Textpattern | PHP Cross Reference | Content Management Systems |
Description: Collection of password handling functions.
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
Functions that are not part of a class:
send_account_activation($name) line: 30 |
Emails a new user with account details and requests they set a password. return: bool FALSE on error. param: string $name The login name |
send_reset_confirmation_request($name) line: 88 |
Sends a password reset link to a user's email address. This function will return a success message even when the specified user doesn't exist. Though an error message could be thrown when a user isn't found, security best practice prevents leaking existing account names. return: string A localized message string param: string $name The login name |
send_password($RealName, $name, $email, $password) line: 176 |
Emails a new user with login details. This function can be only executed when the currently authenticated user trying to send the email was granted 'admin.edit' privileges. Should NEVER be used as sending plaintext passwords is wrong. Will be removed in future, in lieu of sending reset request tokens. return: bool FALSE on error. param: string $RealName The real name param: string $name The login name param: string $email The email address param: string $password The password |
send_new_password($password, $email, $name) line: 217 |
Sends a new password to an existing user. If the $name is FALSE, the password is sent to the currently authenticated user. Should NEVER be used as sending plaintext passwords is wrong. Will be removed in future, in lieu of sending reset request tokens. return: bool FALSE on error. param: string $password The new password param: string $email The email address param: string $name The login name |
generate_password($length = 10) line: 258 |
Generates a password. Generates a random password of given length using the symbols set in PASSWORD_SYMBOLS constant. Should NEVER be used as it is not cryptographically secure. Will be removed in future, in lieu of sending reset request tokens. return: string Random plain-text password param: int $length The length of the password |
reset_author_pass($name) line: 301 |
Resets the given user's password and emails it. The old password is replaced with a new random-generated one. Should NEVER be used as sending plaintext passwords is wrong. Will be removed in future, in lieu of sending reset request tokens. return: string A localized message string param: string $name The login name |
gTxtScript($var, $atts = array() line: 337 |
Loads client-side localisation scripts. Passes localisation strings from the database to JavaScript. Only works on the admin-side pages. param: string|array $var Scalar or array of string keys param: array $atts Array or array of arrays of variable substitution pairs param: array $route Optional events/steps upon which to add the strings |
updatePartials($partials, $rs, $types) line: 370 |
Handle refreshing the passed AJAX content to the UI. param: array $partials Partials array param: array $rs Record set of the edited content |
updateVolatilePartials($partials) line: 393 |
Handle refreshing the passed AJAX content to the UI. return: array Response to send back to the browser param: array $partials Partials array |
get_safe_image_types($type = null) line: 434 |
Lists image types that can be safely uploaded. Returns different results based on the logged in user's privileges. return: mixed param: int $type If set, validates the given value |
check_gd($image_type) line: 466 |
Checks if GD supports the given image type. return: bool TRUE if the type is supported param: string $image_type Either '.gif', '.jpg', '.png' |
image_data($file, $meta = array() line: 497 |
Uploads an image. Can be used to upload a new image or replace an existing one. If $id is specified, the image will be replaced. If $uploaded is set FALSE, $file can take a local file instead of HTTP file upload variable. All uploaded files will included on the Images panel. return: array|string An array of array(message, id) on success, localized error string on error param: array $file HTTP file upload variables param: array $meta Image meta data, allowed keys 'caption', 'alt', 'category' param: int $id Existing image's ID param: bool $uploaded If FALSE, $file takes a filename instead of upload vars |
adminErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) line: 631 |
Error handler for admin-side pages. param: int $errno param: string $errstr param: string $errfile param: int $errline |
updateErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) line: 728 |
Error handler for update scripts. param: int $errno param: string $errstr param: string $errfile param: int $errline |
register_page_extension($func, $event, $step = '', $top = 0) line: 753 |
Registers an admin-side extension page. For now this just does the same as register_callback(). param: callback $func The callback function param: string $event The callback event param: string $step The callback step param: bool $top The top or the bottom of the page |
register_tab($area, $panel, $title) line: 772 |
Registers a new admin-side panel and adds a navigation link to the menu. param: string $area The menu the panel appears in, e.g. "home", "content", "presentation", "admin", "extensions" param: string $panel The panel's event param: string $title The menu item's label |
pluggable_ui($event, $element, $default = '') line: 794 |
Call an event's pluggable UI function. return: mixed Returned value from a callback handler, or $default if no custom UI was provided param: string $event The event param: string $element The element selector param: string $default The default interface markup |
get_form_types() line: 821 |
Gets a list of form types. The list form types can be extended with a 'form.types > types' callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', '$step' and '$types'. The third parameter contains a reference to an array of 'type => label' pairs. return: array An array of form types |
get_essential_forms() line: 849 |
Gets a list of essential form templates. These forms can not be deleted or renamed. The array keys hold the form names, the array values their group. The list forms can be extended with a 'form.essential > forms' callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', '$step' and '$essential'. The third parameter contains a reference to an array of forms. return: array An array of form names |
permlinkmodes($name, $val, $blank = false) line: 885 |
Renders a HTML <select> list of supported permanent link URL formats. return: string HTML param: string $name HTML name and id of the list param: string $val Initial (or current) selected item |
getDefaultSection() line: 909 |
Gets the name of the default publishing section. return: string The section |
event_change_pageby($name = null) line: 934 |
Updates a list's per page number. Gets the per page number from a "qty" HTTP POST/GET parameter and creates a user-specific preference value "$name_list_pageby". param: string|null $name The name of the list |
event_multi_edit($table, $id_key) line: 951 |
Generic multi-edit form's edit handler shared across panels. Receives an action from a multi-edit form and runs it in the given database table. return: string Comma-separated list of affected items param: string $table The database table param: string $id_key The database column selected items match to. Column should be integer type |
find_temp_dir() line: 985 |
Verifies temporary directory. Verifies that the temporary directory is writeable. return: bool|null NULL on error, TRUE on success param: string $dir The directory to check |
get_uploaded_file($f, $dest = '') line: 1040 |
Moves an uploaded file and returns its new location. return: string|bool The new path or FALSE on error param: string $f The filename of the uploaded file param: string $dest The destination of the moved file. If omitted, the file is moved to the temp directory |
get_filenames($path = null, $options = GLOB_NOSORT) line: 1072 |
Gets an array of files in the Files directory that weren't uploaded from Textpattern. Used for importing existing files on the server to Textpattern's files panel. return: array An array of file paths param: string $path The directory to scan param: int $options glob() options |
shift_uploaded_file($f, $dest) line: 1131 |
Moves a file. return: bool TRUE on success, or FALSE on error param: string $f The file to move param: string $dest The destination |
assign_user_assets($owner, $new_owner) line: 1155 |
Assigns assets to a different user. Changes the owner of user's assets. It will move articles, files, images and links from one user to another. Should be run when a user's permissions are taken away, a username is renamed or the user is removed from the site. Affected database tables can be extended with a 'user.assign_assets > columns' callback event. Callback functions get passed three arguments: '$event', '$step' and '$columns'. The third parameter contains a reference to an array of 'table => column' pairs. On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.assign_assets > done' callback event. return: bool FALSE on error param: string|array $owner List of current owners param: string $new_owner The new owner |
is_valid_username($name) line: 1216 |
Validates a string as a username. return: bool TRUE if the string valid param: string $name The username |
create_user($name, $email, $password, $realname = '', $group = 0) line: 1241 |
Creates a user account. On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.create > done' callback event. return: bool FALSE on error param: string $name The login name param: string $email The email address param: string $password The password param: string $realname The real name param: int $group The user group |
update_user($user, $email = null, $realname = null, $meta = array() line: 1291 |
Updates a user. Updates a user account's properties. The $user argument is used for selecting the updated user, and rest of the arguments new values. Use NULL to omit an argument. On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.update > done' callback event. return: bool FALSE on error param: string $user The updated user param: string|null $email The email address param: string|null $realname The real name param: array|null $meta Additional meta fields |
change_user_password($user, $password) line: 1346 |
Changes a user's password. On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.password_change > done' callback event. return: bool FALSE on error param: string $user The updated user param: string $password The new password |
remove_user($user, $new_owner) line: 1386 |
Removes a user. The user's assets are assigned to the given new owner. On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.remove > done' callback event. return: bool FALSE on error param: string|array $user List of removed users param: string $new_owner Assign assets to |
rename_user($user, $newname) line: 1430 |
Renames a user. On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.rename > done' callback event. return: bool FALSE on error param: string $user Updated user param: string $newname The new name |
user_exists($user) line: 1472 |
Checks if a user exists. return: bool TRUE if the user exists param: string $user The user |
change_user_group($user, $group) line: 1491 |
Changes a user's group. On a successful run, will trigger a 'user.change_group > done' callback event. return: bool FALSE on error param: string|array $user Updated users param: int $group The new group |
txp_validate($user, $password, $log = true) line: 1533 |
Validates the given user credentials. Validates a given login and a password combination. If the combination is correct, the user's login name is returned, FALSE otherwise. If $log is TRUE, also checks that the user has permissions to access the admin side interface. On success, updates the user's last access timestamp. return: string|bool The user's login name or FALSE on error param: string $user The login param: string $password The password param: bool $log If TRUE, requires privilege level greater than 'none' |
txp_hash_password($password) line: 1590 |
Calculates a password hash. return: string A hash param: string $password The password |
generate_user_token($ref, $type, $expiryTimestamp, $pass, $nonce) line: 1612 |
Create a secure token hash in the database from the passed information. return: string Secure token suitable for emailing as part of a link param: int $ref Reference to the user's account (user_id) param: string $type Flavour of token to create param: int $expiryTimestamp UNIX timestamp of when the token will expire param: string $pass Password, used as part of the token generation param: string $nonce Random nonce associated with the user's account |
modal_halt($thing) line: 1657 |
Display a modal client message in response to an AJAX request and halt execution. param: string|array $thing The $thing[0] is the message's text; $thing[1] is the message's type (one of E_ERROR or E_WARNING, anything else meaning "success"; not used) |
announce($message, $type = 0, $flags = TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ADAPTIVE) line: 1676 |
Sends an activity message to the client. param: string|array $message The message param: int $type The type, either 0, E_ERROR, E_WARNING param: int $flags Flags, consisting of TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ADAPTIVE | TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_ASYNC | TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_MODAL | TEXTPATTERN_ANNOUNCE_REGULAR |
load_lang_dates($lang) line: 1707 |
Loads date definitions from a localisation file. param: string $lang The language |
load_lang_event($event, $lang = LANG) line: 1738 |
Gets language strings for the given event. If no $lang is specified, the strings are loaded from the currently active language. return: array|string Array of string on success, or an empty string when no strings were found param: string $event The event to get, e.g. "common", "admin", "public" param: string $lang The language code |
install_textpack($textpack, $add_new_langs = false) line: 1774 |
Installs localisation strings from a Textpack. return: int Number of installed strings param: string $textpack The Textpack to install param: bool $add_new_langs If TRUE, installs strings for any included language |
form_token() line: 1789 |
Generate a ciphered token. The token is reproducible, unique among sites and users, expires later. return: string The token |
bouncer($step, $steps) line: 1814 |
Validates admin steps and protects against CSRF attempts using tokens. Takes an admin step and validates it against an array of valid steps. The valid steps array indicates the step's token based session riding protection needs. If the step requires CSRF token protection, and the request doesn't come with a valid token, the request is terminated, defeating any CSRF attempts. If the $step isn't in valid steps, it returns FALSE, but the request isn't terminated. If the $step is valid and passes CSRF validation, returns TRUE. return: bool If the $step is valid, proceeds and returns TRUE. Dies on CSRF attempt. param: string $step Requested admin step param: array $steps An array of valid steps with flag indicating CSRF needs, e.g. array('savething' => true, 'listthings' => false) |
check_file_integrity($flags = INTEGRITY_STATUS) line: 1875 |
Checks install's file integrity and returns results. Depending on the given $flags this function will either return an array of file statuses, checksums or the digest of the install. It can also return the parsed contents of the checksum file. return: array|bool Array of files and status, or FALSE on error param: int $flags Options are INTEGRITY_MD5 | INTEGRITY_STATUS | INTEGRITY_REALPATH | INTEGRITY_DIGEST |
assert_system_requirements() line: 1975 |
Assert system requirements. |
get_prefs_theme() line: 1992 |
Get Theme prefs Now Textpattern does not support themes. If the setup folder is deleted, it will return an empty array. |
txp_dateformats() line: 2008 |
Renders an array of available ways to display the date. return: array |