Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/vendors/Textpattern/Admin/Theme.php - 478 lines - 12367 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Base for admin-side themes.

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 12 functions



Functions that are not part of a class:

__construct($name line: 93

param: string $name Theme name
path($name line: 110
Gets a theme's source path.

return: string Source file path for named theme
param: string $name Theme name
factory($name line: 122
Theme factory.

return: \Textpattern\Admin\Theme|bool An initialised theme object or FALSE on failure
param: string $name Theme name
init($name = '')  line: 148
Initialise the theme singleton.

return: \Textpattern\Admin\Theme A valid theme object
param: string $name Theme name
names($format = 0)  line: 183
Get a list of all theme names.

return: array of all available theme names
param: int $format
based_on($name line: 221
Inherit from an ancestor theme.

return: bool TRUE on success, FALSE on unavailable/invalid ancestor theme
param: string $name Name of ancestor theme
set_state($area, $event, $is_popup, $message line: 250
Sets Textpattern's menu structure, message contents and other application

return: \Textpattern\Admin\Theme This theme object
param: string $area     Currently active top level menu
param: string $event    Currently active second level menu
param: bool   $is_popup Just a popup window for tag builder et cetera
param: array  $message  The contents of the notification message pane
html_head_custom()  line: 341
HTML <head> custom section.

announce($thing = array('', 0)  line: 403
Output notification message for synchronous HTML views.

return: string HTML
param: array $thing Message text and status flag
param: bool  $modal If TRUE, immediate user interaction suggested
announce_async($thing = array('', 0)  line: 419
Output notification message for asynchronous JavaScript views.

return: string JavaScript
param: array $thing Message text and status flag
param: bool  $modal If TRUE, immediate user interaction suggested
_announce($thing, $async, $modal line: 438
Output notification message for synchronous HTML and asynchronous JavaScript views.

manifest($type = 'manifest')  line: 466
Return details of this theme.

All returned items are optional.

return: array

