Textpattern PHP Cross Reference Content Management Systems

Summary: /textpattern/vendors/Textpattern/Plugin/Plugin.php - 561 lines - 18130 bytes - Source - Print

Description: Plugin

Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Plugin:: (12 methods):

Class: Plugin

__construct()  line: 45

install($plugin, $status = null, $write = true)  line: 54
Install plugin to the database.

If the plugin has been programmed to respond to lifecycle events,
the following callback is raised upon installation:
plugin_lifecycle.{plugin_name} > installed

return: string|array
param: string $plugin Plugin_base64
param: int    $status Plugin status
extract($plugin, $normalize = true)  line: 154
Unpack a plugin from its base64-encoded/gzipped state.

return: array
param: string  $plugin    Plugin_base64
param: boolean $normalize Check/normalize some fields
extractSection($pack, $section = 'CODE')  line: 191
Extract a section from plugin template.

return: array
param: string       $pack    Plugin template
param: array|string $section Section
read($name, $normalize = true)  line: 221
Read a plugin from file.

return: array
param: string|array $name|$path Plugin name
param: boolean      $normalize  Check/normalize some fields
delete($name line: 297
Delete plugin from the database.

If the plugin has been programmed to respond to lifecycle events,
the following callbacks are raised, in this order:
plugin_lifecycle.{plugin_name} > disabled
plugin_lifecycle.{plugin_name} > deleted

param: string $name Plugin name
changeStatus($name, $setStatus = null)  line: 325
Change plugin status: enabled or disabled.

If the plugin has been programmed to respond to lifecycle events,
the following callbacks are raised depending on the given status:
plugin_lifecycle.{plugin_name} > disabled
plugin_lifecycle.{plugin_name} > enabled

param: string $name      Plugin name
param: int    $setStatus Plugin status. Toggle status, if null
changeOrder($name, $order line: 363
Change plugin load priority.

Plugins with a lower number are loaded first.

param: string $name  Plugin name
param: int    $order Plugin load priority
installTextpack($name, $reset = false)  line: 378
Install/update a plugin Textpack.

The process may be intercepted (for example, to fetch data from the
filesystem) via the "txp.plugin > textpack.fetch" callback.

param: string  $name  Plugin name
param: boolean $reset Delete old strings
installTextpacks()  line: 480
Install/update ALL plugin Textpacks.

Used when a new language is added.
updateFile($name, $code = null)  line: 495
Create/update/delete plugin file.

param: string $name The plugin
param: string $code The code
fetchData($name line: 541
Fetch the plugin's 'data' field.

The call can be intercepted (for example, to fetch data from the
filesystem) via the "txp.plugin > data.fetch" callback.

return: string
param: string $name The plugin

