Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/vendors/Textpattern/Date/Timezone.php - 479 lines - 12717 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Handles timezones.

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Timezone:: (8 methods):

Class: Timezone

getTimeZones()  line: 73
Gets an array of safe timezones supported on this server.

The following:



[America/New_York] => Array
[continent] => America
[city] => New_York
[subcity] =>
[offset] => -18000
[dst] => 1
[Europe/London] => Array
[continent] => Europe
[city] => London
[subcity] =>
[offset] => 0
[dst] => 1

Offset is the timezone offset from UTC excluding daylight saving time,
DST is whether it's currently DST in the timezone. Identifiers are
sorted alphabetically.

return: array|bool An array of timezones, or FALSE on failure
getOffsetIdentifiers($offset line: 142
Gets timezone identifiers for the given timezone offset.

More than one timezone might fit any given offset, thus the returned
value is ambiguous and merely useful for presentation purposes.



[0] => Africa/Malabo
[1] => Europe/Amsterdam
[2] => Europe/Berlin
[3] => Europe/Zurich

return: array|bool An array of timezone identifiers, or FALSE
param: int $offset Offset in seconds
isDst($timestamp = null, $timezone = null)  line: 177
Whether DST is in effect.

The given timestamp can either be a date format supported by DateTime,
UNIX timestamp or NULL to check current status.

If timezone is NULL, checks the server default timezone.

echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->isDst('2013/06/20', 'Europe/London');

Returns TRUE, while this returns FALSE as the timezone does not use
daylight saving time:

echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->isDst('2013/06/20', 'Africa/Accra');

If it's winter this returns FALSE:

echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->isDst(null, 'Europe/London');

return: bool TRUE if timezone is using DST
param: string|int|null $timestamp Time to check
param: string|null     $timezone  Timezone identifier
getDstPeriod($timezone = null, $from = null)  line: 236
Gets the next daylight saving transition period for the given timezone.

Returns FALSE if the timezone does not use DST, or will in the future
drop DST.



[0] => Array
[ts] => 1396141200
[time] => 2014-03-30T01:00:00+0000
[offset] => 10800
[isdst] => 1
[abbr] => EEST
[1] => Array
[ts] => 1414285200
[time] => 2014-10-26T01:00:00+0000
[offset] => 7200
[isdst] =>
[abbr] => EET

return: array|bool An array of next two transitions, or FALSE
param: string|null $timezone The timezone identifier
param: int         $from     Next transitions starting from when
getTimeZoneAbbreviation($timezone = null, $dst = false)  line: 310
Gets timezone abbreviation.

If the $timezone is NULL, uses the server default. Returns FALSE if
there is no abbreviation to give.

echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->getTimeZoneAbbreviation('Europe/London');

Returns 'GMT', while the following returns 'FALSE':

echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->getTimeZoneAbbreviation('Africa/Accra', true);

As according to the timezone database, the timezone does not currently
use DST.

return: string|bool The abbreviation, or FALSE on failure
param: string $timezone Timezone identifier
param: bool   $dst      TRUE to get the abbreviation during DST
getIdentifier($timezone = null)  line: 370
Gets a timezone identifier.

Extracts information about the given timezone. If the $timezone is NULL,
uses the server's default timezone.



[continent] => Europe
[city] => London
[subcity] =>
[offset] => 0
[dst] => 1

return: array|bool An array, or FALSE on failure
param: string|null $timezone Timezone identifier
setTimeZone($identifiers line: 436
Sets the server default timezone.

If an array of identifiers is given, the first one supported is used.

echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->setTimeZone('UTC');

Throws an exception if the identifier isn't valid.

return: Timezone
param: array|string $identifiers The timezone identifier
getTimeZone()  line: 463
Gets the server default timezone.

echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\Date\Timezone')->setTimeZone('Europe/London')->getTimeZone();

The above returns 'Europe/London'.

return: string|bool Timezone identifier

