Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php - 6865 lines - 179104 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Collection of miscellaneous tools.

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

timezone:: (13 methods):

Defines 13 functions


Class: timezone

Dealing with timezones.

selectInput($name = '', $value = '', $blank_first = '', $onchange = '', $select_id = '')  line: 6373
Render HTML <select> element for choosing a timezone.

return: string HTML markup
param: string      $name        Element name
param: string      $value       Selected timezone
param: bool        $blank_first Add empty first option
param: bool|string $onchange
param: string      $select_id   HTML id attribute
details()  line: 6428
Build a matrix of timezone details.

return: array Array of timezone details indexed by timezone key
key($gmtoffset line: 6441
Find a timezone key matching a given GMT offset.

NB: More than one key might fit any given GMT offset, thus the returned
value is ambiguous and merely useful for presentation purposes.

return: string timezone key
param: int $gmtoffset
is_dst($timestamp, $timezone_key line: 6462
Is DST in effect?

return: bool
param: int    $timestamp    When?
param: string $timezone_key Where?
is_supported()  line: 6477
Check for run-time timezone support.

As of 4.6.0, always returns TRUE.

return: bool Timezone feature is enabled
install_textpack($textpack, $add_new_langs = false)  line: 6492
Installs localisation strings from a Textpack.

Created strings get a well-known static modifcation date set in the past.
This is done to avoid tampering with lastmod dates used for RPC server
interactions, caching and update checks.

return: int Number of installed strings
param: string $textpack      The Textpack to install
param: bool   $add_new_langs If TRUE, installs strings for any included language
form_token()  line: 6556
Generate a ciphered token.

The token is reproducible, unique among sites and users, expires later.

return: string The token
assert_system_requirements()  line: 6581
Assert system requirements.

bouncer($step, $steps line: 6594
Validates admin steps and protects against CSRF attempts using tokens.

Takes an admin step and validates it against an array of valid steps.
The valid steps array indicates the step's token based session riding
protection needs.

If the step requires CSRF token protection, and the request doesn't come with
a valid token, the request is terminated, defeating any CSRF attempts.

If the $step isn't in valid steps, it returns FALSE, but the request
isn't terminated. If the $step is valid and passes CSRF validation,
returns TRUE.

return: bool If the $step is valid, proceeds and returns TRUE. Dies on CSRF attempt.
param: string $step  Requested admin step
param: array  $steps An array of valid steps with flag indicating CSRF needs, e.g. array('savething' => true, 'listthings' => false)
http_accept_format($format line: 6652
Test whether the client accepts a certain response format.

Discards formats with a quality factor below 0.1

return: boolean $format TRUE if accepted
param: string  $format One of 'html', 'txt', 'js', 'css', 'json', 'xml', 'rdf', 'atom', 'rss'
status_list($labels = true, $exclude = array()  line: 6705
Return a list of status codes and their associated names.

The list can be extended with a 'status.types > types' callback event.
Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', '$step' and
'$status_list'. The third parameter contains a reference to an array of
'status_code => label' pairs.

return: array A status array
param: bool  Return the list with L10n labels (for UI purposes) or raw values (for comparisons)
param: array List of status keys (numbers) to exclude
getStatusNum($name, $default = STATUS_LIVE)  line: 6746
Translates article status names into numerical status codes.

return: int Matching numerical status
param: string $name    Status name
param: int    $default Status code to return if $name is not a defined status name
check_file_integrity($flags = INTEGRITY_STATUS)  line: 6767
Checks install's file integrity and returns results.

Depending on the given $flags this function will either return an array of
file statuses, checksums or the digest of the install. It can also return the
parsed contents of the checksum file.

return: array|bool Array of files and status, or FALSE on error


Functions that are not part of a class:

deNull($in line: 30
Strips NULL bytes.

return: mixed
param: string|array $in The input value
deCRLF($in line: 42
Strips carriage returns and linefeeds.

return: mixed
param: string|array $in The input value
doArray($in, $function line: 54
Applies a callback to a given string or an array.

return: mixed
param: string|array $in       An array or a string to run through the callback function
param: callback     $function The callback function
doStrip($in line: 77
Un-quotes a quoted string or an array of values.

return: mixed
param: string|array $in The input value
doStripTags($in line: 89
Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string or an array.

return: mixed
param: string|array $in The input value
doDeEnt($in line: 103
Converts entity escaped brackets back to characters.

return: mixed
param: string|array $in The input value
deEntBrackets($in line: 115
Converts entity escaped brackets back to characters.

return: string
param: string $in The input value
doSlash($in line: 140
Escapes special characters for use in an SQL statement.

Always use this function when dealing with user-defined values in SQL
statements. If this function is not used to escape user-defined data in a
statement, the query is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

return: mixed An array of escaped values or a string depending on $in
param: string|array $in The input value
doLike($in line: 159
Escape SQL LIKE pattern's wildcards for use in an SQL statement.

return: mixed An array of escaped values or a string depending on $in
param: string|array $in The input value
txpspecialchars($string, $flags = ENT_QUOTES, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $double_encode = true)  line: 175
A shell for htmlspecialchars() with $flags defaulting to ENT_QUOTES.

return: string
param: string $string The string being converted
param: int    $flags A bitmask of one or more flags. The default is ENT_QUOTES
param: string $encoding Defines encoding used in conversion. The default is UTF-8
param: bool   $double_encode When double_encode is turned off PHP will not encode existing HTML entities, the default is to convert everything
doSpecial($in line: 208
Converts special characters to HTML entities.

return: mixed The array or string with HTML syntax characters escaped
param: array|string $in The input value
_null($a line: 221
Converts the given value to NULL.

return: null
param: mixed $a The input value
array_null($in line: 235
Converts an array of values to NULL.

return: array
param: array $in The array
escape_title($title line: 248
Escapes a page title. Converts <, >, ', " characters to HTML entities.

return: string The string escaped
param: string $title The input string
escape_js($js line: 266
Sanitises a string for use in a JavaScript string.

Escapes \, \n, \r, " and ' characters. It removes 'PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR'
(U+2029) and 'LINE SEPARATOR' (U+2028). When you need to pass a string
from PHP to JavaScript, use this function to sanitise the value to avoid
XSS attempts.

return: string Escaped JavaScript
param: string $js JavaScript input
escape_output($str line: 287
A shell for htmlspecialchars() with $flags defaulting to ENT_QUOTES.

return: string
param: string $str The input string
escape_tags($str line: 304
Replaces < and > characters with entities.

return: string
param: string $str The input string
escape_cdata($str line: 324
Escapes CDATA section for an XML document.

return: string XML representation wrapped in CDATA tags
param: string $str The string
gTxt($var, $atts = array()  line: 337
Returns a localisation string.

return: string A localisation string
param: string $var    String name
param: array  $atts   Replacement pairs
param: string $escape Convert special characters to HTML entities. Either "html" or ""
gTxtScript($var, $atts = array()  line: 378
Loads client-side localisation scripts.

Passes localisation strings from the database to JavaScript.

Only works on the admin-side pages.

param: string|array $var   Scalar or array of string keys
param: array        $atts  Array or array of arrays of variable substitution pairs
param: array        $route Optional events/steps upon which to add the strings
gTime($timestamp = 0)  line: 411
Returns given timestamp in a format of 01 Jan 2001 15:19:16.

return: string A formatted date
param: int $timestamp The UNIX timestamp
dmp()  line: 428
Creates a dumpfile from a backtrace and outputs given parameters.

load_lang($lang, $events = null)  line: 470
Gets the given language's strings from the database.

Fetches the given language from the database and returns the strings
as an array.

If no $events is specified, only appropriate strings for the current context
are returned. If 'txpinterface' constant equals 'admin' all strings are
returned. Otherwise, only strings from events 'common' and 'public'.

If $events is FALSE, returns all strings.

return: array
param: string            $lang   The language code
param: array|string|bool $events An array of loaded events
load_lang_dates($lang line: 522
Loads date definitions from a localisation file.

param: string $lang The language
load_lang_event($event, $lang = LANG)  line: 553
Gets language strings for the given event.

If no $lang is specified, the strings are loaded from the currently
active language.

return: array|string Array of string on success, or an empty string when no strings were found
param: string $event The event to get, e.g. "common", "admin", "public"
param: string $lang  The language code
check_privs()  line: 589
Requires privileges from a user.

add_privs($res, $perm = '1')  line: 610
Grants privileges to user-groups.

Will not let you override existing privs.

param: string $res  The resource
param: string $perm List of user-groups, e.g. '1,2,3'
has_privs($res, $user = '')  line: 632
Checks if a user has privileges to the given resource.

return: bool
param: string $res  The resource
param: string $user The user. If no user name is supplied, assume the current logged in user
require_privs($res = null, $user = '')  line: 671
Require privileges from a user to the given resource.

Terminates the script if user doesn't have required privileges.

param: string|null $res  The resource, or NULL
param: string      $user The user. If no user name is supplied, assume the current logged in user
the_privileged($res line: 693
Gets a list of users having access to a resource.

return: array  A list of usernames
param: string $res The resource, e.g. 'article.edit.published'
get_groups()  line: 713
Gets a list of user groups.

return: array
sizeImage($name line: 731
Gets the dimensions of an image for a HTML <img> tag.

return: string|bool height="100" width="40", or FALSE on failure
param: string      $name The filename
get_safe_image_types($type = null)  line: 751
Lists image types that can be safely uploaded.

Returns different results based on the logged in user's privileges.

return: mixed
param: int         $type If set, validates the given value
check_gd($image_type line: 783
Checks if GD supports the given image type.

return: bool TRUE if the type is supported
param: string $image_type Either '.gif', '.png', '.jpg'
image_data($file, $meta = array()  line: 814
Uploads an image.

Can be used to upload a new image or replace an existing one.
If $id is specified, the image will be replaced. If $uploaded is set FALSE,
$file can take a local file instead of HTTP file upload variable.

All uploaded files will included on the Images panel.

return: array|string An array of array(message, id) on success, localized error string on error
param: array        $file     HTTP file upload variables
param: array        $meta     Image meta data, allowed keys 'caption', 'alt', 'category'
param: int          $id       Existing image's ID
param: bool         $uploaded If FALSE, $file takes a filename instead of upload vars
imageFetchInfo($where line: 948
Gets an image as an array.

return: array|bool An image data, or FALSE on failure
param: string $where SQL where clause
image_format_info($image line: 972
Formats image info.

Takes an image data array generated by imageFetchInfo() and formats the contents.

return: array
param: array $image The image
link_format_info($link line: 993
Formats link info.

return: array Formatted link data
param: array $link The link to format
gps($thing line: 1011
Gets a HTTP GET or POST parameter.

Internally handles and normalises MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC,
strips CRLF from GET parameters and removes NULL bytes.

return: string|array The value of $thing, or an empty string
param: string $thing The parameter to get
gpsa($array line: 1052
Gets an array of HTTP GET or POST parameters.

return: array
param: array $array The parameters to extract
ps($thing line: 1081
Gets a HTTP POST parameter.

Internally handles and normalises MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC,
and removes NULL bytes.

return: string|array The value of $thing, or an empty string
param: string $thing The parameter to get
psa($array line: 1113
Gets an array of HTTP POST parameters.

return: array
param: array $array The parameters to extract
psas($array line: 1136
Gets an array of HTTP POST parameters and strips HTML and PHP tags
from values.

return: array
param: array $array The parameters to extract
stripPost()  line: 1154
Gets all received HTTP POST parameters.

return: array
serverSet($thing line: 1174
Gets a variable from $_SERVER global array.

return: mixed The variable, or an empty string on error
param: mixed $thing The variable
remote_addr()  line: 1189
Gets the client's IP address.

Supports proxies and uses 'X_FORWARDED_FOR' HTTP header if deemed necessary.

return: string
pcs($thing line: 1215
Gets a variable from HTTP POST or a prefixed cookie.

Fetches either a HTTP cookie of the given name prefixed with
'txp_', or a HTTP POST parameter without a prefix.

return: array|string The variable or an empty string
param: string $thing The variable
cs($thing line: 1250
Gets a HTTP cookie.

Internally normalises MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC.

return: string The cookie or an empty string
param: string $thing The cookie
yes_no($status line: 1278
Converts a boolean to a localised "Yes" or "No" string.

return: string No if FALSE, Yes otherwise
param: bool $status The boolean. Ignores type and as such can also take a string or an integer
getmicrotime()  line: 1293
Gets UNIX timestamp with microseconds.

return: float
load_plugin($name, $force = false)  line: 1309
Loads the given plugin or checks if it was loaded.

return: bool TRUE if the plugin is loaded
param: string $name  The plugin
param: bool   $force If TRUE loads the plugin even if it's disabled
require_plugin($name line: 1378
Loads a plugin.

Identical to load_plugin() except upon failure it issues an E_USER_ERROR.

return: bool
param: string $name The plugin
include_plugin($name line: 1399
Loads a plugin.

Identical to load_plugin() except upon failure it issues an E_USER_WARNING.

return: bool
param: string $name The plugin
pluginErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline line: 1420
Error handler for plugins.

param: int    $errno
param: string $errstr
param: string $errfile
param: int    $errline
tagErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline line: 1471
Error handler for page templates.

param: int    $errno
param: string $errstr
param: string $errfile
param: int    $errline
feedErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline line: 1539
Error handler for XML feeds.

param: int    $errno
param: string $errstr
param: string $errfile
param: int    $errline
adminErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline line: 1561
Error handler for admin-side pages.

param: int    $errno
param: string $errstr
param: string $errfile
param: int    $errline
updateErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline line: 1658
Error handler for update scripts.

param: int    $errno
param: string $errstr
param: string $errfile
param: int    $errline
publicErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline line: 1683
Error handler for public-side.

param: int    $errno
param: string $errstr
param: string $errfile
param: int    $errline
load_plugins($type = false)  line: 1732
Loads plugins.

param: bool $type If TRUE loads admin-side plugins, otherwise public
register_callback($func, $event, $step = '', $pre = 0)  line: 1797
Attachs a handler to a callback event.

param: callback $func  The callback function
param: string   $event The callback event
param: string   $step  The callback step
param: bool     $pre   Before or after. Works only with selected callback events
register_page_extension($func, $event, $step = '', $top = 0)  line: 1824
Registers an admin-side extension page.

For now this just does the same as register_callback().

param: callback $func  The callback function
param: string   $event The callback event
param: string   $step  The callback step
param: bool     $top   The top or the bottom of the page
callback_event($event, $step = '', $pre = 0)  line: 1843
Call an event's callback.

Executes all callback handlers attached to the matched event and step.

When called, any event handlers attached with register_callback() to the
matching event, step and pre will be called. The handlers, callback
functions, will be executed in the same order they were registered.

Any extra arguments will be passed to the callback handlers in the same
argument position. This allows passing any type of data to the attached
handlers. Callback handlers will also receive the event and the step.

Returns a combined value of all values returned by the callback handlers.

return: mixed  The value returned by the attached callback functions, or an empty string
param: string         $event The callback event
param: string         $step  Additional callback step
param: bool|int|array $pre   Allows two callbacks, a prepending and an appending, with same event and step. Array allows return values chaining
callback_event_ref($event, $step = '', $pre = 0, &$data = null, &$options = null)  line: 1930
Call an event's callback with two optional byref parameters.

return: array Collection of return values from event handlers
param: string $event   The callback event
param: string $step    Optional callback step
param: bool   $pre     Allows two callbacks, a prepending and an appending, with same event and step
param: mixed  $data    Optional arguments for event handlers
param: mixed  $options Optional arguments for event handlers
callback_tostring($callback line: 1970
Converts a callable to a string presentation.

echo callback_tostring(array('class', 'method'));

return: string The $callback as a human-readable string
param: callback $callback The callback
has_handler($event, $step = '', $pre = 0)  line: 1990
Checks if a callback event has active handlers.

return: bool TRUE if the event is active, FALSE otherwise
param: string $event The callback event
param: string $step  The callback step
param: bool   $pre   The position
callback_handlers($event, $step = '', $pre = 0, $as_string = true)  line: 2011
Lists handlers attached to an event.

return: array|bool An array of handlers, or FALSE
param: string $event The callback event
param: string $step  The callback step
param: bool   $pre   The position
param: bool   $as_string Return callables in string representation
register_tab($area, $panel, $title line: 2051
Registers a new admin-side panel and adds a navigation link to the menu.

param: string $area  The menu the panel appears in, e.g. "home", "content", "presentation", "admin", "extensions"
param: string $panel The panel's event
param: string $title The menu item's label
pluggable_ui($event, $element, $default = '')  line: 2073
Call an event's pluggable UI function.

return: mixed  Returned value from a callback handler, or $default if no custom UI was provided
param: string $event   The event
param: string $element The element selector
param: string $default The default interface markup
getAtt($name, $default = null)  line: 2096
Gets an attribute from the $theatts global.

return: string
param: string $name
param: string $default
gAtt(&$atts, $name, $default = null)  line: 2115
Gets an attribute from the given array.

return: string
param: array  $atts
param: string $name
param: string $default
lAtts($pairs, $atts, $warn = true)  line: 2134
Merge the second array into the first array.

return: array The two arrays merged
param: array $pairs The first array
param: array $atts  The second array
param: bool  $warn  If TRUE triggers errors if second array contains values that are not in the first
select_buttons()  line: 2159
Generates All, None and Range selection buttons.

return: string HTML
stripSpace($text, $force = false)  line: 2177
Sanitises a string for use in an article's URL title.

return: string|null
param: string $text  The title or an URL
param: bool   $force Force sanitisation
sanitizeForUrl($text line: 2199
Sanitises a string for use in a URL.

Be aware that you still have to urlencode the string when appropriate.
This function just makes the string look prettier and excludes some
unwanted characters, but leaves UTF-8 letters and digits intact.

return: string
param: string $text The string
sanitizeForFile($text line: 2230
Sanitises a string for use in a filename.

return: string
param: string $text The string
sanitizeForPage($text line: 2254
Sanitises a string for use in a page template's name.

return: string
param: string $text The string
dumbDown($str, $lang = LANG)  line: 2274
Transliterates a string to ASCII.

Used to generate RFC 3986 compliant and pretty ASCII-only URLs.

param: string $str  The string to convert
param: string $lang The language which translation table is used
clean_url($url line: 2399
Cleans a URL.

return: string
param: string $url The URL
noWidow($str line: 2413
Replace the last space with a &#160; non-breaking space.

return: string
param: string $str The string
is_blacklisted($ip, $checks = '')  line: 2429
Checks if an IP is on a spam blacklist.

return: string|bool The lists the IP is on or FALSE
param: string       $ip     The IP address
param: string|array $checks The checked lists. Defaults to 'spam_blacklists' preferences string
is_logged_in($user = '')  line: 2471
Checks if the user is authenticated on the public-side.

return: array|bool An array containing details about the user; name, RealName, email, privs. FALSE when the user hasn't authenticated.
param: string $user The checked username. If not provided, any user is accepted
updateSitePath($here line: 2503
Updates the path to the site.

param: string $here The path
splat($text line: 2516
Converts Textpattern tag's attribute list to an array.

return: array Array of attributes
param: string $text The attribute list, e.g. foobar="1" barfoo="0"
strip_rn($str line: 2586
Replaces CR and LF with spaces, and drops NULL bytes.

Used for sanitising email headers.

return: string
param: string $str The string
is_valid_email($address line: 2603
Validates a string as an email address.

if (is_valid_email('john.doe@example.com'))
echo "'john.doe@example.com' validates.";

return: bool
param: string $address The email address
txpMail($to_address, $subject, $body, $reply_to = null)  line: 2625
Sends an email message as the currently logged in user.

if (txpMail('john.doe@example.com', 'Subject', 'Some message'))
echo "Email sent to 'john.doe@example.com'.";

return: bool   Returns FALSE when sending failed
param: string $to_address The receiver
param: string $subject    The subject
param: string $body       The message
param: string $reply_to The reply to address
encode_mailheader($string, $type line: 2694
Encodes a string for use in an email header.

return: string
param: string $string The string
param: string $type   The type of header, either "text" or "phrase"
eE($txt line: 2714
Converts an email address into unicode entities.

return: string Encoded email address
param: string $txt The email address
stripPHP($in line: 2729
Strips PHP tags from a string.

return: string
param: string $in The input
event_category_popup($name, $cat = '', $id = '')  line: 2741
Gets a HTML select field containing all categories, or sub-categories.

return: string|bool HTML select field or FALSE on error
param: string $name Return specified parent category's sub-categories
param: string $cat  The selected category option
param: string $id   The HTML ID
create_form($name, $type, $Form line: 2762
Creates a form template.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'form.create > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string $name The name
param: string $type The type
param: string $Form The template
form_exists($name line: 2799
Checks if a form template exists.

return: bool TRUE if the form exists
param: string $name The form
is_valid_form($name line: 2813
Validates a string as a form template name.

return: bool TRUE if the string validates
param: string $name The form name
get_form_types()  line: 2833
Gets a list of form types.

The list form types can be extended with a 'form.types > types'
callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event',
'$step' and '$types'. The third parameter contains a reference to an
array of 'type => label' pairs.

return: array An array of form types
get_essential_forms()  line: 2867
Gets a list of essential form templates.

These forms can not be deleted or renamed.

The list forms can be extended with a 'form.essential > forms'
callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event',
'$step' and '$essential'. The third parameter contains a reference to an
array of forms.

return: array An array of form names
event_change_pageby($name = null)  line: 2902
Updates a list's per page number.

Gets the per page number from a "qty" HTTP POST/GET parameter and
creates a user-specific preference value "$name_list_pageby".

param: string|null $name The name of the list
event_multiedit_form($name, $methods = null, $page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method line: 2927
Generates a multi-edit widget.

param: string $name
param: array  $methods
param: int    $page
param: string $sort
param: string $dir
param: string $crit
param: string $search_method
event_multi_edit($table, $id_key line: 2962
Generic multi-edit form's edit handler shared across panels.

Receives an action from a multi-edit form and runs it in the given
database table.

return: string Comma-separated list of affected items
param: string $table  The database table
param: string $id_key The database column selected items match to. Column should be integer type
since($stamp line: 2996
Gets a "since days ago" date format from a given UNIX timestamp.

return: string "n days ago"
param: int $stamp UNIX timestamp
tz_offset($timestamp = null)  line: 3022
Calculates a timezone offset.

Calculates the offset between the server local time and the
user's selected timezone at a given point in time.

return: int The offset in seconds
param: int $timestamp The timestamp. Defaults to time()
safe_strftime($format, $time = '', $gmt = false, $override_locale = '')  line: 3076
Formats a time.

Respects the locale and local timezone, and makes sure the
output string is encoded in UTF-8.

return: string Formatted date
param: string $format          The date format
param: int    $time            UNIX timestamp. Defaults to time()
param: bool   $gmt             Return GMT time
param: string $override_locale Override the locale
safe_strtotime($time_str line: 3160
Converts a time string from the Textpattern timezone to GMT.

return: int UNIX timestamp
param: string $time_str The time string
myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline line: 3177
Generic error handler.

param: int    $errno
param: string $errstr
param: string $errfile
param: int    $errline
find_temp_dir()  line: 3236
Verifies temporary directory.

Verifies that the temporary directory is writeable.

return: bool|null NULL on error, TRUE on success
param: string $dir The directory to check
get_uploaded_file($f, $dest = '')  line: 3291
Moves an uploaded file and returns its new location.

return: string|bool The new path or FALSE on error
param: string $f    The filename of the uploaded file
param: string $dest The destination of the moved file. If omitted, the file is moved to the temp directory
get_filenames()  line: 3323
Gets an array of files in the Files directory that weren't uploaded
from Textpattern.

Used for importing existing files on the server to Textpattern's files panel.

return: array An array of file paths
make_download_link($id, $label = '', $filename = '')  line: 3378
Renders a download link.

return: string HTML
param: int    $id       The file ID
param: string $label    The label
param: string $filename The filename
set_error_level($level line: 3402
Sets error reporting level.

param: string $level The level. Either "debug", "live" or "testing"
shift_uploaded_file($f, $dest line: 3424
Moves a file.

return: bool TRUE on success, or FALSE on error
param: string $f    The file to move
param: string $dest The destination
upload_get_errormsg($err_code line: 3448
Translates upload error code to a localised error message.

return: string The $err_code as a message
param: int $err_code The error code
format_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2, $format = '')  line: 3498
Formats a file size.

return: string Formatted file size
param: int    $bytes    Size in bytes
param: int    $decimals Number of decimals
param: string $format   The format the size is represented
fileDownloadFetchInfo($where line: 3530
Gets a file download as an array.

return: array|bool An array of files, or FALSE on failure
param: string $where SQL where clause
file_download_format_info($file line: 3554
Formats file download info.

Takes a data array generated by fileDownloadFetchInfo()
and formats the contents.

return: array Formatted file info
param: array $file The file info to format
fileDownloadFormatTime($params line: 3579
Formats file download's modification and creation timestamps.

Used by file_download tags.

return: string
param: array $params
is_windows()  line: 3608
Checks if the system is Windows.

Exists for backwards compatibility.

return: bool
is_cgi()  line: 3624
Checks if PHP is run as CGI.

Exists for backwards compatibility.

return: bool
is_mod_php()  line: 3640
Checks if PHP is run as Apache module.

Exists for backwards compatibility.

return: bool
is_disabled($function line: 3656
Checks if a function is disabled.

return: bool TRUE if the function is disabled
param: string $function The function name
build_file_path($base, $path line: 3680
Joins two strings to form a single filesystem path.

return: string A path to a file
param: string $base The base directory
param: string $path The second path, a relative filename
get_author_name($name line: 3697
Gets a user's real name.

return: string A real name, or username if empty
param: string $name The username
get_author_email($name line: 3719
Gets a user's email address.

return: string
param: string $name The username
has_single_author($table, $col = 'author')  line: 3741
Checks if a database table contains items just from one user.

return: bool
param: string $table The database table
param: string $col   The column
is_valid_username($name line: 3767
Validates a string as a username.

return: bool TRUE if the string valid
param: string $name The username
assign_user_assets($owner, $new_owner line: 3792
Assigns assets to a different user.

Changes the owner of user's assets. It will move articles, files, images
and links from one user to another.

Should be run when a user's permissions are taken away, a username is
renamed or the user is removed from the site.

Affected database tables can be extended with a 'user.assign_assets > columns'
callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event',
'$step' and '$columns'. The third parameter contains a reference to an
array of 'table => column' pairs.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.assign_assets > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string|array $owner     List of current owners
param: string       $new_owner The new owner
new_user_prefs($user_name line: 3853
Return private preferences required to be set for the given (new) user.

The returned structure comprises a nested array. Each row is an
array, with key being the pref event, and array made up of:
-> pref type
-> position
-> html control
-> name (gTxt)
-> value
-> user name

param: string $user_name The user name against which to assign the prefs
create_user($name, $email, $password, $realname = '', $group = 0)  line: 3879
Creates a user account.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.create > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string $name     The login name
param: string $email    The email address
param: string $password The password
param: string $realname The real name
param: int    $group    The user group
update_user($user, $email = null, $realname = null, $meta = array()  line: 3937
Updates a user.

Updates a user account's properties. The $user argument is used for
selecting the updated user, and rest of the arguments new values.
Use NULL to omit an argument.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.update > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string      $user     The updated user
param: string|null $email    The email address
param: string|null $realname The real name
param: array|null  $meta     Additional meta fields
change_user_password($user, $password line: 3992
Changes a user's password.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.password_change > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string $user     The updated user
param: string $password The new password
remove_user($user, $new_owner line: 4032
Removes a user.

The user's assets are assigned to the given new owner.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.remove > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string|array $user      List of removed users
param: string       $new_owner Assign assets to
rename_user($user, $newname line: 4076
Renames a user.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.rename > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string $user    Updated user
param: string $newname The new name
user_exists($user line: 4118
Checks if a user exists.

return: bool TRUE if the user exists
param: string $user The user
change_user_group($user, $group line: 4137
Changes a user's group.

On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.change_group > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string|array $user  Updated users
param: int          $group The new group
txp_validate($user, $password, $log = true)  line: 4179
Validates the given user credentials.

Validates a given login and a password combination. If the combination is
correct, the user's login name is returned, FALSE otherwise.

If $log is TRUE, also checks that the user has permissions to access the
admin side interface. On success, updates the user's last access timestamp.

return: string|bool The user's login name or FALSE on error
param: string $user     The login
param: string $password The password
param: bool   $log      If TRUE, requires privilege level greater than 'none'
txp_hash_password($password line: 4236
Calculates a password hash.

return: string A hash
param: string $password The password
generate_user_token($ref, $type, $expiryTimestamp, $pass, $nonce line: 4258
Create a secure token hash in the database from the passed information.

return: string                  Secure token suitable for emailing as part of a link
param: int    $ref             Reference to the user's account (user_id)
param: string $type            Flavour of token to create
param: int    $expiryTimestamp UNIX timestamp of when the token will expire
param: string $pass            Password, used as part of the token generation
param: string $nonce           Random nonce associated with the user's account
EvalElse($thing, $condition line: 4303
Extracts a statement from a if/else condition.

return: string             Either if or else statement
param: string  $thing     Statement in Textpattern tag markup presentation
param: bool    $condition TRUE to return if statement, FALSE to else
fetch_form($name line: 4343
Gets a form template's contents.

The form template's reading method can be modified by registering a handler
to a 'form.fetch' callback event. Any value returned by the callback function
will be used as the form template markup.

return: string
param: string $name The form
parse_form($name line: 4386
Parses a form template.

return: string The parsed contents
param: string $name The form
fetch_page($name line: 4423
Gets a page template's contents.

The page template's reading method can be modified by registering a handler
to a 'page.fetch' callback event. Any value returned by the callback function
will be used as the template markup.

return: string|bool The page template, or FALSE on error
param: string $name The template
parse_page($name line: 4457
Parses a page template.

return: string|bool The parsed page template, or FALSE on error
param: string $name The template
fetch_category_title($name, $type = 'article')  line: 4485
Gets a category's title.

return: string|bool The title or FALSE on error
param: string $name The category
param: string $type Category's type. Either "article", "file", "image" or "link"
fetch_section_title($name line: 4514
Gets a section's title.

return: string|bool The title or FALSE on error
param: string $name The section
update_comments_count($id line: 4548
Updates an article's comment count.

return: bool
param: int $id The article
clean_comment_counts($parentids line: 4566
Recalculates and updates comment counts.

param: array $parentids List of articles to update
markup_comment($msg line: 4597
Parses and formats comment message using Textile.

return: string HTML markup
param: string $msg The comment message
update_lastmod($trigger = '', $rs = array()  line: 4612
Updates site's last modification date.

When this action is performed, it will trigger a
'site.update > {event}' callback event and pass
any record set that triggered the update, along
with the exact time the update was triggered.

param: $trigger Textpattern event or step that triggered the update
param: $rs      Record set data at the time of update
get_lastmod($unix_ts = null)  line: 4636
Gets the site's last modification date.

return: int UNIX timestamp
param: int $unix_ts UNIX timestamp
handle_lastmod($unix_ts = null, $exit = true)  line: 4658
Sends and handles a lastmod header.

return: array|null Array of sent HTTP status and the lastmod header, or NULL
param: int|null $unix_ts The last modification date as a UNIX timestamp
param: bool     $exit    If TRUE, terminates the script
get_prefs($user = '')  line: 4706
Gets preferences as an array.

Returns preference values from the database as an array. Shouldn't be used to
retrieve selected preferences, see get_pref() instead.

By default only the global preferences are returned.
If the optional user name parameter is supplied, the private preferences
for that user are returned.

return: array
param: string $user User name.
set_pref($name, $val, $event = 'publish', $type = PREF_CORE, $html = 'text_input', $position = 0, $is_private = PREF_GLOBAL)  line: 4737
Creates or updates a preference.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string $name       The name
param: string $val        The value
param: string $event      The section the preference appears in
param: int    $type       Either PREF_CORE, PREF_PLUGIN, PREF_HIDDEN
param: string $html       The HTML control type the field uses. Can take a custom function name
param: int    $position   Used to sort the field on the Preferences panel
param: bool   $is_private If PREF_PRIVATE, is created as a user pref
get_pref($thing, $default = '', $from_db = false)  line: 4771
Gets a preference string.

Prefers global system-wide preferences over a user's private preferences.

return: string Preference value or $default
param: string $thing   The named variable
param: mixed  $default Used as a replacement if named pref isn't found
param: bool   $from_db If TRUE checks database opposed $prefs variable in memory
remove_pref($name = null, $event = null, $user_name = null)  line: 4814
Removes a preference string.

Removes preference strings based on the given arguments. Use NULL to omit an argument.

return: bool TRUE on success
param: string|null      $name      The preference string name
param: string|null      $event     The preference event
param: string|null|bool $user_name The owner. If PREF_PRIVATE, the current user
pref_exists($name, $user_name = null)  line: 4865
Checks if a preference string exists.

Searches for matching preference strings based on the given arguments.

The $user_name argument can be used to limit the search to a specifc user,
or to global and private strings. If NULL, matches are searched from both
private and global strings.

return: bool TRUE if the string exists, or FALSE on error
param: string           $name      The preference string name
param: string|null|bool $user_name Either the username, NULL, PREF_PRIVATE or PREF_GLOBAL
create_pref($name, $val, $event = 'publish', $type = PREF_CORE, $html = 'text_input', $position = 0, $user_name = PREF_GLOBAL)  line: 4912
Creates a preference string.

When a string is created, will trigger a 'preference.create > done' callback event.

return: bool TRUE if the string exists, FALSE on error
param: string      $name       The name
param: string      $val        The value
param: string      $event      The section the preference appears in
param: int         $type       Either PREF_CORE, PREF_PLUGIN, PREF_HIDDEN
param: string      $html       The HTML control type the field uses. Can take a custom function name
param: int         $position   Used to sort the field on the Preferences panel
param: string|bool $user_name  The user name, PREF_GLOBAL or PREF_PRIVATE
update_pref($name, $val = null, $event = null, $type = null, $html = null, $position = null, $user_name = PREF_GLOBAL)  line: 4971
Updates a preference string.

Updates a preference string's properties. The $name and $user_name
arguments are used for selecting the updated string, and rest of the
arguments take the new values. Use NULL to omit an argument.

When a string is updated, will trigger a 'preference.update > done' callback event.

return: bool             FALSE on error
param: string           $name       The update preference string's name
param: string|null      $val        The value
param: string|null      $event      The section the preference appears in
param: int|null         $type       Either PREF_CORE, PREF_PLUGIN, PREF_HIDDEN
param: string|null      $html       The HTML control type the field uses. Can take a custom function name
param: int|null         $position   Used to sort the field on the Preferences panel
param: string|bool|null $user_name  The updated string's owner, PREF_GLOBAL or PREF_PRIVATE
rename_pref($newname, $name, $user_name = null)  line: 5031
Renames a preference string.

When a string is renamed, will trigger a 'preference.rename > done' callback event.

return: bool FALSE on error
param: string $newname   The new name
param: string $name      The current name
param: string $user_name Either the username, PREF_GLOBAL or PREF_PRIVATE
getCustomFields()  line: 5077
Gets a list of custom fields.

return: array
buildCustomSql($custom, $pairs line: 5106
Build a query qualifier to filter non-matching custom fields from the
result set.

return: bool|string An SQL qualifier for a query's 'WHERE' part
param: array $custom An array of 'custom_field_name' => field_number tupels
param: array $pairs  Filter criteria: An array of 'name' => value tupels
txp_status_header($status = '200 OK')  line: 5132
Sends a HTTP status header.

param: string $status The HTTP status code
txp_die($msg, $status = '503', $url = '')  line: 5152
Terminates normal page rendition and outputs an error page.

param: string|array $msg    The error message
param: string       $status HTTP status code
param: string       $url    Redirects to the specified URL. Can be used with $status of 301, 302 and 307
join_qs($q line: 5251
Gets a URL-encoded and HTML entity-escaped query string for a URL.

Builds a HTTP query string from an associative array.

return: string The query, including starting "?".
param: array $q The parameters for the query
join_atts($atts, $flags = TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING)  line: 5282
Builds a HTML attribute list from an array.

Takes an array of raw HTML attributes, and returns a properly
sanitised HTML attribute string for use in a HTML tag.

Internally handles HTML boolean attributes, array lists and query strings.
If an attributes value is set as a boolean, the attribute is considered
as one too. If a value is NULL, it's omitted and the attribute is added
without a value. An array value is converted to a space-separated list,
or for 'href' and 'src' to a URL encoded query string.

return: string HTML attribute list
param: array|string  $atts  HTML attributes
param: int           $flags TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING
pagelinkurl($parts, $inherit = array()  line: 5335
Builds a page URL from an array of parameters.

The $inherit can be used to add parameters to an existing url, e.g:
pagelinkurl(array('pg' => 2), $pretext).

Cannot be used to link to an article. See permlinkurl() and permlinkurl_id() instead.

return: string
param: array $parts   The parts used to construct the URL
param: array $inherit Can be used to add parameters to an existing url
permlinkurl_id($id line: 5423
Gets a URL for the given article.

If you need to generate a list of article URLs from already fetched table
rows, consider using permlinkurl() over this due to performance benefits.

return: string The URL
param: int $id The article ID
permlinkurl($article_array line: 5456
Generates an article URL from the given data array.

return: string The URL
param: array $article_array An array consisting of keys 'thisid', 'section', 'title', 'url_title', 'posted', 'expires'
filedownloadurl($id, $filename = '')  line: 5556
Gets a file download URL.

return: string
param: int    $id       The ID
param: string $filename The filename
imagesrcurl($id, $ext, $thumbnail = false)  line: 5589
Gets an image's absolute URL.

return: string
param: int    $id        The image
param: string $ext       The file extension
param: bool   $thumbnail If TRUE returns a URL to the thumbnail
in_list($val, $list, $delim = ',')  line: 5607
Checks if a value exists in a list.

return: bool Returns TRUE if $val is found, FALSE otherwise
param: string $val   The searched value
param: string $list  The value list
param: string $delim The list boundary
do_list($list, $delim = ',')  line: 5628
Split a string by string.

Trims the created values of whitespace.

return: array
param: string $list  The string
param: string $delim The boundary
do_list_unique($list, $delim = ',', $flags = TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING)  line: 5647
Split a string by string, returning only unique results.

Trims unique values of whitespace. Flags permit exclusion of empty strings.

return: array
param: string $list  The string
param: string $delim The boundary
doQuote($val line: 5677
Wraps a string in single quotes.

return: string
param: string $val The input string
quote_list($in line: 5689
Escapes special characters for use in an SQL statement and wraps the value
in quote.

Useful for creating an array of values for use in an SQL statement.

return: mixed
param: string|array $in The input value
trace_add($msg, $level = 0, $dummy = null)  line: 5712
Adds a line to the tag trace.

param: string $msg             The message
param: int    $tracelevel_diff Change trace level
article_push()  line: 5740
Push current article on the end of data stack.

Populates $stack_article global with the current $thisarticle.
article_pop()  line: 5752
Advance to the next article in the current data stack.

Populates $thisarticle global with the last article from the
stack stored in $stack_article.
relative_path($path, $pfx = null)  line: 5765
Gets a path relative to the site's root directory.

return: string The absolute $path converted to relative
param: string $path The filename to parse
param: string $pfx  The root directory
get_caller($num = 1, $start = 2)  line: 5783
Gets a backtrace.

return: array A backtrace
param: int $num   The limit
param: int $start The offset
getlocale($lang line: 5838
Sets a locale.

The function name is misleading but remains for legacy reasons.

return: string Current locale
param: string $lang
getMetaDescription($type = null)  line: 5862
Fetch meta description from the given (or automatic) context.

Category context may be refined by specifying the content type as well
after a dot. e.g. category.image to check image context category.

param: string $type Flavour of meta content to fetch (section, category, article)
assert_article()  line: 5917
Assert article context error.

assert_comment()  line: 5930
Assert comment context error.

assert_file()  line: 5943
Assert file context error.

assert_image()  line: 5956
Assert image context error.

assert_link()  line: 5969
Assert link context error.

assert_section()  line: 5982
Assert section context error.

assert_category()  line: 5995
Assert category context error.

assert_int($myvar line: 6008
Validate a variable as an integer.

return: int|bool The variable or FALSE on error
param: mixed $myvar The variable
assert_string($myvar line: 6026
Validate a variable as a string.

return: string|bool The variable or FALSE on error
param: mixed $myvar The variable
assert_array($myvar line: 6044
Validate a variable as an array.

return: array|bool The variable or FALSE on error
param: mixed $myvar The variable
replace_relative_urls($html, $permalink = '')  line: 6062
Converts relative links in HTML markup to absolute.

return: string HTML
param: string $html      The HTML to check
param: string $permalink Optional URL part appended to the links
show_clean_test($pretext line: 6093
Used for clean URL test.

param: array $pretext
pager($total, $limit, $page line: 6111
Calculates paging.

Takes a total number of items, a per page limit and the current page number,
and in return returns the page number, an offset and a number of pages.

return: array Array of page, offset and number of pages.
param: int $total The number of items in total
param: int $limit The number of items per page
param: int $page  The page number
soft_wrap($text, $width, $break = '&)  line: 6141
Word-wrap a string using a zero width space.

return: string
param: string $text  The input string
param: int    $width Target line lenght
param: string $break Is not used
strip_prefix($str, $pfx line: 6175
Removes prefix from a string.

return: string
param: string $str The string
param: string $pfx The prefix
send_xml_response($response = array()  line: 6188
Sends an XML envelope.

Wraps an array of name => value tupels into an XML envelope, supports one
level of nested arrays at most.

return: string XML envelope
param: array $response
send_script_response($out = '')  line: 6242
Sends a text/javascript response.

param: string $out The JavaScript
send_json_response($out = '')  line: 6264
Sends an application/json response.

If the provided $out is not a string, its encoded as JSON. Any string is
treated as it were valid JSON.

param: mixed $out The JSON
modal_halt($thing line: 6293
Display a modal client message in response to an AJAX request and
halt execution.

param: string|array $thing The $thing[0] is the message's text; $thing[1] is the message's type (one of E_ERROR or E_WARNING, anything else meaning "success"; not used)
announce($message, $type = 0, $flags = TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ADAPTIVE)  line: 6312
Sends an activity message to the client.

param: string|array $message The message
param: int          $type    The type, either 0, E_ERROR, E_WARNING
janitor()  line: 6343
Performs regular housekeeping.

