. */ /** * Handles locales. * * * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->setLocale(LC_ALL, 'da-dk')->getLocale(); * * * @since 4.6.0 * @package L10n */ namespace Textpattern\L10n; class Locale { /** * An array of locale identifiers. * * @var array */ protected $locales = array( 'ar' => array('ar_SA.UTF-8', 'ar_SA.ISO_8859-6', 'Arabic_Saudi Arabia.1256', 'ar_SA', 'ara', 'ar', 'arabic'), 'bg' => array('bg_BG.UTF-8', 'bg_BG.ISO_8859-5', 'Bulgarian_Bulgaria.1251', 'bg_BG', 'bg', 'bul', 'bulgarian'), 'bn' => array('bn_BD.UTF-8', 'bn_BD', 'bn', 'ben', 'bengali', 'bangla'), 'bs' => array('bs_BA.UTF-8', 'bs_BA.ISO_8859-2', 'Bosnian_Bosnia and Herzegovina.1250', 'bs_BA', 'bs', 'bos', 'bosnian'), 'ca' => array('ca_ES.UTF-8', 'ca_ES.ISO_8859-1', 'Catalan_Spain.1252', 'ca_ES', 'cat', 'ca', 'catalan'), 'ceb' => array('ceb.UTF-8', 'ceb', 'cebuano'), 'cs' => array('cs_CZ.UTF-8', 'cs_CZ.ISO_8859-2', 'Czech_Czech Republic.1250', 'cs_CZ', 'ces', 'cze', 'cs', 'csy', 'czech'), 'cy' => array('cy_GB.UTF-8', 'cy_GB.ISO_8859-14', 'Welsh_United Kingdom.1252', 'cy_GB', 'cy', 'cym', 'wel', 'welsh'), 'da' => array('da_DK.UTF-8', 'da_DK.ISO_8859-1', 'Danish_Denmark.1252', 'da_DK', 'da', 'dan', 'danish'), 'de' => array('de_DE.UTF-8', 'de_DE.ISO_8859-1', 'de_DE.ISO_8859-16', 'German_Germany.1252', 'de_DE', 'de', 'deu', 'german'), 'el' => array('el_GR.UTF-8', 'el_GR.ISO_8859-7', 'Greek_Greece.1253', 'el_GR', 'el', 'gre', 'greek'), 'en-gb' => array('en_GB.UTF-8', 'en_GB.ISO_8859-1', 'English_UK.1252', 'en_GB', 'en_UK', 'eng', 'en', 'english-uk', 'english', 'C'), 'en-us' => array('en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US.ISO_8859-1', 'English_USA.1252', 'en_US', 'english-us', 'eng', 'en', 'english'), 'es' => array('es_ES.UTF-8', 'es_ES.ISO_8859-1', 'Spanish_Spain.1252', 'es_ES', 'esp', 'spanish'), 'es-ve' => array('es_VE.UTF-8', 'es_VE.ISO_8859-1', 'Spanish_Venezuela.1252', 'es_VE', 'esv', 'spanish-venezuela'), 'et' => array('et_EE.UTF-8', 'et_EE.ISO_8859-1', 'et_EE.ISO_8859-15', 'Estonian_Estonia.1257', 'et_EE', 'et', 'est', 'estonian'), 'fa' => array('fa_IR.UTF-8', 'Farsi_Iran.1256', 'fa_IR', 'fa', 'persian', 'per', 'fas', 'farsi'), 'fi' => array('fi_FI.UTF-8', 'fi_FI.ISO_8859-1', 'fi_FI.ISO-8859-15', 'fi_FI.ISO_8859-16', 'Finnish_Finland.1252', 'fi_FI', 'fin', 'fi', 'finnish'), 'fil' => array('ph_PH.UTF-8', 'ph_PH.ISO_8859-1', 'Filipino_Philippines.1252', 'ph_PH', 'fil', 'filipino'), 'fr' => array('fr_FR.UTF-8', 'fr_FR.ISO_8859-1', 'fr_FR.ISO-8859-15', 'fr_FR.ISO_8859-16', 'French_France.1252', 'fr_FR', 'fra', 'fre', 'fr', 'french'), 'gl' => array('gl_ES.UTF-8', 'gl_ES.ISO_8859-1', 'Galician_Spain.1252', 'gl_ES', 'gle', 'gl', 'galician', 'galleco'), 'he' => array('he_IL.UTF-8', 'he_IL.ISO_8859-8', 'Hebrew_Israel.1255', 'he_IL', 'heb', 'he', 'hebrew'), 'hi' => array('hi_IN.UTF-8', 'Hindi.65001', 'hi_IN', 'hi', 'hin', 'hindi-india'), 'hr' => array('hr_HR.UTF-8', 'hr_HR.ISO_8859-2', 'hr_HR.ISO_8859-16', 'Croatian_Croatia.1250', 'hr_HR', 'hr', 'hrv', 'croatian'), 'hu' => array('hu_HU.UTF-8', 'hu_HU.ISO_8859-2', 'hu_HU.ISO_8859-16', 'Hungarian_Hungary.1250', 'hu_HU', 'hun', 'hu', 'hungarian'), 'id' => array('id_ID.UTF-8', 'id_ID.ISO_8859-1', 'Indonesian_indonesia.1252', 'id_ID', 'id', 'ind', 'indonesian'), 'is' => array('is_IS.UTF-8', 'is_IS.ISO_8859-1', 'Icelandic_Iceland.1252', 'is_IS', 'is', 'ice', 'isl', 'icelandic'), 'it' => array('it_IT.UTF-8', 'it_IT.ISO_8859-1', 'it_IT.ISO_8859-16', 'Italian_Italy.1252', 'it_IT', 'it', 'ita', 'italian'), 'ja' => array('ja_JP.UTF-8', 'Japanese_Japan.932', 'ja_JP', 'ja', 'jpn', 'japanese'), 'km' => array('km_KH.UTF-8', 'Khmer.65001', 'km_KH', 'km', 'khm', 'kxm', 'khmer'), 'ko' => array('ko_KR.UTF-8', 'Korean_Korea.949', 'ko_KR', 'ko', 'kor', 'korean'), 'ky' => array('ky.UTF-8', 'ky-KG.ISO_8859-5', 'Kyrgyz_Kyrgyzstan.1251', 'ky-KG', 'ky', 'kir', 'kyrgyz', 'kirghiz'), 'lt' => array('lt_LT.UTF-8', 'lt_LT.ISO_8859-4', 'Lithuanian_Lithuania.1257', 'lt_LT', 'lt', 'lit', 'lithuanian'), 'lv' => array('lv_LV.UTF-8', 'lv_LV.ISO_8859-4', 'Latvian_Latvia.1257', 'lv_LV', 'lv', 'lav', 'latvian'), 'nb' => array('nb_NO.UTF-8', 'nb_NO.ISO_8859-1', 'Norwegian_Norway.1252', 'nb_NO', 'no', 'nb', 'nob', 'norwegian'), 'nl' => array('nl_NL.UTF-8', 'nl_NL.ISO_8859-1', 'Dutch_Netherlands.1252', 'nl_NL', 'dut', 'nla', 'nl', 'nld', 'dutch'), 'nn' => array('nn_NO.UTF-8', 'nn_NO.ISO_8859-1', 'Norwegian-Nynorsk_Norway.1252', 'nn_NO', 'nno', 'nn', 'nynorsk'), 'pa' => array('pa_IN.UTF-8', 'pa_IN', 'pa', 'pan', 'punjabi'), 'pl' => array('pl_PL.UTF-8', 'pl_PL.ISO_8859-2', 'Polish_Poland.1250', 'pl_PL', 'pl', 'pol', 'polish'), 'pt-br' => array('pt_BR.UTF-8', 'Portuguese_Brazil.1252', 'pt_BR', 'pt', 'ptb', 'portuguese-brazil'), 'pt' => array('pt_PT.UTF-8', 'pt_PT.ISO_8859-1', 'Portuguese_Portugal.1252', 'pt_PT', 'por', 'portuguese'), 'ro' => array('ro_RO.UTF-8', 'ro_RO.ISO_8859-2', 'ro_RO.ISO_8859-16', 'Romanian_Romania.1250', 'ro_RO', 'ron', 'rum', 'ro', 'romanian'), 'ru' => array('ru_RU.UTF-8', 'ru_RU.ISO_8859-5', 'Russian_Russia.1251', 'ru_RU', 'ru', 'rus', 'russian'), 'sk' => array('sk_SK.UTF-8', 'sk_SK.ISO_8859-1', 'Slovak_Slovakia.1250', 'sk_SK', 'sk', 'slo', 'slk', 'slovak'), 'sl' => array('sl_SI.UTF-8', 'sl_SI.ISO-8859-2', 'Slovenian_Slovenia.1250', 'sl_SI', 'sl', 'slv', 'slovenian'), 'sr-rs' => array('sr_RS.UTF-8', 'sr_RS.ISO_8859-5', 'Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia and Montenegro (Former).1251', 'sr_RS', 'sr', 'rs', 'srb', 'serbian'), 'sr' => array('sr_SP.UTF-8', 'sr_SP.ISO_8859-2', 'Serbian (Latin)_Serbia and Montenegro (Former).1250', 'sr_SP', 'sr', 'sp', 'srb', 'serbian'), 'sv' => array('sv_SE.UTF-8', 'sv_SE.ISO_8859-1', 'Swedish_Sweden.1252', 'sv_SE', 'sv', 'swe', 'sve', 'swedish'), 'th' => array('th_TH.UTF-8', 'th_TH.ISO_8859-11', 'Thai_Thailand.874', 'th_TH', 'th', 'tha', 'thai'), 'tl' => array('tl_PH.UTF-8', 'tl_PH.ISO-8859-1', 'tl_PH', 'tl', 'tgl', 'tagalog'), 'tr' => array('tr_TR.UTF-8', 'tr_TR.ISO_8859-3', 'tr_TR.ISO_8859-9', 'Turkish_Turkey.1254', 'tr_TR', 'tr', 'tur', 'turkish'), 'uk' => array('uk_UA.UTF-8', 'uk_UA.ISO_8859-5', 'Ukrainian_Ukraine.1251', 'uk_UA', 'uk', 'ukr', 'ukrainian'), 'ur-pk' => array('ur_PK.UTF-8', 'Urdu_Islamic Republic of Pakistan.1256', 'ur_PK', 'ur', 'urd', 'urdu-pakistan'), 'ur' => array('ur_IN.UTF-8', 'ur_IN', 'ur', 'urd', 'urdu'), 'vi' => array('vi_VN.UTF-8', 'Vietnamese_Viet Nam.1258', 'vi_VN', 'vi', 'vie', 'vietnamese'), 'zh-cn' => array('zh_CN.UTF-8', 'Chinese_China.936', 'zh_CN', 'chinese-simplified'), 'zh-tw' => array('zh_TW.UTF-8', 'Chinese_Taiwan.950', 'zh_TW', 'chinese-traditional'), ); /** * Used in function validLocale() * * @var array */ protected $recodeLocale = array( 'ar-dz' => 'ar', 'bg-bg' => 'bg', 'bs-ba' => 'bs', 'ca-es' => 'ca', 'cs-cz' => 'cs', 'da-dk' => 'da', 'de-de' => 'de', 'el-gr' => 'el', 'es-es' => 'es', 'et-ee' => 'et', 'fa-ir' => 'fa', 'fi-fi' => 'fi', 'fr-fr' => 'fr', 'gl-gz' => 'gl', 'gl-es' => 'gl', 'he-il' => 'he', 'hr-hr' => 'hr', 'hu-hu' => 'hu', 'id-id' => 'id', 'is-is' => 'is', 'it-it' => 'it', 'ja-jp' => 'ja', 'ko-kr' => 'ko', 'lt-lt' => 'lt', 'lv-lv' => 'lv', 'nl-nl' => 'nl', 'nn-no' => 'nn', 'no-no' => 'nb', 'pl-pl' => 'pl', 'pt-pt' => 'pt', 'ro-ro' => 'ro', 'ru-ru' => 'ru', 'sk-sk' => 'sk', 'sr-sp' => 'sr', 'sv-se' => 'sv', 'th-th' => 'th', 'tr-tr' => 'tr', 'uk-ua' => 'uk', 'ur-in' => 'ur', 'vi-vn' => 'vi', ); /** * Sets the locale. * * This method wraps around system setlocale. It takes an IETF language code * and sets the locale accordingly. * * The following would set the locale to English: * * * Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->setLocale(LC_ALL, 'en-GB'); * * * This would format currencies according to the French localisation: * * * Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->setLocale(LC_MONETARY, 'fr-FR'); * echo money_format('%i', 51.99); * * * The '51.99' would be returned as '51,99 EUR' if you have up to date * French locale installed on your system. * * If an array of locales is provided, the first one that works is used. * * @param int $category The localisation category to change * @param string|array $locale The language code * @return Locale * @throws \Exception * @see setlocale() */ public function setLocale($category, $locale) { foreach ((array)$locale as $name) { $code = strtolower($name); $code = isset($this->locales[$code]) ? $this->locales[$code] : $name; if (@setlocale($category, $code)) { return $this; } } @setlocale($category, null); return $this; } /** * Gets the current locale. * * * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocale(LC_ALL); * * * @param int $category The localisation category * @return mixed */ public function getLocale($category = LC_ALL) { return @setlocale($category, 0); } /** * Gets a locale identifier for the given language code. * * This method takes an IETF language code and returns a locale for it that * works on the current system. * * The following returns 'en_GB.UTF-8': * * * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLanguageLocale('en-GB'); * * * Returns the default locale name if the system doesn't have anything * more appropriate. * * @param string $language The language * @return string|bool Locale code, or FALSE on error */ public function getLanguageLocale($language) { $locale = false; if ($original = $this->getLocale(LC_TIME)) { $locale = $this->setLocale(LC_TIME, $language)->getLocale(LC_TIME); $this->setLocale(LC_TIME, $original); } return $locale; } /** * Gets a language code for the given locale identifier. * * This method supports various different formats used by different host * platform. These formats include IETF language tag, POSIX locale name and * language name in English. * * All these will return 'en-gb': * * * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleLanguage('en_GB.UTF-8'); * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleLanguage('en-gb'); * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleLanguage('english'); * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleLanguage('c'); * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleLanguage('English_UK.1252'); * * * If the specified locale isn't supported, FALSE will be returned. * * @param string $locale The locale identifier * @return string|bool The language code, or FALSE on failure */ public function getLocaleLanguage($locale) { $code = strtolower($locale); foreach ($this->locales as $lang => $data) { if ($lang === $code || in_array($code, array_map('strtolower', $data), true)) { return $lang; } } if (strpos($locale, '.')) { return strtok($locale, '.'); } return false; } /** * Gets the character set from the current locale. * * This method exports the character set from the current locale string as * returned by the OS. * * * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getCharset(); * * * @param int $category The localisation category * @return string|bool The character set, or FALSE on failure */ public function getCharset($category = LC_ALL, $default = false) { if (!($locale = $this->getLocale($category))) { $charset = false; } elseif (is_callable('nl_langinfo')) { $oldLocale = $this->getLocale(LC_CTYPE); $this->setLocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale); $charset = nl_langinfo(CODESET); $this->setLocale(LC_CTYPE, $oldLocale); } elseif (strpos($locale, '.')) { list($language, $charset) = explode('.', $locale); if (IS_WIN && is_numeric($charset)) { $charset = 'Windows-'.$charset; } } return isset($charset) ? $charset : $default; } /** * Gets the language from the current locale. * * * echo Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLanguage(); * * * @param int $category The localisation category * @return string|bool The language code, or FALSE on failure */ public function getLanguage($category = LC_ALL) { if ($locale = $this->getLocale($category)) { if (($lang = $this->getLocaleLanguage($locale)) !== false) { return $lang; } } return false; } /** * Gets locale identifiers mapped to the given language. * * Returns all locale identifiers that match the given language or locale * code. For instance providing 'en', will return both en-US and en-GB * locale identifiers. * * * print_r(Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleIdentifiers('english')); * print_r(Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleIdentifiers('en')); * print_r(Txp::get('\Textpattern\L10n\Locale')->getLocaleIdentifiers('en-gb')); * * * @param string $locale The locale or language code * @return array|bool An array of identifiers, or FALSE if not supported */ public function getLocaleIdentifiers($locale) { if (isset($this->locales[strtolower($locale)])) { return array_merge($this->locales[$locale], array($locale)); } $code = strtolower($locale); $matches = array(); foreach ($this->locales as $lang => $data) { if ($lang === $code || in_array($code, array_map('strtolower', $data), true)) { $matches = array_merge($matches, $data, array($lang, $locale)); } } if ($matches) { return array_unique($matches); } return false; } /** * Return valid locale, if possible. */ public function validLocale($code) { $code = strtolower($code); if (empty($this->locales[$code])) { if (!empty($this->recodeLocale[$code])) { $code = $this->recodeLocale[$code]; } else { // Fall back on trying partial match. $codePart = explode('-', $code); if (array_search($codePart[0], $this->recodeLocale)) { $code = $codePart[0]; } } } return $code; } }