Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/vendors/Netcarver/Textile/Parser.php - 4042 lines - 122766 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Textile - A Humane Web Text Generator.

Included or required:0 times
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Defines 1 class

Parser:: (89 methods):

Class: Parser

Textile parser.

The Parser class takes Textile input and
converts it to well formatted HTML. This is
the library's main class, hosting the parsing
functionality and exposing a simple
public interface for you to use.

The most basic use case would involve initialising
a instance of the class and calling the textileThis
method, parsing the given Textile input in unrestricted

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser->textileThis('h1. Hello World!');

__construct($doctype = 'xhtml')  line: 860

The constructor allows setting options that affect the
class instance as a whole, such as the output doctype.
To instruct the parser to return HTML5 markup instead of
XHTML, set $doctype argument to 'html5'.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser('html5');
echo $parser->textileThis('HTML(HyperText Markup Language)");

param: string $doctype The output document type, either 'xhtml' or 'html5'
setSymbol($name, $value line: 954
Defines a substitution symbol.

Call this you need to redefine a substitution symbol to
be used when parsing a Textile document.

return: Parser
param: string $name  Name of the symbol to assign a new value to.
param: string $value New value for the symbol.
getSymbol($name = null)  line: 973
Gets a symbol definitions.

This method can be used to get a symbol definition, or an
array containing the full symbol table.

return: array|string The symbol table or the requested symbol
param: string|null  $name The name of the symbol, or NULL if requesting the symbol table
setRelativeImagePrefix($prefix = '')  line: 998
Sets base image directory path.

This is used when Textile is supplied with a relative image path.
Allows client systems to have PHP-Textile convert relative image paths to
absolute or prefixed paths. This method is used to set that base path,
usually a absolute HTTP address pointing to a directory.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();

return: Parser
param: string $prefix  The string to prefix all relative image paths with
setDimensionlessImages($dimensionless = true)  line: 1022
Toggles image dimension attributes.

If $dimensionless is set to TRUE, image width and height attributes
will not be included in rendered image tags. Normally, Textile will add
dimensions height images that specify a relative path, as long
as the image file can be accessed.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser->setDimensionlessImages(false)->textileThis('Hello World!');

return: Parser
param: bool   $dimensionless TRUE to disable image dimensions, FALSE to enable
getDimensionlessImages()  line: 1046
Whether images will get dimensions or not.

This method will return the state of
the state of the $dimensionless_images property.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
if ($parser->getDimensionlessImages() === true)
echo 'Images do not get dimensions.';

return: bool TRUE if images will not get dimensions, FALSE otherwise
getVersion()  line: 1069
Gets Textile version number.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser->getVersion();

return: string Version
textileEncode($text line: 1086
Encodes the given text.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
$parser->textileEncode('Some content to encode.');

return: string The encoded text
param: string $text The text to be encoded
textileThis($text, $lite = false, $encode = false, $noimage = false, $strict = false, $rel = '')  line: 1106
Parses the given Textile input in un-restricted mode.

This method should be used to parse any trusted Textile
input, such as articles created by well-known
authorised users.

This method allows users to mix raw HTML and Textile.
If you want to parse untrusted input, see the
textileRestricted method instead. Using this less
restrictive method on untrusted input, like comments
and forum posts, will lead to XSS issues, as users
will be able to use any HTML code, JavaScript links
and Textile attributes in their input.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser->textileThis('h1. Hello World!');

return: string Parsed $text
param: string $text    The Textile input to parse
param: bool   $lite    Switch to lite mode
param: bool   $encode  Encode input and return
param: bool   $noimage Disables images
param: bool   $strict  This argument is ignored
param: string $rel     Relationship attribute applied to generated links
textileRestricted($text, $lite = true, $noimage = true, $rel = 'nofollow')  line: 1153
Parses the given Textile input in restricted mode.

This method should be used for any untrusted user input,
including comments or forum posts.

This method escapes any raw HTML input, ignores unsafe
attributes, links only whitelisted URL schemes
and by default also prevents the use of images and
extra Textile formatting, accepting only paragraphs
and blockquotes as valid block tags.

$parser = new \Netcarver\Textile\Parser();
echo $parser->textileRestricted('h1. Hello World!');

return: string Parsed $text
param: string $text    The Textile input to parse
param: bool   $lite    Controls lite mode, allowing extra formatting
param: bool   $noimage Allow images
param: string $rel     Relationship attribute applied to generated links
textileCommon($text, $lite line: 1191
Parses Textile syntax.

This method performs common parse actions.

return: string Parsed input
param: string $text The input to parses
param: bool   $lite Controls lite mode
prepGlyphs()  line: 1234
Prepares the glyph patterns from the symbol table.

getMaxLinkIndex()  line: 1356
Sets the maximum allowd link index.

return: int
prepare($lite, $noimage, $rel line: 1368
Prepares the parser for parsing.

This method prepares the transient internal state of
Textile parser in preparation for parsing a new document.

param: bool   $lite    Controls lite mode
param: bool   $noimage Disallow images
param: string $rel     A relationship attribute applied to links
cleanAttribs($in line: 1402
Cleans a HTML attribute value.

This method checks for presence of URL encoding in the value.
If the number encoded characters exceeds the thereshold,
the input is discarded. Otherwise the encoded
instances are decoded.

This method also strips any ", ' and = characters
from the given value. This method does not guarantee
valid HTML or full sanitization.

return: string Cleaned string
param: string $in The input string
newTag($name, $atts, $selfclosing = true)  line: 1443
Constructs a HTML tag from an object.

This is a helper method that creates a new
instance of \Netcarver\Textile\Tag.

return: Tag
param: string $name        The HTML element name
param: array  $atts        HTML attributes applied to the tag
param: bool   $selfclosing Determines if the tag should be selfclosing
parseAttribs($in, $element = '', $include_id = true, $autoclass = '')  line: 1460
Parses Textile attributes.

return: string HTML attribute list
param: string $in         The Textile attribute string to be parsed
param: string $element    Focus the routine to interpret the attributes as applying to a specific HTML tag
param: bool   $include_id If FALSE, IDs are not included in the attribute list
param: string $autoclass  An additional classes applied to the output
formatAttributeString(array $attribute_array line: 1478
Converts an array of named attribute => value mappings to a string.

return: string
param: array $attribute_array
parseAttribsToArray($in, $element = '', $include_id = true, $autoclass = '')  line: 1498
Parses Textile attributes into an array.

return: array  HTML attributes as key => value mappings
param: string $in         The Textile attribute string to be parsed
param: string $element    Focus the routine to interpret the attributes as applying to a specific HTML tag
param: bool   $include_id If FALSE, IDs are not included in the attribute list
param: string $autoclass  An additional classes applied to the output
hasRawText($text line: 1677
Checks whether the text is not enclosed by a block tag.

return: bool   TRUE if the text is not enclosed
param: string $text The input string
tables($text line: 1695
Parses textile table structures into HTML.

return: string The parsed text
param: string $text The textile input
fTable($matches line: 1713
Constructs a HTML table from a textile table structure.

This method is used by Parser::tables() to process
found table structures.

return: string HTML table
param: array  $matches
redclothLists($text line: 1875
Parses RedCloth-style definition lists into HTML.

return: string The parsed text
param: string $text The textile input
fRedclothList($m line: 1891
Constructs a HTML definition list from a RedCloth-style definition structure.

This method is used by Parser::redclothLists() to process
found definition list structures.

return: string HTML definition list
param: array  $m
textileLists($text line: 1958
Parses Textile list structures into HTML.

Searches for ordered, un-ordered and definition lists in the
textile input and generates HTML lists for them.

return: string The parsed text
param: string $text The input
fTextileList($m line: 1977
Constructs a HTML list from a Textile list structure.

This method is used by Parser::textileLists() to process
found list structures.

return: string HTML list
param: array  $m
liType($in line: 2077
Determines the list type from the Textile input symbol.

return: string Either 'd', 'o', 'u'
param: string $in Textile input containing the possible list marker
doTagBr($tag, $in line: 2094
Adds br tags within the specified container tag.

return: string
param: string $tag The tag
param: string $in  The input
doPBr($in line: 2111
Adds br tags to paragraphs and headings.

return: string
param: string $in The input
fPBr($m line: 2127
Less restrictive version of fBr method.

Used only in paragraphs and headings where the next row may
start with a smiley or perhaps something like '#8 bolt...'
or '*** stars...'.

return: string
param: string $m The input
fBr($m line: 2152
Formats line breaks.

return: string
param: string $m The input
blocks($text line: 2165
Splits the given input into blocks.

Blocks are separated by double line-break boundaries, and processed
the blocks one by one.

return: string Input text with blocks processed
param: string $text Textile source text
fBlock($m line: 2270
Formats the given block.

Adds block tags and formats the text content inside
the block.

return: array
param: string $m The block content to format
formatFootnote($marker, $atts = '', $anchor = true)  line: 2374
Formats a footnote.

return: string Processed footnote
param: string $marker The marker
param: string $atts   Attributes
param: bool   $anchor TRUE, if its a reference link
replaceMarkers($text, $replacements line: 2389
Replaces markers with replacements in the given input.

return: string
param: string $text         The input
param: array  $replacements Marker replacement pairs
getHTMLComments($text line: 2407
Parses HTML comments in the given input.

This method finds HTML comments in the given input
and replaces them with reference tokens.

return: string $text Processed input
param: string $text Textile input
fParseHTMLComments($m line: 2427
Formats a HTML comment.

Stores the comment on the shelf and returns
a reference token wrapped in to a HTML comment.

return: string Reference token wrapped to a HTML comment tags
param: array  $m Options
graf($text line: 2442
Parses paragraphs in the given input.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text Textile input
spans($text line: 2501
Replaces Textile span tags with their equivalent HTML inline tags.

return: string The Textile document with spans replaced by their HTML inline equivalents
param: string $text The Textile document to perform the replacements in
fSpan($m line: 2538
Formats a span tag and stores it on the shelf.

return: string Content wrapped to reference tokens
param: array  $m Options
storeTags($opentag, $closetag = '')  line: 2570
Stores a tag pair in the tag cache.

return: array  Reference tokens for both opening and closing tag
param: string $opentag  Opening tag
param: string $closetag Closing tag
retrieveTags($text line: 2593
Replaces reference tokens with corresponding shelved span tags.

This method puts all shelved span tags back to the final,
parsed input.

return: string Processed text
param: string $text The input
fRetrieveTags($m line: 2621
Retrieves a tag from the tag cache.

return: string
param: array $m Options
placeNoteLists($text line: 2634
Parses note lists in the given input.

This method should be ran after other blocks
have been processed, but before reference tokens
have been replaced with their replacements.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text Textile input
fNoteLists($m line: 2680
Formats a note list.

return: string Processed note list
param: array  $m Options
makeBackrefLink(&$info, $g_links, $i line: 2733
Renders a note back reference link.

This method renders an array of back reference
links for notes.

return: string Processed input
param: array  $info    Options
param: string $g_links Reference type
param: int    $i       Instance count
fParseNoteDefs($m line: 2780
Formats note definitions.

This method formats notes and stores them in
note cache for later use and to build reference

return: string Empty string
param: array  $m Options
noteRefs($text line: 2814
Parses note references in the given input.

This method replaces note reference tags with

return: string
param: string $text Textile input
fParseNoteRefs($m line: 2834
Formats note reference links.

By the time this function is called, all note lists will have been
processed into the notes array, and we can resolve the link numbers in
the order we process the references.

return: string Note reference
param: array  $m Options
parseURI($uri, &$m line: 2882
Parses URI into component parts.

This method splits a URI-like string apart into component parts, while
also providing validation.

return: bool   TRUE if the string validates as a URI
param: string $uri The string to pick apart (if possible)
param: array  $m   Reference to an array the URI component parts are assigned to
addPart(&$mask, $name, &$parts line: 2906
Checks whether a component part can be added to a URI.

return: bool   TRUE if the component can be added
param: array  $mask  An array of allowed component parts
param: string $name  The component to add
param: array  $parts An array of existing components to modify
rebuildURI($parts, $mask = 'scheme,authority,path,query,fragment', $encode = true)  line: 2920
Rebuild a URI from parsed parts and a mask.

return: string         The rebuilt URI
param: array  $parts  Full array of URI parts
param: string $mask   Comma separated list of URI parts to include in the rebuilt URI
param: bool   $encode Flag to control encoding of the path part of the rebuilt URI
links($text line: 2971
Parses and shelves links in the given input.

This method parses the input Textile document for links.
Formats and encodes them, and stores the created link
elements in cache.

return: string The input document with link pulled out and replaced with tokens
param: string $text Textile input
markStartOfLinks($text line: 2988
Finds and marks the start of well formed links in the input text.

return: string Text with links marked
param: string $text String to search for link starting positions
replaceLinks($text line: 3106
Replaces links with tokens and stores them on the shelf.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text The input
fLink($m line: 3132
Formats a link and stores it on the shelf.

return: string Reference token for the shelved content
param: array  $m Options
getRefs($text line: 3340
Finds URI aliases within the given input.

This method finds URI aliases in the Textile input. Links are stored
in an internal cache, so that they can be referenced from any link
in the document.

This operation happens before the actual link parsing takes place.

return: string The Textile document with any URI aliases removed
param: string $text Textile input
refs($m line: 3369
Parses, encodes and shelves the current URI alias.

return: string Empty string
param: array $m Options
shelveURL($text line: 3386
Shelves parsed URLs.

Stores away a URL fragments that have been parsed
and requires no more processing.

return: string The fragment's unique reference ID
param: string $text The URL
retrieveURLs($text line: 3407
Replaces reference tokens with corresponding shelved URL.

This method puts all shelved URLs back to the final,
parsed input.

return: string Processed text
param: string $text The input
retrieveURL($m line: 3423
Retrieves an URL from the shelve.

return: string The URL
param: array  $m Options
relURL($url line: 3444
Completes and formats a URL.

return: string
param: string $url The URL
isRelURL($url line: 3464
Checks if an URL is relative.

The given URL is considered relative if it doesn't
contain scheme and hostname.

return: bool   TRUE if relative, FALSE otherwise
param: string $url The URL
images($text line: 3480
Parses and shelves images in the given input.

This method parses the input Textile document for images and
generates img HTML tags for each one found, caching the
generated img tag internally and replacing the Textile image with a
token to the cached tag.

return: string The input document with images pulled out and replaced with tokens
param: string $text Textile input
fImage($m line: 3513
Formats an image and stores it on the shelf.

return: string Reference token for the shelved content
param: array  $m Options
code($text line: 3581
Parses code blocks in the given input.

return: string Processed text
param: string $text The input
fCode($m line: 3596
Formats inline code tags.

return: string
param: array  $m
fPre($m line: 3608
Formats pre tags.

return: string
param: array  $m Options
shelve($val line: 3620
Shelves parsed content.

Stores away a fragment of the source text that have been parsed
and requires no more processing.

return: string The fragment's unique reference ID
param: string $val The content
retrieve($text line: 3638
Replaces reference tokens with corresponding shelved content.

This method puts all shelved content back to the final,
parsed input.

return: string Processed text
param: string $text The input
cleanWhiteSpace($text line: 3661
Removes BOM and unifies line ending in the given input.

return: string Cleaned version of the input
param: string $text Input Textile
cleanUniqueTokens($text line: 3681
Removes any unique tokens from the input.

return: string Cleaned input
param: string $text The input to clean
doSpecial($text, $start, $end, $method line: 3694
Uses the specified callback method to format the content between end and start nodes.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text   The input to format
param: string $start  The start node to look for
param: string $end    The end node to look for
param: string $method The callback method
noTextile($text line: 3713
Parses notextile tags in the given input.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text The input
fTextile($m line: 3726
Format notextile blocks.

return: string
param: array $m Options
footnoteRefs($text line: 3738
Parses footnote reference links in the given input.

This method replaces [n] instances with links.

return: string $text Processed input
param: string $text The input
footnoteID($m line: 3758
Renders a footnote reference link or ID.

return: string Footnote link, or ID
param: array  $m Options
glyphQuotedQuote($text, $find = '"?|"[^"]+"')  line: 3781
Parses and shelves quoted quotes in the given input.

return: string
param: string $text The text to search for quoted quotes
fGlyphQuotedQuote($m line: 3797
Formats quoted quotes and stores it on the shelf.

return: string Input with quoted quotes removed and replaced with tokens
param: array  $m Named regular expression parts
glyphs($text line: 3835
Replaces glyphs in the given input.

This method performs typographical glyph replacements. The input is split
across HTML-like tags in order to avoid attempting glyph
replacements within tags.

return: string
param: string $text Input Textile
replaceGlyphs($text line: 3868
Replaces glyph references in the given input.

This method removes temporary glyph: instances
from the input.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text The input
hAlign($in line: 3883
Translates alignment tag into corresponding CSS text-align property value.

return: string CSS text-align value
param: string $in The Textile alignment tag
vAlign($in line: 3905
Translates vertical alignment tag into corresponding CSS vertical-align property value.

return: string CSS vertical-align value
param: string $in The Textile alignment tag
encodeHigh($text, $charset = 'UTF-8')  line: 3923
Converts character codes in the given input from HTML numeric character reference to character code.

Conversion is done according to Textile's multi-byte conversion map.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text    The input
param: string $charset The character set
decodeHigh($text, $charset = 'UTF-8')  line: 3942
Converts numeric HTML character references to character code.

return: string Processed input
param: string $text    The input
param: string $charset The character set
encodeHTML($str, $quotes = true)  line: 3961
Convert special characters to HTML entities.

This method's functionality is identical to PHP's own
htmlspecialchars(). In Textile this is used for sanitising
the input.

return: string Encoded string
param: string $str    The string to encode
param: bool   $quotes Encode quotes
rEncodeHTML($str, $quotes = true)  line: 3992
Convert special characters to HTML entities.

This is identical to encodeHTML(), but takes restricted
mode into account. When in restricted mode, only escapes

return: string Encoded string
param: string $str    The string to encode
param: bool   $quotes Encode quotes
isMultiByteStringSupported()  line: 4015
Whether multiple mbstring extensions is loaded.

return: bool
isUnicodePcreSupported()  line: 4031
Whether PCRE supports UTF-8.

return: bool

