. */ # install en-gb without XML-RPC requirements $en_gb_lang = array( 'admin' => array( 'account_activation' => 'Please activate your account', 'account_activation_confirmation' => 'Please use the link below to activate your account and set up a password.', 'add_new_author' => 'Add new author', 'and_mailed_to' => 'and emailed to', 'assign_assets_to' => 'Assign author’s content to', 'author_already_exists' => 'Author {name} already exists.', 'author_deleted' => 'Author {name} deleted.', 'author_updated' => 'Author {name} updated.', 'a_message_will_be_sent_with_login' => 'A message will be sent with login information.', 'a_new_password_will_be_mailed' => 'A new password will be emailed.', 'cannot_assign_assets_to_deletee' => 'You cannot assign assets to a deleted account.', 'changeprivilege' => 'Change role', 'change_email_address' => 'Change your email address', 'change_password' => 'Change your password', 'copy_editor' => 'Copy Editor', 'could_not_mail' => 'Could not email', 'could_not_update_author' => 'Could not update author.', 'current_password' => 'Current password', 'designer' => 'Designer', 'edit_author' => 'Edit author', 'email_changed' => 'Email address changed to {email}.', 'error_adding_new_author' => 'Error adding new author.', 'freelancer' => 'Freelancer', 'last_login' => 'Last log in', 'link_expires' => 'You have until {day} {month} {year}, {time} to respond before this link expires.', 'login_name' => 'Login', 'login_sent_to' => 'Password sent to {email}.', 'log_in_at' => 'Log in at', 'mail_it' => 'Email it to me', 'managing_editor' => 'Managing Editor', 'must_reassign_assets' => 'Please reassign author’s content', 'new_email' => 'New email', 'new_password' => 'New password', 'password_changed' => 'Password changed.', 'password_changed_mailed' => 'Password changed and emailed to {email}.', 'password_change_confirmation' => 'Your password has been changed. If you did not request a change to your password, contact your site administrator.', 'password_confirm_button' => 'Set password', 'password_forgotten' => 'Forgot password?', 'password_invalid' => 'Your password is incorrect.', 'password_required' => 'Please provide a new password.', 'password_reset' => 'Reset password', 'password_reset_button' => 'Reset password', 'password_reset_confirmation' => 'Somebody (probably you) has requested to reset your password. Please confirm this reset request using the link below.', 'password_reset_confirmation_request' => 'Please confirm your password reset request', 'password_reset_confirmation_request_sent' => 'A confirmation message was sent. Please check your email and follow the instructions.', 'password_sent_to' => 'Password sent to', 'password_set' => 'Your password has been set', 'password_set_confirmation' => 'Your password has been set. If you did not request this, contact your site administrator.', 'password_strength_0' => 'Poor', 'password_strength_1' => 'Weak', 'password_strength_2' => 'Fair', 'password_strength_3' => 'Good', 'password_strength_4' => 'Strong', 'privileges' => 'Role', 'privs_none' => 'None', 'publisher' => 'Publisher', 'real_name' => 'Real name', 'resend_activation' => 'Resend activation link', 'resend_activation_request_sent' => 'Activation message sent to {name}.', 'resetpassword' => 'Reset password', 'reset_author_password' => 'Reset author password', 'search_users' => 'Search users', 'set_password' => 'Set your password', 'show_password' => 'Show password', 'site_administration' => 'Users', 'staff_writer' => 'Staff Writer', 'unknown_author' => 'Unknown author: {name}.', 'writer' => 'Writer', 'your_login_info' => 'Your login info', 'your_login_is' => 'Your login is', 'your_new_password' => 'Your new password', 'your_password_is' => 'Your password is', 'you_have_been_registered' => 'You have been registered as a contributor to the site', ), 'article' => array( 'add_new_article' => 'Create new article', 'advanced_options' => 'Advanced options', 'article_day' => 'Day', 'article_expires_before_postdate' => 'Error: article expires before post date.', 'article_exp_day' => 'Day', 'article_exp_hour' => 'Hour', 'article_exp_minute' => 'Minute', 'article_exp_month' => 'Month', 'article_exp_second' => 'Second', 'article_exp_year' => 'Year', 'article_hour' => 'Hour', 'article_image' => 'Article image', 'article_markup' => 'Article markup', 'article_minute' => 'Minute', 'article_month' => 'Month', 'article_posted' => 'Article posted.', 'article_saved' => 'Article saved.', 'article_saved_draft' => 'Article saved as draft.', 'article_saved_hidden' => 'Article saved as hidden.', 'article_saved_pending' => 'Article saved as pending.', 'article_save_failed' => 'The article was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'article_second' => 'Second', 'article_year' => 'Year', 'comment_settings' => 'Comment options', 'concurrent_edit_by' => 'Article not saved. {author} modified the article while you were editing it. If you’re sure, press the ‘Save’ button once more.', 'date_settings' => 'Date and time', 'excerpt_markup' => 'Excerpt markup', 'expires' => 'Expires', 'invalid_postdate' => 'Invalid date or time.', 'linktext' => 'linktext(title)', 'meta' => 'Meta', 'no_articles_recorded' => 'No articles recorded.', 'or_publish_at' => '…or publish at', 'override_default_form' => 'Override form', 'pending' => 'Pending', 'reset_time' => 'Reset timestamp to now', 'search_articles' => 'Search articles', 'set_to_now' => 'Set timestamp to now', 'sort_display' => 'Sort and display', 'textfilter_help' => 'Text formatting help', 'timestamp' => 'Timestamp', 'url_title' => 'URL-only title', 'url_title_is_blank' => 'URL-only title was left blank.', 'url_title_is_multiple' => 'The same URL-only title is used by {count} different articles.', 'view_html' => 'View HTML markup', 'view_html_short' => 'HTML', 'view_preview' => 'Preview article', 'view_preview_short' => 'Preview', 'view_text' => 'Edit article text', 'view_text_short' => 'Text', 'write' => 'Write', ), 'category' => array( 'article_categories_deleted' => 'Article categories deleted: {list}.', 'article_category' => 'Article category', 'article_category_already_exists' => 'Article category {name} already exists.', 'article_category_created' => 'Article category {name} created.', 'article_category_description' => 'Article category description', 'article_category_invalid' => 'Article category {name} invalid.', 'article_category_name' => 'Article category name', 'article_category_title' => 'Article category title', 'article_category_updated' => 'Article category {name} updated.', 'article_head' => 'Article categories', 'categories_set_parent' => '{list} assigned to {type} category parent {parent}', 'category_not_found' => 'Category not found', 'category_save_failed' => 'The category was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'create_new_category' => 'Create new category', 'edit_category' => 'Edit category', 'file_categories_deleted' => 'File categories deleted: {list}.', 'file_category_already_exists' => 'File category {name} already exists.', 'file_category_created' => 'File category {name} created.', 'file_category_description' => 'File category description', 'file_category_invalid' => 'File category {name} invalid.', 'file_category_name' => 'File category name', 'file_category_title' => 'File category title', 'file_category_updated' => 'File category {name} updated.', 'file_head' => 'File categories', 'image_categories_deleted' => 'Image categories deleted: {list}.', 'image_category_already_exists' => 'Image category {name} already exists.', 'image_category_created' => 'Image category {name} created.', 'image_category_description' => 'Image category description', 'image_category_invalid' => 'Image category {name} invalid.', 'image_category_name' => 'Image category name', 'image_category_title' => 'Image category title', 'image_category_updated' => 'Image category {name} updated.', 'image_head' => 'Image categories', 'link_categories_deleted' => 'Link categories deleted: {list}.', 'link_category_already_exists' => 'Link category {name} already exists.', 'link_category_created' => 'Link category {name} created.', 'link_category_description' => 'Link category description', 'link_category_invalid' => 'Link category {name} invalid.', 'link_category_name' => 'Link category name', 'link_category_title' => 'Link category title', 'link_category_updated' => 'Link category {name} updated.', 'link_head' => 'Link categories', 'no_categories_exist' => 'None exist.', 'no_other_categories_exist' => 'No other categories exist.', 'parent' => 'Parent', ), 'common' => array( 'active' => 'Active', 'add' => 'Add', 'admin' => 'Admin', 'ar-ar' => 'عربي', 'ar-dz' => 'جزائري عربي', 'are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure?', 'article' => 'Article', 'ascending' => 'Ascending', 'auth_required' => 'Authorisation required.', 'back_to_login' => 'Back to Textpattern log in', 'bad_cookie' => 'Your session has expired. Please log in again.', 'bg-bg' => 'български', 'body' => 'Body', 'bs-ba' => 'Bosanski', 'ca-es' => 'Català', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'cannot_instantiate_theme' => 'Theme {name} ({class}) failed to load properly from file {path}. The default theme will be used as a fallback when you refresh this page.', 'category' => 'Category', 'changeauthor' => 'Change author', 'changecategory' => 'Change category', 'changecategory1' => 'Change Category 1', 'changecategory2' => 'Change Category 2', 'changecomments' => 'Change comments', 'changeparent' => 'Change parent', 'changesection' => 'Change section', 'changestatus' => 'Change status', 'close' => 'Close', 'collapse_all' => 'Collapse all', 'comment' => 'Comment', 'comments_expired' => 'Commenting has expired for this article.', 'confirm_delete_popup' => 'Really delete?', 'cookies_must_be_enabled' => 'Browser cookies must be enabled to use Textpattern.', 'could_not_log_in' => 'Could not log in with that username/password.', 'cs-cz' => 'Čeština', 'da-dk' => 'Dansk', 'date_added' => 'Date added', 'de-de' => 'Deutsch', 'deleteforce' => 'Force delete', 'delete_selected' => 'Delete selected', 'descending' => 'Descending', 'description' => 'Description', 'detail_toggle' => 'Show more detail', 'draft' => 'Draft', 'duplicate' => 'Duplicate', 'el-gr' => 'Ελληνικά', 'en-gb' => 'English (British)', 'en-us' => 'English (American)', 'es-es' => 'Español', 'et-ee' => 'Eesti', 'excerpt' => 'Excerpt', 'expand_all' => 'Expand all', 'expired' => 'Expired', 'expire_date' => 'Expire date', 'expire_time' => 'Expire time', 'external_links' => 'External links', 'fa-ir' => 'فارسی', 'fi-fi' => 'Suomi', 'form_not_found' => 'Form not found', 'form_not_specified' => 'Form not specified.', 'form_submission_error' => 'Sorry, the form could not be submitted. Please try again later.', 'fr-fr' => 'Français', 'gd_unavailable' => 'unavailable', 'general_error' => 'General error', 'get_off_my_lawn' => 'I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t do that; {event} {step} is an unsafe operation.', 'gl-gz' => 'Galego', 'greeting' => 'Dear', 'he-il' => 'עברית', 'hidden' => 'Hidden', 'hr-hr' => 'Hrvatski', 'hu-hu' => 'Magyar', 'id-id' => 'Bahasa Indonesia', 'image_category' => 'Category', 'internal_error' => 'Internal error', 'is-is' => 'Íslenska', 'it-it' => 'Italiano', 'ja-jp' => '日本語', 'ko-kr' => '한국말 (대한민국)', 'lang_dir' => 'ltr', 'last_modified' => 'Last modified', 'links' => 'Links', 'link_category' => 'Category', 'logged_in_as' => 'Logged in as', 'login' => 'Log in', 'login_to_textpattern' => 'Log in to Textpattern', 'logout' => 'Log out', 'log_in_button' => 'Log in', 'lt-lt' => 'Lietuvių', 'lv-lv' => 'Latviešu', 'method' => 'Method', 'misc' => 'Miscellaneous', 'modified' => 'modified', 'navigation' => 'Navigation', 'nl-nl' => 'Nederlands', 'no-no' => 'Norsk', 'no_results_found' => 'No results found.', 'password' => 'Password', 'per_page' => 'per page', 'pl-pl' => 'Polski', 'pt-br' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'pt-pt' => 'Português (Portugal)', 'published_with' => 'Published with', 'publish_date' => 'Publish date', 'publish_time' => 'Publish time', 'range' => 'Range', 'restricted_area' => 'Restricted area.', 'ro-ro' => 'Română', 'ru-ru' => 'Русский', 'salutation' => 'Dear {name},', 'save_new' => 'Save new', 'search_all' => 'Search all', 'search_clear' => 'Clear search', 'search_options' => 'Search options', 'showing_search_results' => 'Showing {from} to {to} of {total}', 'site_slogan' => 'Site slogan', 'sk-sk' => 'Slovenčina', 'sort_value' => 'Sort value', 'sp-rs' => 'Srpski', 'spam' => 'Spam', 'sr-rs' => 'Српски', 'stay_logged_in' => 'Remain logged in with this browser', 'sticky' => 'Sticky', 'structure' => 'Structure', 'sv-se' => 'Svenska', 'tab_admin' => 'Admin', 'tab_comments' => 'Comments', 'tab_content' => 'Content', 'tab_diagnostics' => 'Diagnostics', 'tab_extensions' => 'Extensions', 'tab_file' => 'Files', 'tab_forms' => 'Forms', 'tab_image' => 'Images', 'tab_import' => 'Import', 'tab_languages' => 'Languages', 'tab_link' => 'Links', 'tab_list' => 'Articles', 'tab_logs' => 'Visitor logs', 'tab_organise' => 'Categories', 'tab_pages' => 'Pages', 'tab_plugins' => 'Plugins', 'tab_preferences' => 'Preferences', 'tab_presentation' => 'Presentation', 'tab_sections' => 'Sections', 'tab_site_admin' => 'Users', 'tab_skins' => 'Skins', 'tab_start' => 'Home', 'tab_style' => 'Styles', 'tab_view_site' => 'View site', 'tab_write' => 'Write', 'th-th' => 'ภาษาไทย', 'thumbnail' => 'Thumbnail', 'title_body' => 'Title and body', 'title_body_excerpt' => 'Title, body and excerpt', 'toggle_all_selected' => 'Toggle all/none selected', 'tr-tr' => 'Türkçe', 'txpnl2br' => 'Line breaks only', 'txprawxhtml' => 'Raw HTML', 'txpstriptags' => 'Strip tags', 'txptextile' => 'Textile', 'txptextilelite' => 'Textile Lite', 'txt_quote_double_close' => '”', 'txt_quote_double_open' => '“', 'txt_quote_single_close' => '’', 'txt_quote_single_open' => '‘', 'uk-ua' => 'Українська', 'units_b' => 'B', 'units_e' => 'EB', 'units_g' => 'GB', 'units_k' => 'kB', 'units_m' => 'MB', 'units_p' => 'PB', 'units_t' => 'TB', 'units_y' => 'YB', 'units_z' => 'ZB', 'unmoderated' => 'Unmoderated', 'upload_err_cant_write' => 'Failed to write file to disk.', 'upload_err_extension' => 'File upload stopped by PHP extension.', 'upload_err_form_size' => 'File exceeds the maximum size specified in Textpattern’s preferences.', 'upload_err_ini_size' => 'File exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 'upload_err_no_file' => 'No file was specified.', 'upload_err_partial' => 'File was only partially uploaded.', 'upload_err_tmp_dir' => 'No valid temporary directory was found. Please consult your website host.', 'upload_file' => 'Upload file', 'ur-in' => 'اردو', 'use_textile' => 'Use Textile', 'vi-vn' => 'Tiếng Việt (Việt Nam)', 'viewsite' => 'View site', 'view_per_page' => 'View {page} per page', 'visible' => 'Visible', 'with_selected' => 'With selected:', 'with_selected_option' => 'With selected…', 'zh-cn' => '中文(简体)', 'zh-tw' => '中文(繁體)', ), 'css' => array( 'add_declaration' => 'Add declaration', 'add_new_selector' => 'Add new selector', 'all_stylesheets' => 'All styles', 'bulkload_existing_css' => 'Create or load new style', 'cannot_delete_default_css' => 'Style default cannot be deleted.', 'copy_css_as' => '…or copy style as', 'create_new_css' => 'Create new style', 'css_already_exists' => 'Style {name} already exists.', 'css_code' => 'Style code', 'css_created' => 'Style {name} created.', 'css_deleted' => 'Style {name} deleted.', 'css_mode' => 'CSS mode', 'css_name' => 'Style name', 'css_name_required' => 'Please provide a name for your style.', 'css_property_value' => 'Property : Value', 'css_save_failed' => 'The style was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'css_selector' => 'Selector', 'css_updated' => 'Style {name} updated.', 'css_used_by_section' => 'Style {name} not deleted; used by {count} section(s).', 'delete_declaration' => 'Delete this declaration', 'delete_entire_selector' => 'Delete entire selector', 'delete_this_declaration' => 'Delete this declaration', 'edit_css' => 'Styles', 'edit_css_file' => 'Edit CSS file', 'edit_css_in_form' => 'Edit in CSS editor', 'edit_raw_css' => 'Edit raw CSS', 'name_for_this_style' => 'Name for this style', 'property' => 'Property', 'save_css_as' => 'Save style as:', 'save_this_declaration' => 'Save this declaration', 'save_this_selector' => 'Save this selector', 'selector' => 'Selector', 'style_sheet' => 'Style sheet', 'style_sheet_saved' => 'Style saved', 'you_are_editing_css' => 'You are editing style', ), 'diag' => array( 'active_plugins' => 'Active plugins', 'all_checks_passed' => 'All checks passed!', 'apache_modules' => 'Apache modules', 'apache_version' => 'Apache version', 'cleanurl_only_apache' => 'Clean URLs are only supported on Apache, use at your own risk.', 'clean_url_data_failed' => 'Clean URL data test failed', 'clean_url_test_failed' => 'Clean URL test failed.', 'db_global_timezone' => 'Database server timezone', 'db_server_time' => 'Database server time', 'db_server_timeoffset' => 'Database server time offset', 'db_session_timezone' => 'Database session timezone', 'detail' => 'Detail', 'dev_version_live' => 'You are running a development version of Textpattern on a live server.', 'diagnostic_info' => 'Diagnostic info', 'dir_not_writable' => '{dirtype} is not writable', 'dns_lookup_fails' => 'DNS lookup failed', 'document_root' => 'Document root', 'file_uploads_disabled' => 'File uploads are disabled', 'gd_info' => '{version}; supported formats: {supported}.', 'gd_library' => 'GD Graphics Library', 'high' => 'High', 'htaccess_contents' => '.htaccess file contents', 'htaccess_missing' => '.htaccess file is missing', 'img_dir_read_only' => 'Image directory is read-only', 'is_inaccessible' => 'is inaccessible', 'last_update' => 'Last update', 'low' => 'Low', 'magic_quotes' => 'Magic quotes', 'missing_files' => 'Missing files', 'modified_files' => 'Some Textpattern files have been modified', 'mod_rewrite_missing' => 'Apache module mod_rewrite is not enabled.', 'mysql_table_errors' => 'The following errors were detected in your MySQL tables', 'no_temp_dir' => 'No temporary directory defined', 'old_files' => 'Some Textpattern files are out of date', 'old_placeholder' => 'Old placeholder file is in the way', 'os_version' => 'Server OS', 'path_to_site_inacc' => '$path_to_site is inaccessible.', 'php_extensions' => 'PHP extensions', 'php_sapi_mode' => 'PHP server API', 'php_version' => 'PHP version', 'php_version_required' => 'Textpattern requires at least version {version} of PHP to be installed on your server', 'preflight_check' => 'Pre-flight check', 'register_globals' => 'Register globals', 'rfc2616_headers' => 'RFC 2616 headers', 'rfc_2616_headers' => 'CGI header mode', 'server' => 'Server', 'server_time' => 'Server local time', 'site_trailing_slash' => 'Site URL has a trailing slash', 'site_url_mismatch' => 'Site URL preference might be incorrect', 'some_php_functions_disabled' => 'The following PHP functions (which may be necessary to run Textpattern) are disabled on your server', 'still_exists' => 'still exists', 'textpattern_update_available' => 'New Textpattern version {version} available for download.', 'tmp_plugin_paths_match' => 'Temporary directory path and plugin cache directory path should not match.', 'txp_path' => 'Textpattern path', 'txp_version' => 'Textpattern version', 'warn_register_globals_or_update' => 'Your version of PHP has known security vulnerabilities. Please turn register_globals off or update to a newer PHP version.', 'web_domain' => 'Site URL', ), 'discuss' => array( 'article_deleted' => 'Article deleted.', 'ban' => 'Ban', 'banned_for' => 'Banned for', 'banned_ips' => 'Banned IPs', 'ban_author' => 'Ban commenter', 'cant_ban_blank_ip' => 'You cannot ban a blank IP address.', 'comments_deleted' => 'Comments deleted: {list}.', 'comments_marked_spam' => 'Comments hidden and marked as spam: {list}.', 'comments_marked_unmoderated' => 'Comments hidden and marked as unmoderated: {list}.', 'comments_marked_visible' => 'Comments made visible: {list}.', 'comment_not_found' => 'Comment does not exist, it may have been deleted.', 'comment_save_failed' => 'The comment was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'comment_updated' => 'Comment {id} updated.', 'confirm_comment_deletion' => 'confirm comment deletion', 'date_banned' => 'Date banned', 'displayed_comments' => 'Displayed comments', 'edit_comment' => 'Edit comment', 'hide_comment' => 'Hide comment', 'hide_spam' => 'Hide (spam)', 'hide_unmoderated' => 'Hide (unmoderated)', 'ips_banned' => 'IP addresses banned from commenting: {list}.', 'ip_already_banned' => 'IP address {ip} already banned.', 'ip_banned' => 'IP address {ip} banned.', 'ip_ban_removed' => 'IP address {ip} ban removed.', 'just_spam_results_found' => 'Only spam comments found. Use ‘Show spam’ to view them.', 'list_banned_ips' => 'List banned IPs', 'list_discussions' => 'Comments', 'name_used' => 'Name used', 'no_comments_recorded' => 'No comments recorded.', 'no_ips_banned' => 'No IP addresses have been banned.', 'search_comments' => 'Search comments', 'show' => 'Show', 'show_spam' => 'Show spam', 'unban' => 'Unban', ), 'file' => array( 'condition' => 'Condition', 'download' => 'Download', 'downloads' => 'Downloads', 'edit_file' => 'Edit file', 'existing_file' => 'Existing file', 'file' => 'File', 'file_already_exists' => 'File {name} already exists.', 'file_cannot_rename' => 'File {name} could not be renamed.', 'file_category' => 'Category', 'file_deleted' => 'File(s) {name} deleted.', 'file_delete_failed' => 'Failed to delete file(s)', 'file_dir_not_writeable' => 'Warning: cannot write to file directory {filedir}.', 'file_download_count' => 'Download count', 'file_name' => 'Name', 'file_not_found' => 'File(s) not found', 'file_not_updated' => 'File {name} not updated!', 'file_relink' => 'Upload/assign file', 'file_status' => 'File status', 'file_status_missing' => 'Missing', 'file_status_ok' => 'OK', 'file_unsynchronized' => 'File {name} has become unsynchronised with the database. Please manually fix filename.', 'file_updated' => 'File {name} updated.', 'file_uploaded' => 'File {name} uploaded.', 'file_upload_failed' => 'Failed to upload file', 'invalid_filename' => 'Invalid filename', 'invalid_id' => 'Invalid ID', 'linked_to_file' => 'Linked record to file', 'no_files_recorded' => 'No files recorded.', 'permissions' => 'Permissions', 'private' => 'Private', 'public' => 'Public', 'replace_file' => 'Replace file', 'reset' => 'reset', 'reset_download_count' => 'Reset download count', 'reset_file_count_failure' => 'Failed to reset file download count', 'reset_file_count_success' => 'Successfully reset file download count', 'search_files' => 'Search files', ), 'form' => array( 'all_forms' => 'All forms', 'changetype' => 'Change type', 'create_new_form' => 'Create new form', 'delete_form_confirmation' => 'confirm form deletion', 'edit_forms' => 'Form templates', 'forms_deleted' => 'Forms deleted: {list}.', 'form_already_exists' => 'Form {name} already exists.', 'form_clone' => 'Duplicate form', 'form_code' => 'Form code', 'form_created' => 'Form {name} created.', 'form_name' => 'Form name', 'form_name_invalid' => 'Form name invalid.', 'form_save_failed' => 'The form was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'form_type' => 'Form type', 'form_type_missing' => 'Form type is missing', 'form_updated' => 'Form {name} updated.', 'list_forms' => 'list forms', 'you_are_editing_form' => 'You are editing form', ), 'image' => array( 'add_magnify_icon' => 'Magnifier', 'alt_text' => 'Alternate text', 'cannot_write_directory' => 'Cannot write to directory', 'choose_either_width_height_or_both' => 'Indicate width, height, or both', 'create_thumbnail' => 'Create thumbnail', 'edit_image' => 'Edit image', 'extension' => 'Extension', 'images' => 'Images', 'image_deleted' => 'Image(s) {name} deleted.', 'image_delete_failed' => 'Image(s) {name} could not be completely deleted.', 'image_details' => 'Image details', 'image_name' => 'Image name', 'image_save_error' => 'There was a problem saving image data.', 'image_save_failed' => 'The image was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'image_updated' => 'Image {name} updated.', 'image_uploaded' => 'Image(s) {name} uploaded.', 'img_dir_not_writeable' => 'Warning: cannot write to image directory {imgdir}.', 'invalid_width_or_height' => 'Invalid width or height.', 'keep_square_pixels' => 'Crop', 'not_saved' => 'not saved!', 'no_images_recorded' => 'No images recorded.', 'only_graphic_files_allowed' => 'Only .jpg, .gif, .png or .swf file types allowed.', 'replace_image' => 'Replace image', 'save_these_settings_as_default' => 'Save settings as default', 'search_images' => 'Search images', 'thumbnail_deleted' => 'Thumbnail deleted.', 'thumbnail_not_saved' => 'Thumbnail {id} not saved!', 'thumbnail_saved' => 'Thumbnail {id} saved.', 'thumb_height' => 'Height', 'thumb_width' => 'Width', 'upload_category' => 'Category', 'upload_dir_perms' => 'directory permissions need to be checked.', 'upload_image' => 'Upload image', 'upload_thumbnail' => 'Upload thumbnail', ), 'import' => array( 'continue' => 'Continue', 'database_stuff' => 'Database data', 'import_blogid' => 'Blog ID', 'import_database' => 'Database name', 'import_file_not_found' => 'Import file not found. Please name the file import.txt and place it in /textpattern/include/import/.', 'import_host' => 'MySQL host', 'import_invite' => 'Default comments invite', 'import_login' => 'MySQL user', 'import_password' => 'MySQL password', 'import_section' => 'Section to import into', 'import_status' => 'Default article status', 'import_wpdbcharset' => 'Database character set', 'import_wpprefix' => 'Tables prefix (if any)', 'select_tool' => 'Import from', 'txp_import' => 'Import content from other publishing tools', ), 'link' => array( 'add_new_link' => 'Create new link', 'edit_link' => 'Edit link', 'edit_links' => 'Links', 'linkcategory' => 'Link categories', 'links_deleted' => 'Link(s) deleted: {list}.', 'link_created' => 'Link {name} created.', 'link_deleted' => 'Link {name} deleted.', 'link_empty' => 'Links should not be empty.', 'link_name' => 'Name', 'link_saved' => 'Link saved.', 'link_save_failed' => 'Link could not be saved.', 'link_text' => 'Link text', 'link_updated' => 'Link(s) {name} updated.', 'no_links_recorded' => 'No links recorded.', 'search_links' => 'Search links', ), 'list' => array( 'article_modified' => 'Modified', 'manage' => 'Manage', ), 'log' => array( 'logs' => 'Logs', 'logs_deleted' => 'Logs deleted: {list}.', 'no_refers_recorded' => 'No hits recorded.', 'referrer' => 'Referrer', 'search_logs' => 'Search logs', 'visitor_logs' => 'Visitor logs', ), 'page' => array( 'all_pages' => 'All pages', 'copy_page_as' => '…or copy page as', 'create_new_page' => 'Create new page', 'delete_page_confirmation' => 'confirm page deletion', 'edit_page' => 'Edit page', 'edit_pages' => 'Page templates', 'name_for_this_page' => 'Name for this page', 'page_already_exists' => 'Page {name} already exists.', 'page_article_hed' => 'Article output', 'page_article_nav_hed' => 'Article navigation', 'page_code' => 'Page code', 'page_created' => 'Page {name} created.', 'page_deleted' => 'Page {name} deleted.', 'page_misc_hed' => 'Miscellaneous', 'page_name' => 'Page name', 'page_name_invalid' => 'Page name is invalid.', 'page_nav_hed' => 'Site navigation', 'page_save_failed' => 'The page was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'page_updated' => 'Page {name} updated.', 'page_used_by_section' => 'Page {name} not deleted; used by {count} section(s).', 'page_xml_hed' => 'XML feeds', 'you_are_editing_div' => 'You are editing div', 'you_are_editing_page' => 'You are editing page template', ), 'plugin' => array( 'bad_plugin_code' => 'Badly formed or empty plugin code.', 'broken_plugin' => 'broken', 'changeorder' => 'Change order', 'edit_plugin' => 'Edit plugin {name}', 'edit_plugins' => 'Edit plugin', 'help' => 'Help', 'install' => 'Install', 'install_plugin' => 'Install plugin', 'old_plugin' => 'Old-style (text file) plugin installer', 'order' => 'Order', 'plugin' => 'Plugin', 'plugins' => 'Plugins', 'plugin_compression_unsupported' => 'Plugin decompression is not supported by your server. Contact the plugin author for an uncompressed version.', 'plugin_deleted' => 'Plugin {name} deleted.', 'plugin_help' => 'Plugin help', 'plugin_installed' => 'Plugin {name} installed.', 'plugin_install_failed' => 'Plugin {name} install failed!', 'plugin_modified' => 'Modified', 'plugin_prefs' => 'Options', 'plugin_saved' => 'Plugin {name} saved.', 'plugin_updated' => 'Plugin {name} updated.', 'previewing_plugin' => 'Previewing plugin:', 'verify_plugin' => 'Verify plugin', ), 'prefs' => array( 'active_language' => 'Currently active language', 'admin_side_plugins' => 'Use admin-side plugins?', 'advanced_preferences' => 'Advanced', 'allow_article_php_scripting' => 'Allow PHP in articles?', 'allow_form_override' => 'Allow form override?', 'allow_page_php_scripting' => 'Allow PHP in pages?', 'allow_raw_php_scripting' => 'Allow raw PHP?', 'all_hits' => 'All hits', 'all_preferences' => 'All preferences', 'archive_dateformat' => 'Archive date format', 'archive_date_case' => 'Archive date case', 'archive_dir' => 'Archive directory', 'articles_use_excerpts' => 'Use excerpts on articles?', 'attach_titles_to_permalinks' => 'Attach titles to permalinks?', 'auto_dst' => 'Automatically adjust Daylight Saving Time setting?', 'category_subcategory' => '/category/subcategory', 'check_for_txp_updates' => 'Check updates', 'clean' => '/clean/', 'comments_are_ol' => 'Present comments as a numbered list?', 'comments_auto_append' => 'Automatically append comments to articles?', 'comments_dateformat' => 'Comments date format', 'comments_default_invite' => 'Default comments invite', 'comments_disabled_after' => 'Comments disabled after', 'comments_disallow_images' => 'Strip commenter images from comments?', 'comments_mode' => 'Comments mode', 'comments_moderate' => 'Moderate comments?', 'comments_on_default' => 'Comments on by default?', 'comments_require_email' => 'Comments require commenter’s email address?', 'comments_require_name' => 'Comments require commenter’s name?', 'comments_sendmail' => 'Email comments to author?', 'comments_use_fat_textile' => 'Allow more Textile markup in comments?', 'comment_means_site_updated' => 'New comment means site updated?', 'comment_nofollow' => 'Apply rel="nofollow" to comments?', 'convert_linebreaks' => 'Convert line breaks', 'css' => 'Style', 'custom' => 'Custom fields', 'custom_10_set' => 'Custom field 10 name', 'custom_1_set' => 'Custom field 1 name', 'custom_2_set' => 'Custom field 2 name', 'custom_3_set' => 'Custom field 3 name', 'custom_4_set' => 'Custom field 4 name', 'custom_5_set' => 'Custom field 5 name', 'custom_6_set' => 'Custom field 6 name', 'custom_7_set' => 'Custom field 7 name', 'custom_8_set' => 'Custom field 8 name', 'custom_9_set' => 'Custom field 9 name', 'default_event' => 'Default administration panel', 'default_publish_status' => 'Default publishing status', 'doctype' => 'Doctype', 'edit_preferences' => 'Preferences', 'edit_raw_css_by_default' => 'Use raw editing mode by default?', 'enable_xmlrpc_server' => 'Enable XML-RPC server?', 'experts_only' => 'experts only', 'expire_logs_after' => 'Logs expire after how many days?', 'feeds' => 'Feeds', 'file_base_path' => 'File directory path', 'file_max_upload_size' => 'Maximum file size of uploads (in bytes)', 'from_file' => 'Install from file', 'from_server' => 'Install from remote server', 'gmtoffset' => 'Time zone (GMT offset in seconds)', 'ham' => 'All but spam', 'hours_days_ago' => 'hours/days ago', 'id_title' => '/id/title', 'img_dir' => 'Image directory', 'include_email_atom' => 'Include email in Atom feeds?', 'installing_language' => 'Installing language', 'install_from_textpack' => 'Install from Textpack', 'install_langfile' => 'To install new languages from file you can download them from {url} and place them inside your /textpattern/lang/ directory.', 'install_language' => 'Install language', 'install_textpack' => 'Install Textpack', 'is_dst' => 'Daylight Saving Time enabled?', 'language' => 'Language', 'lastmod_keepalive' => 'Compensate for persistent connection mod_deflate bug?', 'leave_text_untouched' => 'Leave text untouched', 'link' => 'Links', 'locale' => 'Locale', 'locale_not_available_for_language' => 'No locale available for language {name}. Using default locale instead.', 'logging' => 'Logging', 'logs_expire' => 'Logs expire after how many days?', 'manage_languages' => 'Language', 'markup_default' => 'Default markup', 'max_url_len' => 'Maximum URL length (in characters)', 'mentions' => 'Mentions', 'messy' => '?=messy', 'never_display_email' => 'Hide commenter email address?', 'new_textpattern_version_available' => 'There is a new Textpattern version available. Do you want to download it?', 'no_popup' => 'current window', 'no_preferences' => 'No preferences available.', 'override_emailcharset' => 'Use ISO-8859-1 encoding in emails (default is UTF-8)?', 'path_from_root' => 'Sub-directory (if any)', 'path_to_site_missing' => '$path_to_site is not set (update index.php)', 'permalink_title_format' => 'Permalink title-like-this (instead of TitleLikeThis)?', 'permlink_format' => 'Permalink title URL pattern', 'permlink_hyphenated' => 'Hyphenated (title-like-this)', 'permlink_intercapped' => 'Intercapped (TitleLikeThis)', 'permlink_mode' => 'Article URL pattern', 'ping_textpattern_com' => 'Ping textpattern.com?', 'ping_weblogsdotcom' => 'Ping pingomatic.com?', 'plugin_cache_dir' => 'Plugin cache directory path', 'preferences_saved' => 'Preferences saved', 'prefs' => 'Prefs', 'problem_connecting_rpc_server' => 'There was a problem trying to connect to the RPC server. Please try again later.', 'production_debug' => 'Debugging', 'production_live' => 'Live', 'production_status' => 'Production status', 'production_test' => 'Testing', 'publisher_email' => 'Send login details from this email address', 'publish_expired_articles' => 'Publish expired articles?', 'record_mentions' => 'Record mentions', 'referrers_only' => 'Referrers only', 'remove_lang' => 'Remove language', 'rpc_connect_error' => 'Can’t connect to remote server to check for updated language files. Please try again later.', 'rss_how_many' => 'How many articles should be included in feeds?', 'section_id_title' => '/section/id/title', 'section_title' => '/section/title', 'send_lastmod' => 'Send "Last-Modified" header?', 'show_article_category_count' => 'Show article count on categories panel?', 'show_comment_count_in_feed' => 'Show comment count in feeds?', 'site_prefs' => 'Basic', 'skin_base_path' => 'Skin base path', 'smtp_from' => 'SMTP envelope sender address', 'spam_blacklists' => 'Spam blocklists (comma-separated)', 'syndicate_body_or_excerpt' => 'Syndicate article excerpt only?', 'tempdir' => 'Temporary directory path', 'textile_links' => 'Textile link descriptions by default?', 'textpack_strings_installed' => '{count} strings installed from Textpack', 'theme_name' => 'Admin-side theme', 'timeoffset' => 'Time offset (hours)', 'title_no_widow' => 'Prevent widowed words in article titles?', 'title_only' => '/title', 'updated' => 'updated', 'updated_branch_version_available' => 'There is an update for this Textpattern version series available. Do you want to download it?', 'update_languages' => 'Update languages', 'up_to_date' => 'Up-to-date', 'urls_to_ping' => 'URLs to ping (comma-separated)', 'url_mode' => 'URL mode', 'use_comments' => 'Accept comments?', 'use_dns' => 'Use DNS lookup in visitor logs?', 'use_mail_on_feeds_id' => 'Use email address to construct feed IDs (default is site URL)?', 'use_plugins' => 'Use plugins?', 'year_month_day_title' => '/year/month/day/title', ), 'public' => array( '403_forbidden' => 'Forbidden.', '404_not_found' => 'The requested resource was not found.', '410_gone' => 'The requested resource is no longer available.', '500_internal_server_error' => 'Internal server error.', 'ago' => 'ago', 'all' => 'All', 'already_exists' => 'already exists', 'any' => 'Any', 'articles' => 'Articles', 'articles_found' => 'articles found', 'article_context' => 'article', 'article_found' => 'article found', 'atom_feed_title' => 'Atom feed', 'attribute_values_must_be_quoted' => 'Attribute values must be quoted.', 'author' => 'Author', 'authors' => 'Authors', 'a_few_seconds' => 'a few seconds', 'back_to_top' => 'Back to top', 'blockquote' => 'Blockquote', 'browse' => 'Browse', 'bulleted_list' => 'Bulleted list', 'caption' => 'Caption', 'categories' => 'Categories', 'categorize' => 'Categorize', 'category1' => 'Category 1', 'category2' => 'Category 2', 'change' => 'change', 'check_html' => 'Check HTML', 'choose' => 'Choose…', 'citation' => 'citation', 'comments' => 'Comments', 'comments_closed' => 'Commenting is closed for this article.', 'comments_on' => 'Comments on', 'comments_permlink' => 'Permanent link', 'comment_comment' => 'Comment', 'comment_duplicate' => 'Duplicate comments are not accepted.', 'comment_email' => 'Email', 'comment_email_required' => 'Please enter a valid email address.', 'comment_invitation' => 'Invitation', 'comment_message' => 'Message', 'comment_moderated' => 'Your comment is pending moderation. It will appear after it has been approved.', 'comment_name' => 'Name', 'comment_name_required' => 'Please enter your name.', 'comment_posted' => 'Thank you for adding your comment.', 'comment_received' => '[{site}] comment received: {title}', 'comment_recorded' => 'A comment on your post “{title}” was received.', 'comment_required' => 'Please enter a comment.', 'comment_web' => 'Website', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'copy' => 'Copy', 'create' => 'Create', 'created' => 'created', 'create_new' => 'Create new', 'date' => 'Date', 'dateformat' => 'Date format', 'date_case' => 'Date case', 'day' => 'day', 'days' => 'days', 'default' => 'Default', 'definition_list' => 'Definition list', 'delete' => 'Delete', 'deleted' => 'deleted', 'deleted_text' => 'deleted text', 'deprecated_attribute' => '{name} attribute is deprecated.', 'deprecated_configuration' => 'Configuration option {name} is deprecated.', 'deprecated_function' => 'Function {name} is deprecated.', 'deprecated_function_with' => 'Function {name} is deprecated: use {with} instead.', 'deprecated_tag' => 'tag is deprecated', 'documentation' => 'Documentation', 'download_count' => 'Download count', 'edit' => 'Edit', 'email' => 'Email', 'email_address' => 'Email address', 'emphasis' => 'emphasis', 'enter_comment_here' => 'Enter your comment below. Fields marked * are required. You must preview your comment before submitting it.', 'error_article_context' => 'Article tags cannot be used outside an article context.', 'error_category_context' => 'Category tags cannot be used outside a category context.', 'error_comment_context' => 'Comment tags cannot be used outside a comment context.', 'error_file_context' => 'File tags cannot be used outside a file context.', 'error_image_context' => 'Image tags cannot be used outside an image context.', 'error_link_context' => 'Link tags cannot be used outside a link context.', 'error_section_context' => 'Section tags cannot be used outside a section context.', 'exact' => 'Exact', 'extensions' => 'Extensions', 'file_context' => 'file', 'file_size' => 'File size', 'forget' => 'Forget', 'form' => 'Form', 'forms' => 'Forms', 'go' => 'Go', 'go_back' => 'Go back', 'go_content' => 'Go to content', 'go_nav' => 'Go to navigation', 'go_search' => 'Go to search', 'go_to' => 'Go to', 'go_txp_com' => 'Go to the Textpattern website', 'header' => 'Heading', 'home' => 'Home', 'host' => 'Host', 'hour' => 'hour', 'hours' => 'hours', 'hr' => 'horizontal rule', 'hyperlink' => 'hyperlink', 'image' => 'image', 'imageurl' => 'imageurl', 'image_context' => 'image', 'inserted_text' => 'inserted text', 'invalid_attribute_value' => '{name} is not a valid attribute value', 'keywords' => 'Keywords', 'label' => 'Label', 'last_modification' => 'Last modification', 'linebreak' => 'line break', 'link_context' => 'link', 'list' => 'List', 'list_articles' => 'List articles', 'list_categories' => 'list categories', 'list_links' => 'list links', 'live' => 'Live', 'lowercase' => 'lowercase', 'main_content' => 'Main content', 'manual' => 'Manual', 'matching_search_request' => 'matching your search request', 'message' => 'Message', 'message_deleted' => 'Message deleted', 'message_preview' => 'Message preview', 'message_saved' => 'Message saved', 'minute' => 'minute', 'minutes' => 'minutes', 'missing_article_tag' => 'Page template {page} does not contain a txp:article tag.', 'modified_by' => 'Last modified by', 'month' => 'Month', 'more' => 'More', 'name' => 'Name', 'never' => 'never', 'newer' => 'Newer', 'next' => 'Next', 'no' => 'No', 'none' => 'None', 'nopopup' => 'current window', 'no_comments' => 'There are currently no comments on this article.', 'no_search_matches' => 'Sorry, no results found matching your search request', 'numeric_list' => 'Numeric list', 'of' => 'of', 'off' => 'Off', 'older' => 'Older', 'on' => 'On', 'only_articles_can_be_previewed' => 'Note: only article forms can be previewed.', 'opens_external_link' => '(opens an external link in a new window)', 'page' => 'Page', 'pages' => 'Pages', 'paragraph' => 'paragraph', 'permanent_link' => 'Permanent link to this article', 'permlink' => 'Permanent link', 'plugin_load_error' => 'A problem occurred while loading the plugin:', 'plugin_load_error_above' => 'The above errors were caused by the plugin:', 'popup' => 'popup window', 'post' => 'Post', 'posted' => 'Posted', 'posted_by' => 'Posted by', 'press_preview_then_submit' => 'The following is a preview of what your comment will look like. When you are happy with your comment, use the submit button.', 'prev' => 'Previous', 'preview' => 'Preview', 'publish' => 'Publish', 'published_at' => 'Published at', 'raw_php_deprecated' => 'Raw PHP tags are deprecated', 'recently' => 'Recently', 'recent_articles' => 'Recent articles', 'recent_comments' => 'Recent comments', 'recent_posts' => 'Recent posts', 'related_articles' => 'Related articles', 'remember' => 'Remember', 'required' => 'Required', 'revert' => 'Revert', 'rss_feed_title' => 'RSS feed', 'save' => 'Save', 'saved' => 'saved', 'save_button' => 'Save', 'search' => 'Search', 'search_results' => 'Search results', 'select' => 'Select', 'selected' => 'Selected', 'site' => 'Site', 'sitename' => 'Site name', 'siteurl' => 'Site URL', 'skip_to_main_content' => 'Skip to main content', 'status' => 'Status', 'strong' => 'strong', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'subscript' => 'subscript', 'superscript' => 'superscript', 'tag_error' => 'Tag error:', 'textile_help' => 'Textile help', 'textile_lite_help' => 'Textile Lite help', 'text_conversion' => 'Text conversion', 'text_handling' => 'Text handling', 'time' => 'Time', 'time_ago' => '{time} ago', 'title' => 'Title', 'tooltip' => 'Link tooltip', 'too_common_search_term' => 'It seems like you are looking for a very common search term, maybe try a more specific phrase than', 'type' => 'Type', 'undefined' => 'Undefined', 'unknown_attribute' => 'Unknown tag attribute: {att}.', 'unknown_callback_function' => 'Unknown callback function: {function}.', 'unknown_image' => 'Unknown image', 'unknown_section' => 'Unknown section', 'unknown_tag' => 'tag does not exist', 'untitled' => 'Untitled', 'update' => 'Update', 'upload' => 'Upload', 'uploaded' => 'uploaded', 'url' => 'URL', 'value' => 'Value', 'version' => 'Version', 'view' => 'View', 'website' => 'Website', 'week' => 'week', 'weeks' => 'weeks', 'while_parsing_page_form' => 'while parsing form {form} on page {page}', 'yes' => 'Yes', 'your_branch_is_updated' => 'You have the most up-to-date version of this Textpattern branch.', 'your_ip_is_blacklisted_by' => 'Your IP address has been blocklisted by', 'you_have_been_banned' => 'You have been banned from commenting.', 'yyyy-mm' => 'yyyy-mm', ), 'section' => array( 'article_count' => 'Articles in this section: {num}.', 'create_section' => 'Create new section', 'default_write_section' => 'Default publishing section', 'delete_section_confirmation' => 'confirm section deletion', 'edit_default_section' => 'Edit default section', 'edit_section' => 'Edit section', 'edit_sections' => 'edit sections', 'include_in_search' => 'Include this section in site search?', 'on_front_page' => 'Section appears on front page?', 'search_sections' => 'Search sections', 'section' => 'Section', 'sections' => 'Sections', 'section_created' => 'Section {name} created.', 'section_deleted' => 'Section {name} deleted.', 'section_head' => 'Site sections', 'section_longtitle' => 'Section title', 'section_name' => 'Section name', 'section_name_already_exists' => 'Section {name} already exists.', 'section_save_failed' => 'The section was not saved due to an error. Please try again.', 'section_updated' => 'Section(s) {name} updated.', 'section_used_by_article' => 'Section {name} not deleted; used by {count} article(s).', 'selected_by_default' => 'Selected by default', 'style' => 'Style', 'syndicate' => 'Syndicate articles in this section?', 'uses_page' => 'Uses page', 'uses_style' => 'Uses style', ), 'setup' => array( 'about_to_create' => 'You are about to create and populate database tables. At this stage you will also need to set up an administrator user account.', 'add_config_file' => 'Add config file', 'admin_theme' => 'Admin-side theme', 'already_installed' => 'It looks like Textpattern is already installed. If you want to make a clean install, please remove config.php from your /textpattern/ directory and try again.', 'back' => 'Go back', 'before_you_proceed' => 'Before you proceed:', 'checking_database' => 'Checking database connection', 'choose_password' => 'Choose a password', 'config_php_does_not_match_input' => 'The contents of config.php do not match the values you entered. Please paste the exact text below.', 'config_php_not_found' => 'The configuration file could not be found at the expected location {file}. Please verify its existence once again.', 'core_theme' => 'Core: {theme}', 'create_config' => 'Create a file called config.php in the /textpattern/ directory and paste the following inside…', 'creating_config' => 'Creating config.php file', 'creating_db_tables' => 'Creating database tables', 'db_cant_connect' => 'Can’t connect to database', 'db_connected' => 'Connected', 'db_doesnt_exist' => 'Database {dbname} does not exist or your specified user name does not have permission to access it.', 'db_must_exist' => 'Note that the database you specify must already exist, Textpattern will not create it.', 'did_it' => 'I did it', 'email_required' => 'Please provide a valid email address.', 'errors_during_install' => 'There were {num} errors during the installation. You can ask for help in the Textpattern Support Forum.', 'get_started' => 'Go!', 'go_to_login' => 'Log in now', 'installation_postamble' => 'For security, you should now remove the setup directory from your /textpattern/ directory. Please check the Admin Diagnostics panel from time to time for update announcements or troubleshooting hints.', 'mysql_database' => 'MySQL database', 'mysql_login' => 'MySQL user name', 'mysql_password' => 'MySQL password', 'mysql_server' => 'MySQL server', 'my_site' => 'My site', 'my_slogan' => 'My pithy slogan', 'name_required' => 'Please provide a valid login name.', 'need_details' => 'Inevitably, we need a few details…', 'next_step' => 'Next', 'pass_required' => 'Please provide a strong password.', 'please_enter_url' => 'Please enter the URL of your site.', 'please_go_back' => 'Please go back, rectify any incorrect details and try this process again.', 'populate_db' => 'Populate database', 'prefix_bad_characters' => 'The table prefix {dbprefix} contains characters that are not allowed. The first character must match one of a-zA-Z_ and all following characters must match one of a-zA-Z0-9_.', 'prefix_warning' => '(use only if you require multiple installations in one database)', 'progress_steps' => 'There are 4 steps to this installation process:', 'setup_comment_invite' => 'Comment', 'setup_login' => 'Choose a login name', 'setup_password_strength_0' => 'Poor', 'setup_password_strength_1' => 'Weak', 'setup_password_strength_2' => 'Fair', 'setup_password_strength_3' => 'Good', 'setup_password_strength_4' => 'Strong', 'setup_show_password' => 'Show password', 'set_db_details' => 'Set database details', 'set_temp_dir_prefs' => 'Sorry, but Textpattern failed to find a writable directory to hold temporary files. Please visit the Preferences administration panel and adjust the Temporary directory path setting to suit your needs.', 'site_config' => 'Site configuration', 'site_url' => 'Site URL', 'tables_exist' => 'It appears the tables in {dbname} already exist. If you wish to continue setup, either delete the existing tables, or choose a different table prefix.', 'table_prefix' => 'Table prefix (optional)', 'thanks_for_interest' => 'Thank you for your interest in Textpattern', 'that_went_well' => 'That went well!', 'using_db' => 'Using {dbname}.', 'warn_mail_unavailable' => 'Your PHP installation is missing the mail() function. Therefore no emails can be sent from Textpattern, which limits certain functionality.', 'welcome_to_textpattern' => 'Welcome to Textpattern', 'your_email' => 'Your email address', 'your_full_name' => 'Your full name', 'you_can_access' => 'Textpattern database tables were created and populated. You should be able to access the main interface with the login and password you chose.', ), 'skin' => array( 'create_skin' => 'Create skin', 'edit_skin' => 'Edit skin', 'skin_author' => 'Skin author', 'skin_name' => 'Skin name', 'skin_title' => 'Skin title', 'skin_version' => 'Skin version', 'skin_website' => 'Skin website', ), 'tag' => array( 'active_class' => 'CSS class for active list item', 'align' => 'Alignment', 'allowoverride' => 'Allow form to be overridden?', 'article_divider' => 'Article divider', 'breadcrumb_linked' => 'Link breadcrumbs?', 'breadcrumb_separator' => 'Breadcrumbs separator', 'break' => 'List break tag', 'breakclass' => 'CSS class for list break tag', 'build' => 'Build tag', 'button_text' => 'Button text', 'category_list_section' => 'Link to specific section?', 'category_tags' => 'Category', 'class' => 'CSS class', 'comments_form' => 'Comments form', 'comment_details' => 'Comment details', 'comment_form' => 'Comment form', 'comment_name_link' => 'Link to commenter’s email address/website?', 'decimals' => 'Display # numbers after the decimal point', 'default_title' => 'Text to use for default section link', 'escape' => 'Escape', 'exclude' => 'Exclude', 'filename' => 'Name', 'file_download_tags' => 'File downloads', 'flavor' => 'Syndication format', 'flavour' => 'Syndication format', 'format' => 'Format', 'gmt' => 'Format according to GMT time?', 'has_excerpt' => 'Has excerpt', 'hilight' => 'Highlight tag', 'hilight_limit' => 'Highlight how many instances?', 'html_id' => 'HTML id attribute', 'id' => 'ID#', 'include_default' => 'Include default section?', 'inline_style' => 'Inline style (CSS)', 'input_size' => 'Input size', 'isize' => 'Input size', 'labeltag' => 'Label tag', 'limit' => 'Display how many?', 'linkclass' => 'CSS class for links', 'link_to_this_author' => 'Link to a list of other articles by this author?', 'link_to_this_category' => 'Link to a list of other articles in this category?', 'link_to_this_section' => 'Link to a list of other articles in this section?', 'listform' => 'List form', 'match' => 'How are they related?', 'match_type' => 'Match type', 'media' => 'HTML media attribute', 'msgcols' => 'Message textarea columns', 'msgrows' => 'Message textarea rows', 'n' => 'Name', 'next_page_link' => 'Next page link', 'no_categories_available' => 'No categories available.', 'no_forms_available' => 'No forms available.', 'no_sections_available' => 'No sections available.', 'offset' => 'Skip', 'pageby' => 'Paginate by', 'page_file_hed' => 'File downloads', 'pgonly' => 'Count articles, but show nothing', 'random' => 'Random', 'rel' => 'HTML rel attribute', 'searchall' => 'Search all sections?', 'searchsticky' => 'Search sticky articles?', 'search_input_form' => 'Search input', 'search_results_form' => 'Search results', 'section_tags' => 'Section', 'showalways' => 'Show always', 'showcount' => 'Show count?', 'size_format' => 'Size format', 'sort' => 'Sort by', 'sort_by' => 'Sort by', 'sort_direction' => 'Sort direction', 'tag' => 'Tag', 'tagbuilder' => 'Tag builder', 'tags' => 'Tags', 'tag_article' => 'Articles (single or list)', 'tag_article_custom' => 'Articles (custom list)', 'tag_article_image' => 'Article image', 'tag_author' => 'Author', 'tag_body' => 'Body', 'tag_body_excerpt' => 'Body excerpt', 'tag_breadcrumb' => 'Breadcrumb', 'tag_category' => 'Category', 'tag_category1' => 'Category 1', 'tag_category2' => 'Category 2', 'tag_category_list' => 'Category list', 'tag_comments' => 'Comments', 'tag_comments_form' => 'Comments form', 'tag_comments_invite' => 'Comments invite', 'tag_comments_preview' => 'Comments preview', 'tag_comment_anchor' => 'Comment anchor', 'tag_comment_email' => 'Comment email', 'tag_comment_email_input' => 'Comment email input', 'tag_comment_id' => 'Comment ID', 'tag_comment_message' => 'Comment message', 'tag_comment_message_input' => 'Comment message input', 'tag_comment_name' => 'Comment name', 'tag_comment_name_input' => 'Comment name input', 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'time_future' => 'Future', 'time_past' => 'Past', 'title_separator' => 'Individual article and site name separator', 'useful_tags' => 'Useful tags', 'use_thumbnail' => 'Use thumbnail?', 'wraptag' => 'Wrap tag', ), ); $lastmod = gmdate('Y-m-d H:m:s', 1474445001);