Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/lib/txplib_head.php - 349 lines - 9272 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Used for generating admin-side headers.

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 8 functions



Functions that are not part of a class:

pagetop($pagetitle, $message = '')  line: 30
Creates and outputs an admin-side header.

The output contains HTML <head> section and the main navigation.
The results are echoed as opposed to returned.

This function offers a way to invoke modal activity messages and set the
page title.

Output will automatically become silent on asynchronous script responses
that do not want HTML headers.

param: string       $pagetitle The page title
param: string|array $message   A message show to the user
admin_title($pagetitle line: 138
Return the HTML <title> contents for an admin-side page.

The rendered title can be customised via a 'admin_side > html_title'
pluggable UI callback event.

return: string
param: string $pagetitle Specific page title part
areatab($label, $event, $tarea, $area line: 164
Creates an area tab.

This can be used to create table based navigation bars.

return: string HTML table column
param: string $label
param: string $event
param: string $tarea
param: string $area
tabber($label, $tabevent, $event line: 186
Creates a secondary area tab.

This can be used to create table based navigation bars.

return: string HTML table column
param: string $label
param: string $tabevent
param: string $event
tabsort($area, $event line: 206
Creates a table based navigation bar row.

This can be used to create table based navigation bars.

return: string HTML table columns
param: string $area
param: string $event
areas()  line: 236
Gets the main menu structure as an array.

return: array
navPop($inline = '')  line: 295
Creates an admin-side main menu as a <select> dropdown.

return: string A HTML form
param: mixed  $inline Is not used.
button($label, $link line: 338
Generates a button link.

param: string $label
param: string $link

