. */ if (!defined('TXP_INSTALL')) { exit; } @ignore_user_abort(1); @set_time_limit(0); $ddb = $txpcfg['db']; $duser = $txpcfg['user']; $dpass = $txpcfg['pass']; $dhost = $txpcfg['host']; $dclient_flags = isset($txpcfg['client_flags']) ? $txpcfg['client_flags'] : 0; $dprefix = $txpcfg['table_prefix']; $dbcharset = $txpcfg['dbcharset']; define("PFX", trim($dprefix)); if (strpos($dhost, ':') === false) { $host = $dhost; $port = ini_get("mysqli.default_port"); } else { list($host, $port) = explode(':', $dhost, 2); $port = intval($port); } if (isset($txpcfg['socket'])) { $socket = $txpcfg['socket']; } else { $socket = ini_get("mysqli.default_socket"); } $link = mysqli_init(); mysqli_real_connect($link, $host, $duser, $dpass, $ddb, $port, $socket, $dclient_flags); $result = mysqli_query($link, "DESCRIBE `".PFX."textpattern`"); if ($result) { die("Textpattern database table already exists. Can't run setup."); } $version = mysqli_get_server_info($link); // Use "ENGINE" if version of MySQL > 4.1.2. $tabletype = (version_compare($version, '4.1.2') >= 0) ? " ENGINE = MyISAM " : " TYPE = MyISAM "; // On 4.1 or greater use UTF-8 tables. if (isset($dbcharset)) { $tabletype .= " CHARACTER SET = $dbcharset "; if ($dbcharset == 'utf8mb4') { $tabletype .= " COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci "; } elseif ($dbcharset == 'utf8') { $tabletype .= " COLLATE utf8_general_ci "; } mysqli_query($link, "SET NAMES ".$dbcharset); } // Default to messy URLs if we know clean ones won't work. $permlink_mode = 'section_id_title'; if (is_callable('apache_get_modules')) { $modules = @apache_get_modules(); if (!is_array($modules) || !in_array('mod_rewrite', $modules)) { $permlink_mode = 'messy'; } } else { $server_software = (@$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] || @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? ((@$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) : ''; if (!stristr($server_software, 'Apache')) { $permlink_mode = 'messy'; } } $siteurl = str_replace("http://", '', $_SESSION['siteurl']); $siteurl = str_replace(' ', '%20', rtrim($siteurl, "/")); $urlpath = preg_replace('#^[^/]+#', '', $siteurl); $theme = $_SESSION['theme'] ? $_SESSION['theme'] : 'hive'; $themedir = txpath.DS.'setup'; $create_sql = array(); $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."textpattern` ( ID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Posted DATETIME NOT NULL, Expires DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, AuthorID VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', LastMod DATETIME NOT NULL, LastModID VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Title_html VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Body MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, Body_html MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, Excerpt TEXT NOT NULL, Excerpt_html MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, Image VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Category1 VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Category2 VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Annotate INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', AnnotateInvite VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', comments_count INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', Status INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '4', textile_body VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', textile_excerpt VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', Section VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', override_form VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Keywords VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', url_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_1 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_2 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_3 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_4 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_5 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_6 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_7 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_8 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_9 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', custom_10 VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', uid VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', feed_time DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID), INDEX categories_idx (Category1(10), Category2(10)), INDEX Posted (Posted), INDEX Expires_idx (Expires), INDEX author_idx (AuthorID), INDEX section_status_idx (Section(249), Status), INDEX url_title_idx (url_title(250)), FULLTEXT searching (Title, Body) ) $tabletype "; $setup_comment_invite = (gTxt('setup_comment_invite') == 'setup_comment_invite') ? 'Comment' : gTxt('setup_comment_invite'); $textile = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser(); $article['body'] = file_get_contents(txpath.DS.'setup'.DS.'article.body.textile'); $article['excerpt'] = file_get_contents(txpath.DS.'setup'.DS.'article.excerpt.textile'); $article = str_replace('siteurl', $urlpath, $article); $article['body_html'] = $textile->textileThis($article['body']); $article['excerpt_html'] = $textile->textileThis($article['excerpt']); $article = doSlash($article); $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."textpattern` VALUES (1, NOW(), NULL, '".doSlash($_SESSION['name'])."', NOW(), '', 'Welcome to your site', '', '".$article['body']."', '".$article['body_html']."', '".$article['excerpt']."', '".$article['excerpt_html']."', '', 'hope-for-the-future', 'meaningful-labor', 1, '".$setup_comment_invite."', 1, 4, '1', '1', 'articles', '', '', '', 'welcome-to-your-site', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '".md5(uniqid(rand(), true))."', NOW())"; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_category` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', parent VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', lft INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', rgt INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (1, 'root', 'article', '', 1, 8, 'root', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (2, 'root', 'link', '', 1, 4, 'root', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (3, 'root', 'image', '', 1, 4, 'root', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (4, 'root', 'file', '', 1, 2, 'root', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (5, 'hope-for-the-future', 'article', 'root', 2, 3, 'Hope for the future', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (6, 'meaningful-labor', 'article', 'root', 4, 5, 'Meaningful labor', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (7, 'reciprocal-affection', 'article', 'root', 6, 7, 'Reciprocal affection', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_category` VALUES (8, 'textpattern', 'link', 'root', 2, 3, 'Textpattern', '')"; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_css` ( name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, css MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE name (name(250)) ) $tabletype "; foreach (scandir($themedir.DS.'styles') as $cssfile) { if (preg_match('/^(\w+)\.css$/', $cssfile, $match)) { $css = doSlash(file_get_contents($themedir.DS.'styles'.DS.$cssfile)); $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_css`(name, css) VALUES('".$match[1]."', '".$css."')"; } } $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_discuss` ( discussid INT(6) ZEROFILL NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, parentid INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', email VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', web VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ip VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', posted DATETIME NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL, visible TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (discussid), INDEX parentid (parentid) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_discuss` VALUES (000001, 1, 'Donald Swain', 'donald.swain@example.com', 'example.com', '', NOW(), '

I enjoy your site very much.

', 1)"; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_discuss_nonce` ( issue_time DATETIME NOT NULL, nonce VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', used TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', secret VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (nonce(250)) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_file` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, filename VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', title VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, category VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', permissions VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', description TEXT NOT NULL, downloads INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', status SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '4', modified DATETIME NOT NULL, created DATETIME NOT NULL, size BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, author VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE filename (filename(250)), INDEX author_idx (author) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_form` ( name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type VARCHAR(28) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', Form TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name(250)) ) $tabletype "; foreach (scandir($themedir.DS.'forms') as $formfile) { if (preg_match('/^(\w+).(\w+)\.txp$/', $formfile, $match)) { $form = doSlash(file_get_contents($themedir.DS.'forms'.DS.$formfile)); $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_form`(type, name, Form) VALUES('".$match[1]."', '".$match[2]."', '".$form."')"; } } $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_image` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', category VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ext VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', w INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', h INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', alt VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', caption TEXT NOT NULL, date DATETIME NOT NULL, author VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', thumbnail INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', thumb_w INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', thumb_h INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX author_idx (author) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_lang` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, lang VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, event VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, owner VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', data TEXT, lastmod TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE lang (lang, name), INDEX lang_2 (lang, event), INDEX owner (owner) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_link` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, date DATETIME NOT NULL, category VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', url TEXT NOT NULL, linkname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', linksort VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', description TEXT NOT NULL, author VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX author_idx (author) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (1, NOW(), 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/', 'Textpattern Website', '10', '', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (2, NOW(), 'textpattern', 'http://docs.textpattern.io/', 'Textpattern User Documentation', '20', '', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (3, NOW(), 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.org/', 'Textpattern Resources', '30', '', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (4, NOW(), 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/@textpattern', '@textpattern', '40', '', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (5, NOW(), 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/+', '+Textpattern CMS', '50', '', '')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_link` VALUES (6, NOW(), 'textpattern', 'http://textpattern.com/facebook', 'Textpattern Facebook Group', '60', '', '')"; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_log` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, time DATETIME NOT NULL, host VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', page VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', refer MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, status INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '200', method VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'GET', ip VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX time (time), INDEX ip (ip) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_page` ( name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', user_html TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name(250)) ) $tabletype "; foreach (scandir($themedir.DS.'pages') as $pagefile) { if (preg_match('/^(\w+)\.txp$/', $pagefile, $match)) { $page = doSlash(file_get_contents($themedir.DS.'pages'.DS.$pagefile)); $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_page`(name, user_html) VALUES('".$match[1]."', '".$page."')"; } } $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_plugin` ( name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', status INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', author VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', author_uri VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1.0', description TEXT NOT NULL, help TEXT NOT NULL, code MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, code_restore MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, code_md5 VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', load_order TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '5', flags SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', UNIQUE name (name), INDEX status_type_idx (status, type) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_prefs` ( prefs_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', val TEXT NOT NULL, type SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '2', event VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'publish', html VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text_input', position SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', user_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', UNIQUE prefs_idx (prefs_id, name(185), user_name), INDEX name (name(250)), INDEX user_name (user_name) ) $tabletype "; $blog_uid = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $gmtoffset = sprintf("%+d", gmmktime(0, 0, 0) - mktime(0, 0, 0)); $prefs = array_merge_recursive(array( 'admin' => array( array(PREF_CORE, 20, 'text_input' , 'img_dir' , 'images'), array(PREF_CORE, 40, 'text_input' , 'file_base_path' , dirname(txpath).DS.'files'), array(PREF_CORE, 60, 'text_input' , 'file_max_upload_size' , '2000000'), array(PREF_CORE, 80, 'text_input' , 'tempdir' , find_temp_dir()), array(PREF_CORE, 100, 'text_input' , 'plugin_cache_dir' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 110, 'text_input' , 'smtp_from' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 115, 'text_input' , 'publisher_email' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 120, 'yesnoradio' , 'override_emailcharset' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 130, 'yesnoradio' , 'enable_xmlrpc_server' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 150, 'default_event' , 'default_event' , 'article'), array(PREF_CORE, 160, 'themename' , 'theme_name' , $theme), ), 'category' => array( array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'yesnoradio' , 'show_article_category_count', '1'), ), 'comments' => array( array(PREF_CORE, 20, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_on_default' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 40, 'text_input' , 'comments_default_invite' , $setup_comment_invite), array(PREF_CORE, 60, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_moderate' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 80, 'weeks' , 'comments_disabled_after' , '42'), array(PREF_CORE, 100, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_auto_append' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 120, 'commentmode' , 'comments_mode' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 140, 'dateformats' , 'comments_dateformat' , '%b %d, %I:%M %p'), array(PREF_CORE, 160, 'commentsendmail' , 'comments_sendmail' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 180, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_are_ol' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 200, 'yesnoradio' , 'comment_means_site_updated' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 220, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_require_name' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 240, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_require_email' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 260, 'yesnoradio' , 'never_display_email' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 280, 'yesnoradio' , 'comment_nofollow' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 300, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_disallow_images' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 320, 'yesnoradio' , 'comments_use_fat_textile' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 340, 'text_input' , 'spam_blacklists' , ''), ), 'custom' => array( array(PREF_CORE, 1, 'custom_set' , 'custom_1_set' , 'custom1'), array(PREF_CORE, 2, 'custom_set' , 'custom_2_set' , 'custom2'), array(PREF_CORE, 3, 'custom_set' , 'custom_3_set' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 4, 'custom_set' , 'custom_4_set' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 5, 'custom_set' , 'custom_5_set' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 6, 'custom_set' , 'custom_6_set' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 7, 'custom_set' , 'custom_7_set' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 8, 'custom_set' , 'custom_8_set' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 9, 'custom_set' , 'custom_9_set' , ''), array(PREF_CORE, 10, 'custom_set' , 'custom_10_set' , ''), ), 'feeds' => array( array(PREF_CORE, 20, 'yesnoradio' , 'syndicate_body_or_excerpt' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 40, 'text_input' , 'rss_how_many' , '5'), array(PREF_CORE, 60, 'yesnoradio' , 'show_comment_count_in_feed' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 80, 'yesnoradio' , 'include_email_atom' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 100, 'yesnoradio' , 'use_mail_on_feeds_id' , '0'), ), 'publish' => array( array(PREF_CORE, 20, 'yesnoradio' , 'title_no_widow' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 40, 'yesnoradio' , 'articles_use_excerpts' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 60, 'yesnoradio' , 'allow_form_override' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 80, 'yesnoradio' , 'attach_titles_to_permalinks', '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 100, 'permlink_format' , 'permlink_format' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 120, 'yesnoradio' , 'send_lastmod' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 130, 'yesnoradio' , 'publish_expired_articles' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 160, 'yesnoradio' , 'ping_weblogsdotcom' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 200, 'pref_text' , 'use_textile' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 220, 'yesnoradio' , 'use_dns' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 260, 'yesnoradio' , 'use_plugins' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 280, 'yesnoradio' , 'admin_side_plugins' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 300, 'yesnoradio' , 'allow_page_php_scripting' , '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 320, 'yesnoradio' , 'allow_article_php_scripting', '1'), array(PREF_CORE, 340, 'text_input' , 'max_url_len' , '1000'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'blog_mail_uid' , $_SESSION['email']), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'blog_time_uid' , '2005'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'blog_uid' , $blog_uid), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'dbupdatetime' , '0'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'languages' , 'language' , LANG), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'lastmod' , '2005-07-23 16:24:10'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'locale' , getlocale(LANG)), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'path_from_root' , '/'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'path_to_site' , dirname(txpath)), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'prefs_id' , '1'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'searchable_article_fields' , 'Title, Body'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'textile_updated' , '1'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'timeoffset' , '0'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'timezone_key' , ''), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'url_mode' , '1'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'use_categories' , '1'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'use_sections' , '1'), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'sql_now_posted' , time()), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'sql_now_expires' , time()), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'sql_now_created' , time()), array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'version' , '4.6.2'), ), 'section' => array( array(PREF_HIDDEN, 0, 'text_input' , 'default_section' , 'articles'), ), 'site' => array( array(PREF_CORE, 20, 'text_input' , 'sitename' , gTxt('my_site')), array(PREF_CORE, 40, 'text_input' , 'siteurl' , $siteurl), array(PREF_CORE, 60, 'text_input' , 'site_slogan' , gTxt('my_slogan')), array(PREF_CORE, 80, 'prod_levels' , 'production_status' , 'testing'), array(PREF_CORE, 110, 'gmtoffset_select', 'gmtoffset' , $gmtoffset), array(PREF_CORE, 115, 'yesnoradio' , 'auto_dst' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 120, 'is_dst' , 'is_dst' , '0'), array(PREF_CORE, 140, 'dateformats' , 'dateformat' , 'since'), array(PREF_CORE, 160, 'dateformats' , 'archive_dateformat' , '%b %d, %I:%M %p'), array(PREF_CORE, 180, 'permlinkmodes' , 'permlink_mode' , $permlink_mode), array(PREF_CORE, 190, 'doctypes' , 'doctype' , 'html5'), array(PREF_CORE, 220, 'logging' , 'logging' , 'none'), array(PREF_CORE, 230, 'text_input' , 'expire_logs_after' , '7'), array(PREF_CORE, 240, 'yesnoradio' , 'use_comments' , '1'), ) ), new_user_prefs($_SESSION['name'])); foreach ($prefs as $event => $event_prefs) { foreach ($event_prefs as $p) { $username = empty($p[5]) ? '' : doSlash($p[5]); $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_prefs` (event, type, position, html, name, val, user_name) ". "VALUES ('".$event."', ".$p[0].", ".$p[1].", '".$p[2]."', '".$p[3]."', '".doSlash($p[4])."', '".$username."')"; } } $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_section` ( name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', page VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', css VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', in_rss INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', on_frontpage INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', searchable INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (name(250)) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_section` VALUES ('articles', 'archive', 'default', '', 1, 1, 1, 'Articles')"; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_section` VALUES ('default', 'default', 'default', '', 1, 1, 1, 'Default')"; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_users` ( user_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', pass VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, RealName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', email VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', privs TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', last_access DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, nonce VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (user_id), UNIQUE name (name) ) $tabletype "; $create_sql[] = "INSERT INTO `".PFX."txp_users` VALUES ( 1, '".doSlash($_SESSION['name'])."', '".doSlash(txp_hash_password($_SESSION['pass']))."', '".doSlash($_SESSION['realname'])."', '".doSlash($_SESSION['email'])."', 1, NOW(), '".md5(uniqid(rand(), true))."')"; $create_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE `".PFX."txp_token` ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, reference_id INT NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, selector VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, expires DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE ref_type (reference_id, type(50)) ) $tabletype "; $GLOBALS['txp_install_successful'] = true; $GLOBALS['txp_err_count'] = 0; $GLOBALS['txp_err_html'] = ''; foreach ($create_sql as $query) { $result = mysqli_query($link, $query); if (!$result) { $GLOBALS['txp_err_count']++; $GLOBALS['txp_err_html'] .= '
  • '.n. ''.htmlspecialchars(mysqli_error($link)).'
    '.n. '
  • '.n; $GLOBALS['txp_install_successful'] = false; } } require_once txpath.'/lib/IXRClass.php'; $client = new IXR_Client('http://rpc.textpattern.com'); if (!$client->query('tups.getLanguage', $blog_uid, LANG)) { // If cannot install from lang file, setup the English lang. if (!install_language_from_file(LANG)) { $lang = 'en-gb'; include_once txpath.'/setup/en-gb.php'; if (!@$lastmod) { $lastmod = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'; } foreach ($en_gb_lang as $evt_name => $evt_strings) { foreach ($evt_strings as $lang_key => $lang_val) { $lang_val = doSlash($lang_val); if (@$lang_val) { mysqli_query($link, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `".PFX."txp_lang` SET lang = 'en-gb', name = '".$lang_key."', event = '".$evt_name."', data = '".$lang_val."', lastmod = '".$lastmod."'"); } } } } } else { $response = $client->getResponse(); $lang_struct = unserialize($response); foreach ($lang_struct as $item) { foreach ($item as $name => $value) { $item[$name] = doSlash($value); } mysqli_query($link, "INSERT DELAYED INTO `".PFX."txp_lang` SET lang = '".LANG."', name = '".$item['name']."', event = '".$item['event']."', data = '".$item['data']."', lastmod = '".strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $item['uLastmod'])."'"); } } mysqli_query($link, "FLUSH TABLE `".PFX."txp_lang`"); /** * Stub replacement for txplib_db.php/safe_escape(). * * @ignore */ function safe_escape($in = '') { global $link; return mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $in); }