Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/lib/txplib_publish.php - 1045 lines - 32883 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Tools for page routing and handling article data.

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 20 functions



Functions that are not part of a class:

filterFrontPage($field = 'Section', $column = 'on_frontpage')  line: 31
Build a query qualifier to remove non-frontpage articles from the result set.

return: string An SQL qualifier for a query's 'WHERE' part
populateArticleData($rs line: 64
Populates the current article data.

Fills members of $thisarticle global from a database row.

Keeps all article tag-related values in one place, in order to do easy
bugfixing and ease the addition of new article tags.

param: array $rs An article as an associative array
article_format_info($rs line: 104
Formats article info and populates the current article data.

Fills members of $thisarticle global from a database row.

Basically just converts an article's date values to UNIX timestamps.
Convenience for those who prefer doing conversion in application end instead
of in the SQL statement.

param: array $rs An article as an associative array
article_column_map()  line: 128
Maps 'textpattern' table's columns to article data values.

This function returns an array of 'data-value' => 'column' pairs.

return: array
getNeighbour($threshold, $s, $type, $atts = array()  line: 172
Find an adjacent article relative to a provided threshold level.

return: array|bool An array populated with article data, or 'false' in case of no matches
param: scalar $threshold      The value to compare against
param: string $s              Optional section restriction
param: string $type           Lesser or greater neighbour? Either '<' (previous) or '>' (next)
param: array  $atts           Attribute of article at threshold
param: string $threshold_type 'cooked': Use $threshold as SQL clause; 'raw': Use $threshold as an escapable scalar
getNextPrev($id = 0, $threshold = null, $s = '')  line: 231
Find next and previous articles relative to a provided threshold level.

return: array An array populated with article data
param: int    $id        The "pivot" article's id; use zero (0) to indicate $thisarticle
param: scalar $threshold The value to compare against if $id != 0
param: string $s         Optional section restriction if $id != 0
lastMod()  line: 316
Gets the site last modification date.

return: string
parse($thing, $condition = true, $in_tag = true)  line: 330
Parse a string and replace any Textpattern tags with their actual value.

return: string               The parsed string
param: string    $thing     The raw string
param: null|bool $condition Process true/false part
maybe_tag($tag line: 458
Guesstimate whether a given function name may be a valid tag handler.

return: bool FALSE if the function name is not a valid tag handler
param: string $tag function name
processTags($tag, $atts = '', $thing = null)  line: 495
Parse a tag for attributes and hand over to the tag handler function.

return: string Parsed tag result
param: string      $tag   The tag name
param: string      $atts  The attribute string
param: string|null $thing The tag's content in case of container tags
ckEx($table, $val, $debug = false)  line: 616
No description
ckCat($type, $val, $debug = false)  line: 633
Checks if the given category exists.

return: bool|array The category's data, or FALSE when it doesn't exist
param: string $type  The category type, either 'article', 'file', 'link', 'image'
param: string $val   The category name to look for
param: bool   $debug Dump the query
ckExID($val, $debug = false)  line: 654
Lookup an article by ID.

This function takes an article's ID, and checks if it's been published. If it
has, returns the section and the ID as an array. FALSE otherwise.

return: array|bool Array of ID and section on success, FALSE otherwise
param: int  $val   The article ID
param: bool $debug Dump the query
lookupByTitle($val, $debug = false)  line: 676
Lookup an article by URL title.

This function takes an article's URL title, and checks if the article has
been published. If it has, returns the section and the ID as an array.
FALSE otherwise.

return: array|bool Array of ID and section on success, FALSE otherwise
param: string $val   The URL title
param: bool   $debug Dump the query
lookupByTitleSection($val, $section, $debug = false)  line: 699
Lookup a published article by URL title and section.

This function takes an article's URL title, and checks if the article has
been published. If it has, returns the section and the ID as an array.
FALSE otherwise.

return: array|bool Array of ID and section on success, FALSE otherwise
param: string $val     The URL title
param: string $section The section name
param: bool   $debug   Dump the query
lookupByIDSection($id, $section, $debug = false)  line: 723
Lookup live article by ID and section.

return: array|bool
param: int    $id      Article ID
param: string $section Section name
param: bool   $debug
lookupByID($id, $debug = false)  line: 738
Lookup live article by ID.

return: array|bool
param: int  $id    Article ID
param: bool $debug
lookupByDateTitle($when, $title, $debug = false)  line: 752
Lookup live article by date and URL title.

return: array|bool
param: string $when  date wildcard
param: string $title URL title
param: bool   $debug
filterAtts($atts = null, $iscustom = null)  line: 767
Save and retrieve the individual article's attributes plus article list
attributes for next/prev tags.

return: array/string
param: array $atts
param: bool $iscustom
postpone_process($pass = null)  line: 1031
Set a flag to postpone tag processing.

return: null
param: int $pass

