Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/include/txp_diag.php - 815 lines - 27241 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Diagnostics panel.

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 6 functions



Functions that are not part of a class:

apache_module($m line: 85
Checks if the given Apache module is installed and active.

return: bool|null TRUE on success, NULL or FALSE on error
param: string $m The module
list_txp_tables()  line: 101
Lists all database tables used by the Textpattern core.

Returned tables include prefixes.

return: array
check_tables($tables, $type = 'FAST', $warnings = 0)  line: 121
Checks the status of the given database tables.

return: array An array of table statuses
param: array  $tables   The tables to check
param: string $type     Check type, either FOR UPGRADE, QUICK, FAST, MEDIUM, EXTENDED, CHANGED
param: bool   $warnings If TRUE, displays warnings
diag_msg_wrap($msg, $type = 'e')  line: 152
Renders a diagnostics message block.

return: string HTML
param: string $msg  The message
param: string $type The message type
doDiagnostics()  line: 174
Outputs a diagnostics report.

This is the main panel.
checkUpdates()  line: 759
Checks for Textpattern updates.

return: array|null When updates are found returns an array consisting keys 'version', 'msg'

