. */ /** * Collection of miscellaneous tools. * * @package Misc */ /** * Strips NULL bytes. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed */ function deNull($in) { return is_array($in) ? doArray($in, 'deNull') : strtr($in, array("\0" => '')); } /** * Strips carriage returns and linefeeds. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed */ function deCRLF($in) { return is_array($in) ? doArray($in, 'deCRLF') : strtr($in, array("\n" => '', "\r" => '')); } /** * Applies a callback to a given string or an array. * * @param string|array $in An array or a string to run through the callback function * @param callback $function The callback function * @return mixed * @example * echo doArray(array('value1', 'value2'), 'intval'); */ function doArray($in, $function) { if (is_array($in)) { return array_map($function, $in); } if (is_array($function)) { return call_user_func($function, $in); } return $function($in); } /** * Un-quotes a quoted string or an array of values. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed */ function doStrip($in) { return is_array($in) ? doArray($in, 'doStrip') : doArray($in, 'stripslashes'); } /** * Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string or an array. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed * @example * echo doStripTags('

Hello world!

'); */ function doStripTags($in) { return is_array($in) ? doArray($in, 'doStripTags') : doArray($in, 'strip_tags'); } /** * Converts entity escaped brackets back to characters. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed */ function doDeEnt($in) { return doArray($in, 'deEntBrackets'); } /** * Converts entity escaped brackets back to characters. * * @param string $in The input value * @return string */ function deEntBrackets($in) { $array = array( '<' => '<', '<' => '<', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '>' => '>', '>' => '>', ); foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $in = preg_replace("/".preg_quote($k)."/i", $v, $in); } return $in; } /** * Escapes special characters for use in an SQL statement. * * Always use this function when dealing with user-defined values in SQL * statements. If this function is not used to escape user-defined data in a * statement, the query is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed An array of escaped values or a string depending on $in * @package DB * @example * echo safe_field('column', 'table', "color = '" . doSlash(gps('color')) . "'"); */ function doSlash($in) { return doArray($in, 'safe_escape'); } /** * Escape SQL LIKE pattern's wildcards for use in an SQL statement. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed An array of escaped values or a string depending on $in * @since 4.6.0 * @package DB * @example * echo safe_field('column', 'table', "color LIKE '" . doLike(gps('color')) . "'"); */ function doLike($in) { return doArray($in, 'safe_escape_like'); } /** * A shell for htmlspecialchars() with $flags defaulting to ENT_QUOTES. * * @param string $string The string being converted * @param int $flags A bitmask of one or more flags. The default is ENT_QUOTES * @param string $encoding Defines encoding used in conversion. The default is UTF-8 * @param bool $double_encode When double_encode is turned off PHP will not encode existing HTML entities, the default is to convert everything * @return string * @see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php * @since 4.5.0 * @package Filter */ function txpspecialchars($string, $flags = ENT_QUOTES, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $double_encode = true) { // Ignore ENT_HTML5 and ENT_XHTML for now. // ENT_HTML5 and ENT_XHTML are defined in PHP 5.4+ but we consistently encode single quotes as ' in any doctype. // global $prefs; // static $h5 = null; // // if (defined(ENT_HTML5)) { // if ($h5 === null) { // $h5 = ($prefs['doctype'] == 'html5' && txpinterface == 'public'); // } // // if ($h5) { // $flags = ($flags | ENT_HTML5) & ~ENT_HTML401; // } // } // return htmlspecialchars($string, $flags, $encoding, $double_encode); } /** * Converts special characters to HTML entities. * * @param array|string $in The input value * @return mixed The array or string with HTML syntax characters escaped * @package Filter */ function doSpecial($in) { return doArray($in, 'txpspecialchars'); } /** * Converts the given value to NULL. * * @param mixed $a The input value * @return null * @package Filter * @access private */ function _null($a) { return null; } /** * Converts an array of values to NULL. * * @param array $in The array * @return array * @package Filter */ function array_null($in) { return array_map('_null', $in); } /** * Escapes a page title. Converts <, >, ', " characters to HTML entities. * * @param string $title The input string * @return string The string escaped * @package Filter */ function escape_title($title) { return strtr($title, array( '<' => '<', '>' => '>', "'" => ''', '"' => '"', )); } /** * Sanitises a string for use in a JavaScript string. * * Escapes \, \n, \r, " and ' characters. It removes 'PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR' * (U+2029) and 'LINE SEPARATOR' (U+2028). When you need to pass a string * from PHP to JavaScript, use this function to sanitise the value to avoid * XSS attempts. * * @param string $js JavaScript input * @return string Escaped JavaScript * @since 4.4.0 * @package Filter */ function escape_js($js) { $js = preg_replace('/[\x{2028}\x{2029}]/u', '', $js); return addcslashes($js, "\\\'\"\n\r"); } /** * A shell for htmlspecialchars() with $flags defaulting to ENT_QUOTES. * * @param string $str The input string * @return string * @deprecated in 4.2.0 * @see txpspecialchars() * @package Filter */ function escape_output($str) { trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_function_with', array('{name}' => __FUNCTION__, '{with}' => 'txpspecialchars')), E_USER_NOTICE); return txpspecialchars($str); } /** * Replaces < and > characters with entities. * * @param string $str The input string * @return string * @deprecated in 4.2.0 * @see txpspecialchars() * @package Filter */ function escape_tags($str) { trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_function', array('{name}' => __FUNCTION__)), E_USER_NOTICE); return strtr($str, array( '<' => '<', '>' => '>', )); } /** * Escapes CDATA section for an XML document. * * @param string $str The string * @return string XML representation wrapped in CDATA tags * @package XML */ function escape_cdata($str) { return '', ']]]>', $str).']]>'; } /** * Returns a localisation string. * * @param string $var String name * @param array $atts Replacement pairs * @param string $escape Convert special characters to HTML entities. Either "html" or "" * @return string A localisation string * @package L10n */ function gTxt($var, $atts = array(), $escape = 'html') { global $textarray; if (!is_array($atts)) { $atts = array(); } if ($escape == 'html') { foreach ($atts as $key => $value) { $atts[$key] = txpspecialchars($value); } } $v = strtolower($var); if (isset($textarray[$v])) { $out = $textarray[$v]; if ($out !== '') { return strtr($out, $atts); } } if ($atts) { return $var.': '.join(', ', $atts); } return $var; } /** * Loads client-side localisation scripts. * * Passes localisation strings from the database to JavaScript. * * Only works on the admin-side pages. * * @param string|array $var Scalar or array of string keys * @param array $atts Array or array of arrays of variable substitution pairs * @param array $route Optional events/steps upon which to add the strings * @since 4.5.0 * @package L10n * @example * gTxtScript(array('string1', 'string2', 'string3')); */ function gTxtScript($var, $atts = array(), $route = array()) { global $textarray_script, $event, $step; $targetEvent = empty($route[0]) ? null : (array)$route[0]; $targetStep = empty($route[1]) ? null : (array)$route[1]; if (($targetEvent === null || in_array($event, $targetEvent)) && ($targetStep === null || in_array($step, $targetStep))) { if (!is_array($textarray_script)) { $textarray_script = array(); } $data = is_array($var) ? array_map('gTxt', $var, $atts) : (array) gTxt($var, $atts); $textarray_script = $textarray_script + array_combine((array) $var, $data); } } /** * Returns given timestamp in a format of 01 Jan 2001 15:19:16. * * @param int $timestamp The UNIX timestamp * @return string A formatted date * @access private * @see safe_stftime() * @package DateTime * @example * echo gTime(); */ function gTime($timestamp = 0) { return safe_strftime('%d %b %Y %X', $timestamp); } /** * Creates a dumpfile from a backtrace and outputs given parameters. * * @package Debug */ function dmp() { static $f = false; if (defined('txpdmpfile')) { global $prefs; if (!$f) { $f = fopen($prefs['tempdir'].'/'.txpdmpfile, 'a'); } $stack = get_caller(); fwrite($f, "\n[".$stack[0].t.safe_strftime('iso8601')."]\n"); } $a = func_get_args(); if (!$f) { echo "

    foreach ($a as $thing) {
        $out = is_scalar($thing) ? strval($thing) : var_export($thing, true);

        if ($f) {
            fwrite($f, $out.n);
        } else {
            echo txpspecialchars($out).n;

    if (!$f) {
        echo "
".n; } } /** * Gets the given language's strings from the database. * * Fetches the given language from the database and returns the strings * as an array. * * If no $events is specified, only appropriate strings for the current context * are returned. If 'txpinterface' constant equals 'admin' all strings are * returned. Otherwise, only strings from events 'common' and 'public'. * * If $events is FALSE, returns all strings. * * @param string $lang The language code * @param array|string|bool $events An array of loaded events * @return array * @package L10n * @see load_lang_event() * @example * print_r( * load_lang('en-gb', false) * ); */ function load_lang($lang, $events = null) { if ($events === null && txpinterface != 'admin') { $events = array('public', 'common'); } $where = " AND name != ''"; if ($events) { $where .= " AND event IN (".join(',', quote_list((array) $events)).")"; } $out = array(); foreach (array($lang, 'en-gb') as $lang_code) { $rs = safe_rows_start("name, data", 'txp_lang', "lang = '".doSlash($lang_code)."'".$where); if (!empty($rs)) { while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { $out[$a['name']] = $a['data']; } return $out; } } return $out; } /** * Loads date definitions from a localisation file. * * @param string $lang The language * @package L10n * @deprecated in 4.6.0 */ function load_lang_dates($lang) { $filename = is_file(txpath.'/lang/'.$lang.'_dates.txt') ? txpath.'/lang/'.$lang.'_dates.txt' : txpath.'/lang/en-gb_dates.txt'; $file = @file(txpath.'/lang/'.$lang.'_dates.txt', 'r'); if (is_array($file)) { foreach ($file as $line) { if ($line[0] == '#' || strlen($line) < 2) { continue; } list($name, $val) = explode('=>', $line, 2); $out[trim($name)] = trim($val); } return $out; } return false; } /** * Gets language strings for the given event. * * If no $lang is specified, the strings are loaded from the currently * active language. * * @param string $event The event to get, e.g. "common", "admin", "public" * @param string $lang The language code * @return array|string Array of string on success, or an empty string when no strings were found * @package L10n * @see load_lang() * @example * print_r( * load_lang_event('common') * ); */ function load_lang_event($event, $lang = LANG) { $installed = (false !== safe_field("name", 'txp_lang', "lang = '".doSlash($lang)."' LIMIT 1")); $lang_code = ($installed) ? $lang : 'en-gb'; $rs = safe_rows_start("name, data", 'txp_lang', "lang = '".doSlash($lang_code)."' AND event = '".doSlash($event)."'"); $out = array(); if ($rs && !empty($rs)) { while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { $out[$a['name']] = $a['data']; } } return ($out) ? $out : ''; } /** * Requires privileges from a user. * * @deprecated in 4.3.0 * @see require_privs() * @package User */ function check_privs() { trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_function_with', array('{name}' => __FUNCTION__, '{with}' => 'require_privs')), E_USER_NOTICE); global $txp_user; $privs = safe_field("privs", 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($txp_user)."'"); $args = func_get_args(); if (!in_array($privs, $args)) { exit(pageTop('Restricted').'

'. gTxt('restricted_area').'

'); } } /** * Grants privileges to user-groups. * * Will not let you override existing privs. * * @param string $res The resource * @param string $perm List of user-groups, e.g. '1,2,3' * @package User * @example * add_privs('my_admin_side_panel_event', '1,2,3,4,5'); */ function add_privs($res, $perm = '1') { global $txp_permissions; if (!isset($txp_permissions[$res])) { $perm = join(',', do_list_unique($perm)); $txp_permissions[$res] = $perm; } } /** * Checks if a user has privileges to the given resource. * * @param string $res The resource * @param string $user The user. If no user name is supplied, assume the current logged in user * @return bool * @package User * @example * add_privs('my_privilege_resource', '1,2,3'); * if (has_privs('my_privilege_resource', 'username')) * { * echo "'username' has privileges to 'my_privilege_resource'."; * } */ function has_privs($res, $user = '') { global $txp_user, $txp_permissions; static $privs; $user = (string) $user; if ($user === '') { $user = (string) $txp_user; } if ($user !== '') { if (!isset($privs[$user])) { $privs[$user] = safe_field("privs", 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($user)."'"); } if (isset($txp_permissions[$res]) && $privs[$user] && $txp_permissions[$res]) { return in_list($privs[$user], $txp_permissions[$res]); } } return false; } /** * Require privileges from a user to the given resource. * * Terminates the script if user doesn't have required privileges. * * @param string|null $res The resource, or NULL * @param string $user The user. If no user name is supplied, assume the current logged in user * @package User * @example * require_privs('article.edit'); */ function require_privs($res = null, $user = '') { if ($res === null || !has_privs($res, $user)) { pagetop(gTxt('restricted_area')); echo graf(gTxt('restricted_area'), array('class' => 'restricted-area')); end_page(); exit; } } /** * Gets a list of users having access to a resource. * * @param string $res The resource, e.g. 'article.edit.published' * @return array A list of usernames * @since 4.5.0 * @package User */ function the_privileged($res) { global $txp_permissions; if (isset($txp_permissions[$res])) { return safe_column("name", 'txp_users', "FIND_IN_SET(privs, '".$txp_permissions[$res]."') ORDER BY name ASC"); } else { return array(); } } /** * Gets a list of user groups. * * @return array * @package User * @example * print_r( * get_groups() * ); */ function get_groups() { global $txp_groups; return doArray($txp_groups, 'gTxt'); } /** * Gets the dimensions of an image for a HTML <img> tag. * * @param string $name The filename * @return string|bool height="100" width="40", or FALSE on failure * @package Image * @example * if ($size = sizeImage('/path/to/image.png')) * { * echo "<img src='image.png' {$size} />"; * } */ function sizeImage($name) { $size = @getimagesize($name); return is_array($size) ? $size[3] : false; } /** * Lists image types that can be safely uploaded. * * Returns different results based on the logged in user's privileges. * * @param int $type If set, validates the given value * @return mixed * @package Image * @since 4.6.0 * @example * list($width, $height, $extension) = getimagesize('image'); * if ($type = get_safe_image_types($extension)) * { * echo "Valid image of {$type}."; * } */ function get_safe_image_types($type = null) { if (!has_privs('image.create.trusted')) { $extensions = array(0, '.gif', '.jpg', '.png'); } else { $extensions = array(0, '.gif', '.jpg', '.png', '.swf', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '.swf'); } if (func_num_args() > 0) { return !empty($extensions[$type]) ? $extensions[$type] : false; } return $extensions; } /** * Checks if GD supports the given image type. * * @param string $image_type Either '.gif', '.png', '.jpg' * @return bool TRUE if the type is supported * @package Image */ function check_gd($image_type) { if (!function_exists('gd_info')) { return false; } $gd_info = gd_info(); switch ($image_type) { case '.gif': return ($gd_info['GIF Create Support'] == true); break; case '.png': return ($gd_info['PNG Support'] == true); break; case '.jpg': return (!empty($gd_info['JPEG Support']) || !empty($gd_info['JPG Support'])); break; } return false; } /** * Uploads an image. * * Can be used to upload a new image or replace an existing one. * If $id is specified, the image will be replaced. If $uploaded is set FALSE, * $file can take a local file instead of HTTP file upload variable. * * All uploaded files will included on the Images panel. * * @param array $file HTTP file upload variables * @param array $meta Image meta data, allowed keys 'caption', 'alt', 'category' * @param int $id Existing image's ID * @param bool $uploaded If FALSE, $file takes a filename instead of upload vars * @return array|string An array of array(message, id) on success, localized error string on error * @package Image * @example * print_r(image_data( * $_FILES['myfile'], * array( * 'caption' => '', * 'alt' => '', * 'category' => '', * ) * )); */ function image_data($file, $meta = array(), $id = 0, $uploaded = true) { global $txp_user, $event; $name = $file['name']; $error = $file['error']; $file = $file['tmp_name']; if ($uploaded) { if ($error !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { return upload_get_errormsg($error); } $file = get_uploaded_file($file); if (get_pref('file_max_upload_size') < filesize($file)) { unlink($file); return upload_get_errormsg(UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE); } } if (empty($file)) { return upload_get_errormsg(UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE); } list($w, $h, $extension) = getimagesize($file); $ext = get_safe_image_types($extension); if (!$ext) { return gTxt('only_graphic_files_allowed'); } $name = substr($name, 0, strrpos($name, '.')).$ext; $safename = doSlash($name); $meta = lAtts(array( 'category' => '', 'caption' => '', 'alt' => '', ), (array) $meta, false); extract(doSlash($meta)); $q = " name = '$safename', ext = '$ext', w = $w, h = $h, alt = '$alt', caption = '$caption', category = '$category', date = NOW(), author = '".doSlash($txp_user)."' "; if (empty($id)) { $rs = safe_insert('txp_image', $q); if ($rs) { $id = $GLOBALS['ID'] = $rs; } else { return gTxt('image_save_error'); } } else { $id = assert_int($id); } $newpath = IMPATH.$id.$ext; if (shift_uploaded_file($file, $newpath) == false) { if (!empty($rs)) { safe_delete('txp_image', "id = $id"); unset($GLOBALS['ID']); } return $newpath.sp.gTxt('upload_dir_perms'); } elseif (empty($rs)) { $rs = safe_update('txp_image', $q, "id = $id"); if (!$rs) { return gTxt('image_save_error'); } } @chmod($newpath, 0644); // GD is supported if (check_gd($ext)) { // Auto-generate a thumbnail using the last settings if (get_pref('thumb_w') > 0 || get_pref('thumb_h') > 0) { $t = new txp_thumb($id); $t->crop = (bool) get_pref('thumb_crop'); $t->hint = '0'; $t->width = (int) get_pref('thumb_w'); $t->height = (int) get_pref('thumb_h'); $t->write(); } } $message = gTxt('image_uploaded', array('{name}' => $name)); update_lastmod('image_uploaded', compact('id', 'name', 'ext', 'w', 'h', 'alt', 'caption', 'category', 'txpuser')); // call post-upload plugins with new image's $id callback_event('image_uploaded', $event, false, $id); return array($message, $id); } /** * Gets an image as an array. * * @param string $where SQL where clause * @return array|bool An image data, or FALSE on failure * @package Image * @example * if ($image = fileDownloadFetchInfo('id = 1')) * { * print_r($image); * } */ function imageFetchInfo($where) { $rs = safe_row("*", 'txp_image', $where); if ($rs) { return image_format_info($rs); } return false; } /** * Formats image info. * * Takes an image data array generated by imageFetchInfo() and formats the contents. * * @param array $image The image * @return array * @see imageFetchInfo() * @access private * @package Image */ function image_format_info($image) { if (($unix_ts = @strtotime($image['date'])) > 0) { $image['date'] = $unix_ts; } return $image; } /** * Formats link info. * * @param array $link The link to format * @return array Formatted link data * @access private * @package Link */ function link_format_info($link) { if (($unix_ts = @strtotime($link['date'])) > 0) { $link['date'] = $unix_ts; } return $link; } /** * Gets a HTTP GET or POST parameter. * * Internally handles and normalises MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC, * strips CRLF from GET parameters and removes NULL bytes. * * @param string $thing The parameter to get * @return string|array The value of $thing, or an empty string * @package Network * @example * if (gps('sky') == 'blue' && gps('roses') == 'red') * { * echo 'Roses are red, sky is blue.'; * } */ function gps($thing) { $out = ''; if (isset($_GET[$thing])) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $out = doStrip($_GET[$thing]); } else { $out = $_GET[$thing]; } $out = doArray($out, 'deCRLF'); } elseif (isset($_POST[$thing])) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $out = doStrip($_POST[$thing]); } else { $out = $_POST[$thing]; } } $out = doArray($out, 'deNull'); return $out; } /** * Gets an array of HTTP GET or POST parameters. * * @param array $array The parameters to extract * @return array * @package Network * @example * extract(gpsa(array('sky', 'roses')); * if ($sky == 'blue' && $roses == 'red') * { * echo 'Roses are red, sky is blue.'; * } */ function gpsa($array) { if (is_array($array)) { $out = array(); foreach ($array as $a) { $out[$a] = gps($a); } return $out; } return false; } /** * Gets a HTTP POST parameter. * * Internally handles and normalises MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC, * and removes NULL bytes. * * @param string $thing The parameter to get * @return string|array The value of $thing, or an empty string * @package Network * @example * if (ps('sky') == 'blue' && ps('roses') == 'red') * { * echo 'Roses are red, sky is blue.'; * } */ function ps($thing) { $out = ''; if (isset($_POST[$thing])) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $out = doStrip($_POST[$thing]); } else { $out = $_POST[$thing]; } } $out = doArray($out, 'deNull'); return $out; } /** * Gets an array of HTTP POST parameters. * * @param array $array The parameters to extract * @return array * @package Network * @example * extract(psa(array('sky', 'roses')); * if ($sky == 'blue' && $roses == 'red') * { * echo 'Roses are red, sky is blue.'; * } */ function psa($array) { foreach ($array as $a) { $out[$a] = ps($a); } return $out; } /** * Gets an array of HTTP POST parameters and strips HTML and PHP tags * from values. * * @param array $array The parameters to extract * @return array * @package Network */ function psas($array) { foreach ($array as $a) { $out[$a] = doStripTags(ps($a)); } return $out; } /** * Gets all received HTTP POST parameters. * * @return array * @package Network */ function stripPost() { if (isset($_POST)) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { return doStrip($_POST); } else { return $_POST; } } return ''; } /** * Gets a variable from $_SERVER global array. * * @param mixed $thing The variable * @return mixed The variable, or an empty string on error * @package System * @example * echo serverSet('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); */ function serverSet($thing) { return (isset($_SERVER[$thing])) ? $_SERVER[$thing] : ''; } /** * Gets the client's IP address. * * Supports proxies and uses 'X_FORWARDED_FOR' HTTP header if deemed necessary. * * @return string * @package Network * @example * if ($ip = remote_addr()) * { * echo "Your IP address is: {$ip}."; * } */ function remote_addr() { $ip = serverSet('REMOTE_ADDR'); if (($ip == '' || $ip == '::1' || $ip == '::ffff:' || $ip == serverSet('SERVER_ADDR')) && serverSet('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { $ips = explode(', ', serverSet('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')); $ip = $ips[0]; } return $ip; } /** * Gets a variable from HTTP POST or a prefixed cookie. * * Fetches either a HTTP cookie of the given name prefixed with * 'txp_', or a HTTP POST parameter without a prefix. * * @param string $thing The variable * @return array|string The variable or an empty string * @package Network * @example * if ($cs = psc('myVariable')) * { * echo "'txp_myVariable' cookie or 'myVariable' POST parameter contained: '{$cs}'."; * } */ function pcs($thing) { if (isset($_COOKIE["txp_".$thing])) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { return doStrip($_COOKIE["txp_".$thing]); } else { return $_COOKIE["txp_".$thing]; } } elseif (isset($_POST[$thing])) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { return doStrip($_POST[$thing]); } else { return $_POST[$thing]; } } return ''; } /** * Gets a HTTP cookie. * * Internally normalises MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC. * * @param string $thing The cookie * @return string The cookie or an empty string * @package Network * @example * if ($cs = cs('myVariable')) * { * echo "'myVariable' cookie contained: '{$cs}'."; * } */ function cs($thing) { if (isset($_COOKIE[$thing])) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { return doStrip($_COOKIE[$thing]); } else { return $_COOKIE[$thing]; } } return ''; } /** * Converts a boolean to a localised "Yes" or "No" string. * * @param bool $status The boolean. Ignores type and as such can also take a string or an integer * @return string No if FALSE, Yes otherwise * @package L10n * @example * echo yes_no(3 * 3 === 2); */ function yes_no($status) { return ($status) ? gTxt('yes') : gTxt('no'); } /** * Gets UNIX timestamp with microseconds. * * @return float * @package DateTime * @example * echo getmicrotime(); */ function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec); } /** * Loads the given plugin or checks if it was loaded. * * @param string $name The plugin * @param bool $force If TRUE loads the plugin even if it's disabled * @return bool TRUE if the plugin is loaded * @example * if (load_plugin('abc_plugin')) * { * echo "'abc_plugin' is active."; * } */ function load_plugin($name, $force = false) { global $plugins, $plugins_ver, $prefs, $txp_current_plugin; if (is_array($plugins) and in_array($name, $plugins)) { return true; } if (!empty($prefs['plugin_cache_dir'])) { $dir = rtrim($prefs['plugin_cache_dir'], '/').'/'; // In case it's a relative path. if (!is_dir($dir)) { $dir = rtrim(realpath(txpath.'/'.$dir), '/').'/'; } if (is_file($dir.$name.'.php')) { $plugins[] = $name; set_error_handler("pluginErrorHandler"); if (isset($txp_current_plugin)) { $txp_parent_plugin = $txp_current_plugin; } $txp_current_plugin = $name; include $dir.$name.'.php'; $txp_current_plugin = isset($txp_parent_plugin) ? $txp_parent_plugin : null; $plugins_ver[$name] = @$plugin['version']; restore_error_handler(); return true; } } $rs = safe_row("name, code, version", 'txp_plugin', ($force ? '' : "status = 1 AND ")."name = '".doSlash($name)."'"); if ($rs) { $plugins[] = $rs['name']; $plugins_ver[$rs['name']] = $rs['version']; set_error_handler("pluginErrorHandler"); if (isset($txp_current_plugin)) { $txp_parent_plugin = $txp_current_plugin; } $txp_current_plugin = $rs['name']; eval($rs['code']); $txp_current_plugin = isset($txp_parent_plugin) ? $txp_parent_plugin : null; restore_error_handler(); return true; } return false; } /** * Loads a plugin. * * Identical to load_plugin() except upon failure it issues an E_USER_ERROR. * * @param string $name The plugin * @return bool * @see load_plugin() */ function require_plugin($name) { if (!load_plugin($name)) { trigger_error("Unable to include required plugin \"{$name}\"", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } return true; } /** * Loads a plugin. * * Identical to load_plugin() except upon failure it issues an E_USER_WARNING. * * @param string $name The plugin * @return bool * @see load_plugin() */ function include_plugin($name) { if (!load_plugin($name)) { trigger_error("Unable to include plugin \"{$name}\"", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } return true; } /** * Error handler for plugins. * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @access private * @package Debug */ function pluginErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $production_status, $txp_current_plugin; $error = array(); if ($production_status == 'testing') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Catchable fatal error', E_USER_ERROR => 'User_Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'User_Warning', ); } elseif ($production_status == 'debug') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_NOTICE => 'Notice', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Catchable fatal error', E_USER_ERROR => 'User_Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'User_Warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'User_Notice', ); if (!isset($error[$errno])) { $error[$errno] = $errno; } } if (!isset($error[$errno]) || !error_reporting()) { return; } printf('
'.gTxt('plugin_load_error').' %s -> %s: %s on line %s
', $txp_current_plugin, $error[$errno], $errstr, $errline); if ($production_status == 'debug') { print "\n
".txpspecialchars(join("\n", get_caller(10)))."
"; } } /** * Error handler for page templates. * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @access private * @package Debug */ function tagErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $production_status, $txp_current_tag, $txp_current_form, $pretext, $trace; $error = array(); if ($production_status == 'testing') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Textpattern Catchable fatal error', E_USER_ERROR => 'Textpattern Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'Textpattern Warning', ); } elseif ($production_status == 'debug') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_NOTICE => 'Notice', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Textpattern Catchable fatal error', E_USER_ERROR => 'Textpattern Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'Textpattern Warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'Textpattern Notice', ); if (!isset($error[$errno])) { $error[$errno] = $errno; } } if (!isset($error[$errno]) || !error_reporting()) { return; } if (empty($pretext['page'])) { $page = gTxt('none'); } else { $page = $pretext['page']; } if (!isset($txp_current_form)) { $txp_current_form = gTxt('none'); } $locus = gTxt('while_parsing_page_form', array( '{page}' => $page, '{form}' => $txp_current_form, )); printf("
".gTxt('tag_error').' %s ->  %s: %s %s
', txpspecialchars($txp_current_tag), $error[$errno], $errstr, $locus); if ($production_status == 'debug') { print "\n
".txpspecialchars(join("\n", get_caller(10)))."
"; $trace->log(gTxt('tag_error').' '.$txp_current_tag.' -> '.$error[$errno].': '.$errstr.' '.$locus); } } /** * Error handler for XML feeds. * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @access private * @package Debug */ function feedErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $production_status; if ($production_status != 'debug') { return; } return tagErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); } /** * Error handler for admin-side pages. * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @access private * @package Debug */ function adminErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $production_status, $theme, $event, $step; $error = array(); if ($production_status == 'testing') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Catchable fatal error', E_USER_ERROR => 'User_Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'User_Warning', ); } elseif ($production_status == 'debug') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_NOTICE => 'Notice', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Catchable fatal error', E_USER_ERROR => 'User_Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'User_Warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'User_Notice', ); if (!isset($error[$errno])) { $error[$errno] = $errno; } } if (!isset($error[$errno]) || !error_reporting()) { return; } // When even a minimum environment is missing. if (!isset($production_status)) { echo '
'.gTxt('internal_error').' "'.$errstr.'"'.n."in $errfile at line $errline".'
'; return; } $backtrace = ''; if (has_privs('debug.verbose')) { $msg = $error[$errno].' "'.$errstr.'"'; } else { $msg = gTxt('internal_error'); } if ($production_status == 'debug' && has_privs('debug.backtrace')) { $msg .= n."in $errfile at line $errline"; $backtrace = join(n, get_caller(10, 1)); } if ($errno == E_ERROR || $errno == E_USER_ERROR) { $httpstatus = 500; } else { $httpstatus = 200; } $out = "$msg.\n$backtrace"; if (http_accept_format('html')) { if ($backtrace) { echo "
". n.'
'; } elseif (is_object($theme)) { echo $theme->announce(array($out, E_ERROR), true); } else { echo "
"; } } elseif (http_accept_format('js')) { if (is_object($theme)) { send_script_response($theme->announce_async(array($out, E_ERROR), true)); } else { send_script_response('/* '.$out.'*/'); } } elseif (http_accept_format('xml')) { send_xml_response(array( 'http-status' => $httpstatus, 'internal_error' => "$out", )); } else { txp_die($msg, 500); } } /** * Error handler for update scripts. * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @access private * @package Debug */ function updateErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $production_status; $old = $production_status; $production_status = 'debug'; adminErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); $production_status = $old; throw new Exception('update failed'); } /** * Error handler for public-side. * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @access private * @package Debug */ function publicErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $production_status; $error = array(); if ($production_status == 'testing') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_USER_ERROR => 'Textpattern Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'Textpattern Warning', ); } elseif ($production_status == 'debug') { $error = array( E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_NOTICE => 'Notice', E_USER_ERROR => 'Textpattern Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'Textpattern Warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'Textpattern Notice', ); if (!isset($error[$errno])) { $error[$errno] = $errno; } } if (!isset($error[$errno]) || !error_reporting()) { return; } printf("
".gTxt('general_error').' %s: %s on line %s
', $error[$errno], $errstr, $errline); if ($production_status == 'debug') { print "\n
".txpspecialchars(join("\n", get_caller(10)))."
"; } } /** * Loads plugins. * * @param bool $type If TRUE loads admin-side plugins, otherwise public */ function load_plugins($type = false) { global $prefs, $plugins, $plugins_ver, $app_mode, $trace; if (!is_array($plugins)) { $plugins = array(); } $trace->start('[Loading plugins]'); if (!empty($prefs['plugin_cache_dir'])) { $dir = rtrim($prefs['plugin_cache_dir'], '/').'/'; // In case it's a relative path. if (!is_dir($dir)) { $dir = rtrim(realpath(txpath.'/'.$dir), '/').'/'; } $files = glob($dir.'*.php'); if ($files) { natsort($files); foreach ($files as $f) { $trace->start("[Loading plugin from cache dir: '$f']"); load_plugin(basename($f, '.php')); $trace->stop(); } } } $admin = ($app_mode == 'async' ? '4,5' : '1,3,4,5'); $where = "status = 1 AND type IN (".($type ? $admin : "0,1,5").")"; $rs = safe_rows("name, code, version", 'txp_plugin', $where." ORDER BY load_order ASC, name ASC"); if ($rs) { $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("pluginErrorHandler"); foreach ($rs as $a) { if (!in_array($a['name'], $plugins)) { $plugins[] = $a['name']; $plugins_ver[$a['name']] = $a['version']; $GLOBALS['txp_current_plugin'] = $a['name']; $trace->start("[Loading plugin: '{$a['name']}' version '{$a['version']}']"); $eval_ok = eval($a['code']); $trace->stop(); if ($eval_ok === false) { echo gTxt('plugin_load_error_above').strong($a['name']).n.br; } unset($GLOBALS['txp_current_plugin']); } } restore_error_handler(); } $trace->stop(); } /** * Attachs a handler to a callback event. * * @param callback $func The callback function * @param string $event The callback event * @param string $step The callback step * @param bool $pre Before or after. Works only with selected callback events * @package Callback * @example * register_callback('my_callback_function', 'article.updated'); * function my_callback_function($event) * { * return "'$event' fired."; * } */ function register_callback($func, $event, $step = '', $pre = 0) { global $plugin_callback; $plugin_callback[] = array( 'function' => $func, 'event' => $event, 'step' => $step, 'pre' => $pre, ); } /** * Registers an admin-side extension page. * * For now this just does the same as register_callback(). * * @param callback $func The callback function * @param string $event The callback event * @param string $step The callback step * @param bool $top The top or the bottom of the page * @access private * @see register_callback() * @package Callback */ function register_page_extension($func, $event, $step = '', $top = 0) { register_callback($func, $event, $step, $top); } /** * Call an event's callback. * * Executes all callback handlers attached to the matched event and step. * * When called, any event handlers attached with register_callback() to the * matching event, step and pre will be called. The handlers, callback * functions, will be executed in the same order they were registered. * * Any extra arguments will be passed to the callback handlers in the same * argument position. This allows passing any type of data to the attached * handlers. Callback handlers will also receive the event and the step. * * Returns a combined value of all values returned by the callback handlers. * * @param string $event The callback event * @param string $step Additional callback step * @param bool|int|array $pre Allows two callbacks, a prepending and an appending, with same event and step. Array allows return values chaining * @return mixed The value returned by the attached callback functions, or an empty string * @package Callback * @see register_callback() * @example * register_callback('my_callback_function', 'my_custom_event'); * function my_callback_function($event, $step, $extra) * { * return "Passed '$extra' on '$event'."; * } * echo callback_event('my_custom_event', '', 0, 'myExtraValue'); */ function callback_event($event, $step = '', $pre = 0) { global $plugin_callback, $production_status, $trace; if (!is_array($plugin_callback)) { return ''; } list($pre, $renew) = (array)$pre + array(0, null); $trace->start("[Callback_event: '$event', step='$step', pre='$pre']"); // Any payload parameters? $argv = func_get_args(); $argv = (count($argv) > 3) ? array_slice($argv, 3) : array(); foreach ($plugin_callback as $c) { if ($c['event'] == $event && (empty($c['step']) || $c['step'] == $step) && $c['pre'] == $pre) { if (is_callable($c['function'])) { if ($production_status !== 'live') { $trace->start("\t[Call function: '".callback_tostring($c['function'])."'".(empty($argv) ? '' : ", argv='".serialize($argv)."'")."]"); } $return_value = call_user_func_array($c['function'], array('event' => $event, 'step' => $step) + $argv); if (isset($renew)) { $argv[$renew] = $return_value; } if (isset($out) && !isset($renew)) { if (is_array($return_value) && is_array($out)) { $out = array_merge($out, $return_value); } elseif (is_bool($return_value) && is_bool($out)) { $out = $return_value && $out; } else { $out .= $return_value; } } else { $out = $return_value; } if ($production_status !== 'live') { $trace->stop(); } } elseif ($production_status === 'debug') { trigger_error(gTxt('unknown_callback_function', array('{function}' => callback_tostring($c['function']))), E_USER_WARNING); } } } $trace->stop(); if (isset($out)) { return $out; } return ''; } /** * Call an event's callback with two optional byref parameters. * * @param string $event The callback event * @param string $step Optional callback step * @param bool $pre Allows two callbacks, a prepending and an appending, with same event and step * @param mixed $data Optional arguments for event handlers * @param mixed $options Optional arguments for event handlers * @return array Collection of return values from event handlers * @since 4.5.0 * @package Callback */ function callback_event_ref($event, $step = '', $pre = 0, &$data = null, &$options = null) { global $plugin_callback, $production_status; if (!is_array($plugin_callback)) { return array(); } $return_value = array(); foreach ($plugin_callback as $c) { if ($c['event'] == $event and (empty($c['step']) or $c['step'] == $step) and $c['pre'] == $pre) { if (is_callable($c['function'])) { // Cannot call event handler via call_user_func() as this would // dereference all arguments. Side effect: callback handler // *must* be ordinary function, *must not* be class method in // PHP <5.4. See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47160. $return_value[] = $c['function']($event, $step, $data, $options); } elseif ($production_status == 'debug') { trigger_error(gTxt('unknown_callback_function', array('{function}' => callback_tostring($c['function']))), E_USER_WARNING); } } } return $return_value; } /** * Converts a callable to a string presentation. * * * echo callback_tostring(array('class', 'method')); * * * @param callback $callback The callback * @return string The $callback as a human-readable string * @since 4.5.0 * @package Callback * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Type\Callable::toString() */ function callback_tostring($callback) { return Txp::get('\Textpattern\Type\TypeCallable', $callback)->toString(); } /** * Checks if a callback event has active handlers. * * @param string $event The callback event * @param string $step The callback step * @param bool $pre The position * @return bool TRUE if the event is active, FALSE otherwise * @since 4.6.0 * @package Callback * @example * if (has_handler('article_saved')) * { * echo "There are active handlers for 'article_saved' event."; * } */ function has_handler($event, $step = '', $pre = 0) { return (bool) callback_handlers($event, $step, $pre, false); } /** * Lists handlers attached to an event. * * @param string $event The callback event * @param string $step The callback step * @param bool $pre The position * @param bool $as_string Return callables in string representation * @return array|bool An array of handlers, or FALSE * @since 4.6.0 * @package Callback * @example * if ($handlers = callback_handlers('article_saved')) * { * print_r($handlers); * } */ function callback_handlers($event, $step = '', $pre = 0, $as_string = true) { global $plugin_callback; $out = array(); foreach ((array) $plugin_callback as $c) { if ($c['event'] == $event && (!$c['step'] || $c['step'] == $step) && $c['pre'] == $pre) { if ($as_string) { $out[] = callback_tostring($c['function']); } else { $out[] = $c['function']; } } } if ($out) { return $out; } return false; } /** * Registers a new admin-side panel and adds a navigation link to the menu. * * @param string $area The menu the panel appears in, e.g. "home", "content", "presentation", "admin", "extensions" * @param string $panel The panel's event * @param string $title The menu item's label * @package Callback * @example * add_privs('abc_admin_event', '1,2'); * register_tab('extensions', 'abc_admin_event', 'My Panel'); * register_callback('abc_admin_function', 'abc_admin_event'); */ function register_tab($area, $panel, $title) { global $plugin_areas, $event; if ($event !== 'plugin') { $plugin_areas[$area][$title] = $panel; } } /** * Call an event's pluggable UI function. * * @param string $event The event * @param string $element The element selector * @param string $default The default interface markup * @return mixed Returned value from a callback handler, or $default if no custom UI was provided * @package Callback */ function pluggable_ui($event, $element, $default = '') { $argv = func_get_args(); $argv = array_slice($argv, 2); // Custom user interface, anyone? // Signature for called functions: // string my_called_func(string $event, string $step, string $default_markup[, mixed $context_data...]) $ui = call_user_func_array('callback_event', array('event' => $event, 'step' => $element, 'pre' => array(0, 0)) + $argv); // Either plugins provided a user interface, or we render our own. return ($ui === '') ? $default : $ui; } /** * Gets an attribute from the $theatts global. * * @param string $name * @param string $default * @return string * @deprecated in 4.2.0 * @see lAtts() * @package TagParser */ function getAtt($name, $default = null) { trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_function_with', array('{name}' => __FUNCTION__, '{with}' => 'lAtts')), E_USER_NOTICE); global $theseatts; return isset($theseatts[$name]) ? $theseatts[$name] : $default; } /** * Gets an attribute from the given array. * * @param array $atts * @param string $name * @param string $default * @return string * @deprecated in 4.2.0 * @see lAtts() * @package TagParser */ function gAtt(&$atts, $name, $default = null) { trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_function_with', array('{name}' => __FUNCTION__, '{with}' => 'lAtts')), E_USER_NOTICE); return isset($atts[$name]) ? $atts[$name] : $default; } /** * Merge the second array into the first array. * * @param array $pairs The first array * @param array $atts The second array * @param bool $warn If TRUE triggers errors if second array contains values that are not in the first * @return array The two arrays merged * @package TagParser */ function lAtts($pairs, $atts, $warn = true) { global $production_status; foreach ($atts as $name => $value) { if (array_key_exists($name, $pairs)) { $pairs[$name] = $value; } elseif ($warn and $production_status != 'live') { trigger_error(gTxt('unknown_attribute', array('{att}' => $name))); } } return ($pairs) ? $pairs : false; } /** * Generates All, None and Range selection buttons. * * @return string HTML * @deprecated in 4.5.0 * @see multi_edit() * @package Form */ function select_buttons() { return gTxt('select'). n.fInput('button', 'selall', gTxt('all'), '', 'select all', 'selectall();'). n.fInput('button', 'selnone', gTxt('none'), '', 'select none', 'deselectall();'). n.fInput('button', 'selrange', gTxt('range'), '', 'select range', 'selectrange();'); } /** * Sanitises a string for use in an article's URL title. * * @param string $text The title or an URL * @param bool $force Force sanitisation * @return string|null * @package URL */ function stripSpace($text, $force = false) { if ($force || get_pref('attach_titles_to_permalinks')) { $text = trim(sanitizeForUrl($text), '-'); if (get_pref('permlink_format')) { return (function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? mb_strtolower($text, 'UTF-8') : strtolower($text)); } else { return str_replace('-', '', $text); } } } /** * Sanitises a string for use in a URL. * * Be aware that you still have to urlencode the string when appropriate. * This function just makes the string look prettier and excludes some * unwanted characters, but leaves UTF-8 letters and digits intact. * * @param string $text The string * @return string * @package URL */ function sanitizeForUrl($text) { $out = callback_event('sanitize_for_url', '', 0, $text); if ($out !== '') { return $out; } $in = $text; // Remove names entities and tags. $text = preg_replace("/(^|&\S+;)|(<[^>]*>)/U", "", dumbDown($text)); // Remove all characters except letter, number, dash, space and backslash $text = preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{N}\-_\s\/\\\\]/u', '', $text); // Collapse spaces, minuses, (back-)slashes. $text = trim(preg_replace('/[\s\-\/\\\\]+/', '-', $text), '-'); return $text; } /** * Sanitises a string for use in a filename. * * @param string $text The string * @return string * @package File */ function sanitizeForFile($text) { $out = callback_event('sanitize_for_file', '', 0, $text); if ($out !== '') { return $out; } // Remove control characters and " * \ : < > ? / | $text = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f\x22\x2a\x2f\x3a\x3c\x3e\x3f\x5c\x7c\x7f]+/', '', $text); // Remove duplicate dots and any leading or trailing dots/spaces. $text = preg_replace('/[.]{2,}/', '.', trim($text, '. ')); return $text; } /** * Sanitises a string for use in a page template's name. * * @param string $text The string * @return string * @package Filter * @access private */ function sanitizeForPage($text) { $out = callback_event('sanitize_for_page', '', 0, $text); if ($out !== '') { return $out; } return trim(preg_replace('/[<>&"\']/', '', $text)); } /** * Transliterates a string to ASCII. * * Used to generate RFC 3986 compliant and pretty ASCII-only URLs. * * @param string $str The string to convert * @param string $lang The language which translation table is used * @see sanitizeForUrl() * @package L10n */ function dumbDown($str, $lang = LANG) { static $array; if (empty($array[$lang])) { $array[$lang] = array( // Nasty, huh? 'À' => 'A','À' => 'A','Á' => 'A','Á' => 'A','Â' => 'A','Â' => 'A', 'Ã' => 'A','Ã' => 'A','Ä' => 'Ae','Ä' => 'A','Å' => 'A','Å' => 'A', 'Æ' => 'Ae','Æ' => 'AE', 'Ā' => 'A','Ą' => 'A','Ă' => 'A', 'Ç' => 'C','Ç' => 'C','Ć' => 'C','Č' => 'C','Ĉ' => 'C','Ċ' => 'C', 'Ď' => 'D','Đ' => 'D','Ð' => 'D','Ð' => 'D', 'È' => 'E','È' => 'E','É' => 'E','É' => 'E','Ê' => 'E','Ê' => 'E','Ë' => 'E','Ë' => 'E', 'Ē' => 'E','Ę' => 'E','Ě' => 'E','Ĕ' => 'E','Ė' => 'E', 'Ĝ' => 'G','Ğ' => 'G','Ġ' => 'G','Ģ' => 'G', 'Ĥ' => 'H','Ħ' => 'H', 'Ì' => 'I','Ì' => 'I','Í' => 'I','Í' => 'I','Î' => 'I','Î' => 'I','Ï' => 'I','Ï' => 'I', 'Ī' => 'I','Ĩ' => 'I','Ĭ' => 'I','Į' => 'I','İ' => 'I', 'IJ' => 'IJ', 'Ĵ' => 'J', 'Ķ' => 'K', 'Ł' => 'K','Ľ' => 'K','Ĺ' => 'K','Ļ' => 'K','Ŀ' => 'K', 'Ñ' => 'N','Ñ' => 'N','Ń' => 'N','Ň' => 'N','Ņ' => 'N','Ŋ' => 'N', 'Ò' => 'O','Ò' => 'O','Ó' => 'O','Ó' => 'O','Ô' => 'O','Ô' => 'O','Õ' => 'O','Õ' => 'O', 'Ö' => 'Oe','Ö' => 'Oe', 'Ø' => 'O','Ø' => 'O','Ō' => 'O','Ő' => 'O','Ŏ' => 'O', 'Œ' => 'OE', 'Ŕ' => 'R','Ř' => 'R','Ŗ' => 'R', 'Ś' => 'S','Š' => 'S','Ş' => 'S','Ŝ' => 'S','Ș' => 'S', 'Ť' => 'T','Ţ' => 'T','Ŧ' => 'T','Ț' => 'T', 'Ù' => 'U','Ù' => 'U','Ú' => 'U','Ú' => 'U','Û' => 'U','Û' => 'U', 'Ü' => 'Ue','Ū' => 'U','Ü' => 'Ue', 'Ů' => 'U','Ű' => 'U','Ŭ' => 'U','Ũ' => 'U','Ų' => 'U', 'Ŵ' => 'W', 'Ý' => 'Y','Ý' => 'Y','Ŷ' => 'Y','Ÿ' => 'Y', 'Ź' => 'Z','Ž' => 'Z','Ż' => 'Z', 'Þ' => 'T','Þ' => 'T', 'à' => 'a','á' => 'a','â' => 'a','ã' => 'a','ä' => 'ae', 'ä' => 'ae', 'å' => 'a','ā' => 'a','ą' => 'a','ă' => 'a','å' => 'a', 'æ' => 'ae', 'ç' => 'c','ć' => 'c','č' => 'c','ĉ' => 'c','ċ' => 'c', 'ď' => 'd','đ' => 'd','ð' => 'd', 'è' => 'e','é' => 'e','ê' => 'e','ë' => 'e','ē' => 'e', 'ę' => 'e','ě' => 'e','ĕ' => 'e','ė' => 'e', 'ƒ' => 'f', 'ĝ' => 'g','ğ' => 'g','ġ' => 'g','ģ' => 'g', 'ĥ' => 'h','ħ' => 'h', 'ì' => 'i','í' => 'i','î' => 'i','ï' => 'i','ī' => 'i', 'ĩ' => 'i','ĭ' => 'i','į' => 'i','ı' => 'i', 'ij' => 'ij', 'ĵ' => 'j', 'ķ' => 'k','ĸ' => 'k', 'ł' => 'l','ľ' => 'l','ĺ' => 'l','ļ' => 'l','ŀ' => 'l', 'ñ' => 'n','ń' => 'n','ň' => 'n','ņ' => 'n','ʼn' => 'n', 'ŋ' => 'n', 'ò' => 'o','ó' => 'o','ô' => 'o','õ' => 'o','ö' => 'oe', 'ö' => 'oe', 'ø' => 'o','ō' => 'o','ő' => 'o','ŏ' => 'o', 'œ' => 'oe', 'ŕ' => 'r','ř' => 'r','ŗ' => 'r', 'š' => 's', 'ù' => 'u','ú' => 'u','û' => 'u','ü' => 'ue','ū' => 'u', 'ü' => 'ue', 'ů' => 'u','ű' => 'u','ŭ' => 'u','ũ' => 'u','ų' => 'u', 'ŵ' => 'w', 'ý' => 'y','ÿ' => 'y','ŷ' => 'y', 'ž' => 'z','ż' => 'z','ź' => 'z', 'þ' => 't', 'ß' => 'ss', 'ſ' => 'ss', 'à' => 'a','á' => 'a','â' => 'a','ã' => 'a','ä' => 'ae', 'å' => 'a','æ' => 'ae','ç' => 'c','ð' => 'd', 'è' => 'e','é' => 'e','ê' => 'e','ë' => 'e', 'ì' => 'i','í' => 'i','î' => 'i','ï' => 'i', 'ñ' => 'n', 'ò' => 'o','ó' => 'o','ô' => 'o','õ' => 'o','ö' => 'oe', 'ø' => 'o', 'ù' => 'u','ú' => 'u','û' => 'u','ü' => 'ue', 'ý' => 'y','ÿ' => 'y', 'þ' => 't', 'ß' => 'ss', ); if (is_file(txpath.'/lib/i18n-ascii.txt')) { $i18n = parse_ini_file(txpath.'/lib/i18n-ascii.txt', true); // Load the global map. if (isset($i18n['default']) && is_array($i18n['default'])) { $array[$lang] = array_merge($array[$lang], $i18n['default']); // Base language overrides: 'de-AT' applies the 'de' section. if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]+)-.+/', $lang, $m)) { if (isset($i18n[$m[1]]) && is_array($i18n[$m[1]])) { $array[$lang] = array_merge($array[$lang], $i18n[$m[1]]); } } // Regional language overrides: 'de-AT' applies the 'de-AT' section. if (isset($i18n[$lang]) && is_array($i18n[$lang])) { $array[$lang] = array_merge($array[$lang], $i18n[$lang]); } } // Load an old file (no sections) just in case. else { $array[$lang] = array_merge($array[$lang], $i18n); } } } return strtr($str, $array[$lang]); } /** * Cleans a URL. * * @param string $url The URL * @return string * @access private * @package URL */ function clean_url($url) { return preg_replace("/\"|'|(?:\s.*$)/", '', $url); } /** * Replace the last space with a   non-breaking space. * * @param string $str The string * @return string */ function noWidow($str) { if (REGEXP_UTF8 == 1) { return preg_replace('@[ ]+([[:punct:]]?[\p{L}\p{N}\p{Pc}]+[[:punct:]]?)$@u', ' $1', rtrim($str)); } return preg_replace('@[ ]+([[:punct:]]?\w+[[:punct:]]?)$@', ' $1', rtrim($str)); } /** * Checks if an IP is on a spam blacklist. * * @param string $ip The IP address * @param string|array $checks The checked lists. Defaults to 'spam_blacklists' preferences string * @return string|bool The lists the IP is on or FALSE * @package Comment * @example * if (is_blacklisted('')) * { * echo "'' is blacklisted."; * } */ function is_blacklisted($ip, $checks = '') { if (!$checks) { $checks = do_list_unique(get_pref('spam_blacklists')); } $rip = join('.', array_reverse(explode('.', $ip))); foreach ((array) $checks as $a) { $parts = explode(':', $a, 2); $rbl = $parts[0]; if (isset($parts[1])) { foreach (explode(':', $parts[1]) as $code) { $codes[] = strpos($code, '.') ? $code : '127.0.0.'.$code; } } $hosts = $rbl ? @gethostbynamel($rip.'.'.trim($rbl, '. ').'.') : false; if ($hosts and (!isset($codes) or array_intersect($hosts, $codes))) { $listed[] = $rbl; } } return (!empty($listed)) ? join(', ', $listed) : false; } /** * Checks if the user is authenticated on the public-side. * * @param string $user The checked username. If not provided, any user is accepted * @return array|bool An array containing details about the user; name, RealName, email, privs. FALSE when the user hasn't authenticated. * @package User * @example * if ($user = is_logged_in()) * { * echo "Logged in as {$user['RealName']}"; * } */ function is_logged_in($user = '') { $name = substr(cs('txp_login_public'), 10); if (!strlen($name) or strlen($user) and $user !== $name) { return false; } $rs = safe_row("nonce, name, RealName, email, privs", 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"); if ($rs and substr(md5($rs['nonce']), -10) === substr(cs('txp_login_public'), 0, 10)) { unset($rs['nonce']); return $rs; } else { return false; } } /** * Updates the path to the site. * * @param string $here The path * @access private * @package Pref */ function updateSitePath($here) { set_pref('path_to_site', $here, 'publish', PREF_HIDDEN); } /** * Converts Textpattern tag's attribute list to an array. * * @param string $text The attribute list, e.g. foobar="1" barfoo="0" * @return array Array of attributes * @access private * @package TagParser */ function splat($text) { static $stack, $parse; global $production_status, $trace; if (strlen($text) < 3) { return array(); } $sha = sha1($text); if (!isset($stack[$sha])) { $stack[$sha] = array(); $parse[$sha] = array(); if (preg_match_all('@(\w+)\s*=\s*(?:"((?:[^"]|"")*)"|\'((?:[^\']|\'\')*)\'|([^\s\'"/>]+))@s', $text, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($match as $m) { switch (count($m)) { case 3: $val = str_replace('""', '"', $m[2]); break; case 4: $val = str_replace("''", "'", $m[3]); if (strpos($m[3], ':') !== false) { $parse[$sha][] = strtolower($m[1]); } break; case 5: $val = $m[4]; trigger_error(gTxt('attribute_values_must_be_quoted'), E_USER_WARNING); break; } $stack[$sha][strtolower($m[1])] = $val; } } } if (empty($parse[$sha])) { return $stack[$sha]; } else { $atts = $stack[$sha]; if ($production_status !== 'live') { foreach ($parse[$sha] as $p) { $trace->start("[attribute '".$p."']"); $atts[$p] = parse($atts[$p]); $trace->stop('[/attribute]'); } } else { foreach ($parse[$sha] as $p) { $atts[$p] = parse($atts[$p]); } } return $atts; } } /** * Replaces CR and LF with spaces, and drops NULL bytes. * * Used for sanitising email headers. * * @param string $str The string * @return string * @package Mail * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Mail\Encode::escapeHeader() */ function strip_rn($str) { return Txp::get('\Textpattern\Mail\Encode')->escapeHeader($str); } /** * Validates a string as an email address. * * * if (is_valid_email('john.doe@example.com')) * { * echo "'john.doe@example.com' validates."; * } * * * @param string $address The email address * @return bool * @package Mail * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see filter_var() */ function is_valid_email($address) { return (bool) filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } /** * Sends an email message as the currently logged in user. * * * if (txpMail('john.doe@example.com', 'Subject', 'Some message')) * { * echo "Email sent to 'john.doe@example.com'."; * } * * * @param string $to_address The receiver * @param string $subject The subject * @param string $body The message * @param string $reply_to The reply to address * @return bool Returns FALSE when sending failed * @see \Textpattern\Mail\Compose * @package Mail */ function txpMail($to_address, $subject, $body, $reply_to = null) { global $txp_user; // Send the email as the currently logged in user. if ($txp_user) { $sender = safe_row( "RealName, email", 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($txp_user)."'" ); if ($sender && is_valid_email(get_pref('publisher_email'))) { $sender['email'] = get_pref('publisher_email'); } } // If not logged in, the receiver is the sender. else { $sender = safe_row( "RealName, email", 'txp_users', "email = '".doSlash($to_address)."'" ); } if ($sender) { extract($sender); try { $message = Txp::get('Textpattern\Mail\Compose') ->from($email, $RealName) ->to($to_address) ->subject($subject) ->body($body); if ($reply_to) { $message->replyTo($reply_to); } $message->send(); } catch (\Textpattern\Mail\Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * Encodes a string for use in an email header. * * @param string $string The string * @param string $type The type of header, either "text" or "phrase" * @return string * @package Mail * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Mail\Encode::header() */ function encode_mailheader($string, $type) { try { return Txp::get('\Textpattern\Mail\Encode')->header($string, $type); } catch (\Textpattern\Mail\Exception $e) { trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } } /** * Converts an email address into unicode entities. * * @param string $txt The email address * @return string Encoded email address * @package Mail * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Mail\Encode::entityObfuscateAddress() */ function eE($txt) { return Txp::get('\Textpattern\Mail\Encode')->entityObfuscateAddress($txt); } /** * Strips PHP tags from a string. * * @param string $in The input * @return string */ function stripPHP($in) { return preg_replace("/".chr(60)."\?(?:php)?|\?".chr(62)."/i", '', $in); } /** * Gets a HTML select field containing all categories, or sub-categories. * * @param string $name Return specified parent category's sub-categories * @param string $cat The selected category option * @param string $id The HTML ID * @return string|bool HTML select field or FALSE on error * @package Form */ function event_category_popup($name, $cat = '', $id = '') { $rs = getTree('root', $name); if ($rs) { return treeSelectInput('category', $rs, $cat, $id); } return false; } /** * Creates a form template. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'form.create > done' callback event. * * @param string $name The name * @param string $type The type * @param string $Form The template * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package Template */ function create_form($name, $type, $Form) { $types = get_form_types(); if (form_exists($name) || !is_valid_form($name) || !in_array($type, array_keys($types))) { return false; } if ( safe_insert( 'txp_form', "name = '".doSlash($name)."', type = '".doSlash($type)."', Form = '".doSlash($Form)."'" ) === false ) { return false; } callback_event('form.create', 'done', 0, compact('name', 'type', 'Form')); return true; } /** * Checks if a form template exists. * * @param string $name The form * @return bool TRUE if the form exists * @since 4.6.0 * @package Template */ function form_exists($name) { return (bool) safe_row("name", 'txp_form', "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"); } /** * Validates a string as a form template name. * * @param string $name The form name * @return bool TRUE if the string validates * @since 4.6.0 * @package Template */ function is_valid_form($name) { if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) { $length = mb_strlen($name, '8bit'); } else { $length = strlen($name); } return $name && !preg_match('/^\s|[<>&"\']|\s$/u', $name) && $length <= 64; } /** * Gets a list of form types. * * The list form types can be extended with a 'form.types > types' * callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', * '$step' and '$types'. The third parameter contains a reference to an * array of 'type => label' pairs. * * @return array An array of form types * @since 4.6.0 * @package Template */ function get_form_types() { static $types = null; if ($types === null) { $types = array( 'article' => gTxt('article'), 'misc' => gTxt('misc'), 'comment' => gTxt('comment'), 'category' => gTxt('category'), 'file' => gTxt('file'), 'link' => gTxt('link'), 'section' => gTxt('section'), ); callback_event_ref('form.types', 'types', 0, $types); } return $types; } /** * Gets a list of essential form templates. * * These forms can not be deleted or renamed. * * The list forms can be extended with a 'form.essential > forms' * callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', * '$step' and '$essential'. The third parameter contains a reference to an * array of forms. * * @return array An array of form names * @since 4.6.0 * @package Template */ function get_essential_forms() { static $essential = null; if ($essential === null) { $essential = array( 'comments', 'comments_display', 'comment_form', 'default', 'plainlinks', 'files', ); callback_event_ref('form.essential', 'forms', 0, $essential); } return $essential; } /** * Updates a list's per page number. * * Gets the per page number from a "qty" HTTP POST/GET parameter and * creates a user-specific preference value "$name_list_pageby". * * @param string|null $name The name of the list */ function event_change_pageby($name = null) { global $event, $prefs; if ($name === null) { $name = $event; } $qty = gps('qty'); assert_int($qty); $pageby = $name.'_list_pageby'; $GLOBALS[$pageby] = $prefs[$pageby] = $qty; set_pref($pageby, $qty, $event, PREF_HIDDEN, 'text_input', 0, PREF_PRIVATE); } /** * Generates a multi-edit widget. * * @param string $name * @param array $methods * @param int $page * @param string $sort * @param string $dir * @param string $crit * @param string $search_method * @deprecated in 4.5.0 * @see multi_edit() * @package Form */ function event_multiedit_form($name, $methods = null, $page, $sort, $dir, $crit, $search_method) { $method = ps('edit_method'); if ($methods === null) { $methods = array( 'delete' => gTxt('delete'), ); } return ''. n.selectInput('edit_method', $methods, $method, 1, ' id="withselected" onchange="poweredit(this); return false;"'). n.eInput($name). n.sInput($name.'_multi_edit'). n.hInput('page', $page). ($sort ? n.hInput('sort', $sort).n.hInput('dir', $dir) : ''). (($crit != '') ? n.hInput('crit', $crit).n.hInput('search_method', $search_method) : ''). n.fInput('submit', '', gTxt('go')); } /** * Generic multi-edit form's edit handler shared across panels. * * Receives an action from a multi-edit form and runs it in the given * database table. * * @param string $table The database table * @param string $id_key The database column selected items match to. Column should be integer type * @return string Comma-separated list of affected items * @see multi_edit() */ function event_multi_edit($table, $id_key) { $method = ps('edit_method'); $selected = ps('selected'); if ($selected) { if ($method == 'delete') { foreach ($selected as $id) { $id = assert_int($id); if (safe_delete($table, "$id_key = $id")) { $ids[] = $id; } } return join(', ', $ids); } } return ''; } /** * Gets a "since days ago" date format from a given UNIX timestamp. * * @param int $stamp UNIX timestamp * @return string "n days ago" * @package DateTime */ function since($stamp) { $diff = (time() - $stamp); if ($diff <= 3600) { $mins = round($diff / 60); $since = ($mins <= 1) ? ($mins == 1) ? '1 '.gTxt('minute') : gTxt('a_few_seconds') : "$mins ".gTxt('minutes'); } elseif (($diff <= 86400) && ($diff > 3600)) { $hours = round($diff / 3600); $since = ($hours <= 1) ? '1 '.gTxt('hour') : "$hours ".gTxt('hours'); } elseif ($diff >= 86400) { $days = round($diff / 86400); $since = ($days <= 1) ? "1 ".gTxt('day') : "$days ".gTxt('days'); } return $since.' '.gTxt('ago'); // sorry, this needs to be hacked until a truly multilingual version is done } /** * Calculates a timezone offset. * * Calculates the offset between the server local time and the * user's selected timezone at a given point in time. * * @param int $timestamp The timestamp. Defaults to time() * @return int The offset in seconds * @package DateTime */ function tz_offset($timestamp = null) { global $gmtoffset, $timezone_key; static $dtz = array(), $timezone_server = null; if ($timezone_server === null) { $timezone_server = date_default_timezone_get(); } if ($timezone_server === $timezone_key) { return 0; } if ($timestamp === null) { $timestamp = time(); } try { if (!isset($dtz[$timezone_server])) { $dtz[$timezone_server] = new \DateTimeZone($timezone_server); } $transition = $dtz[$timezone_server]->getTransitions($timestamp, $timestamp); $serveroffset = $transition[0]['offset']; } catch (\Exception $e) { extract(getdate($timestamp)); $serveroffset = gmmktime($hours, $minutes, 0, $mon, $mday, $year) - mktime($hours, $minutes, 0, $mon, $mday, $year); } try { if (!isset($dtz[$timezone_key])) { $dtz[$timezone_key] = new \DateTimeZone($timezone_key); } $transition = $dtz[$timezone_key]->getTransitions($timestamp, $timestamp); $siteoffset = $transition[0]['offset']; } catch (\Exception $e) { $siteoffset = $gmtoffset; } return $siteoffset - $serveroffset; } /** * Formats a time. * * Respects the locale and local timezone, and makes sure the * output string is encoded in UTF-8. * * @param string $format The date format * @param int $time UNIX timestamp. Defaults to time() * @param bool $gmt Return GMT time * @param string $override_locale Override the locale * @return string Formatted date * @package DateTime * @example * echo safe_strftime('w3cdtf'); */ function safe_strftime($format, $time = '', $gmt = false, $override_locale = '') { global $locale; if (!$time) { $time = time(); } // We could add some other formats here. if ($format == 'iso8601' or $format == 'w3cdtf') { $format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'; $gmt = true; } elseif ($format == 'rfc822') { $format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'; $gmt = true; $override_locale = 'en-gb'; } if ($override_locale) { $oldLocale = Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocale(LC_TIME); try { Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->setLocale(LC_TIME, $override_locale); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Revert to original locale on error and signal that the // later revert isn't necessary Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->setLocale(LC_TIME, $oldLocale); $oldLocale = false; } } if ($format == 'since') { $str = since($time); } elseif ($gmt) { $str = gmstrftime($format, $time); } else { $str = strftime($format, $time + tz_offset($time)); } @list($lang, $charset) = explode('.', $locale); if (empty($charset)) { $charset = 'ISO-8859-1'; } elseif (IS_WIN and is_numeric($charset)) { $charset = 'Windows-'.$charset; } if ($charset != 'UTF-8' and $format != 'since') { $new = ''; if (is_callable('iconv')) { $new = @iconv($charset, 'UTF-8', $str); } if ($new) { $str = $new; } elseif (is_callable('utf8_encode')) { $str = utf8_encode($str); } } // Revert to the old locale. if ($override_locale && $oldLocale) { Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->setLocale(LC_TIME, $oldLocale); } return $str; } /** * Converts a time string from the Textpattern timezone to GMT. * * @param string $time_str The time string * @return int UNIX timestamp * @package DateTime */ function safe_strtotime($time_str) { $ts = strtotime($time_str); // tz_offset calculations are expensive $tz_offset = tz_offset($ts); return strtotime($time_str, time() + $tz_offset) - $tz_offset; } /** * Generic error handler. * * @param int $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @access private * @package Debug */ function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if (!error_reporting()) { return; } echo '
'.n.n."$errno: $errstr in $errfile at line $errline\n";

    if (is_callable('debug_backtrace')) {
        echo "Backtrace:\n";
        $trace = debug_backtrace();

        foreach ($trace as $ent) {
            if (isset($ent['file'])) {
                echo $ent['file'].':';

            if (isset($ent['function'])) {
                echo $ent['function'].'(';

                if (isset($ent['args'])) {
                    $args = '';

                    foreach ($ent['args'] as $arg) {
                        $args .= $arg.',';

                    echo rtrim($args, ',');

                echo ') ';

            if (isset($ent['line'])) {
                echo 'at line '.$ent['line'].' ';

            if (isset($ent['file'])) {
                echo 'in '.$ent['file'];

            echo "\n";

    echo "
"; } /** * Verifies temporary directory. * * Verifies that the temporary directory is writeable. * * @param string $dir The directory to check * @return bool|null NULL on error, TRUE on success * @package Debug */ function find_temp_dir() { global $path_to_site, $img_dir; if (IS_WIN) { $guess = array( txpath.DS.'tmp', getenv('TMP'), getenv('TEMP'), getenv('SystemRoot').DS.'Temp', 'C:'.DS.'Temp', $path_to_site.DS.$img_dir, ); foreach ($guess as $k => $v) { if (empty($v)) { unset($guess[$k]); } } } else { $guess = array( txpath.DS.'tmp', '', DS.'tmp', $path_to_site.DS.$img_dir, ); } foreach ($guess as $dir) { $tf = @tempnam($dir, 'txp_'); if ($tf) { $tf = realpath($tf); } if ($tf and file_exists($tf)) { unlink($tf); return dirname($tf); } } return false; } /** * Moves an uploaded file and returns its new location. * * @param string $f The filename of the uploaded file * @param string $dest The destination of the moved file. If omitted, the file is moved to the temp directory * @return string|bool The new path or FALSE on error * @package File */ function get_uploaded_file($f, $dest = '') { global $tempdir; if (!is_uploaded_file($f)) { return false; } if ($dest) { $newfile = $dest; } else { $newfile = tempnam($tempdir, 'txp_'); if (!$newfile) { return false; } } // $newfile is created by tempnam(), but move_uploaded_file will overwrite it. if (move_uploaded_file($f, $newfile)) { return $newfile; } } /** * Gets an array of files in the Files directory that weren't uploaded * from Textpattern. * * Used for importing existing files on the server to Textpattern's files panel. * * @return array An array of file paths * @package File */ function get_filenames() { global $file_base_path; $files = array(); if (!is_dir($file_base_path) || !is_readable($file_base_path)) { return array(); } $cwd = getcwd(); if (chdir($file_base_path)) { $directory = glob('*', GLOB_NOSORT); if ($directory) { foreach ($directory as $filename) { if (is_file($filename) && is_readable($filename)) { $files[$filename] = $filename; } } unset($directory); } if ($cwd) { chdir($cwd); } } if (!$files) { return array(); } $rs = safe_rows_start("filename", 'txp_file', "1 = 1"); if ($rs && numRows($rs)) { while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { unset($files[$a['filename']]); } } return $files; } /** * Renders a download link. * * @param int $id The file ID * @param string $label The label * @param string $filename The filename * @return string HTML * @package File */ function make_download_link($id, $label = '', $filename = '') { if ((string) $label === '') { $label = gTxt('download'); } $url = filedownloadurl($id, $filename); // Do not use the array() form of passing $atts to href(). // Doing so breaks download links on the admin side due to // double-encoding of the ampersands. return href($label, $url, ' title = "' . gTxt('download') . '"'); } /** * Sets error reporting level. * * @param string $level The level. Either "debug", "live" or "testing" * @package Debug */ function set_error_level($level) { if ($level == 'debug') { error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); } elseif ($level == 'live') { // Don't show errors on screen. $suppress = E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_STRICT | (defined('E_DEPRECATED') ? E_DEPRECATED : 0); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ $suppress); @ini_set("display_errors", "1"); } else { // Default is 'testing': display everything except notices. error_reporting((E_ALL | E_STRICT) ^ (E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE)); } } /** * Moves a file. * * @param string $f The file to move * @param string $dest The destination * @return bool TRUE on success, or FALSE on error * @package File */ function shift_uploaded_file($f, $dest) { if (@rename($f, $dest)) { return true; } if (@copy($f, $dest)) { unlink($f); return true; } return false; } /** * Translates upload error code to a localised error message. * * @param int $err_code The error code * @return string The $err_code as a message * @package File */ function upload_get_errormsg($err_code) { $msg = ''; switch ($err_code) { // Value: 0; There is no error, the file uploaded with success. case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: $msg = ''; break; // Value: 1; The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $msg = gTxt('upload_err_ini_size'); break; // Value: 2; The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form. case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE : $msg = gTxt('upload_err_form_size'); break; // Value: 3; The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $msg = gTxt('upload_err_partial'); break; // Value: 4; No file was uploaded. case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $msg = gTxt('upload_err_no_file'); break; // Value: 6; Missing a temporary folder. Introduced in PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.3. case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: $msg = gTxt('upload_err_tmp_dir'); break; // Value: 7; Failed to write file to disk. Introduced in PHP 5.1.0. case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: $msg = gTxt('upload_err_cant_write'); break; // Value: 8; File upload stopped by extension. Introduced in PHP 5.2.0. case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: $msg = gTxt('upload_err_extension'); break; } return $msg; } /** * Formats a file size. * * @param int $bytes Size in bytes * @param int $decimals Number of decimals * @param string $format The format the size is represented * @return string Formatted file size * @package File * @example * echo format_filesize(168642); */ function format_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2, $format = '') { $units = array('b', 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e', 'z', 'y'); if (in_array($format, $units)) { $pow = array_search($format, $units); } else { $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); } $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); $separators = localeconv(); $sep_dec = isset($separators['decimal_point']) ? $separators['decimal_point'] : '.'; $sep_thous = isset($separators['thousands_sep']) ? $separators['thousands_sep'] : ','; return number_format($bytes, $decimals, $sep_dec, $sep_thous).gTxt('units_'.$units[$pow]); } /** * Gets a file download as an array. * * @param string $where SQL where clause * @return array|bool An array of files, or FALSE on failure * @package File * @example * if ($file = fileDownloadFetchInfo('id = 1')) * { * print_r($file); * } */ function fileDownloadFetchInfo($where) { $rs = safe_row("*", 'txp_file', $where); if ($rs) { return file_download_format_info($rs); } return false; } /** * Formats file download info. * * Takes a data array generated by fileDownloadFetchInfo() * and formats the contents. * * @param array $file The file info to format * @return array Formatted file info * @access private * @package File */ function file_download_format_info($file) { if (($unix_ts = @strtotime($file['created'])) > 0) { $file['created'] = $unix_ts; } if (($unix_ts = @strtotime($file['modified'])) > 0) { $file['modified'] = $unix_ts; } return $file; } /** * Formats file download's modification and creation timestamps. * * Used by file_download tags. * * @param array $params * @return string * @access private * @package File */ function fileDownloadFormatTime($params) { extract(lAtts(array( 'ftime' => '', 'format' => '', ), $params)); if (!empty($ftime)) { if ($format) { return safe_strftime($format, $ftime); } return safe_strftime(get_pref('archive_dateformat'), $ftime); } return ''; } /** * Checks if the system is Windows. * * Exists for backwards compatibility. * * @return bool * @deprecated in 4.3.0 * @see IS_WIN * @package System */ function is_windows() { return IS_WIN; } /** * Checks if PHP is run as CGI. * * Exists for backwards compatibility. * * @return bool * @deprecated in 4.3.0 * @see IS_CGI * @package System */ function is_cgi() { return IS_CGI; } /** * Checks if PHP is run as Apache module. * * Exists for backwards compatibility. * * @return bool * @deprecated in 4.3.0 * @see IS_APACHE * @package System */ function is_mod_php() { return IS_APACHE; } /** * Checks if a function is disabled. * * @param string $function The function name * @return bool TRUE if the function is disabled * @package System * @example * if (is_disabled('mail')) * { * echo "'mail' function is disabled."; * } */ function is_disabled($function) { static $disabled; if (!isset($disabled)) { $disabled = do_list(ini_get('disable_functions')); } return in_array($function, $disabled); } /** * Joins two strings to form a single filesystem path. * * @param string $base The base directory * @param string $path The second path, a relative filename * @return string A path to a file * @package File */ function build_file_path($base, $path) { $base = rtrim($base, '/\\'); $path = ltrim($path, '/\\'); return $base.DS.$path; } /** * Gets a user's real name. * * @param string $name The username * @return string A real name, or username if empty * @package User */ function get_author_name($name) { static $authors = array(); if (isset($authors[$name])) { return $authors[$name]; } $realname = fetch('RealName', 'txp_users', 'name', $name); $authors[$name] = $realname; return ($realname) ? $realname : $name; } /** * Gets a user's email address. * * @param string $name The username * @return string * @package User */ function get_author_email($name) { static $authors = array(); if (isset($authors[$name])) { return $authors[$name]; } $email = fetch('email', 'txp_users', 'name', $name); $authors[$name] = $email; return $email; } /** * Checks if a database table contains items just from one user. * * @param string $table The database table * @param string $col The column * @return bool * @package User * @example * if (has_single_author('textpattern', 'AuthorID')) * { * echo "'textpattern' table has only content from one author."; * } */ function has_single_author($table, $col = 'author') { static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$table][$col])) { $cache[$table][$col] = (safe_field("COUNT(name)", 'txp_users', "1 = 1") <= 1) && (safe_field("COUNT(DISTINCT(".doSlash($col)."))", doSlash($table), "1 = 1") <= 1); } return $cache[$table][$col]; } /** * Validates a string as a username. * * @param string $name The username * @return bool TRUE if the string valid * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (is_valid_username('john')) * { * echo "'john' is a valid username."; * } */ function is_valid_username($name) { if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) { $length = mb_strlen($name, '8bit'); } else { $length = strlen($name); } return $name && !preg_match('/^\s|[,\'"<>]|\s$/u', $name) && $length <= 64; } /** * Assigns assets to a different user. * * Changes the owner of user's assets. It will move articles, files, images * and links from one user to another. * * Should be run when a user's permissions are taken away, a username is * renamed or the user is removed from the site. * * Affected database tables can be extended with a 'user.assign_assets > columns' * callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', * '$step' and '$columns'. The third parameter contains a reference to an * array of 'table => column' pairs. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.assign_assets > done' callback event. * * @param string|array $owner List of current owners * @param string $new_owner The new owner * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (assign_user_assets(array('user1', 'user2'), 'new_owner')) * { * echo "Assigned assets by 'user1' and 'user2' to 'new_owner'."; * } */ function assign_user_assets($owner, $new_owner) { static $columns = null; if (!$owner || !user_exists($new_owner)) { return false; } if ($columns === null) { $columns = array( 'textpattern' => 'AuthorID', 'txp_file' => 'author', 'txp_image' => 'author', 'txp_link' => 'author', ); callback_event_ref('user.assign_assets', 'columns', 0, $columns); } $names = join(',', quote_list((array) $owner)); $assign = doSlash($new_owner); foreach ($columns as $table => $column) { if (safe_update($table, "$column = '$assign'", "$column IN ($names)") === false) { return false; } } callback_event('user.assign_assets', 'done', 0, compact('owner', 'new_owner', 'columns')); return true; } /** * Return private preferences required to be set for the given (new) user. * * The returned structure comprises a nested array. Each row is an * array, with key being the pref event, and array made up of: * -> pref type * -> position * -> html control * -> name (gTxt) * -> value * -> user name * * @param string $user_name The user name against which to assign the prefs * @since 4.6.0 * @package Pref */ function new_user_prefs($user_name) { return array( 'publish' => array( array(PREF_CORE, 15, 'defaultPublishStatus', 'default_publish_status', STATUS_LIVE, $user_name), ), ); } /** * Creates a user account. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.create > done' callback event. * * @param string $name The login name * @param string $email The email address * @param string $password The password * @param string $realname The real name * @param int $group The user group * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (create_user('john', 'john.doe@example.com', 'DancingWalrus', 'John Doe', 1)) * { * echo "User 'john' created."; * } */ function create_user($name, $email, $password, $realname = '', $group = 0) { $levels = get_groups(); if (!$password || !is_valid_username($name) || !is_valid_email($email) || user_exists($name) || !isset($levels[$group])) { return false; } $nonce = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $hash = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Password\Hash')->hash($password); if ( safe_insert( 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($name)."', email = '".doSlash($email)."', pass = '".doSlash($hash)."', nonce = '".doSlash($nonce)."', privs = ".intval($group).", RealName = '".doSlash($realname)."'" ) === false ) { return false; } $privatePrefs = new_user_prefs($name); foreach ($privatePrefs as $event => $event_prefs) { foreach ($event_prefs as $p) { create_pref($p[3], $p[4], $event, $p[0], $p[2], $p[1], $p[5]); } } callback_event('user.create', 'done', 0, compact('name', 'email', 'password', 'realname', 'group', 'nonce', 'hash')); return true; } /** * Updates a user. * * Updates a user account's properties. The $user argument is used for * selecting the updated user, and rest of the arguments new values. * Use NULL to omit an argument. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.update > done' callback event. * * @param string $user The updated user * @param string|null $email The email address * @param string|null $realname The real name * @param array|null $meta Additional meta fields * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (update_user('login', null, 'John Doe')) * { * echo "Updated user's real name."; * } */ function update_user($user, $email = null, $realname = null, $meta = array()) { if (($email !== null && !is_valid_email($email)) || !user_exists($user)) { return false; } $meta = (array) $meta; $meta['RealName'] = $realname; $meta['email'] = $email; $set = array(); foreach ($meta as $name => $value) { if ($value !== null) { $set[] = $name." = '".doSlash($value)."'"; } } if ( safe_update( 'txp_users', join(',', $set), "name = '".doSlash($user)."'" ) === false ) { return false; } callback_event('user.update', 'done', 0, compact('user', 'email', 'realname', 'meta')); return true; } /** * Changes a user's password. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.password_change > done' callback event. * * @param string $user The updated user * @param string $password The new password * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (change_user_password('login', 'WalrusWasDancing')) * { * echo "Password changed."; * } */ function change_user_password($user, $password) { if (!$user || !$password) { return false; } $hash = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Password\Hash')->hash($password); if ( safe_update( 'txp_users', "pass = '".doSlash($hash)."'", "name = '".doSlash($user)."'" ) === false ) { return false; } callback_event('user.password_change', 'done', 0, compact('user', 'password', 'hash')); return true; } /** * Removes a user. * * The user's assets are assigned to the given new owner. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.remove > done' callback event. * * @param string|array $user List of removed users * @param string $new_owner Assign assets to * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (remove_user('user', 'new_owner')) * { * echo "Removed 'user' and assigned assets to 'new_owner'."; * } */ function remove_user($user, $new_owner) { if (!$user || !$new_owner) { return false; } $names = join(',', quote_list((array) $user)); if (assign_user_assets($user, $new_owner) === false) { return false; } if (safe_delete('txp_prefs', "user_name IN ($names)") === false) { return false; } if (safe_delete('txp_users', "name IN ($names)") === false) { return false; } callback_event('user.remove', 'done', 0, compact('user', 'new_owner')); return true; } /** * Renames a user. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.rename > done' callback event. * * @param string $user Updated user * @param string $newname The new name * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (rename_user('login', 'newname')) * { * echo "'login' renamed to 'newname'."; * } */ function rename_user($user, $newname) { if (!is_scalar($user) || !is_valid_username($newname)) { return false; } if (assign_user_assets($user, $newname) === false) { return false; } if ( safe_update( 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($newname)."'", "name = '".doSlash($user)."'" ) === false ) { return false; } callback_event('user.rename', 'done', 0, compact('user', 'newname')); return true; } /** * Checks if a user exists. * * @param string $user The user * @return bool TRUE if the user exists * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (user_exists('john')) * { * echo "'john' exists."; * } */ function user_exists($user) { return (bool) safe_row("name", 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($user)."'"); } /** * Changes a user's group. * * On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.change_group > done' callback event. * * @param string|array $user Updated users * @param int $group The new group * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package User * @example * if (change_user_group('john', 1)) * { * echo "'john' is now publisher."; * } */ function change_user_group($user, $group) { $levels = get_groups(); if (!$user || !isset($levels[$group])) { return false; } $names = join(',', quote_list((array) $user)); if ( safe_update( 'txp_users', "privs = ".intval($group), "name IN ($names)" ) === false ) { return false; } callback_event('user.change_group', 'done', 0, compact('user', 'group')); return true; } /** * Validates the given user credentials. * * Validates a given login and a password combination. If the combination is * correct, the user's login name is returned, FALSE otherwise. * * If $log is TRUE, also checks that the user has permissions to access the * admin side interface. On success, updates the user's last access timestamp. * * @param string $user The login * @param string $password The password * @param bool $log If TRUE, requires privilege level greater than 'none' * @return string|bool The user's login name or FALSE on error * @package User */ function txp_validate($user, $password, $log = true) { global $DB; $safe_user = doSlash($user); $name = false; $r = safe_row("name, pass, privs", 'txp_users', "name = '$safe_user'"); if (!$r) { return false; } // Check post-4.3-style passwords. if (Txp::get('\Textpattern\Password\Hash')->verify($password, $r['pass'])) { if (!$log || $r['privs'] > 0) { $name = $r['name']; } } else { // No good password: check 4.3-style passwords. $passwords = array(); $passwords[] = "PASSWORD(LOWER('".doSlash($password)."'))"; $passwords[] = "PASSWORD('".doSlash($password)."')"; $name = safe_field("name", 'txp_users', "name = '$safe_user' AND (pass = ".join(" OR pass = ", $passwords).") AND privs > 0"); // Old password is good: migrate password to phpass. if ($name !== false) { safe_update('txp_users', "pass = '".doSlash(Txp::get('\Textpattern\Password\Hash')->hash($password))."'", "name = '$safe_user'"); } } if ($name !== false && $log) { // Update the last access time. safe_update('txp_users', "last_access = NOW()", "name = '$safe_user'"); } return $name; } /** * Calculates a password hash. * * @param string $password The password * @return string A hash * @see PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY * @see PASSWORD_PORTABILITY * @package User */ function txp_hash_password($password) { static $phpass = null; if (!$phpass) { include_once txpath.'/lib/PasswordHash.php'; $phpass = new PasswordHash(PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY, PASSWORD_PORTABILITY); } return $phpass->HashPassword($password); } /** * Create a secure token hash in the database from the passed information. * * @param int $ref Reference to the user's account (user_id) * @param string $type Flavour of token to create * @param int $expiryTimestamp UNIX timestamp of when the token will expire * @param string $pass Password, used as part of the token generation * @param string $nonce Random nonce associated with the user's account * @return string Secure token suitable for emailing as part of a link * @since 4.6.1 */ function generate_user_token($ref, $type, $expiryTimestamp, $pass, $nonce) { $ref = assert_int($ref); $expiry = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $expiryTimestamp); // The selector becomes an indirect reference to the user row id, // and thus does not leak information when publicly displayed. $selector = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Password\Random')->generate(12); // Use a hash of the nonce, selector and password. // This ensures that requests expire automatically when: // a) The person logs in, or // b) They successfully set/change their password // Using the selector in the hash just injects randomness, otherwise two requests // back-to-back would generate the same code. // Old requests for the same user id are purged when password is set. $token = bin2hex(pack('H*', substr(hash(HASHING_ALGORITHM, $nonce . $selector . $pass), 0, SALT_LENGTH))); $user_token = $token.$selector; // Remove any previous activation tokens and insert the new one. $safe_type = doSlash($type); safe_delete("txp_token", "reference_id = $ref AND type = '$safe_type'"); safe_insert("txp_token", "reference_id = $ref, type = '$safe_type', selector = '".doSlash($selector)."', token = '".doSlash($token)."', expires = '".doSlash($expiry)."' "); return $user_token; } /** * Extracts a statement from a if/else condition. * * @param string $thing Statement in Textpattern tag markup presentation * @param bool $condition TRUE to return if statement, FALSE to else * @return string Either if or else statement * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see parse_else * @package TagParser * @example * echo parse(EvalElse('true <txp:else /> false', 1 === 1)); */ function EvalElse($thing, $condition) { global $txp_parsed, $txp_else; if (strpos($thing, ':else') === false || empty($txp_parsed[$hash = sha1($thing)])) { return $condition ? $thing : ''; } $tag = $txp_parsed[$hash]; list($first, $last) = $txp_else[$hash]; if ($condition) { $last = $first - 2; $first = 1; } elseif ($first <= $last) { $first += 2; } else { return ''; } for ($out = $tag[$first - 1]; $first <= $last; $first++) { $out .= $tag[$first][0] . $tag[$first][3] . $tag[$first][4] . $tag[++$first]; } return $out; } /** * Gets a form template's contents. * * The form template's reading method can be modified by registering a handler * to a 'form.fetch' callback event. Any value returned by the callback function * will be used as the form template markup. * * @param string $name The form * @return string * @package TagParser */ function fetch_form($name) { global $production_status, $trace; static $forms = array(); $name = (string) $name; if (!isset($forms[$name])) { if (has_handler('form.fetch')) { $form = callback_event('form.fetch', '', false, compact('name')); } else { $form = safe_field("Form", 'txp_form', "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"); } if ($form === false) { trigger_error(gTxt('form_not_found').': '.$name); return ''; } $forms[$name] = $form; } if ($production_status === 'debug') { $trace->log("[Form: '$name']"); } return $forms[$name]; } /** * Parses a form template. * * @param string $name The form * @return string The parsed contents * @package TagParser */ function parse_form($name) { global $production_status, $txp_current_form, $trace; static $stack = array(); $out = ''; $name = (string) $name; $f = fetch_form($name); if ($f) { if (in_array($name, $stack, true)) { trigger_error(gTxt('form_circular_reference', array('{name}' => $name))); return ''; } $old_form = $txp_current_form; $txp_current_form = $stack[] = $name; if ($production_status === 'debug') { $trace->log("[Nesting forms: '".join("' / '", $stack)."']"); } $out = parse($f); $txp_current_form = $old_form; array_pop($stack); } return $out; } /** * Gets a page template's contents. * * The page template's reading method can be modified by registering a handler * to a 'page.fetch' callback event. Any value returned by the callback function * will be used as the template markup. * * @param string $name The template * @return string|bool The page template, or FALSE on error * @package TagParser * @since 4.6.0 * @example * echo fetch_page('default'); */ function fetch_page($name) { global $trace; if (has_handler('page.fetch')) { $page = callback_event('page.fetch', '', false, compact('name')); } else { $page = safe_field("user_html", 'txp_page', "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"); } if ($page === false) { return false; } $trace->log("[Page: '$name']"); return $page; } /** * Parses a page template. * * @param string $name The template * @return string|bool The parsed page template, or FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package TagParser * @example * echo parse_page('default'); */ function parse_page($name) { global $pretext, $trace; $page = fetch_page($name); if ($page !== false) { $pretext['secondpass'] = false; $page = parse($page); $pretext['secondpass'] = true; $trace->log('[ ~~~ secondpass ~~~ ]'); $page = parse($page); } return $page; } /** * Gets a category's title. * * @param string $name The category * @param string $type Category's type. Either "article", "file", "image" or "link" * @return string|bool The title or FALSE on error */ function fetch_category_title($name, $type = 'article') { static $cattitles = array(); global $thiscategory; if (isset($cattitles[$type][$name])) { return $cattitles[$type][$name]; } if (!empty($thiscategory['title']) && $thiscategory['name'] == $name && $thiscategory['type'] == $type) { $cattitles[$type][$name] = $thiscategory['title']; return $thiscategory['title']; } $f = safe_field("title", 'txp_category', "name = '".doSlash($name)."' AND type = '".doSlash($type)."'"); $cattitles[$type][$name] = $f; return $f; } /** * Gets a section's title. * * @param string $name The section * @return string|bool The title or FALSE on error */ function fetch_section_title($name) { static $sectitles = array(); global $thissection; // Try cache. if (isset($sectitles[$name])) { return $sectitles[$name]; } // Try global set by section_list(). if (!empty($thissection['title']) && $thissection['name'] == $name) { $sectitles[$name] = $thissection['title']; return $thissection['title']; } if ($name == 'default' or empty($name)) { return ''; } $f = safe_field("title", 'txp_section', "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"); $sectitles[$name] = $f; return $f; } /** * Updates an article's comment count. * * @param int $id The article * @return bool * @package Comment */ function update_comments_count($id) { $id = assert_int($id); $thecount = safe_field("COUNT(*)", 'txp_discuss', "parentid = ".$id." AND visible = ".VISIBLE); $thecount = assert_int($thecount); $updated = safe_update('textpattern', "comments_count = ".$thecount, "ID = ".$id); return ($updated) ? true : false; } /** * Recalculates and updates comment counts. * * @param array $parentids List of articles to update * @package Comment */ function clean_comment_counts($parentids) { $parentids = array_map('assert_int', $parentids); $rs = safe_rows_start("parentid, COUNT(*) AS thecount", 'txp_discuss', "parentid IN (".implode(',', $parentids).") AND visible = ".VISIBLE." GROUP BY parentid"); if (!$rs) { return; } $updated = array(); while ($a = nextRow($rs)) { safe_update('textpattern', "comments_count = ".$a['thecount'], "ID = ".$a['parentid']); $updated[] = $a['parentid']; } // We still need to update all those, that have zero comments left. $leftover = array_diff($parentids, $updated); if ($leftover) { safe_update('textpattern', "comments_count = 0", "ID IN (".implode(',', $leftover).")"); } } /** * Parses and formats comment message using Textile. * * @param string $msg The comment message * @return string HTML markup * @package Comment */ function markup_comment($msg) { $textile = new \Textpattern\Textile\Parser(); return $textile->textileRestricted($msg); } /** * Updates site's last modification date. * * When this action is performed, it will trigger a * 'site.update > {event}' callback event and pass * any record set that triggered the update, along * with the exact time the update was triggered. * * @param $trigger Textpattern event or step that triggered the update * @param $rs Record set data at the time of update * @package Pref * @example * update_lastmod(); */ function update_lastmod($trigger = '', $rs = array()) { $whenStamp = time(); $whenDate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $whenStamp); safe_upsert('txp_prefs', "val = '$whenDate'", "name = 'lastmod'"); callback_event('site.update', $trigger, 0, $rs, compact('whenStamp', 'whenDate')); } /** * Gets the site's last modification date. * * @param int $unix_ts UNIX timestamp * @return int UNIX timestamp * @package Pref */ function get_lastmod($unix_ts = null) { if ($unix_ts === null) { $unix_ts = @strtotime(get_pref('lastmod')); } // Check for future articles that are now visible. if ($max_article = safe_field("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted)", 'textpattern', "Posted <= ".now('posted')." AND Status >= 4 ORDER BY Posted DESC LIMIT 1")) { $unix_ts = max($unix_ts, $max_article); } return $unix_ts; } /** * Sends and handles a lastmod header. * * @param int|null $unix_ts The last modification date as a UNIX timestamp * @param bool $exit If TRUE, terminates the script * @return array|null Array of sent HTTP status and the lastmod header, or NULL * @package Pref */ function handle_lastmod($unix_ts = null, $exit = true) { if (get_pref('send_lastmod') && get_pref('production_status') == 'live') { $unix_ts = get_lastmod($unix_ts); // Make sure lastmod isn't in the future. $unix_ts = min($unix_ts, time()); // Or too far in the past (7 days). $unix_ts = max($unix_ts, time() - 3600 * 24 * 7); $last = safe_strftime('rfc822', $unix_ts, 1); header("Last-Modified: $last"); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); $hims = serverSet('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'); if ($hims and @strtotime($hims) >= $unix_ts) { log_hit('304'); if (!$exit) { return array('304', $last); } txp_status_header('304 Not Modified'); header('Content-Length: 0'); // Discard all output. while (@ob_end_clean()); exit; } if (!$exit) { return array('200', $last); } } } /** * Gets preferences as an array. * * Returns preference values from the database as an array. Shouldn't be used to * retrieve selected preferences, see get_pref() instead. * * By default only the global preferences are returned. * If the optional user name parameter is supplied, the private preferences * for that user are returned. * * @param string $user User name. * @return array * @package Pref * @access private * @see get_pref() */ function get_prefs($user = '') { $out = array(); $r = safe_rows_start("name, val", 'txp_prefs', "prefs_id = 1 AND user_name = '".doSlash($user)."'"); if ($r) { while ($a = nextRow($r)) { $out[$a['name']] = $a['val']; } } return $out; } /** * Creates or updates a preference. * * @param string $name The name * @param string $val The value * @param string $event The section the preference appears in * @param int $type Either PREF_CORE, PREF_PLUGIN, PREF_HIDDEN * @param string $html The HTML control type the field uses. Can take a custom function name * @param int $position Used to sort the field on the Preferences panel * @param bool $is_private If PREF_PRIVATE, is created as a user pref * @return bool FALSE on error * @package Pref * @example * if (set_pref('myPref', 'value')) * { * echo "'myPref' created or updated."; * } */ function set_pref($name, $val, $event = 'publish', $type = PREF_CORE, $html = 'text_input', $position = 0, $is_private = PREF_GLOBAL) { $user_name = null; if ($is_private == PREF_PRIVATE) { $user_name = PREF_PRIVATE; } if (pref_exists($name, $user_name)) { return update_pref($name, (string) $val, null, null, null, null, $user_name); } return create_pref($name, $val, $event, $type, $html, $position, $user_name); } /** * Gets a preference string. * * Prefers global system-wide preferences over a user's private preferences. * * @param string $thing The named variable * @param mixed $default Used as a replacement if named pref isn't found * @param bool $from_db If TRUE checks database opposed $prefs variable in memory * @return string Preference value or $default * @package Pref * @example * if (get_pref('enable_xmlrpc_server')) * { * echo "XML-RPC server is enabled."; * } */ function get_pref($thing, $default = '', $from_db = false) { global $prefs, $txp_user; if ($from_db) { $name = doSlash($thing); $user_name = doSlash($txp_user); $field = safe_field( "val", 'txp_prefs', "name = '$name' AND (user_name = '' OR user_name = '$user_name') ORDER BY user_name LIMIT 1" ); if ($field !== false) { $prefs[$thing] = $field; } } if (isset($prefs[$thing])) { return $prefs[$thing]; } return $default; } /** * Removes a preference string. * * Removes preference strings based on the given arguments. Use NULL to omit an argument. * * @param string|null $name The preference string name * @param string|null $event The preference event * @param string|null|bool $user_name The owner. If PREF_PRIVATE, the current user * @return bool TRUE on success * @since 4.6.0 * @package Pref * @example * if (remove_pref(null, 'myEvent')) * { * echo "Removed all preferences from 'myEvent'."; * } */ function remove_pref($name = null, $event = null, $user_name = null) { global $txp_user; $sql = array(); if ($user_name === PREF_PRIVATE) { if (!$txp_user) { return false; } $user_name = $txp_user; } if ($user_name !== null) { $sql[] = "user_name = '".doSlash((string) $user_name)."'"; } if ($event !== null) { $sql[] = "event = '".doSlash($event)."'"; } if ($name !== null) { $sql[] = "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"; } if ($sql) { return safe_delete('txp_prefs', join(" AND ", $sql)); } return false; } /** * Checks if a preference string exists. * * Searches for matching preference strings based on the given arguments. * * The $user_name argument can be used to limit the search to a specifc user, * or to global and private strings. If NULL, matches are searched from both * private and global strings. * * @param string $name The preference string name * @param string|null|bool $user_name Either the username, NULL, PREF_PRIVATE or PREF_GLOBAL * @return bool TRUE if the string exists, or FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package Pref * @example * if (pref_exists('myPref')) * { * echo "'myPref' exists."; * } */ function pref_exists($name, $user_name = null) { global $txp_user; $sql = array(); $sql[] = "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"; if ($user_name === PREF_PRIVATE) { if (!$txp_user) { return false; } $user_name = $txp_user; } if ($user_name !== null) { $sql[] = "user_name = '".doSlash((string) $user_name)."'"; } if (safe_row("name", 'txp_prefs', join(" AND ", $sql))) { return true; } return false; } /** * Creates a preference string. * * When a string is created, will trigger a 'preference.create > done' callback event. * * @param string $name The name * @param string $val The value * @param string $event The section the preference appears in * @param int $type Either PREF_CORE, PREF_PLUGIN, PREF_HIDDEN * @param string $html The HTML control type the field uses. Can take a custom function name * @param int $position Used to sort the field on the Preferences panel * @param string|bool $user_name The user name, PREF_GLOBAL or PREF_PRIVATE * @return bool TRUE if the string exists, FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package Pref * @example * if (create_pref('myPref', 'value', 'site', PREF_PLUGIN, 'text_input', 25)) * { * echo "'myPref' created."; * } */ function create_pref($name, $val, $event = 'publish', $type = PREF_CORE, $html = 'text_input', $position = 0, $user_name = PREF_GLOBAL) { global $txp_user; if ($user_name === PREF_PRIVATE) { if (!$txp_user) { return false; } $user_name = $txp_user; } if (pref_exists($name, $user_name)) { return true; } if ( safe_insert( 'txp_prefs', "prefs_id = 1, name = '".doSlash($name)."', val = '".doSlash($val)."', event = '".doSlash($event)."', html = '".doSlash($html)."', type = ".intval($type).", position = ".intval($position).", user_name = '".doSlash((string) $user_name)."'" ) === false ) { return false; } callback_event('preference.create', 'done', 0, compact('name', 'val', 'event', 'type', 'html', 'position', 'user_name')); return true; } /** * Updates a preference string. * * Updates a preference string's properties. The $name and $user_name * arguments are used for selecting the updated string, and rest of the * arguments take the new values. Use NULL to omit an argument. * * When a string is updated, will trigger a 'preference.update > done' callback event. * * @param string $name The update preference string's name * @param string|null $val The value * @param string|null $event The section the preference appears in * @param int|null $type Either PREF_CORE, PREF_PLUGIN, PREF_HIDDEN * @param string|null $html The HTML control type the field uses. Can take a custom function name * @param int|null $position Used to sort the field on the Preferences panel * @param string|bool|null $user_name The updated string's owner, PREF_GLOBAL or PREF_PRIVATE * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package Pref * @example * if (update_pref('myPref', 'New value.')) * { * echo "Updated 'myPref' value."; * } */ function update_pref($name, $val = null, $event = null, $type = null, $html = null, $position = null, $user_name = PREF_GLOBAL) { global $txp_user; $where = $set = array(); $where[] = "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"; if ($user_name === PREF_PRIVATE) { if (!$txp_user) { return false; } $user_name = $txp_user; } if ($user_name !== null) { $where[] = "user_name = '".doSlash((string) $user_name)."'"; } foreach (array('val', 'event', 'type', 'html', 'position') as $field) { if ($$field !== null) { $set[] = $field." = '".doSlash($$field)."'"; } } if ($set && safe_update('txp_prefs', join(', ', $set), join(" AND ", $where))) { callback_event('preference.update', 'done', 0, compact('name', 'val', 'event', 'type', 'html', 'position', 'user_name')); return true; } return false; } /** * Renames a preference string. * * When a string is renamed, will trigger a 'preference.rename > done' callback event. * * @param string $newname The new name * @param string $name The current name * @param string $user_name Either the username, PREF_GLOBAL or PREF_PRIVATE * @return bool FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package Pref * @example * if (rename_pref('mynewPref', 'myPref')) * { * echo "Renamed 'myPref' to 'mynewPref'."; * } */ function rename_pref($newname, $name, $user_name = null) { global $txp_user; $where = array(); $where[] = "name = '".doSlash($name)."'"; if ($user_name === PREF_PRIVATE) { if (!$txp_user) { return false; } $user_name = $txp_user; } if ($user_name !== null) { $where[] = "user_name = '".doSlash((string) $user_name)."'"; } if (safe_update('txp_prefs', "name = '".doSlash($newname)."'", join(" AND ", $where))) { callback_event('preference.rename', 'done', 0, compact('newname', 'name', 'user_name')); return true; } return false; } /** * Gets a list of custom fields. * * @return array * @package CustomField */ function getCustomFields() { global $prefs; static $out = null; // Have cache? if (!is_array($out)) { $cfs = preg_grep('/^custom_\d+_set/', array_keys($prefs)); $out = array(); foreach ($cfs as $name) { preg_match('/(\d+)/', $name, $match); if (!empty($prefs[$name])) { $out[$match[1]] = strtolower($prefs[$name]); } } } return $out; } /** * Build a query qualifier to filter non-matching custom fields from the * result set. * * @param array $custom An array of 'custom_field_name' => field_number tupels * @param array $pairs Filter criteria: An array of 'name' => value tupels * @return bool|string An SQL qualifier for a query's 'WHERE' part * @package CustomField */ function buildCustomSql($custom, $pairs) { if ($pairs) { $pairs = doSlash($pairs); foreach ($pairs as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $custom)) { $no = array_keys($custom, $k); $out[] = "and custom_".$no[0]." like '$v'"; } } } return !empty($out) ? ' '.join(' ', $out).' ' : false; } /** * Sends a HTTP status header. * * @param string $status The HTTP status code * @package Network * @example * txp_status_header('403 Forbidden'); */ function txp_status_header($status = '200 OK') { if (IS_FASTCGI) { header("Status: $status"); } elseif (serverSet('SERVER_PROTOCOL') == 'HTTP/1.0') { header("HTTP/1.0 $status"); } else { header("HTTP/1.1 $status"); } } /** * Terminates normal page rendition and outputs an error page. * * @param string|array $msg The error message * @param string $status HTTP status code * @param string $url Redirects to the specified URL. Can be used with $status of 301, 302 and 307 * @package Tag */ function txp_die($msg, $status = '503', $url = '') { global $connected, $txp_error_message, $txp_error_status, $txp_error_code; // Make it possible to call this function as a tag, e.g. in an article // . if (is_array($msg)) { extract(lAtts(array( 'msg' => '', 'status' => '503', 'url' => '', ), $msg)); } // Intentionally incomplete - just the ones we're likely to use. $codes = array( '200' => 'OK', '301' => 'Moved Permanently', '302' => 'Found', '303' => 'See Other', '304' => 'Not Modified', '307' => 'Temporary Redirect', '401' => 'Unauthorized', '403' => 'Forbidden', '404' => 'Not Found', '410' => 'Gone', '414' => 'Request-URI Too Long', '500' => 'Internal Server Error', '501' => 'Not Implemented', '503' => 'Service Unavailable', ); if ($status) { if (isset($codes[strval($status)])) { $status = strval($status).' '.$codes[$status]; } txp_status_header($status); } $code = (int) $status; callback_event('txp_die', $code, 0, $url); // Redirect with status. if ($url && in_array($code, array(301, 302, 303, 307))) { ob_end_clean(); header("Location: $url", true, $code); die(''); } if ($connected && @txpinterface == 'public') { $out = safe_field("user_html", 'txp_page', "name = 'error_".doSlash($code)."'"); if ($out === false) { $out = safe_field("user_html", 'txp_page', "name = 'error_default'"); } } else { $out = << Textpattern Error: <txp:error_status />

eod; } header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); if (is_callable('parse')) { $txp_error_message = $msg; $txp_error_status = $status; $txp_error_code = $code; set_error_handler("tagErrorHandler"); die(parse($out)); } else { $out = preg_replace( array('@]*/>@', '@]*/>@'), array($status, $msg), $out ); die($out); } } /** * Gets a URL-encoded and HTML entity-escaped query string for a URL. * * Builds a HTTP query string from an associative array. * * @param array $q The parameters for the query * @return string The query, including starting "?". * @package URL * @example * echo join_qs(array('param1' => 'value1', 'param2' => 'value2')); */ function join_qs($q) { $qs = array(); foreach ($q as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $v = join(',', $v); } if ($k && (string) $v !== '') { $qs[$k] = urlencode($k).'='.urlencode($v); } } $str = join('&', $qs); return ($str ? '?'.$str : ''); } /** * Builds a HTML attribute list from an array. * * Takes an array of raw HTML attributes, and returns a properly * sanitised HTML attribute string for use in a HTML tag. * * Internally handles HTML boolean attributes, array lists and query strings. * If an attributes value is set as a boolean, the attribute is considered * as one too. If a value is NULL, it's omitted and the attribute is added * without a value. An array value is converted to a space-separated list, * or for 'href' and 'src' to a URL encoded query string. * * @param array|string $atts HTML attributes * @param int $flags TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING * @return string HTML attribute list * @since 4.6.0 * @package HTML * @example * echo join_atts(array('class' => 'myClass', 'disabled' => true)); */ function join_atts($atts, $flags = TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING) { if (!is_array($atts)) { return $atts ? ' '.trim($atts) : ''; } $list = array(); foreach ($atts as $name => $value) { if (($flags & TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY && !$value) || ($value === false)) { continue; } elseif ($value === null) { $list[] = $name; continue; } elseif (is_array($value)) { if ($name == 'href' || $name == 'src') { $value = join_qs($value); } else { $value = txpspecialchars(join(' ', $value)); } } else { $value = txpspecialchars($value === true ? $name : $value); } if (!($flags & TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING && $value === '')) { $list[] = $name.'="'.$value.'"'; } } return $list ? ' '.join(' ', $list) : ''; } /** * Builds a page URL from an array of parameters. * * The $inherit can be used to add parameters to an existing url, e.g: * pagelinkurl(array('pg' => 2), $pretext). * * Cannot be used to link to an article. See permlinkurl() and permlinkurl_id() instead. * * @param array $parts The parts used to construct the URL * @param array $inherit Can be used to add parameters to an existing url * @return string * @see permlinkurl() * @see permlinkurl_id() * @package URL */ function pagelinkurl($parts, $inherit = array()) { global $permlink_mode, $prefs; $keys = array_merge($inherit, $parts); if (isset($prefs['custom_url_func']) and is_callable($prefs['custom_url_func']) and ($url = call_user_func($prefs['custom_url_func'], $keys, PAGELINKURL)) !== false) { return $url; } // Can't use this to link to an article. if (isset($keys['id'])) { unset($keys['id']); } if (isset($keys['s']) && $keys['s'] == 'default') { unset($keys['s']); } // 'article' context is implicit, no need to add it to the page URL. if (isset($keys['context']) && $keys['context'] == 'article') { unset($keys['context']); } if ($permlink_mode == 'messy') { if (!empty($keys['context'])) { $keys['context'] = gTxt($keys['context'].'_context'); } return hu.'index.php'.join_qs($keys); } else { // All clean URL modes use the same schemes for list pages. $url = ''; if (!empty($keys['rss'])) { $url = hu.'rss/'; unset($keys['rss']); return $url.join_qs($keys); } elseif (!empty($keys['atom'])) { $url = hu.'atom/'; unset($keys['atom']); return $url.join_qs($keys); } elseif (!empty($keys['s'])) { if (!empty($keys['context'])) { $keys['context'] = gTxt($keys['context'].'_context'); } $url = hu.urlencode($keys['s']).'/'; unset($keys['s']); return $url.join_qs($keys); } elseif (!empty($keys['author'])) { $ct = empty($keys['context']) ? '' : strtolower(urlencode(gTxt($keys['context'].'_context'))).'/'; $url = hu.strtolower(urlencode(gTxt('author'))).'/'.$ct.urlencode($keys['author']).'/'; unset($keys['author'], $keys['context']); return $url.join_qs($keys); } elseif (!empty($keys['c'])) { $ct = empty($keys['context']) ? '' : strtolower(urlencode(gTxt($keys['context'].'_context'))).'/'; $url = hu.strtolower(urlencode(gTxt('category'))).'/'.$ct.urlencode($keys['c']).'/'; unset($keys['c'], $keys['context']); return $url.join_qs($keys); } return hu.join_qs($keys); } } /** * Gets a URL for the given article. * * If you need to generate a list of article URLs from already fetched table * rows, consider using permlinkurl() over this due to performance benefits. * * @param int $id The article ID * @return string The URL * @see permlinkurl() * @package URL * @example * echo permlinkurl_id(12); */ function permlinkurl_id($id) { global $permlinks; $id = (int) $id; if (isset($permlinks[$id])) { return $permlinks[$id]; } $rs = safe_row( "ID AS thisid, Section AS section, Title AS title, url_title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Posted) AS posted, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Expires) AS expires", 'textpattern', "ID = $id" ); return permlinkurl($rs); } /** * Generates an article URL from the given data array. * * @param array $article_array An array consisting of keys 'thisid', 'section', 'title', 'url_title', 'posted', 'expires' * @return string The URL * @package URL * @see permlinkurl_id() * @example * echo permlinkurl_id(array( * 'thisid' => 12, * 'section' => 'blog', * 'url_title' => 'my-title', * 'posted' => 1345414041, * 'expires' => 1345444077 * )); */ function permlinkurl($article_array) { global $permlink_mode, $prefs, $permlinks, $production_status; if (!$article_array || !is_array($article_array)) { return; } if (isset($prefs['custom_url_func']) and is_callable($prefs['custom_url_func']) and ($url = call_user_func($prefs['custom_url_func'], $article_array, PERMLINKURL)) !== false) { return $url; } extract(lAtts(array( 'thisid' => null, 'id' => null, 'title' => null, 'url_title' => null, 'section' => null, 'posted' => null, 'expires' => null, ), array_change_key_case($article_array, CASE_LOWER), false)); if (empty($thisid)) { $thisid = $id; } $thisid = (int) $thisid; if (isset($permlinks[$thisid])) { return $permlinks[$thisid]; } if (empty($prefs['publish_expired_articles']) && !empty($expires) && $expires < time() && $production_status != 'live' && txpinterface == 'public' ) { trigger_error(gTxt('permlink_to_expired_article', array('{id}' => $thisid)), E_USER_NOTICE); } if (empty($url_title)) { $url_title = stripSpace($title); } $section = urlencode($section); $url_title = urlencode($url_title); switch ($permlink_mode) { case 'section_id_title': if ($prefs['attach_titles_to_permalinks']) { $out = hu."$section/$thisid/$url_title"; } else { $out = hu."$section/$thisid/"; } break; case 'year_month_day_title': list($y, $m, $d) = explode("-", date("Y-m-d", $posted)); $out = hu."$y/$m/$d/$url_title"; break; case 'id_title': if ($prefs['attach_titles_to_permalinks']) { $out = hu."$thisid/$url_title"; } else { $out = hu."$thisid/"; } break; case 'section_title': $out = hu."$section/$url_title"; break; case 'title_only': $out = hu."$url_title"; break; case 'messy': $out = hu."index.php?id=$thisid"; break; } return $permlinks[$thisid] = $out; } /** * Gets a file download URL. * * @param int $id The ID * @param string $filename The filename * @return string * @package File */ function filedownloadurl($id, $filename = '') { global $permlink_mode; if ($permlink_mode == 'messy') { return hu.'index.php'.join_qs(array( 's' => 'file_download', 'id' => (int) $id, )); } if ($filename) { $filename = '/'.urlencode($filename); // FIXME: work around yet another mod_deflate problem (double compression) // http://blogs.msdn.com/wndp/archive/2006/08/21/Content-Encoding-not-equal-Content-Type.aspx if (preg_match('/gz$/i', $filename)) { $filename .= a; } } return hu.urlencode(gTxt('file_download')).'/'.intval($id).$filename; } /** * Gets an image's absolute URL. * * @param int $id The image * @param string $ext The file extension * @param bool $thumbnail If TRUE returns a URL to the thumbnail * @return string * @package Image */ function imagesrcurl($id, $ext, $thumbnail = false) { global $img_dir; $thumbnail = $thumbnail ? 't' : ''; return ihu.$img_dir.'/'.$id.$thumbnail.$ext; } /** * Checks if a value exists in a list. * * @param string $val The searched value * @param string $list The value list * @param string $delim The list boundary * @return bool Returns TRUE if $val is found, FALSE otherwise * @example * if (in_list('red', 'blue, green, red, yellow')) * { * echo "'red' found from the list."; * } */ function in_list($val, $list, $delim = ',') { $args = do_list($list, $delim); return in_array((string) $val, $args, true); } /** * Split a string by string. * * Trims the created values of whitespace. * * @param string $list The string * @param string $delim The boundary * @return array * @example * print_r( * do_list('value1, value2, value3') * ); */ function do_list($list, $delim = ',') { return array_map('trim', explode($delim, $list)); } /** * Split a string by string, returning only unique results. * * Trims unique values of whitespace. Flags permit exclusion of empty strings. * * @param string $list The string * @param string $delim The boundary * @param int $flags TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_NONE | TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY | TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING * @return array * @example * print_r( * do_list_unique('value1, value2, value3') * ); */ function do_list_unique($list, $delim = ',', $flags = TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING) { $out = array_unique(array_map('trim', explode($delim, $list))); if ($flags & TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY) { $out = array_filter($out); } if ($flags & TEXTPATTERN_STRIP_EMPTY_STRING) { $out = array_filter($out, function ($v) {return ($v=='') ? false : true;}); } return $out; } /** * Wraps a string in single quotes. * * @param string $val The input string * @return string */ function doQuote($val) { return "'$val'"; } /** * Escapes special characters for use in an SQL statement and wraps the value * in quote. * * Useful for creating an array of values for use in an SQL statement. * * @param string|array $in The input value * @return mixed * @package DB * @example * if ($r = safe_row('name', 'myTable', 'type in(' . quote_list(array('value1', 'value2')) . ')') * { * echo "Found '{$r['name']}'."; * } */ function quote_list($in) { $out = doSlash($in); return doArray($out, 'doQuote'); } /** * Adds a line to the tag trace. * * @param string $msg The message * @param int $tracelevel_diff Change trace level * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @package Debug */ function trace_add($msg, $level = 0, $dummy = null) { global $trace; if ((int) $level > 0) { $trace->start($msg); } elseif ((int) $level < 0) { $trace->stop(); } else { $trace->log($msg); } // Uncomment this to trigger deprecated warning in a version (or two). // Due to the radical changes under the hood, plugin authors will probably // support dual 4.5/4.6 plugins for the short term. Deprecating this // immediately causes unnecessary pain for developers. // trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_function_with', array('{name}' => __FUNCTION__, '{with}' => 'class Trace')), E_USER_NOTICE); } /** * Push current article on the end of data stack. * * Populates $stack_article global with the current $thisarticle. */ function article_push() { global $thisarticle, $stack_article; $stack_article[] = $thisarticle; } /** * Advance to the next article in the current data stack. * * Populates $thisarticle global with the last article from the * stack stored in $stack_article. */ function article_pop() { global $thisarticle, $stack_article; $thisarticle = array_pop($stack_article); } /** * Gets a path relative to the site's root directory. * * @param string $path The filename to parse * @param string $pfx The root directory * @return string The absolute $path converted to relative * @package File */ function relative_path($path, $pfx = null) { if ($pfx === null) { $pfx = dirname(txpath); } return preg_replace('@^/'.preg_quote(ltrim($pfx, '/'), '@').'/?@', '', $path); } /** * Gets a backtrace. * * @param int $num The limit * @param int $start The offset * @return array A backtrace * @package Debug */ function get_caller($num = 1, $start = 2) { $out = array(); if (!is_callable('debug_backtrace')) { return $out; } $bt = debug_backtrace(); for ($i = $start; $i < $num+$start; $i++) { if (!empty($bt[$i])) { $t = ''; if (!empty($bt[$i]['file'])) { $t .= relative_path($bt[$i]['file']); } if (!empty($bt[$i]['line'])) { $t .= ':'.$bt[$i]['line']; } if ($t) { $t .= ' '; } if (!empty($bt[$i]['class'])) { $t .= $bt[$i]['class']; } if (!empty($bt[$i]['type'])) { $t .= $bt[$i]['type']; } if (!empty($bt[$i]['function'])) { $t .= $bt[$i]['function']; $t .= '()'; } $out[] = $t; } } return $out; } /** * Sets a locale. * * The function name is misleading but remains for legacy reasons. * * @param string $lang * @return string Current locale * @package L10n * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\L10n\Locale::setLocale() */ function getlocale($lang) { global $locale; try { Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->setLocale(LC_TIME, array($lang, $locale)); } catch (Exception $e) { } return Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocale(LC_TIME); } /** * Fetch meta description from the given (or automatic) context. * * Category context may be refined by specifying the content type as well * after a dot. e.g. category.image to check image context category. * * @param string $type Flavour of meta content to fetch (section, category, article) */ function getMetaDescription($type = null) { global $thisarticle, $thiscategory, $thissection, $c, $s, $context; $content = ''; if ($type === null) { if ($thiscategory) { $content = $thiscategory['description']; } elseif ($thissection) { $content = $thissection['description']; } elseif ($thisarticle) { $content = $thisarticle['description']; } elseif ($c) { $content = safe_field("description", 'txp_category', "name = '".doSlash($c)."' AND type = '" . doSlash($context) . "'"); } elseif ($s) { $content = safe_field("description", 'txp_section', "name = '".doSlash($s)."'"); } } else { if (strpos($type, 'category') === 0) { // Category context. if ($thiscategory) { $content = $thiscategory['description']; } else { $thisContext = $context; $catParts = do_list($type, '.'); if (isset($catParts[1])) { $thisContext = $catParts[1]; } $clause = " AND type = '".$thisContext."'"; $content = safe_field("description", 'txp_category', "name = '".doSlash($c)."'" . $clause); } } elseif ($type === 'section') { $theSection = ($thissection) ? $thissection['name'] : $s; $content = safe_field("description", 'txp_section', "name = '".doSlash($theSection)."'"); } elseif ($type === 'article') { assert_article(); $content = ($thisarticle? $thisarticle['description'] : ''); } } return $content; } /** * Assert article context error. */ function assert_article() { global $thisarticle; if (empty($thisarticle)) { trigger_error(gTxt('error_article_context')); } } /** * Assert comment context error. */ function assert_comment() { global $thiscomment; if (empty($thiscomment)) { trigger_error(gTxt('error_comment_context')); } } /** * Assert file context error. */ function assert_file() { global $thisfile; if (empty($thisfile)) { trigger_error(gTxt('error_file_context')); } } /** * Assert image context error. */ function assert_image() { global $thisimage; if (empty($thisimage)) { trigger_error(gTxt('error_image_context')); } } /** * Assert link context error. */ function assert_link() { global $thislink; if (empty($thislink)) { trigger_error(gTxt('error_link_context')); } } /** * Assert section context error. */ function assert_section() { global $thissection; if (empty($thissection)) { trigger_error(gTxt('error_section_context')); } } /** * Assert category context error. */ function assert_category() { global $thiscategory; if (empty($thiscategory)) { trigger_error(gTxt('error_category_context')); } } /** * Validate a variable as an integer. * * @param mixed $myvar The variable * @return int|bool The variable or FALSE on error */ function assert_int($myvar) { if (is_numeric($myvar) and $myvar == intval($myvar)) { return (int) $myvar; } trigger_error("'".txpspecialchars((string) $myvar)."' is not an integer", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } /** * Validate a variable as a string. * * @param mixed $myvar The variable * @return string|bool The variable or FALSE on error */ function assert_string($myvar) { if (is_string($myvar)) { return $myvar; } trigger_error("'".txpspecialchars((string) $myvar)."' is not a string", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } /** * Validate a variable as an array. * * @param mixed $myvar The variable * @return array|bool The variable or FALSE on error */ function assert_array($myvar) { if (is_array($myvar)) { return $myvar; } trigger_error("'".txpspecialchars((string) $myvar)."' is not an array", E_USER_ERROR); return false; } /** * Converts relative links in HTML markup to absolute. * * @param string $html The HTML to check * @param string $permalink Optional URL part appended to the links * @return string HTML * @package URL */ function replace_relative_urls($html, $permalink = '') { global $siteurl; // URLs like "/foo/bar" - relative to the domain. if (serverSet('HTTP_HOST')) { $html = preg_replace('@(]+href=")/(?!/)@', '$1'.PROTOCOL.serverSet('HTTP_HOST').'/', $html); $html = preg_replace('@(]+src=")/(?!/)@', '$1'.PROTOCOL.serverSet('HTTP_HOST').'/', $html); } // "foo/bar" - relative to the textpattern root, // leave "http:", "mailto:" et al. as absolute URLs. $html = preg_replace('@(]+href=")(?!\w+:|//)@', '$1'.PROTOCOL.$siteurl.'/$2', $html); $html = preg_replace('@(]+src=")(?!\w+:|//)@', '$1'.PROTOCOL.$siteurl.'/$2', $html); if ($permalink) { $html = preg_replace("/href=\\\"#(.*)\"/", "href=\"".$permalink."#\\1\"", $html); } return ($html); } /** * Used for clean URL test. * * @param array $pretext * @access private */ function show_clean_test($pretext) { if (is_array($pretext) && isset($pretext['req'])) { echo md5($pretext['req']).n; } if (serverSet('SERVER_ADDR') === serverSet('REMOTE_ADDR')) { var_export($pretext); } } /** * Calculates paging. * * Takes a total number of items, a per page limit and the current page number, * and in return returns the page number, an offset and a number of pages. * * @param int $total The number of items in total * @param int $limit The number of items per page * @param int $page The page number * @return array Array of page, offset and number of pages. * @example * list($page, $offset, $num_pages) = pager(150, 10, 1); * echo "Page {$page} of {$num_pages}. Offset is {$offset}."; */ function pager($total, $limit, $page) { $total = (int) $total; $limit = (int) $limit; $page = (int) $page; $num_pages = ceil($total / $limit); $page = min(max($page, 1), $num_pages); $offset = max(($page - 1) * $limit, 0); return array($page, $offset, $num_pages); } /** * Word-wrap a string using a zero width space. * * @param string $text The input string * @param int $width Target line lenght * @param string $break Is not used * @return string */ function soft_wrap($text, $width, $break = '​') { $wbr = chr(226).chr(128).chr(139); $words = explode(' ', $text); foreach ($words as $wordnr => $word) { $word = preg_replace('|([,./\\>?!:;@-]+)(?=.)|', '$1 ', $word); $parts = explode(' ', $word); foreach ($parts as $partnr => $part) { $len = strlen(utf8_decode($part)); if (!$len) { continue; } $parts[$partnr] = preg_replace('/(.{'.ceil($len/ceil($len/$width)).'})(?=.)/u', '$1'.$wbr, $part); } $words[$wordnr] = join($wbr, $parts); } return join(' ', $words); } /** * Removes prefix from a string. * * @param string $str The string * @param string $pfx The prefix * @return string */ function strip_prefix($str, $pfx) { return preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($pfx, '/').'/', '', $str); } /** * Sends an XML envelope. * * Wraps an array of name => value tupels into an XML envelope, supports one * level of nested arrays at most. * * @param array $response * @return string XML envelope * @package XML */ function send_xml_response($response = array()) { static $headers_sent = false; if (!$headers_sent) { ob_clean(); header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $out[] = ''; $headers_sent = true; } $default_response = array( 'http-status' => '200 OK', ); // Backfill default response properties. $response = $response + $default_response; txp_status_header($response['http-status']); $out[] = ''; foreach ($response as $element => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $out[] = t."<$element>".n; foreach ($value as $e => $v) { // Character escaping in values; // @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-xml-c14n-20000119.html#charescaping. $v = str_replace(array("\t", "\n", "\r"), array(" ", " ", " "), htmlentities($v, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $out[] = t.t."<$e value='$v' />".n; } $out[] = t."".n; } else { $value = str_replace(array("\t", "\n", "\r"), array(" ", " ", " "), htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $out[] = t."<$element value='$value' />".n; } } $out[] = ''; echo join(n, $out); } /** * Sends a text/javascript response. * * @param string $out The JavaScript * @since 4.4.0 * @package Ajax */ function send_script_response($out = '') { static $headers_sent = false; if (!$headers_sent) { ob_clean(); header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8'); txp_status_header('200 OK'); $headers_sent = true; } echo ";\n".$out.";\n"; } /** * Sends an application/json response. * * If the provided $out is not a string, its encoded as JSON. Any string is * treated as it were valid JSON. * * @param mixed $out The JSON * @since 4.6.0 * @package Ajax */ function send_json_response($out = '') { static $headers_sent = false; if (!$headers_sent) { ob_clean(); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); txp_status_header('200 OK'); $headers_sent = true; } if (!is_string($out)) { $out = json_encode($out); } echo $out; } /** * Display a modal client message in response to an AJAX request and * halt execution. * * @param string|array $thing The $thing[0] is the message's text; $thing[1] is the message's type (one of E_ERROR or E_WARNING, anything else meaning "success"; not used) * @since 4.5.0 * @package Ajax */ function modal_halt($thing) { global $app_mode, $theme; if ($app_mode == 'async') { send_script_response($theme->announce_async($thing, true)); die(); } } /** * Sends an activity message to the client. * * @param string|array $message The message * @param int $type The type, either 0, E_ERROR, E_WARNING * @param int $flags Flags, consisting of TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ADAPTIVE | TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ASYNC | TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_MODAL | TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_REGULAR * @package Announce * @since 4.6.0 * @example * echo announce('My message', E_WARNING); */ function announce($message, $type = 0, $flags = TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ADAPTIVE) { global $app_mode, $theme; if (!is_array($message)) { $message = array($message, $type); } if ($flags & TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ASYNC || ($flags & TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ADAPTIVE && $app_mode === 'async')) { return $theme->announce_async($message); } if ($flags & TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_MODAL) { return $theme->announce_async($message, true); } return $theme->announce($message); } /** * Performs regular housekeeping. * * @access private */ function janitor() { global $prefs, $auto_dst, $timezone_key, $is_dst; // Update DST setting. if ($auto_dst && $timezone_key) { $is_dst = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->isDst(null, $timezone_key); if ($is_dst != $prefs['is_dst']) { $prefs['is_dst'] = $is_dst; set_pref('is_dst', $is_dst, 'publish', 2); } } } /** * Dealing with timezones. * * @package DateTime * @deprecated in 4.6.0 */ class timezone { /** * Render HTML <select> element for choosing a timezone. * * @param string $name Element name * @param string $value Selected timezone * @param bool $blank_first Add empty first option * @param bool|string $onchange * @param string $select_id HTML id attribute * @return string HTML markup * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Date\Timezone::getTimeZones() */ public function selectInput($name = '', $value = '', $blank_first = '', $onchange = '', $select_id = '') { if ($details = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->getTimeZones()) { $thiscontinent = ''; $selected = false; foreach ($details as $timezone_id => $tz) { extract($tz); if ($value == $timezone_id) { $selected = true; } if ($continent !== $thiscontinent) { if ($thiscontinent !== '') { $out[] = n.''; } $out[] = n.''; $thiscontinent = $continent; } $where = gTxt(str_replace('_', ' ', $city)) .(!empty($subcity) ? '/'.gTxt(str_replace('_', ' ', $subcity)) : '').t /*."($abbr)"*/; $out[] = n.''; } $out[] = n.''; return n.''. ($blank_first ? n.'' : ''). join('', $out). n.''; } return ''; } /** * Build a matrix of timezone details. * * @return array Array of timezone details indexed by timezone key * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Date\Timezone::getTimeZones() */ public function details() { return Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->getTimeZones(); } /** * Find a timezone key matching a given GMT offset. * * NB: More than one key might fit any given GMT offset, thus the returned * value is ambiguous and merely useful for presentation purposes. * * @param int $gmtoffset * @return string timezone key * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Date\Timezone::getOffsetIdentifiers() */ public function key($gmtoffset) { if ($idenfiers = Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->getOffsetIdentifiers($gmtoffset)) { return $idenfiers[0]; } return ''; } /** * Is DST in effect? * * @param int $timestamp When? * @param string $timezone_key Where? * @return bool * @deprecated in 4.6.0 * @see \Textpattern\Date\Timezone::isDst() */ public static function is_dst($timestamp, $timezone_key) { return Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->isDst($timestamp, $timezone_key); } /** * Check for run-time timezone support. * * As of 4.6.0, always returns TRUE. * * @return bool Timezone feature is enabled * @deprecated in 4.6.0 */ public static function is_supported() { return true; } } /** * Installs localisation strings from a Textpack. * * Created strings get a well-known static modifcation date set in the past. * This is done to avoid tampering with lastmod dates used for RPC server * interactions, caching and update checks. * * @param string $textpack The Textpack to install * @param bool $add_new_langs If TRUE, installs strings for any included language * @return int Number of installed strings * @package L10n */ function install_textpack($textpack, $add_new_langs = false) { $parser = new \Textpattern\Textpack\Parser(); $parser->setLanguage(get_pref('language', 'en-gb')); $textpack = $parser->parse($textpack); if (!$textpack) { return 0; } $installed_langs = safe_column("lang", 'txp_lang', "1 = 1 GROUP BY lang"); $done = 0; foreach ($textpack as $translation) { extract($translation); if (!$add_new_langs && !in_array($lang, $installed_langs)) { continue; } $where = "lang = '".doSlash($lang)."' AND name = '".doSlash($name)."'"; if (safe_count('txp_lang', $where)) { $r = safe_update( 'txp_lang', "lastmod = '2005-08-14', data = '".doSlash($data)."', event = '".doSlash($event)."', owner = '".doSlash($owner)."'", $where ); } else { $r = safe_insert( 'txp_lang', "lastmod = '2005-08-14', data = '".doSlash($data)."', event = '".doSlash($event)."', owner = '".doSlash($owner)."', lang = '".doSlash($lang)."', name = '".doSlash($name)."'" ); } if ($r) { $done++; } } return $done; } /** * Generate a ciphered token. * * The token is reproducible, unique among sites and users, expires later. * * @return string The token * @see bouncer() * @package CSRF */ function form_token() { static $token; global $txp_user; // Generate a ciphered token from the current user's nonce (thus valid for // login time plus 30 days) and a pinch of salt from the blog UID. if (empty($token)) { $nonce = safe_field("nonce", 'txp_users', "name = '".doSlash($txp_user)."'"); $token = md5($nonce.get_pref('blog_uid')); } return $token; } /** * Assert system requirements. * * @access private */ function assert_system_requirements() { if (version_compare(REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION, PHP_VERSION) > 0) { txp_die('This server runs PHP version '.PHP_VERSION.'. Textpattern needs PHP version '.REQUIRED_PHP_VERSION.' or better.'); } } /** * Validates admin steps and protects against CSRF attempts using tokens. * * Takes an admin step and validates it against an array of valid steps. * The valid steps array indicates the step's token based session riding * protection needs. * * If the step requires CSRF token protection, and the request doesn't come with * a valid token, the request is terminated, defeating any CSRF attempts. * * If the $step isn't in valid steps, it returns FALSE, but the request * isn't terminated. If the $step is valid and passes CSRF validation, * returns TRUE. * * @param string $step Requested admin step * @param array $steps An array of valid steps with flag indicating CSRF needs, e.g. array('savething' => true, 'listthings' => false) * @return bool If the $step is valid, proceeds and returns TRUE. Dies on CSRF attempt. * @see form_token() * @package CSRF * @example * global $step; * if (bouncer($step, array( * 'browse' => false, * 'edit' => false, * 'save' => true, * 'multi_edit' => true, * ))) * { * echo "The '{$step}' is valid."; * } */ function bouncer($step, $steps) { global $event; if (empty($step)) { return true; } // Validate step. if (!array_key_exists($step, $steps)) { return false; } // Does this step require a token? if (!$steps[$step]) { return true; } // Validate token. if (gps('_txp_token') === form_token()) { return true; } die(gTxt('get_off_my_lawn', array('{event}' => $event, '{step}' => $step))); } /** * Test whether the client accepts a certain response format. * * Discards formats with a quality factor below 0.1 * * @param string $format One of 'html', 'txt', 'js', 'css', 'json', 'xml', 'rdf', 'atom', 'rss' * @return boolean $format TRUE if accepted * @since 4.5.0 * @package Network */ function http_accept_format($format) { static $formats = array( 'html' => array('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml', '*/*'), 'txt' => array('text/plain', '*/*'), 'js' => array('application/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/ecmascript', 'application/x-ecmascript', '*/*'), 'css' => array('text/css', '*/*'), 'json' => array('application/json', 'application/x-json', '*/*'), 'xml' => array('text/xml', 'application/xml', 'application/x-xml', '*/*'), 'rdf' => array('application/rdf+xml', '*/*'), 'atom' => array('application/atom+xml', '*/*'), 'rss' => array('application/rss+xml', '*/*'), ); static $accepts = array(); static $q = array(); if (empty($accepts)) { // Build cache of accepted formats. $accepts = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', serverSet('HTTP_ACCEPT'), null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($accepts as $i => &$a) { // Sniff out quality factors if present. if (preg_match('/(.*)\s*;\s*q=([.0-9]*)/', $a, $m)) { $a = $m[1]; $q[$a] = floatval($m[2]); } else { $q[$a] = 1.0; } // Discard formats with quality factors below an arbitrary threshold // as jQuery adds a wildcard '*/*; q=0.01' to the 'Accepts' header // for XHR requests. if ($q[$a] < 0.1) { unset($q[$a]); unset($accepts[$i]); } } } return isset($formats[$format]) && count(array_intersect($formats[$format], $accepts)) > 0; } /** * Return a list of status codes and their associated names. * * The list can be extended with a 'status.types > types' callback event. * Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', '$step' and * '$status_list'. The third parameter contains a reference to an array of * 'status_code => label' pairs. * * @param bool Return the list with L10n labels (for UI purposes) or raw values (for comparisons) * @param array List of status keys (numbers) to exclude * @return array A status array * @since 4.6.0 */ function status_list($labels = true, $exclude = array()) { $status_list = array( STATUS_DRAFT => 'draft', STATUS_HIDDEN => 'hidden', STATUS_PENDING => 'pending', STATUS_LIVE => 'live', STATUS_STICKY => 'sticky', ); if (!is_array($exclude)) { $exclude = array(); } foreach ($exclude as $remove) { unset($status_list[(int) $remove]); } callback_event_ref('status.types', 'types', 0, $status_list); if ($labels) { $status_list = array_map('gTxt', $status_list); } return $status_list; } /** * Translates article status names into numerical status codes. * * @param string $name Status name * @param int $default Status code to return if $name is not a defined status name * @return int Matching numerical status */ function getStatusNum($name, $default = STATUS_LIVE) { $statuses = status_list(false); $status = strtolower($name); $num = array_search($status, $statuses); if ($num === false) { $num = $default; } return (int) $num; } /** * Checks install's file integrity and returns results. * * Depending on the given $flags this function will either return an array of * file statuses, checksums or the digest of the install. It can also return the * parsed contents of the checksum file. * * @param int $flags Options are INTEGRITY_MD5 | INTEGRITY_STATUS | INTEGRITY_REALPATH | INTEGRITY_DIGEST * @return array|bool Array of files and status, or FALSE on error * @since 4.6.0 * @package Debug * @example * print_r( * check_file_integrity(INTEGRITY_MD5 | INTEGRITY_REALPATH) * ); */ function check_file_integrity($flags = INTEGRITY_STATUS) { static $files = null, $files_md5 = array(), $checksum_table = array(); if ($files === null) { if ($cs = @file(txpath.'/checksums.txt')) { $files = array(); foreach ($cs as $c) { if (preg_match('@^(\S+):(?: r?(\S+) | )\(?(.{32})\)?$@', trim($c), $m)) { list(, $relative, $r, $md5) = $m; $file = realpath(txpath.$relative); $checksum_table[$relative] = $md5; if ($file === false) { $files[$relative] = INTEGRITY_MISSING; $files_md5[$relative] = false; continue; } if (!is_readable($file)) { $files[$relative] = INTEGRITY_NOT_READABLE; $files_md5[$relative] = false; continue; } if (!is_file($file)) { $files[$relative] = INTEGRITY_NOT_FILE; $files_md5[$relative] = false; continue; } $files_md5[$relative] = md5_file($file); if ($files_md5[$relative] !== $md5) { $files[$relative] = INTEGRITY_MODIFIED; } else { $files[$relative] = INTEGRITY_GOOD; } } } if (!get_pref('enable_xmlrpc_server', true)) { unset( $files_md5['/../rpc/index.php'], $files_md5['/../rpc/TXP_RPCServer.php'], $files['/../rpc/index.php'], $files['/../rpc/TXP_RPCServer.php'] ); } } else { $files_md5 = $files = false; } } if ($flags & INTEGRITY_DIGEST) { return $files_md5 ? md5(implode(n, $files_md5)) : false; } if ($flags & INTEGRITY_TABLE) { return $checksum_table ? $checksum_table : false; } $return = $files; if ($flags & INTEGRITY_MD5) { $return = $files_md5; } if ($return && $flags & INTEGRITY_REALPATH) { $relative = array(); foreach ($return as $path => $status) { $realpath = realpath(txpath.$path); $relative[!$realpath ? $path : $realpath] = $status; } return $relative; } return $return; }