Textpattern | PHP Cross Reference | Content Management Systems |
1 [@common] 2 lang_name="English" 3 lang_code="en" 4 lang_dir="ltr" 5 [admin] 6 account_activation="Please activate your account" 7 account_activation_confirmation="Please use the link below to activate your account and set up a password." 8 alias_is_taken="Alias already exists." 9 assign_assets_to="Assign author’s content to" 10 author_already_exists="Author <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 11 author_deleted="Authors deleted: <strong>{name}</strong>." 12 author_save_failed="Author <strong>{name}</strong> could not be saved." 13 author_updated="Authors updated: <strong>{name}</strong>." 14 cannot_assign_assets_to_deletee="You cannot assign assets to a deleted account." 15 changeprivilege="Change role" 16 change_email_address="Change your email address" 17 change_password="Change your password" 18 copy_editor="Copy Editor" 19 could_not_mail="Could not email" 20 could_not_update_author="Could not update author." 21 create_author="New author" 22 current_password="Current password" 23 designer="Designer" 24 edit_author="Edit author" 25 email_changed="Email address changed to <strong>{email}</strong>." 26 error_adding_new_author="Error adding new author." 27 from_or_to_address_missing="Sender and/or recipient address is missing." 28 freelancer="Freelancer" 29 invalid_header="Invalid mail header." 30 invalid_token="Password reset security token is invalid." 31 last_login="Last log in" 32 link_expires="You have until {day} {month} {year}, {time} to respond before this link expires." 33 login_name="Login" 34 login_sent_to="Password sent to {email}." 35 log_in_at="Log in at" 36 managing_editor="Managing Editor" 37 must_reassign_assets="Please reassign author’s content" 38 new_email="New email" 39 new_password="New password" 40 password_changed="Password changed." 41 password_change_confirmation="Your password has been changed. If you did not request a change to your password, contact your site administrator." 42 password_confirm_button="Set password" 43 password_invalid="Your password is incorrect." 44 password_required="Please provide a new password." 45 password_reset="Reset password" 46 password_reset_button="Reset password" 47 password_reset_confirmation="Somebody (probably you) has requested to reset your password. Please confirm this reset request using the link below." 48 password_reset_confirmation_request="Please confirm your password reset request" 49 password_reset_confirmation_request_sent="A confirmation message was sent. Please check your email and follow the instructions." 50 password_sent_to="Password sent to" 51 password_set="Your password has been set" 52 password_set_confirmation="Your password has been set. If you did not request this, contact your site administrator." 53 privileges="Role" 54 privs_none="None" 55 publisher="Publisher" 56 real_name="Real name" 57 resend_activation="Resend activation link" 58 resend_activation_request_sent="Activation message sent to {name}." 59 resetpassword="Reset password" 60 search_users="Search users" 61 sending_failed="The message failed to send." 62 set_password="Set your password" 63 show_password="Show password" 64 staff_writer="Staff Writer" 65 token_expired="Password reset security token has expired." 66 unable_retrieve_template="Unable to retrieve template." 67 unable_retrieve_user="Unable to retrieve user." 68 unable_set_template="Unable to set template." 69 your_login_info="Your login info" 70 your_login_is="Your login is" 71 your_new_password="Your new password" 72 your_password_is="Your password is" 73 you_have_been_registered="You have been registered as a contributor to the site" 74 [admin-side] 75 active_language_ui="User language" 76 advanced_options="Advanced options" 77 auto_dst="Automatically adjust Daylight Saving Time?" 78 body="Body" 79 breadcrumb_title="/breadcrumb/title" 80 cannot_delete="Cannot delete {thing}." 81 cannot_instantiate_theme="Theme <strong>{name}</strong> ({class}) failed to load properly from file {path}. The default theme will be used as a fallback when you refresh this page." 82 changeauthor="Change author" 83 changecategory="Change category" 84 changecategory1="Change category 1" 85 changecategory2="Change category 2" 86 changecomments="Change comments" 87 changeparent="Change parent" 88 changesection="Change section" 89 changestatus="Change status" 90 collapse_all="Collapse all" 91 convert_linebreaks="Convert line breaks" 92 create_article="New article" 93 custom="Custom fields" 94 date_settings="Date and time" 95 deleteforce="Force delete" 96 detail="Detail" 97 directory_permissions="Check directory permissions: <strong>{path}</strong>." 98 draft="Draft" 99 expand_all="Expand all" 100 export_to_disk="Export to disk" 101 file_base_path="File directory path" 102 get_off_my_lawn="I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t do that; <code>{event}</code> <code>{step}</code> is an unsafe operation." 103 gmtoffset="Time zone (GMT offset in seconds)" 104 id_title="/id/title" 105 img_dir="Image directory" 106 import_from_disk="Import from disk" 107 installed="Installed" 108 invalid_argument="Invalid argument" 109 invalid_article_id="Invalid article ID" 110 invalid_expiredate="Invalid expire date or time." 111 invalid_json="Invalid JSON files: <strong>{list}</strong>." 112 invalid_postdate="Invalid publish date or time." 113 is_dst="Daylight Saving Time enabled?" 114 leave_text_untouched="Leave text untouched" 115 live="Live" 116 live_preview="Live preview" 117 locale="Locale" 118 manage="Manage" 119 messy="?=messy" 120 meta="Meta" 121 on_front_page="On default page?" 122 override="Override" 123 parent="Parent" 124 path_creation_or_writing_failed="Unable to create or write in files/directories: <strong>{list}</strong>." 125 path_not_readable="<strong>Warning:</strong> cannot read from directories/files <code>{list}</code>." 126 path_not_writable="<strong>Warning:</strong> cannot write to directories/files <code>{list}</code>." 127 path_renaming_failed="Files or directories renaming failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 128 pending="Pending" 129 permlink_mode="Article URL pattern" 130 plugin_dir="Plugin directory" 131 pophelp_missing="Help text is missing." 132 preferences_saved="Preferences saved" 133 reset_time="Reset timestamp to now" 134 search_all="Search all" 135 search_clear="Clear search" 136 search_options="Search options" 137 section_category_title="/section/category/title" 138 section_id_title="/section/id/title" 139 section_title="/section/title" 140 set_expire_now="Set expiry to now" 141 set_to_now="Set timestamp to now" 142 show="Show" 143 showing_search_results="Showing {from} to {to} of {total}" 144 skin_dir="Theme directory" 145 sort_value="Sort value" 146 sticky="Sticky" 147 swap_values="Swap values" 148 tab_admin="Admin" 149 tab_comments="Comments" 150 tab_content="Content" 151 tab_diagnostics="Diagnostics" 152 tab_extensions="Extensions" 153 tab_file="Files" 154 tab_forms="Forms" 155 tab_help="Help" 156 tab_image="Images" 157 tab_import="Import" 158 tab_languages="Languages" 159 tab_link="Links" 160 tab_list="Articles" 161 tab_logs="Visitor logs" 162 tab_organise="Categories" 163 tab_pages="Pages" 164 tab_plugins="Plugins" 165 tab_preferences="Preferences" 166 tab_presentation="Presentation" 167 tab_sections="Sections" 168 tab_site_account="Account" 169 tab_site_admin="Users" 170 tab_skin="Themes" 171 tab_start="Home" 172 tab_style="Styles" 173 tab_view_site="View site" 174 tab_write="Write" 175 tagbuilder="Tag builder" 176 tags="Tags" 177 tempdir="Temporary directory path" 178 text="Text" 179 textfilter="Format:" 180 textfilter_help="Text formatting help" 181 theme_name="Admin-side theme" 182 timestamp="Timestamp" 183 title_body="Title and body" 184 title_body_excerpt="Title, body and excerpt" 185 title_only="/title" 186 unmoderated="Unmoderated" 187 update_available="Update available" 188 update_from_disk="Update from disk" 189 use_textile="Use Textile" 190 view_per_page="View {page} per page" 191 view_preview_short="Preview" 192 visible="Visible" 193 year_month_day_title="/year/month/day/title" 194 [article] 195 article_expires_before_postdate="Error: article expires <strong>before</strong> publish date." 196 article_markup="Body markup" 197 article_posted="Article posted." 198 article_saved="Article saved." 199 article_saved_draft="Article saved as draft." 200 article_saved_hidden="Article saved as hidden." 201 article_saved_pending="Article saved as pending." 202 article_save_failed="The article was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 203 comment_settings="Comment options" 204 concurrent_edit_by="Article <strong>not</strong> saved. {author} modified the article while you were editing it. If you’re sure, press the ‘Save’ button once more." 205 excerpt_markup="Excerpt markup" 206 override_default_form="Override form" 207 problem_creating_article="There was a problem creating the article." 208 problem_deleting_article="There was a problem deleting the article." 209 problem_getting_articles="There was a problem getting articles." 210 problem_retrieving_article="There was a problem retrieving the article." 211 problem_retrieving_article_categories="There was a problem retrieving article categories." 212 problem_retrieving_categories="There was a problem retrieving categories." 213 problem_retrieving_category_info="There was a problem retrieving category information." 214 problem_retrieving_sections="There was a problem retrieving sections." 215 problem_saving_article_categories="There was a problem saving article categories." 216 problem_updating_article="There was a problem updating the article." 217 sort_display="Sort and display" 218 trying_to_assign_unexisting_category_to_the_article="A non-existent category cannot be assigned to an article." 219 url_title="URL-only title" 220 url_title_is_blank="URL-only title was left blank." 221 url_title_is_multiple="The same URL-only title is used by {count} different articles." 222 write="Write" 223 [category] 224 article_categories_deleted="Article categories deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 225 article_category="Article category" 226 article_category_already_exists="Article category <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 227 article_category_created="Article category <strong>{name}</strong> created." 228 article_category_description="Article category description" 229 article_category_invalid="Article category <strong>{name}</strong> invalid." 230 article_category_name="Article category name" 231 article_category_title="Article category title" 232 article_category_updated="Article category <strong>{name}</strong> updated." 233 categories_set_parent="{list} assigned to {type} category parent {parent}" 234 category_not_found="Category not found" 235 category_save_failed="The category was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 236 create_category="New category" 237 edit_category="Edit category" 238 file_categories_deleted="File categories deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 239 file_category_already_exists="File category <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 240 file_category_created="File category <strong>{name}</strong> created." 241 file_category_description="File category description" 242 file_category_invalid="File category <strong>{name}</strong> invalid." 243 file_category_name="File category name" 244 file_category_title="File category title" 245 file_category_updated="File category <strong>{name}</strong> updated." 246 image_categories_deleted="Image categories deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 247 image_category_already_exists="Image category <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 248 image_category_created="Image category <strong>{name}</strong> created." 249 image_category_description="Image category description" 250 image_category_invalid="Image category <strong>{name}</strong> invalid." 251 image_category_name="Image category name" 252 image_category_title="Image category title" 253 image_category_updated="Image category <strong>{name}</strong> updated." 254 link_categories_deleted="Link categories deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 255 link_category_already_exists="Link category <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 256 link_category_created="Link category <strong>{name}</strong> created." 257 link_category_description="Link category description" 258 link_category_invalid="Link category <strong>{name}</strong> invalid." 259 link_category_name="Link category name" 260 link_category_title="Link category title" 261 link_category_updated="Link category <strong>{name}</strong> updated." 262 no_categories_exist="None exist." 263 no_other_categories_exist="No other categories exist." 264 [common] 265 active="Active" 266 add="Add" 267 admin="Admin" 268 ago="{since} ago" 269 all="All" 270 are_you_sure="Are you sure?" 271 article="Article" 272 articles="Articles" 273 article_image="Article image" 274 any="Any" 275 ascending="Ascending" 276 auth_required="Authorization required." 277 author="Author" 278 authors="Authors" 279 back_to_login="Back to Textpattern login" 280 back_to_top="Back to top" 281 bad_cookie="Your session has expired. Please log in again." 282 bad_login="Could not log in with that username/password." 283 breadcrumb_nav="Breadcrumb navigation" 284 browse="Browse" 285 cancel="Cancel" 286 caption="Caption" 287 category="Category" 288 categories="Categories" 289 categorize="Categorize" 290 category1="Category 1" 291 category2="Category 2" 292 choose="Choose…" 293 close="Close" 294 code="Code" 295 comment="Comment" 296 comment_invitation="Invitation" 297 comments="Comments" 298 comments_expired="Commenting has expired for this article." 299 confirm_delete_popup="Really delete?" 300 contact="Contact" 301 cookies_must_be_enabled="Browser cookies must be enabled to use Textpattern." 302 copy="Copy" 303 could_not_log_in="Could not log in with that username/password." 304 create="Create" 305 css="Style" 306 current="Current" 307 date="Date" 308 date_added="Date added" 309 dateformat="Date format" 310 default="Default" 311 delete="Delete" 312 delete_selected="Delete selected" 313 descending="Descending" 314 description="Description" 315 documentation="Documentation" 316 download="Download" 317 download_count="Download count" 318 downloads="Downloads" 319 duplicate="Duplicate" 320 edit="Edit" 321 email="Email" 322 email_address="Email address" 323 exact="Exact" 324 excerpt="Excerpt" 325 expired="Expired" 326 expires="Expires" 327 expire_date="Expire date" 328 expire_time="Expire time" 329 export="Export" 330 extension="Extension" 331 extensions="Extensions" 332 file="File" 333 file_download="File download" 334 file_size="File size" 335 forget="Forget" 336 form="Form" 337 form_submission_error="Sorry, the form could not be submitted. Please try again later." 338 forms="Forms" 339 gallery="Gallery" 340 general_error="General error" 341 go="Go" 342 go_back="Go back" 343 go_comments="Go to comments" 344 go_content="Go to content" 345 go_nav="Go to navigation" 346 go_search="Go to search" 347 go_to="Go to" 348 go_txp_com="Go to the Textpattern website" 349 height="Height" 350 help="Help" 351 hidden="Hidden" 352 home="Home" 353 host="Host" 354 id="ID#" 355 image="Image" 356 images="Images" 357 import="Import" 358 input_day="Day" 359 input_hour="Hour" 360 input_minute="Minute" 361 input_month="Month" 362 input_second="Second" 363 input_year="Year" 364 install="Install" 365 internal_error="Internal error" 366 keywords="Keywords" 367 label="Label" 368 language="Language" 369 last_modification="Last modification" 370 last_modified="Last modified" 371 lightswitch="Toggle light/dark mode" 372 link="Link" 373 links="Links" 374 list="List" 375 list_articles="List articles" 376 list_categories="List categories" 377 list_links="List links" 378 list_options="Column display options" 379 logged_in_as="Logged in as" 380 login="Log in" 381 login_to_textpattern="Log in to Textpattern" 382 logout="Log out" 383 log_in_button="Log in" 384 manual="Manual" 385 message="Message" 386 method="Method" 387 misc="Miscellaneous" 388 modified="Modified" 389 modified_by="Last modified by" 390 month="Month" 391 more="More" 392 more_pages="More pages" 393 navigation="Navigation" 394 name="Name" 395 never="Never" 396 newer="Newer" 397 next="Next" 398 no="No" 399 no_results_found="No results found." 400 none="None" 401 noscript="<strong>Note:</strong> JavaScript is currently disabled in your browser." 402 of="of" 403 off="Off" 404 older="Older" 405 on="On" 406 opens_external_link="(opens an external link in a new window)" 407 options="Options" 408 organization="Company/organization" 409 page="Page" 410 pages="Pages" 411 page_nav="Page navigation" 412 password="Password" 413 password_forgotten="Forgot password?" 414 permlink="Permanent link" 415 pophelp="Pop-up help links" 416 post="Post" 417 posted="Posted" 418 posted_by="Posted by" 419 prev="Previous" 420 preview="Preview" 421 publish="Publish" 422 published_at="Published at" 423 published_with="Published with" 424 publish_date="Publish date" 425 publish_time="Publish time" 426 range="Range" 427 recently="Recently" 428 recent_articles="Recent articles" 429 recent_comments="Recent comments" 430 recent_posts="Recent posts" 431 related_articles="Related articles" 432 reload="Reload" 433 remember="Remember" 434 remove="Remove" 435 required="Required" 436 reset="Reset" 437 restricted_area="Restricted area." 438 revert="Revert" 439 salutation="Dear {name}," 440 save="Save" 441 save_new="Save new" 442 search="Search" 443 search_results="Search results" 444 section="Section" 445 sections="Sections" 446 select="Select" 447 selected="Selected" 448 send="Send" 449 site="Site" 450 sitename="Site name" 451 siteurl="Site URL" 452 site_slogan="Site slogan" 453 skin="Theme" 454 spam="Spam" 455 status="Status" 456 status_in_use="In use" 457 status_missing="Missing" 458 status_ok="OK" 459 stay_logged_in="Remain logged in with this browser" 460 submit="Submit" 461 tel="Phone number" 462 thumbnail="Thumbnail" 463 time="Time" 464 title="Title" 465 toggle_all_selected="Toggle all/none selected" 466 txt_quote_double_close="”" 467 txt_quote_double_open="“" 468 txt_quote_single_close="’" 469 txt_quote_single_open="‘" 470 type="Type" 471 undefined="Undefined" 472 unknown="Unknown" 473 units_b="B" 474 units_e="EB" 475 units_g="GB" 476 units_k="kB" 477 units_m="MB" 478 units_p="PB" 479 units_t="TB" 480 units_y="YB" 481 units_z="ZB" 482 untitled="Untitled" 483 update="Update" 484 upload="Upload" 485 upload_err_cant_write="Failed to write file to disk." 486 upload_err_extension="File upload stopped by PHP extension." 487 upload_err_form_size="File exceeds the maximum size specified in Textpattern’s preferences." 488 upload_err_ini_size="File exceeds the <code>upload_max_filesize</code> directive in <code>php.ini</code>." 489 upload_err_no_file="No file was specified." 490 upload_err_partial="File was only partially uploaded." 491 upload_err_tmp_dir="No valid temporary directory was found. Please consult your website host." 492 upload_file="Upload file" 493 url="URL" 494 value="Value" 495 version="Version" 496 view="View" 497 viewsite="View site" 498 website="Website" 499 width="Width" 500 with_selected="With selected:" 501 with_selected_option="With {count} selected…" 502 yes="Yes" 503 [css] 504 all_stylesheets="All styles" 505 create_css="New style" 506 css_already_exists="Style <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 507 css_code="Style code" 508 css_created="Styles created: <strong>{list}</strong>." 509 css_deleted="Styles deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 510 css_name="Style name" 511 css_name_required="Please provide a name for your style." 512 css_save_failed="The style was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 513 css_updated="Styles updated: <strong>{list}</strong>." 514 css_used_by_section="Style <strong>{name}</strong> not deleted: used by {count} section(s)." 515 [diag] 516 all_checks_passed="All checks passed." 517 cgi_header_config="CGI header configuration" 518 clean_url_data_failed="Clean URL data test failed: {data}" 519 clean_url_test_failed="Clean URL test failed." 520 diag_clear_private="Hide private information" 521 dev_version_live="You are running a development version of Textpattern on a live server." 522 diagnostic_info="Diagnostic info" 523 dir_not_writable="{dirtype} is not writable: {path}" 524 dns_lookup_fails="DNS lookup failed: {domain}" 525 file_uploads_disabled="File uploads are disabled." 526 high="High" 527 htaccess_missing=".htaccess file is missing." 528 low="Low" 529 missing_files="Missing files: {list}" 530 modified_files="Some Textpattern files have been modified: {list}" 531 mod_rewrite_missing="Apache module <code>mod_rewrite</code> is not enabled." 532 mysql_table_errors="The following errors were detected in your MySQL tables: {list}" 533 no_temp_dir="No temporary directory defined." 534 old_placeholder="Old placeholder file is in the way: {path}" 535 path_inaccessible="<strong>{path}</strong> is not accessible." 536 php_diagnostics="PHP configuration" 537 php_extensions="PHP extensions" 538 php_version_required="Textpattern requires at least version {version} of PHP to be installed on your server." 539 preflight_check="Pre-flight check" 540 problem_connecting_update_server="There was a problem connecting to the Textpattern update server. Please try again later." 541 site_trailing_slash="Site URL has a trailing slash: {path}" 542 site_url_mismatch="Site URL preference might be incorrect: {url}" 543 some_php_functions_disabled="The following PHP functions (which may be necessary to run Textpattern) are disabled on your server: {list}" 544 still_exists="<strong>{path}</strong> still exists." 545 textpattern_update_available="New Textpattern version {version} <a href=\"https://textpattern.com/download\" rel=\"external\">available for download</a>." 546 textpattern_update_available_beta="New Textpattern pre-release version {version} available for download. Please <a href=\"https://textpattern.com/download-beta\" rel=\"external\">visit the Textpattern website</a> for more information." 547 tmp_plugin_paths_match="Temporary directory path and plugin cache directory path should <strong>not</strong> match." 548 warn_mail_unavailable="Your PHP installation is missing the <code>mail()</code> function. Therefore no emails can be sent from Textpattern, which limits certain functionality." 549 [discuss] 550 article_deleted="Article deleted." 551 comments_deleted="Comments deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 552 comments_marked_spam="Comments hidden and marked as spam: <strong>{list}</strong>." 553 comments_marked_unmoderated="Comments hidden and marked as unmoderated: <strong>{list}</strong>." 554 comments_marked_visible="Comments made visible: <strong>{list}</strong>." 555 comment_not_found="Comment does not exist, it may have been deleted." 556 comment_save_failed="The comment was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 557 comment_updated="Comment <strong>{id}</strong> updated." 558 edit_comment="Edit comment" 559 hide_spam="Hide (spam)" 560 hide_unmoderated="Hide (unmoderated)" 561 just_spam_results_found="Only spam comments found. Use ‘Show spam’ to view them." 562 no_comments_recorded="No comments recorded." 563 search_comments="Search comments" 564 show_spam="Show spam" 565 [file] 566 condition="Condition" 567 edit_file="Edit file" 568 existing_file="Existing file" 569 file_already_exists="File <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 570 file_cannot_rename="File <strong>{name}</strong> could not be renamed." 571 file_deleted="Files deleted: <strong>{name}</strong>." 572 file_delete_failed="Failed to delete files: <strong>{list}</strong>." 573 file_dir_not_writeable="<strong>Warning:</strong> cannot write to file directory <code>{filedir}</code>." 574 file_not_found="Files not found: <strong>{list}</strong>." 575 file_not_updated="File <strong>{name}</strong> not updated." 576 file_relink="Upload/assign file" 577 file_status="File status" 578 file_unsynchronized="File <strong>{name}</strong> has become unsynchronized with the database. Please manually fix filename." 579 file_updated="Files updated: <strong>{name}</strong>." 580 file_uploaded="Files uploaded: <strong>{name}</strong>." 581 file_upload_failed="Failed to upload: <strong>{list}</strong>." 582 invalid_filename="Invalid filenames: <strong>{list}</strong>." 583 invalid_id="Invalid ID <strong>{id}</strong>." 584 linked_to_file="Files linked: <strong>{list}</strong>." 585 no_files_recorded="No files recorded." 586 permissions="Permissions" 587 private="Private" 588 public="Public" 589 replace_file="Replace file" 590 reset_download_count="Reset download count" 591 search_files="Search files" 592 [form] 593 all_forms="All forms" 594 changetype="Change type" 595 create_form="New form" 596 form_already_exists="Form <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 597 form_clone="Duplicate form" 598 form_code="Form code" 599 form_created="Forms created: <strong>{list}</strong>." 600 form_deleted="Forms deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 601 form_name="Form name" 602 form_name_invalid="Form name invalid." 603 form_save_failed="The form was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 604 form_type="Form type" 605 form_type_missing="Form type is missing" 606 form_updated="Forms updated: <strong>{list}</strong>." 607 [image] 608 alt_text="Alternate text" 609 create_thumbnail="Create thumbnail" 610 edit_image="Edit image" 611 image_deleted="Images deleted: <strong>{name}</strong>." 612 image_delete_failed="Images could not be completely deleted: <strong>{name}</strong>." 613 image_details="Image details" 614 image_name="Image name" 615 image_save_error="There was a problem saving image data." 616 image_save_failed="The image was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 617 image_updated="Images updated: <strong>{name}</strong>." 618 image_uploaded="Images uploaded: <strong>{name}</strong>." 619 img_dir_not_writeable="<strong>Warning:</strong> cannot write to image directory <code>{imgdir}</code>." 620 invalid_width_or_height="Invalid width or height." 621 keep_square_pixels="Crop" 622 no_images_recorded="No images recorded." 623 only_graphic_files_allowed="Only .jpg, .gif or .png file types allowed." 624 replace_image="Replace image" 625 search_images="Search images" 626 thumbnail_delete_failed="Thumbnail could not be completely deleted." 627 thumbnail_deleted="Thumbnail deleted." 628 thumbnail_not_saved="Thumbnail <strong>{id}</strong> not saved." 629 thumbnail_saved="Thumbnail <strong>{id}</strong> saved." 630 upload_image="Upload image" 631 upload_thumbnail="Upload thumbnail" 632 [lang] 633 active_language="Site language" 634 install_from_textpack="Install from Textpack" 635 install_textpack="Install Textpack" 636 language_deleted="Language <strong>{name}</strong> removed." 637 language_installed="Language <strong>{name}</strong> installed." 638 language_not_installed="Language <strong>{name}</strong> not installed." 639 language_preamble="<strong>You can help us improve Textpattern!</strong> We welcome additional translations (and corrections to current translations) by our user community. Please visit <a href=\"https://textpattern.com/languages\" rel=\"external\" target=\"_blank\">Textpattern language translations <span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-extlink\">(opens an external link in a new window)</span></a> for further details." 640 language_updated="Language <strong>{name}</strong> updated." 641 locale_not_available_for_language="No locale available for language <strong>{name}</strong>. Using default locale instead." 642 textpack_strings_installed="{count} strings installed from Textpack." 643 [link] 644 create_link="New link" 645 edit_link="Edit link" 646 links_deleted="Links deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 647 link_created="Link <strong>{name}</strong> created." 648 link_empty="Links should not be empty." 649 link_saved="Link saved." 650 link_save_failed="Link could not be saved." 651 link_updated="Links updated: <strong>{name}</strong>." 652 no_links_recorded="No links recorded." 653 search_links="Search links" 654 [list] 655 articles_deleted="Articles deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 656 articles_duplicated="Articles duplicated: <strong>{list}</strong>." 657 articles_modified="Articles modified: <strong>{list}</strong>." 658 no_articles_recorded="No articles recorded." 659 search_articles="Search articles" 660 [log] 661 logs_deleted="Logs deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 662 no_refers_recorded="No hits recorded." 663 referrer="Referrer" 664 search_logs="Search logs" 665 [page] 666 all_pages="All pages" 667 create_page="New page" 668 page_already_exists="Page <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 669 page_code="Page code" 670 page_created="Pages created: <strong>{list}</strong>." 671 page_deleted="Pages deleted: <strong>{list}</strong>." 672 page_name="Page name" 673 page_name_invalid="Page name is invalid." 674 page_save_failed="The page was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 675 page_updated="Pages updated: <strong>{list}</strong>." 676 page_used_by_section="Page <strong>{name}</strong> not deleted; used by {count} section(s)." 677 [plugin] 678 bad_plugin_code="Badly formed or empty plugin code." 679 changeorder="Change order" 680 edit_plugin="Edit plugin <strong>{name}</strong>" 681 edit_plugins="Edit plugin" 682 install_plugin="Install plugin" 683 order="Order" 684 plugin="Plugin" 685 plugin_compression_unsupported="Plugin decompression is not supported by your server. Contact the plugin author for an uncompressed version." 686 plugin_deleted="Plugins deleted: <strong>{name}</strong>." 687 plugin_delete_entirely="Delete plugin from disk too" 688 plugin_dir_not_writeable="<strong>Warning:</strong> cannot write to plugin directory <code>{plugindir}</code>." 689 plugin_help="Plugin help" 690 plugin_installed="Plugin <strong>{name}</strong> installed." 691 plugin_install_failed="Plugin <strong>{name}</strong> install failed." 692 plugin_saved="Plugin <strong>{name}</strong> saved." 693 plugin_updated="Plugins updated: <strong>{name}</strong>." 694 previewing_plugin="Plugin preview" 695 search_plugins="Search plugins" 696 upload_plugin="Upload plugin" 697 verify_plugin="Verify plugin" 698 [prefs] 699 admin_side_plugins="Use admin-side plugins?" 700 allow_article_php_scripting="Allow PHP in articles?" 701 allow_form_override="Allow form override?" 702 allow_page_php_scripting="Allow PHP in pages?" 703 all_hits="All hits" 704 all_preferences="All preferences" 705 archive_dateformat="Archive date format" 706 articles_use_excerpts="Use excerpts on articles?" 707 attach_titles_to_permalinks="Attach titles to permalinks?" 708 category_subcategory="/category/subcategory" 709 clean="/clean/" 710 comments_are_ol="Present comments as a numbered list?" 711 comments_auto_append="Automatically append comments to articles?" 712 comments_dateformat="Comments date format" 713 comments_default_invite="Default comments invite" 714 comments_disabled_after="Comments disabled after" 715 comments_disallow_images="Allow commenter images in comments?" 716 comments_mode="Comments mode" 717 comments_moderate="Moderate comments?" 718 comments_on_default="Comments on by default?" 719 comments_require_email="Comments require commenter’s email address?" 720 comments_require_name="Comments require commenter’s name?" 721 comments_sendmail="Email comments to author?" 722 comments_use_fat_textile="Allow more Textile markup in comments?" 723 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It will appear after it has been approved." 802 comment_name="Name" 803 comment_name_required="Please enter your name." 804 comment_posted="Thank you for adding your comment." 805 comment_received="{site} comment received: {title}" 806 comment_recorded="A comment on your post “{title}” was received." 807 comment_required="Please enter a comment." 808 comment_web="Website" 809 continue_reading="Continue reading" 810 day="day" 811 days="days" 812 enter_comment_here="<strong>Enter your comment below.</strong> Fields marked <b class=\"required\" title=\"Required\">*</b> are required. 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When you are happy with your comment, use the <strong><a href=\"#txpCommentSubmit\" title=\"Go to the submit button\">submit</a></strong> button." 828 read_more="Read more" 829 rss_feed_title="RSS feed" 830 site_nav="Site navigation" 831 textile_help="Textile help" 832 too_common_search_term="It seems like you are looking for a very common search term, maybe try a more specific phrase than" 833 week="week" 834 weeks="weeks" 835 your_ip_is_blacklisted_by="Your IP address has been blocklisted by" 836 yyyy-mm="yyyy-mm" 837 [section] 838 article_count="Articles in this section: {num}." 839 change_page_style="Change theme/page/style" 840 create_section="New section" 841 default_section_updated="Default section updated" 842 default_write_section="Default publishing section" 843 dev_theme="Development" 844 dev_to_live="Reset to live" 845 edit_default_section="Edit default section" 846 edit_section="Edit section" 847 include_in_search="Searchable?" 848 live_theme="Live" 849 live_to_dev="Deploy to live" 850 search_sections="Search sections" 851 section_created="Section <strong>{name}</strong> created." 852 section_delete_failure="Could not delete section(s), articles are currently assigned: {name}." 853 section_deleted="Sections deleted: <strong>{name}</strong>." 854 section_head="Site sections" 855 section_longtitle="Section title" 856 section_name="Section name" 857 section_name_already_exists="Section <strong>{name}</strong> already exists." 858 section_save_failed="The section was not saved due to an error. Please try again." 859 section_updated="Sections updated: <strong>{name}</strong>." 860 switch_dev_live="Developer preview" 861 syndicate="Syndicate articles?" 862 uses_page="Uses page" 863 uses_skin="Uses theme" 864 uses_style="Uses style" 865 [skin] 866 assign_sections="Assign sections" 867 create_skin="New theme" 868 css_creation_failed="Styles creation failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 869 css_deletion_failed="Styles deletion failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 870 css_files_deletion_failed="Styles files deletion failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 871 css_import_failed="Styles import failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 872 css_name_unsafe="Not exportable styles names for: <strong>{list}</strong>. Names must match the following regular expression: <code>^[a-z][a-z0-9_\-\.]{0,63}$</code>." 873 css_not_found="No style data found for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 874 css_update_failed="Styles update failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 875 edit_skin="Edit theme" 876 form_creation_failed="Forms creation failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 877 form_deletion_failed="Forms deletion failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 878 form_duplicate_failed="Duplicated forms import failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 879 form_files_deletion_failed="Forms files deletion failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 880 form_import_failed="Forms import failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 881 form_name_unsafe="Not exportable form names for: <strong>{list}</strong>. Names must match the following regular expression: <code>^[a-z][a-z0-9_\-\.]{0,63}$</code>." 882 form_not_found="No form data found for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 883 form_subdir_error="Form types error for: <strong>{list}</strong>. These forms are used as default by tags and should use defined types." 884 form_subdir_invalid="Invalid form type for: <strong>{list}</strong>. Current valid types are: <code>article</code>, <code>category</code>, <code>comment</code>, <code>file</code>, <code>link</code>, <code>section</code> and <code>misc</code>. <code>misc</code> will be used by default." 885 form_update_failed="Forms update failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 886 no_skin_recorded="No themes recorded." 887 page_creation_failed="Pages creation failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 888 page_deletion_failed="Pages deletion failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 889 page_files_deletion_failed="Pages files deletion failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 890 page_import_failed="Pages import failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 891 page_name_unsafe="Not exportable page names for: <strong>{list}</strong>. 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Names must match the following regular expression: <code>^[a-z][a-z0-9_\-\.]{0,63}$</code>." 919 skin_not_found="No theme data found for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 920 skin_related_sections_update_failed="Themes related sections update failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>. Please visit the Sections panel to update manually." 921 skin_title="Theme title" 922 skin_unknown="Unknown themes: <strong>{list}</strong>." 923 skin_update_failed="Themes update failed for: <strong>{list}</strong>." 924 skin_updated="Themes updated: <strong>{list}</strong>." 925 skin_version="Theme version" 926 [tag] 927 active_class="CSS class for active list item" 928 allowoverride="Allow form to be overridden?" 929 breadcrumb_linked="Link breadcrumbs?" 930 breadcrumb_separator="Breadcrumbs separator" 931 break="List break tag" 932 breakclass="CSS class for list break tag" 933 build="Build tag" 934 button_text="Button text" 935 category_list_section="Link to specific section?" 936 category_tags="Category" 937 class="CSS class" 938 comments_form="Comments form" 939 comment_details="Comment details" 940 comment_form="Comment form" 941 comment_name_link="Link to commenter’s email address/website?" 942 decimals="Display # numbers after the decimal point" 943 default_title="Text to use for default section link" 944 depth="Depth" 945 escape="Escape" 946 exclude="Exclude" 947 filename="Name" 948 file_download_tags="File downloads" 949 flavor="Syndication format" 950 format="Format" 951 gmt="Format according to <abbr title=\"Greenwich Mean Time\">GMT</abbr> time?" 952 has_excerpt="Has excerpt" 953 hilight="Highlight tag" 954 hilight_limit="Highlight how many instances?" 955 html_id="HTML <code>id</code> attribute" 956 include_default="Include default section?" 957 inline_style="Inline style (CSS)" 958 input_size="Input size" 959 labeltag="Label tag" 960 limit="Display how many?" 961 linkclass="CSS class for links" 962 link_text="Link text" 963 link_to_this_author="Link to a list of other articles by this author?" 964 link_to_this_category="Link to a list of other articles in this category?" 965 link_to_this_section="Link to a list of other articles in this section?" 966 listform="List form" 967 match_type="Match type" 968 media="HTML <code>media</code> attribute" 969 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1074 tag_search_input="Search input form" 1075 tag_search_result_date="Search result date" 1076 tag_search_result_excerpt="Search result excerpt" 1077 tag_search_result_title="Search result title" 1078 tag_search_result_url="Search result URL" 1079 tag_section="Section" 1080 tag_section_list="Section list" 1081 tag_site_name="Site name" 1082 tag_site_slogan="Site slogan" 1083 tag_title="Title" 1084 textonly="Text only?" 1085 this_section="Link to current section?" 1086 time_any="Any" 1087 time_format="Time format string" 1088 time_future="Future" 1089 time_past="Past" 1090 title_separator="Individual article and site name separator" 1091 tooltip="Link tooltip" 1092 use_thumbnail="Use thumbnail?" 1093 wraptag="Wrap tag"