. */ if (!defined('TXP_UPDATE')) { exit("Nothing here. You can't access this file directly."); } safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY textile_body VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'"); safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY textile_excerpt VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "name = 'pane_article_textfilter_help_visible'", "name = 'pane_article_textile_help_visible'"); // Rejig preferences panel. $core_ev = join(',', quote_list(array('site', 'admin', 'publish', 'feeds', 'custom', 'comments'))); // 1) Increase event column size. safe_alter('txp_prefs', "MODIFY event VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'publish'"); safe_alter('txp_prefs', "MODIFY html VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'text_input'"); // 2) Remove basic/advanced distinction. safe_update('txp_prefs', "type = '".PREF_CORE."'", "type = '".PREF_PLUGIN."' AND event IN ($core_ev)"); // 3) Consolidate existing prefs into better groups. safe_update('txp_prefs', "event = 'site'", "name IN ('sitename', 'siteurl', 'site_slogan', 'production_status', 'gmtoffset', 'auto_dst', 'is_dst', 'dateformat', 'archive_dateformat', 'permlink_mode', 'doctype', 'logging', 'use_comments', 'expire_logs_after')"); // 4) Reorder existing prefs into a more logical progression. safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '110'", "name = 'gmtoffset'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '230'", "name = 'expire_logs_after'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '340'", "name = 'max_url_len'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '160'", "name = 'comments_sendmail'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '180'", "name = 'comments_are_ol'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '200'", "name = 'comment_means_site_updated'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '220'", "name = 'comments_require_name'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '240'", "name = 'comments_require_email'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '260'", "name = 'never_display_email'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '280'", "name = 'comment_nofollow'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '300'", "name = 'comments_disallow_images'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '320'", "name = 'comments_use_fat_textile'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = '340'", "name = 'spam_blacklists'"); safe_update('txp_prefs', "name = 'permlink_format', html = 'permlink_format'", "name = 'permalink_title_format'"); // Support for l10n string owners. $cols = getThings("DESCRIBE `".PFX."txp_lang`"); if (!in_array('owner', $cols)) { safe_alter('txp_lang', "ADD owner VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER event"); safe_create_index('txp_lang', 'owner', 'owner'); } // Keep all comment-related forms together. The loss of 'preview' ability on the // comments_display Form is of little consequence compared with the benefit of // tucking them away neatly when not required. safe_update('txp_form', "type = 'comment'", "name = 'comments_display'"); // Add protocol to logged HTTP referrers. safe_update( 'txp_log', "refer = CONCAT('http://', refer)", "refer != '' AND refer NOT LIKE 'http://%' AND refer NOT LIKE 'https://%'" ); // Usernames can be 64 characters long at most. safe_alter('txp_file', "MODIFY author VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_link', "MODIFY author VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_image', "MODIFY author VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); // Consistent name length limitations for presentation items. safe_alter('txp_form', "MODIFY name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_page', "MODIFY name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_section', "MODIFY page VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_section', "MODIFY css VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); // Save sections correctly in articles. safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY Section VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_section', "MODIFY name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); // Plugins can have longer version numbers. safe_alter('txp_plugin', "MODIFY version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1.0'"); // Translation strings should allow more than 255 characters. safe_alter('txp_lang', "MODIFY data TEXT"); // Add meta description to articles. $cols = getThings("DESCRIBE `".PFX."textpattern`"); if (!in_array('description', $cols)) { safe_alter('textpattern', "ADD description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER Keywords"); } // Add meta description to categories. $cols = getThings("DESCRIBE `".PFX."txp_category`"); if (!in_array('description', $cols)) { safe_alter('txp_category', "ADD description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER title"); } // Add meta description to sections. $cols = getThings("DESCRIBE `".PFX."txp_section`"); if (!in_array('description', $cols)) { safe_alter('txp_section', "ADD description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER css"); } // Remove textpattern.com ping and lastmod_keepalive prefs. safe_delete('txp_prefs', "name = 'ping_textpattern_com'"); safe_delete('txp_prefs', "name = 'lastmod_keepalive'"); // Add default publishing status pref. if (!get_pref('default_publish_status')) { set_pref('default_publish_status', STATUS_LIVE, 'publish', PREF_CORE, 'defaultPublishStatus', 15, PREF_PRIVATE); } // Add prefs to allow query caching when now() is used. if (!get_pref('sql_now_posted')) { set_pref('sql_now_posted', time(), 'publish', PREF_HIDDEN); set_pref('sql_now_expires', time(), 'publish', PREF_HIDDEN); set_pref('sql_now_created', time(), 'publish', PREF_HIDDEN); } // Remove broken import functionality. if (is_writable(txpath.DS.'include') && file_exists(txpath.DS.'include'.DS.'txp_import.php')) { $import_files = array( 'BloggerImportTemplate.txt', 'import_blogger.php', 'import_mt.php', 'import_b2.php', 'import_mtdb.php', 'import_wp.php' ); if (is_writable(txpath.DS.'include'.DS.'import')) { foreach ($import_files as $file) { if (file_exists(txpath.DS.'include'.DS.'import'.DS.$file)) { unlink(txpath.DS.'include'.DS.'import'.DS.$file); } } rmdir(txpath.DS.'include'.DS.'import'); } unlink(txpath.DS.'include'.DS.'txp_import.php'); } // Remove unused ipban table or recreate its index (for future utf8mb4 conversion). if (getThing("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".PFX."txp_discuss_ipban'")) { if (!safe_count('txp_discuss_ipban', "1 = 1")) { safe_drop('txp_discuss_ipban'); } else { safe_drop_index('txp_discuss_ipban', "PRIMARY"); safe_alter('txp_discuss_ipban', "ADD PRIMARY KEY (ip(250))"); } } // Recreate indexes with smaller key sizes to allow future conversion to charset utf8mb4. safe_drop_index('txp_css', "name"); safe_drop_index('txp_file', "filename"); safe_drop_index('txp_form', "PRIMARY"); safe_drop_index('txp_page', "PRIMARY"); safe_drop_index('txp_section', "PRIMARY"); safe_drop_index('txp_prefs', "prefs_idx"); safe_drop_index('txp_prefs', "name"); safe_drop_index('textpattern', "section_status_idx"); safe_drop_index('textpattern', "url_title_idx"); // Not using safe_create_index here, because we just dropped the index. safe_alter('txp_css', "ADD UNIQUE name (name(250))"); safe_alter('txp_file', "ADD UNIQUE filename (filename(250))"); safe_alter('txp_form', "ADD PRIMARY KEY (name(250))"); safe_alter('txp_page', "ADD PRIMARY KEY (name(250))"); safe_alter('txp_section', "ADD PRIMARY KEY (name(250))"); safe_alter('txp_prefs', "ADD UNIQUE prefs_idx (prefs_id, name(185), user_name)"); safe_alter('txp_prefs', "ADD INDEX name (name(250))"); safe_alter('textpattern', "ADD INDEX section_status_idx (Section(249), Status)"); safe_alter('textpattern', "ADD INDEX url_title_idx (url_title(250))"); // Specifically, txp_discuss_nonce didn't have a primary key in 4.0.3 // so it has to be done in two separate steps. safe_drop_index('txp_discuss_nonce', "PRIMARY"); safe_alter('txp_discuss_nonce', "ADD PRIMARY KEY (nonce(250))"); // Fix typo: textinput should be text_input. safe_update('txp_prefs', "html = 'text_input'", "name = 'timezone_key'"); // Fix typo: position 40 should be 0 (because it's a hidden pref). safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = 0", "name = 'language'"); // Fix typo: position should be 60 instead of 30 (so it appears just below the site name). safe_update('txp_prefs', "position = 60", "name = 'site_slogan'"); // Enforce some table changes that happened after 4.0.3 but weren't part of // update scripts until now. safe_alter('txp_css', "MODIFY name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_lang', "MODIFY lang VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_lang', "MODIFY name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_lang', "MODIFY event VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL"); safe_drop_index('txp_form', "name"); safe_drop_index('txp_page', "name"); safe_drop_index('txp_plugin', "name_2"); safe_drop_index('txp_section', "name"); // The txp_priv table was created for version 1.0, but never used nor created in // later versions. safe_drop('txp_priv'); // Remove empty update files. if (is_writable(txpath.DS.'update')) { foreach (array('4.4.0', '4.4.1') as $v) { $file = txpath.DS.'update'.DS.'_to_'.$v.'.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } } // Remove unnecessary licence files that have been moved to root. if (is_writable(txpath)) { foreach (array('license', 'lgpl-2.1') as $v) { $file = txpath.DS.$v.'.txt'; if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } } // Add generic token table (dropping first, because of changes to the table setup). safe_drop('txp_token'); safe_create('txp_token', " id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, reference_id INT NOT NULL, type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, selector VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, expires DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE INDEX ref_type (reference_id, type(50)) "); // Remove default zero dates to make MySQL 5.7 happy. safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY Posted DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY Expires DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL"); safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY LastMod DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY feed_time DATE NOT NULL"); //0000-00-00 safe_alter('txp_discuss', "MODIFY posted DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_discuss_nonce', "MODIFY issue_time DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_file', "MODIFY created DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_file', "MODIFY modified DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_image', "MODIFY date DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_link', "MODIFY date DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_log', "MODIFY time DATETIME NOT NULL"); safe_alter('txp_users', "MODIFY last_access DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL"); // Remove logs and nonces with zero dates. safe_delete('txp_discuss_nonce', "DATE(issue_time) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_delete('txp_log', "DATE(time) = '0000-00-00'"); // Replace zero dates (which shouldn't exist, really) with somewhat sensible values. safe_update('textpattern', "Posted = NOW()", "DATE(Posted) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('textpattern', "Expires = NULL", "DATE(Expires) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('textpattern', "LastMod = Posted", "DATE(LastMod) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('txp_discuss', "posted = NOW()", "DATE(posted) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('txp_file', "created = NOW()", "DATE(created) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('txp_file', "modified = created", "DATE(modified) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('txp_image', "date = NOW()", "DATE(date) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('txp_link', "date = NOW()", "DATE(date) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('txp_users', "last_access = NULL", "DATE(last_access) = '0000-00-00'"); safe_update('textpattern', "feed_time = DATE(Posted)", "feed_time = '0000-00-00'"); // Category names are max 64 characters when created/edited, so don't pretend // they can be longer. safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY Category1 VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('textpattern', "MODIFY Category2 VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_file', "MODIFY category VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); safe_alter('txp_image', "MODIFY category VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); // Farewell Classic and Remora themes. $availableThemes = \Textpattern\Admin\Theme::names(); if (!in_array(get_pref('theme_name'), $availableThemes)) { set_pref('theme_name', 'hive'); }