', array('id' => 'txp-container-status')); } /** * Renders article section partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > section' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_section($rs) { $out = inputLabel( 'section', section_popup($rs['Section'], 'section'). n.eLink('section', 'list', '', '', gTxt('edit'), '', '', '', 'txp-option-link'), 'section', array('', 'instructions_section'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field section') ); return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'section', $out, $rs); } /** * Renders article categories partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > categories' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_categories($rs) { $out = n.'
'. inputLabel( 'category-1', category_popup('Category1', $rs['Category1'], 'category-1'). n.eLink('category', 'list', '', '', gTxt('edit'), '', '', '', 'txp-option-link'), 'category1', array('', 'instructions_category1'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field category category-1') ). inputLabel( 'category-2', category_popup('Category2', $rs['Category2'], 'category-2'), 'category2', array('', 'instructions_category2'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field category category-2') ). n.'
'; return pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'categories', $out, $rs); } /** * Renders comment options partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > annotate_invite' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string|null HTML */ function article_partial_comments($rs) { global $step, $use_comments, $comments_disabled_after, $comments_default_invite, $comments_on_default; extract($rs); if ($step == "create") { // Avoid invite disappearing when previewing. if (!empty($store_out['AnnotateInvite'])) { $AnnotateInvite = $store_out['AnnotateInvite']; } else { $AnnotateInvite = $comments_default_invite; } $Annotate = $comments_on_default; } if ($use_comments == 1) { $comments_expired = false; if ($step != 'create' && $comments_disabled_after) { $lifespan = $comments_disabled_after * 86400; $time_since = time() - $sPosted; if ($time_since > $lifespan) { $comments_expired = true; } } if ($comments_expired) { $invite = graf(gTxt('expired'), array( 'class' => 'comment-annotate', 'id' => 'write-comments', )); } else { $invite = n.tag( onoffRadio('Annotate', $Annotate), 'div', array('class' => 'txp-form-field comment-annotate') ). inputLabel( 'comment-invite', fInput('text', 'AnnotateInvite', $AnnotateInvite, '', '', '', INPUT_REGULAR, '', 'comment-invite'), 'comment_invitation', array('', 'instructions_comment_invitation'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field comment-invite') ); } return n.tag_start('div', array('id' => 'write-comments')). pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'annotate_invite', $invite, $rs). n.tag_end('div'); } } /** * Renders timestamp partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > timestamp' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_posted($rs) { extract($rs); $out = inputLabel( 'year', tsi('year', '%Y', $sPosted, '', 'year'). ' / '. tsi('month', '%m', $sPosted, '', 'month'). ' / '. tsi('day', '%d', $sPosted, '', 'day'), 'publish_date', array('publish_date', 'instructions_publish_date'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field date posted') ). inputLabel( 'hour', tsi('hour', '%H', $sPosted, '', 'hour'). ' : '. tsi('minute', '%M', $sPosted, '', 'minute'). ' : '. tsi('second', '%S', $sPosted, '', 'second'), 'publish_time', array('', 'instructions_publish_time'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field time posted') ). n.tag( checkbox('reset_time', '1', $reset_time, '', 'reset_time'). n.tag(gTxt('reset_time'), 'label', array('for' => 'reset_time')), 'div', array('class' => 'reset-time') ); return n.tag_start('div', array('id' => 'publish-datetime-group')). pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'timestamp', $out, $rs). n.tag_end('div'); } /** * Renders expiration date partial. * * The rendered widget can be customised via the 'article_ui > expires' * pluggable UI callback event. * * @param array $rs Article data * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_expires($rs) { extract($rs); $out = inputLabel( 'exp_year', tsi('exp_year', '%Y', $sExpires, '', 'exp_year'). ' / '. tsi('exp_month', '%m', $sExpires, '', 'exp_month'). ' / '. tsi('exp_day', '%d', $sExpires, '', 'exp_day'), 'expire_date', array('expire_date', 'instructions_expire_date'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field date expires') ). inputLabel( 'exp_hour', tsi('exp_hour', '%H', $sExpires, '', 'exp_hour'). ' : '. tsi('exp_minute', '%M', $sExpires, '', 'exp_minute'). ' : '. tsi('exp_second', '%S', $sExpires, '', 'exp_second'), 'expire_time', array('', 'instructions_expire_time'), array('class' => 'txp-form-field time expires') ). hInput('sExpires', $sExpires); return n.tag_start('div', array('id' => 'expires-datetime-group')). pluggable_ui('article_ui', 'expires', $out, $rs). n.tag_end('div'); } /** * Gets a partial value from the given article data set. * * @param array $rs Article data * @param string $key The value to get * @return string HTML */ function article_partial_value($rs, $key) { return($rs[$key]); } /** * Validates article data. * * @param array $rs Article data * @param string|array $msg Initial message * @return string HTML */ function article_validate($rs, &$msg) { global $prefs, $step, $statuses; if (!empty($msg)) { return false; } $constraints = array( 'Status' => new ChoiceConstraint( $rs['Status'], array('choices' => array_keys($statuses), 'message' => 'invalid_status') ), 'Section' => new SectionConstraint($rs['Section']), 'Category1' => new CategoryConstraint( $rs['Category1'], array('type' => 'article') ), 'Category2' => new CategoryConstraint( $rs['Category2'], array('type' => 'article') ), 'textile_body' => new \Textpattern\Textfilter\Constraint( $rs['textile_body'], array('message' => 'invalid_textfilter_body') ), 'textile_excerpt' => new \Textpattern\Textfilter\Constraint( $rs['textile_excerpt'], array('message' => 'invalid_textfilter_excerpt') ), ); if (!$prefs['articles_use_excerpts']) { $constraints['excerpt_blank'] = new BlankConstraint( $rs['Excerpt'], array('message' => 'excerpt_not_blank') ); } if (!$prefs['use_comments']) { $constraints['annotate_invite_blank'] = new BlankConstraint( $rs['AnnotateInvite'], array('message' => 'invite_not_blank') ); $constraints['annotate_false'] = new FalseConstraint( $rs['Annotate'], array('message' => 'comments_are_on') ); } if ($prefs['allow_form_override']) { $constraints['override_form'] = new FormConstraint( $rs['override_form'], array('type' => 'article') ); } else { $constraints['override_form'] = new BlankConstraint( $rs['override_form'], array('message' => 'override_form_not_blank') ); } callback_event_ref('article_ui', "validate_$step", 0, $rs, $constraints); $validator = new Validator($constraints); if ($validator->validate()) { $msg = ''; return true; } else { $msg = doArray($validator->getMessages(), 'gTxt'); $msg = array(join(', ', $msg), E_ERROR); return false; } }