Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/vendors/Textpattern/Textfilter/Base.php - 156 lines - 3448 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Textfilter base class.

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Base:: (6 methods):

Class: Base

__construct($key, $title line: 67
General constructor for Textfilters.

param: string $key   A globally unique, persistable identifier for this particular Textfilter class
param: string $title The human-readable title of this filter class
setOptions($options line: 91
Sets filter's options.

param: array $options Array of options: 'lite' => boolean, 'rel' => string, 'noimage' => boolean, 'restricted' => boolean
register($step, $event, $registry line: 107
Event handler, registers Textfilter class with the core.

param: string                           $step     Not used
param: string                           $event    Not used
param: \Textpattern\Textfilter\Registry $registry Maintains the set of known Textfilters
filter($thing, $options line: 120
Filters the given raw input value.

return: string Filtered output text
param: string $thing   The raw input string
param: array  $options Options
getHelp()  line: 135
Gets this filter's help.

return: string
getKey()  line: 146
Gets this filter's identifier.

return: string

